No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 162: Message from a hero of the past

Chapter 162: Message from a hero of the past

When we arrived at the Ichijo residence, at the request of Mr. Ichijo, I left Lin Ruoxi and Xiao Bai in a room so that they could relax while I spoke privately with the yakuza leader.

I'm not in the mood for nonsense so I went straight to the point and asked for information about Lin Ruoxi's grandfather or any other matter that might become a problem.

Mr. Ichijo sighed and told me the truth, though the more I listened to his words, the more I wanted to live in ignorance.

Mr. Ichijo gave me a summary of the situation and in the end, I could only look listlessly at the man in front of me.

"It's a prank?" – My voice was monotonous. – "Is she the illegitimate daughter of the Chinese prime minister?"

The man nodded with a wry smile. – "Boy, you are a magnet of problems"

"You were the one who approved this marriage!" – I yelled in frustration.

"You were the one who took my friend's granddaughter's virginity, you must be a man and take responsibility for your actions" - Mr. Ichijo shrugged.

Great, now we're all irresponsible idiots...

I sighed and calmed down on the surface even though internally I had the urge to scream in frustration.

I am preparing my group of criminals to start forming my own organization, I must gain recognition within the yakuza to be able to assume the position of leader, I have to look for HigherEntities that are not part of an organization to make them my slaves, I must contact to all the women I've been in a relationship with and make sure they don't kill each other...

God, I'm too busy to deal with an international conflict involving politics and cultivators.

Worst of all, I'm currently too weak.

In human standards, I am the strongest human, but in terms of the supernatural world, I am comparable to a large dog trying to fight an army of stupid and uncivilized dragons.

My only advantage is my Authority as one of the Administrators of Japan, but that power can only be used within Japan so, if I want to solve the problem of Lin Ruoxi, I must go to China which will be suicide.

I have two options, seek a means of gaining power in this world or go to other worlds.

The former is complicated as I have to hide my innate abilities as Ortro reincarnation as well as not being able to use my abilities derived from [Reader's Madness], [Rasen], [Anti-Rasen], [Chaotic Beast], and my new title of [Outer God].

Since I can't use my best abilities, I'm restricted to 40% of my full power, or else I'll have problems with the Will of the World.

That said, my best option is to go to another world, but if I travel to other worlds through my system, other entities will start to suspect how it is possible that I am getting stronger and getting power out of thin air.

I need authorization from the Will of the World to go to other worlds…

I looked at Mr. Ichijo seriously. – "This problem is beyond my current capabilities, I need a way to strengthen myself as I have a feeling that this attack is just the beginning"

Mr. Ichijo showed a solemn expression. – "You are right boy, the fact that someone managed to evade my subordinates and introduce a team of elite mercenaries only shows that the situation in Japan is more unstable than I imagined"

I nodded. – "Not only are there traitors within the yakuza, but people from high up in the government must also be collaborating with other countries so a disaster could happen at any moment… I don't know if I am exaggerating, but I think it is possible for a cultivator to come into our territory without us knowing it"

I don't know if that's possible, but I'd rather be paranoid.

Mr. Ichijo frowned and began to think.

The worrying thing is that his frown deepened the deeper his thoughts became.

"That's not impossible…" – Mr. Ichijo made my concerns come true. – "If another Administrator of Japan supports a supernatural entity from another country, that entity could use its abilities in our territory, and even with your authority you will not be able to restrict that entity as long as that enemy is human"

The Will of the World is a bloody idiot for favoring so much a race as stupid as humanity is...

Mr. Ichijo wore a completely serious expression as if he was about to reveal an important secret. – "Do you know why this residence is so important?"

I shook my head.

Although I can feel that there is something special about this place, I have failed to understand the nature of this place and even System Goddess told me that she feels a strong sense of danger from this place so she does not dare to leave my Core of Existence when we are here.

Mr. Ichijo showed a solemn expression. – "Although I would like to make you sign a soul contract so that you keep this a secret, I am going to tell you this since I trust you…"

That's not a good mindset, but I'm flattered.

"This mansion is something called 'Pocket Dimension', so as not to give you a complex explanation, you can imagine that the territory inside this mansion is a small world independent of Gaia so the Will of the World has no jurisdiction here..."

"Sure, that doesn't mean I can do what I want since there is an agreement with Gaia, but as long as my actions don't harm Gaia, the Will of the World will allow this residence to be run independently of the rules of the rest of the world"

I don't like how this sounds...

Uniting Japan, my harem of important women, a pocket dimension, becoming the heir to the Ichijo family... This man is hiding something from me, it's like he's preparing me for an important event.

Could it be that Mr. Ichijo intends to do the same as other higher entities by strengthening a protagonist and then turning them into food?

Or is there something else I'm not understanding?

Things are so convenient that they are suspicious…

"Boy, I want to show you something" – Mr. Ichijo stood up. – "Follow me"

I nodded and kept my inner doubts aside, although I must make preparations in case I have to kill this man...

We walked towards a kind of basement where there was a secret door.

We descended a stone stairway into what seemed like some kind of gloomy dungeon forgotten by mankind.

"Hey Listen! Get out of here! Your anus is in danger hahahahaha!" – Navi began to laugh…

"Do you want me to praise you again?" – I asked furiously.

"…" – Navi stopped laughing. – "Ahem, as I was saying, I will give you the information later since you seem busy now… But please, don't do that again, I thought I was going to die of disgust…"

I stopped talking to the idiot and escorted Mr. Ichijo into a gloomy vault.

We entered the vault and Mr. Ichijo showed me a small stone altar where an ancient book rested that, despite being worn and covered in dust, gave a strange sense of heroism.

"That book has something strange, it's not a soul, but it's something similar" – Tsubaki confirmed my suspicions.

The book is aware...

"In the past, one of my ancestors obtained the title of 'Hero' when he was summoned to another world..." - Mr. Ichijo spoke solemnly. – "It was thanks to that ancestor that an unimportant family became one of the most important families in Japan and we have even received special treatment from the Will of the World"

Is the cowardly Raku a descendant of a hero?

I held back the laugh...

"Unfortunately the descendants of the Hero did not inherit his abilities and over time our family has weakened in individual power, fortunately, our family has many allies so in reality this was not something important" - Mr. Ichijo smiled wryly, and then he looked at me with a certain sense of guilt. – "To tell the truth, boy, I like you, but the truth is that when I met you I only thought of using you to achieve personal revenge against an entity whose name I cannot tell you at this time…"

And again I'm a pawn... I'm used to it.

"When I saw your potential, I thought of making you grow, then I thought of helping you obtain the title of 'Hero' so that you could become the sword that would help me in my revenge…" - Mr. Ichijo sighed. – "But when I chat with you, when I see what you do and the problems you cause, you remind me of my youth… Over time I really began to see you as a son…"

I don't know if he's serious or if he's trying to manipulate me emotionally, but for now, I'll pretend I'm moved.

"This book is the most important artifact left by my ancestor" - Mr. Ichijo looked at the book with deep respect. – "It is something that my ancestor called 'Skill Book', by opening it, a person can obtain a powerful skill that will merge with the person's soul so that no entity can remove that skill..."

That sounds like a system...

"The skill that this book grants is called 'Hero's Destiny', it is a powerful ability that ignores the restrictions of any world and allows the person to travel to other worlds without a Will of the World restricting the person..."

That definitely sounds like a system...

"However, there are several restrictions to obtain this ability" – Mr. Ichijo sighed.

Perhaps Mr. Ichijo's ancestor met a system user and studied the user to create this ability in the same way that the System Goddess became a higher entity after mutilating a system user's soul.

It is true that system users are the best ingredient for experimenting…

"The first restriction is that the person must have the title 'Hero from Another World' (Isekai Hero)..."

"The second restriction is that the person's Karma must be positive to ensure that the hero does not abuse this power..."

"The third restriction is that the person must be at least 60% human…"

"The fourth restriction is that the person must be officially recognized as the heir to the Ichijo Clan…"

"The fifth restriction is that the person's presence will be felt by worlds in peril and the person must accept all summon requests to save the world..."

I fit all the necessary conditions for this ability, but the last restriction is more of an order that will force me to solve the problems of other worlds… Shit, more work…

"Luis, this book will allow you to get stronger without restrictions since in each trip to other worlds you can not only get new skills, you can make allies, earn resources, obtain titles and you can even gain control of some worlds that have been completely devastated" – Mr. Ichijo looked at me seriously. – "But this skill will also make you face an endless amount of danger as the worlds you will be summoned to will be placed on the verge of destruction and there will even be entities that will want to kill you to feed on your Destiny…"

A protagonist who is an Isekai Hero and also has a system… Yes, my life will be in chaos with so much plot armor.

"I will understand if you choose not to accept this book" – Mr. Ichijo sighed with complex emotions as if he really wanted me to take that book while he is not willing to send me to possible tragic death. – "But if you really want to have the power to control your destiny, you need absolute power"

I tried not to roll my eyes at how dramatic that was.

I walked over to the book and held it in my hands making sure to use [Paranoia], [Reader's Madness], and [Contract] to see any possible problems with this thing.

The book had a powerful mid-level contract whose restrictions were the same as Mr. Ichijo said, only there was an additional restriction that Mr. Ichijo didn't know about...

[Restriction 7: The heir to this power must form a harem including lolis, because, well... LOLI IS JUSTICE!]

Who was the asshole who wrote this?!

I ignored the restrictions written by some pedophile asshole and looked at the characteristics of this skill.

[Hero's Fate: 'I was summoned to another world to eliminate the demon king, but the world goddess turned out to be a bitch so I married the sexy demon queen who turned out to be a beautiful tsundere and now I live a carefree life with two daughters nekomimi while the goddess tries to eliminate me with a new squad of heroes who are actually my childhood friends' the title...

This skill allows the user to connect their own destiny with the destiny of worlds in danger. The user will be summoned to these worlds in order to save them.

Saving a world will earn you the following rewards:

- A new skill or the improvement of an existing skill upon arrival in the new world.

- A percentage of the world's Destiny Energy after saving said world.

- Improves friendly relations with the Will of the World of any world.

- Passive skill 'Hero's Plot Armor' which improves strength, luck, and destiny when fighting any entity that the user recognizes as an enemy.

- Positive Karma Bonus]

[System Notification: 'Reader's Madness' has found a secret letter that can only be seen by people with the Ichijo family lineage. 'Mythomania' and 'Silly Jack' managed to open the letter.

Ichijo Ryuu's letter: Hello, my dear heir who managed to become a hero~

You're probably thinking: What the hell is this?!

Good question!

This is my legacy, the culmination of my power and research into the workings of the multiverse.

I originally thought of living eternally as a Higher Entity, but my wives and children would suffer if they become immortal since life is only precious when it has an end, so I didn't want to live in eternal loneliness and accepted the joy of mortal life and ephemeral.

The first time I went to another world I was just a goofy teenager excited for a new adventure, but when I saved the world and returned home I realized how brutal our world is, and in case the deities and monsters in our world don't were enough, I was again summoned to another world and there was the true beginning of my journey...

Dragons who build galaxies for fun, lunatics who laugh while exterminating humanity, warlocks who can devour entire universes, cultivators with the power to destroy reality with a sword cut, demons who can absorb all life in the universe, girls with the ability to modify the laws of reality...

Yes, the multiverse is a scary place, but a fascinating one.

Because in the void between worlds the concept of time becomes abstract, you may meet the nightmarish entities I was unlucky enough to meet, but don't worry, along my travels I learned two important things:


2 Heroes always win.

Good and evil are irrelevant, in the multiverse there is no good and bad, only order and chaos. Where order exists, chaos will arise, and where chaos is excessive, the order will triumph.

If you want to make sure you never lose a battle against an invincible foe, just rack up an insane amount of Positive Karma and the multiverse will help you win every battle.

You should always be the hero of the story, that way, even if the world is destroyed, you will survive. That's what helped me survive against invincible enemies~

Anyway, the most important thing is that in the whole multiverse there is a type of entities that you have to be careful with, and no, they are not the Outer Gods, those guys are nicer than people think, of course, just make sure don't talk to them when they have a psychotic break or they will attack you for no reason.

The most dangerous entities in the multiverse are the 'System Users'.

They look like us, they act like us, but they are not like us.

System users think that each person is a fictional character so they have no respect for life, they are selfish and greedy so they are irrational, and the most dangerous thing is that they have a strange fetish for seducing or raping beautiful women even if they have a boyfriend or husband.

On one of my trips, a system user tried to control the mind of one of my wives, so after a battle that lasted ten years, I finally managed to kill him and with his soul, I could understand how dangerous those idiots are.

The greatest weakness of a system user is his pride.

If you fight against a system user you should act pathetic and beg for your life, this will make the system user feel confident and give you space to kill him.

You should also be aware of system user attacks. Even though they have an infinite amount of abilities, they have a bad habit of shouting the name of the ability out loud which will give you time to react.

Lastly, and most importantly, you should not feel sorry for a user of the system.

They are not people, they are irrational and greedy animals that should not exist.

In my life, I faced five system users and I could only kill three while the other two managed to escape so you must find a way to seal the space movement skills.

With the souls of those three system users, I was able to create this book which will allow you to evolve to the potential of a system user, plus I developed a passive skill in this skill that will allow you to resist skills based on luck, destiny, and modification of the probability that the system users have.

Heir, I have a request, although it is not mandatory that you fulfill it...

Please kill every system user you come across, those creatures will only bring the end of the multiverse as they absorb the Destiny Energy of every world they invade and at this rate, the multiverse will collapse.

I will leave you the contact of an entity that seeks to eliminate system users and prevent the destruction of the multiverse, if you need help that entity will be able to help you.

And you don't have to worry about a system user arising in our family, I changed the fate of our family so it's impossible for a system user to arise within the Ichijo family. I know, I'm so cool~

Oh, one last reminder.

If you are still a mortal, then watch a lot of anime, novels, video games, comics, and movies. Join the Otaku culture wholeheartedly.

And in case you're already a Higher Entity and not considered an otaku, stay away from anime and all of the above, I'm serious, stay away from animated fiction or your mind might be destroyed.

Without further ado, I wish you a life of happiness and lolis~]

… I don't know if I should laugh or sigh.

So system users are the cancer of the multiverse… Interesting.

It seems System Goddess underestimated how dangerous system users are, I'll have to be more careful.

I spent a full five minutes in contemplation like I was thinking of all the possibilities and then I looked at Mr. Ichijo. – "You mentioned that you prepared me to be the sword for revenge… Before accepting this book I want to know who revenge is against"

Mr. Ichijo showed an expression of extreme sadness and pain. – "15 years ago a foreign entity murdered my wife and even destroyed her soul… My greatest wish is that this entity be destroyed"

That's not what I expected…

"What kind of entity is it that you want me to kill?" – I asked with a frown.

"Have you ever read the stories of H. P. Lovecraft?" – Mr. Ichijo had a complex expression.

"An outside god…" – My mouth trembled.

"Exactly" – Mr. Ichijo sighed. – "15 years ago that entity was sealed in Mount Fuji and its power has been weakening, but due to the nature of its existence not even the Will of the World could kill that entity, that is why I need the power of a Hero of Another World, I did a lot of research and those people with the title of Hero are able to beat the Outer Gods…"

I should definitely avoid using my [Outer God] title...

I took a few minutes to pretend I was considering the situation and finally sighed. – "Although I feel uncomfortable being used as a tool… The truth is that you have helped me in my worst moments and I want to return a little of that kindness"

Mr. Ichijo looked away as if he felt guilty for using his 'son' as a tool.

I forced a smile. – "You should not feel guilty, I am sincerely grateful for all the help you have given me to take care of my family"

Mr. Ichijo sighed. – "Despite your flaws, I really cannot help but see you as a son…"

It is true that I am grateful to this man, but that is not enough to risk my life for him.

I will take advantage of this kill, gain power and prepare to take my harem to my private world as this world is too ridiculous for my liking.

As for the Outer God sealed in Mount Fuji... I'll check his first if I can make him my ally, and if it's not possible, I want to see if Ortro can gain power by devouring an Outer God...

I sighed and opened the book.

[System Notification: The user meets the requirements to use the skill book. The user has obtained the skill 'Hero's Destiny (100%) (Passive Skill)']

Just like when I got my [Outer God] title, my power didn't grow right away, but my potential keeps increasing.

I'm currently not too strong, but in terms of potential, I'm an eldritch monster so I just need to find some worlds with adequate resources.

I chatted a bit with Mr. Ichijo as we walked out of the basement, this way I was able to understand the workings of an [Isekai Hero] a little better, plus Mr. Ichijo handed me a watch that will help me measure the difference in the flow of time each time I travel to other worlds so I won't have to worry about leaving my harem unprotected for several days.

Now that Mr. Ichijo has told me the truth it seemed like a heavy stone was removed from his heart making it more joyous so that our relationship now truly resembled that of father and son.

I have already told Mr. Ichijo that my father disappeared, but I did not tell him that he is related to foreign higher entities.

Mr. Ichijo told me not to worry and he'll take care of looking for my father, but I doubt that will help.

We both spent a long time in the underground vault so when I got out I thought I'd talk to Lin Ruoxi to tell her my identity as the heir to the Ichijo Clan or things will get awkward if she starts to doubt my abilities, but when I get out of the secret passage, I detected a familiar scent… Chitoge.

The worst, Chitoge's smell comes from the same room as Lin Ruoxi and Xiao Bai's smell...

At this time it is time for the students to return to their homes so Chitoge must have come to see Seiji since he is her fiancé.

Mr. Ichijo went still as if he had received a telepathic message and then flashed a strange smile. – "Boy, your fiancée just met with your wife…"

I know, damn it, I know, there will always be an unexpected problem and I already know.

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