No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 164: Troubling Information

Chapter 164: Troubling Information

As I walked with Tsugumi back to the living room, I looked at her wardrobe. – "Why are you dressed as a man?"

Tsugumi smiled wryly. – "It is uncomfortable to fight wearing a skirt so I chose to wear the male uniform, besides the fact that the few times I have worn female clothing the men do not stop looking at me and that makes me uncomfortable"

"I see" - I nodded. – "It is good that you are more aware of your beauty, but it is a pity that I cannot see you wear a nice dress"

Tsugumi blushed and looked down not daring to look at me which made me raise an eyebrow. – "Isn't this supposed to be the time you try to hit me since you're a tsundere?"

"Who's a tsundere?!" – Tsugumi looked at me with anger and embarrassment, then showed a surprised expression. – "When did you learn that word?"

I sighed. – "I have been in Japan for almost three years, I learned many stupid and unimportant things"

"Did you become an otaku?" – Tsugumi smiled at me mockingly. – "It would be fun if you start hugging pillows with images of anime girls"

"Otaku? Do you think I'm Umaru?" - I rolled my eyes.

"Oh right, how's your sister?" – Tsugumi asked me with a big smile, she likes Umaru even though the brat is useless and only plays video games all day.

"She became a parasite that plays video games all day without leaving the house" - I sighed.

"How strange, I thought she would spend all day in arcade centers" – Tsugumi looked confused, then narrowed her eyes. – "Did you do something to her?"

I kept walking in silence.

"Luis..." – Tsugumi faced me, refusing to let me walk.

I sighed. - "Fine…"

"When we came to Japan, Umaru was too excited about Japanese culture so she was moving around like a dog without a leash, which caused a lot of idiots to harass her on the street, so obviously I had to kill them and in fact, that's how I joined the yakuza..."

"One day I just got fed up with taking care of the brat so I made a kidnapping scenario where three idiots kidnapped her to stop her from leaving the house, however, the idiots turned out to be perverts and started yelling that they would **** Umaru which made me mad so I ripped their heads off with my bare hands…"

"Umaru saw this and was traumatized so now she is afraid of the outside world and men" – I shrugged.

"…" – Tsugumi let out a deep sigh.

"Luis..." - Tsubaki also sighed in my mind.

"Hey Listen! You are a siscon yandere hahahaha!"

I'll pretend I don't hear that.

Tsugumi looked at me seriously. – "Then I will talk to Umaru, it is not healthy for her to spend all day at home"

"That brat is troublesome, it's better if she stays at home" - I shook my head.

If that brat leaves the house, I'll have to make sure nothing happens to her since she's a trouble magnet like me.

"Luis, I know you want to protect Umaru but she's not a pet, you can't lock her up forever" – Tsugumi sighed. – "Do you plan to take care of her forever?"

I shrugged. – "I have money, health, and resources, there is no problem if I have to take care of that brat for the rest of her life"

Tsugumi smiled. – "Siscon…"

"What?! Retract!" – To think that a single word would do me so much mental damage…

"Come on, Ojou-sama is waiting for me~" – Tsugumi turned around and walked again.

This woman… I will take revenge.

When we returned to the living room I met Lin Ruoxi's impatient gaze, this proud woman has little patience.

I walked over to my legal wife while Tsugumi addressed Chitoge. – "Come on, it's time to go"

Lin Ruoxi isn't happy when I tell her what to do, but she didn't complain out loud and just nodded.

"Did that idiot do something to you?" – With my superhuman sense of hearing I listened to Chitoge's conversation with Tsugumi.

"Ojou-sama, he's not an idiot… well, he is a little bit, but he's a cute idiot" – Tsugumi spoke with a combination of tenderness and irony.

"What?" – Chitoge froze. – "Is he your boyfriend or something?"

Tsugumi blushed as if steam was going to come off her head and nodded.

"…" – Chitoge patted her friend's shoulder. – "Well… Congratulations?… I don't know what to say…"

For now, I have to talk to Lin Ruoxi so I left this matter in Tsugumi's hands, but before I left I gave Tsugumi one last smile which made her blush.

I started walking accompanied by Lin Ruoxi and Xiao Bai.

"Are you interested in men too?" – Lin Ruoxi looked at me strangely.

"It's not a man, it's a woman" – Xiao Bai responded apathetically.

"A woman?" – Lin Ruoxi didn't seem too surprised and she looked at me blankly. – "One of your girlfriends?"

"Yes" - I nodded.

"…" – Lin Ruoxi frowned, possibly she expected me to give an ambiguous answer so she was surprised by my direct answer. – "Womanizer…"

"I am" - I nodded again.

"Aren't you afraid that she'll make me jealous?" – Lin Ruoxi seems to want me to treat her like a queen who deserves all my attention.

I stopped in the hallway and looked into her eyes. – "You can be jealous, you can hate me, you can even divorce me, I am not forcing you to stay by my side"

"…" – Lin Ruoxi looked down, she doesn't seem used to direct confrontations in terms of human relations.

"Listen, as long as you are my wife I will protect you with everything I have, I will help you in everything I can and I will find a way to make you happy" - I spoke with a calm voice as if this were something obvious. – "But do not think that for you I will abandon the women who have promised to love me and whom I have promised to love"

"And one more thing" – I started walking again. – "If at any time you have the brilliant idea of ​​approaching other men to make me jealous, I will kill those men and then I will divorce you, and I am not kidding"

I walked calmly while the two women remained silent.

"Aren't you being cruel to her?" – Tsubaki asked with slight compassion.

"Actually this is a good attitude" – System Goddess nodded approvingly. – "If Luis is accommodating, the pride of that woman will rise to the heavens, but if Luis takes an apathetic attitude, that woman will feel despised, which will cause the birth of an enmity fueled by jealousy, it is best to make things clear at the beginning so that the woman's temper can relax without damaging her pride"

"Exaggerated words aside, System Goddess is right" - I nodded mentally. – "How did you understand what I am doing?"

"Kukukuku" – System Goddess let out a proud laugh. – "Once I was an ice beauty full of pride and stupidity so I understand this type of women"

"Being persecuted by degenerate cultivators taught you humility?" – I asked curiously.

"Yes, after the death of my teacher I had to crawl between corpses and mud to survive" – System Goddess does not feel the slightest shame in matters that involve her lack of dignity. – "When my life was in danger was that I realized how useless pride is, but I was not willing to be the trophy of some arrogant young teacher so I chose the path of a rat, hide from the light while I eat leftovers"

I mentally nodded. – "You have your flaws, but at least you know how to survive, that is good"

"Thank you~" – System Goddess was happy.

Tsubaki looked uncomfortable. – "The fact that you two have such a similar mentality is worrying"

Lin Ruoxi was uncomfortable with the silence around us while I pretended to be slightly angry.

The Ichijo residence is quite big so there are some houses that serve for guests to stay so I'll let Lin Ruoxi stay here so that she stays safe.

I decided not to take her to the building where I have my family as this woman will definitely cause trouble if she sees me with other women.

When we entered the building, I led the two women into a room to chat.

I made two cups for the ladies and a cup of coffee for myself, I don't like tea.

"Fine, let's talk" - I looked at both women. – "To begin with, Xiao Bai, from today you will be Lin Ruoxi's personal bodyguard, you have to stay by her side all the time and at the slightest sign of trouble you should contact me"

Xiao Bai nodded listlessly.

When she agreed to be my temporary slave, she didn't notice that I put her under a Contract so I can trust her and since she is recognized as my subordinate, my Authority protects her from supernatural beings that are not under the leadership of another Administrator.

Now comes the important thing.

"I see you have many questions in your mind" – I directed all my attention to Lin Ruoxi. – "You can ask and I will answer, although there are some things I cannot say for security reasons"

Lin Ruoxi frowned, but she did not get too angry. – "What is your true identity?"

"Ichijo Seiji, heir to the Ichijo Clan and I'm also something called a Hero" – I shrugged. – "Explaining the second will be much more complicated so if you really want to know the whole story then this talk could last until the night"

"…" – Lin Ruoxi seemed confused by the term 'hero', but Xiao Bai trembled slightly which caught my attention.

"Do you know what a hero is?" – I asked the mercenary with slight curiosity.

"…" – Xiao Bai managed to calm down. – "Once I heard stories about humans with abilities that defy the sky and can even face heavily armed armies just using their hands… Although I have never met people like that, someone made a contract for the best 100 assassins in the world to start hunting to all the people who call themselves heroes"

Is someone from the human world hunting the heroes of the supernatural world?

I need to investigate this...

I smiled. – "So are you going to kill me?"

Xiao Bai shook his head. – "You are my master, the fact that you are one of the so-called heroes explains your strength and I have no intention of revealing this information"

As part of the contract, she can't lie to me so she's trustworthy up to a point.

I returned my attention to Lin Ruoxi and smiled wryly. – "As you can see, I am a man who can face an army with my bare hands"

"Do you think that you are an immortal with the power to divide the heavens and the earth?" – Lin Ruoxi was overflowing with sarcasm.

I shrugged. – "I am not a cultivator, but my strength is greater than humanly possible"

Although talking to this woman about the supernatural world will cause the 'Attraction Phenomenon' to make her vulnerable to supernatural phenomena, in this case, it doesn't matter since she is already involved in this side of the world due to her grandfather being a cultivator, her father is the prime minister of China and there are even two additional souls inside her body.

If I tell part of the truth to this woman, she will notice how dangerous the world is which will make her more dependent on me unconsciously since she doesn't know that she has been being protected by her grandfather.

As for the possible conflict I will have with Lin Ruoxi's grandfather for talking about the supernatural world, as long as I stay in Japan things won't get too dangerous for the time being.

So I spent several hours explaining the supernatural world to both women.

I did not mention HigherEntities capable of destroying entire universes, other worlds with laws of the reality of their own, a racist Will of the World, or the fact that Lin Ruoxi is a possible reincarnation of a higher entity.

The latter was told to me by Navi while I chatted with the two women, dividing my attention into multiple things has already become a habit.

Since explaining something that I have repeated several times is boring, I will focus on my conversation with Navi.

"Hey Listen! The two souls within the woman are female entities! Congratulations! It's like you fucked triplets hahahaha!"

I sighed, this will be a problem.

The information is the following:

Navi was able to explore the surface of Lin Ruoxi's Core of Existence and found 3 souls combined into one.

I was surprised to learn that Navi can invade the Cores of Existence of other entities, but this only seems to work with entities without spiritual defenses so I can't make Navi invade the souls of powerful entities to use my black blood to devour those. entities from within.

Although Lin Ruoxi's case is similar to my union with Ortro, the difference is that Ortro and I can cooperate smoothly while those three souls don't communicate with each other.

Lin Ruoxi's situation is comparable to a person with multiple personality disorder where only one personality can stay awake while the other two personalities sleep.

Although for now it is just a theory, one of the souls seems to be related to the concept 'Divinity' so there is a high probability that the third soul is a deity whose physical body was destroyed and in order to avoid perishing, the deity took his soul to the human world where he ended up in Lin Ruoxi's body.

It is something similar to what happened with me taking the place of Taihei Doma, with the difference that my system transformed Taihei's soul into pure energy in order to create Navi, while the deity could not destroy Lin Ruoxi's soul and instead the deity became something like an extra limb.

This theory is strengthened as Navi noticed that the soul of the deity seems to be injured and that is why the deity is in a state of hibernation, but there is a big problem, the soul of the deity has traces of my energy and that deity is using that extra energy to heal her soul.

My system woke up because I had 'dual cultivation' with the vessel where the deity (Lin Ruoxi) dwells, at the same time, the deity used the energy of my system to heal the wounds in her soul.

This only has one explanation, someone planned my meeting with Lin Ruoxi.

I can be sure of this as Navi managed to contact the second soul within Lin Ruoxi.

The second soul is a human soul that has not been injured, but because it is the soul of a dead person, that soul is in a state of weakness that prevents it from staying awake for long periods of time.

Even though Navi was only able to talk to the second soul for less than five minutes, my idiot partner managed to get some valuable information:

1) The deity influenced Lin Ruoxi's mind to come to Japan as she got information about the reincarnation of one of the strongest divine beasts, Ortro.

2) There is an unknown man, possibly a protagonist, who was destined to take Lin Ruoxi's virginity in order to help the deity recover her wounds, but the deity preferred to look for me since before died, Ortro used to be one of the creatures stronger on Gaia so her large amount of energy would be more beneficial to the deity.

3) Based on Gaia's time flow, I have about two weeks before the deity can wake up from hibernation so the deity can take control of Lin Ruoxi's body for short periods of time until the deity recovers all her strength.

The second soul claimed to have more information about the deity and the situation in general, but she refused to speak unless I meet one condition.

Apparently, that second soul had a daughter before she died and in her last moments she left her daughter with a friend so the deal is simple, I must get her daughter back and in exchange, she will tell me all the information I need about the deity and the identity of the person who gave my information to that deity.

Yeah I know, this sounds so stupidly complicated that it makes me question if this is a pathetic attempt at developing a soap opera with cultivators and gods.

Although I know that the little girl's name is Lanlan and she must be three years old, finding her will be almost impossible unless I personally travel to China with Lin Ruoxi since the second soul has a spiritual bond with her daughter so Lin Ruoxi and the little girl will be instinctively attracted.

To all this, comes an additional problem, the second soul has no name so I can't use [Contract], so I can only find the little girl and use her as a hostage to get the information I need.

I sighed internally, this is going to be a headache.

Even though it's dangerous, I need to go to China since I have a feeling that the deity inside Lin Ruoxi is a ticking time bomb that will drag me into a gigantic problem that can kill me if I don't get stronger quickly, [Paranoia] already confirmed it.

Even though my current love life is in chaos, I've been enjoying how peaceful it has been not having to live with a gun to my head and no longer having to crawl around with my intestines hanging out to find the stupid doctor who always uses me for his experiments.

Although a life without fights and death is relatively relaxing, the lack of danger has made my strength stagnant.

My biggest flaw to get stronger is that I'm too careful and calculating, I don't face too strong enemies and that prevents me from breaking my own limits.

[Rasen], [Anti-Rasen], [Nakama Power] and [Destiny Energy]. These four energies have stopped growing and I have already reached the maximum power that I can obtain through training.

I need to fight in dangerous situations, I need to devour powerful entities, and I need to rack up heroic achievements to increase my titles and Positive Karma.

In short, I must go to other worlds…

I finished giving a general explanation to Lin Ruoxi and Xiao Bai making both women fall into deep silence as they processed the information.

Seeing both women massaging their foreheads from their headaches gave me a strange sense of satisfaction.

I sighed. – "This is why you better stay here, this is one of the safest places in Japan and even the growers will not be able to hurt you as long as you do not leave this residence"

"…" – Lin Ruoxi remained silent.

"I know this is difficult to assimilate, but I can promise you one thing" - I stood up. – "As long as I live, no one will hurt you"

"Those words will only be valid as long as I remain your wife…" – Lin Ruoxi smiled bitterly. - "Certain?"

I nodded.

"…" – Lin Ruoxi looked down. – "All this information is more than I can handle, I want to go to sleep"

"You can choose the room you want, in each room, there is a closet with a clean pajama set and in case you need something you can use the phone" - I took out a card and handed it to him. – "If a problem arises, tear up this card and I will come immediately"

Lin Ruoxi received the card with trembling hands, knowing that her life is being threatened by mythological entities and fantasy beings made her feel scared.

I sighed and held her hands. – "I understand that everything is too complicated, to tell the truth, I got involved in this world a short time ago"

Lin Ruoxi didn't show dislike to my action of holding her hands since she needs some human comfort. – "Have you recently become involved with this world?"

I smiled slightly. – "I promise that later I will tell you the story of what happened to me, but for tonight it is better that you rest"

Lin Ruoxi nodded and then looked at me with some discomfort. – "Will you stay in the building where your family is?"

I am not surprised that she knows this since she surely met my mother during the move, what caught my attention the most was that she is starting to depend on me, fear really unites hearts.

"I have to make some preparations for the disaster that is to come" - I sighed with slight concern. – "For now you do not understand the whole situation so it is better if you rest and let me take care of this problem"

"…" – Lin Ruoxi seemed uncomfortable with this since she seems like the type of woman who is used to doing everything on her own without receiving help.

"You're a businesswoman so you deal with business" - I smiled comfortingly. – "I am a yakuza so I will deal with violent problems so you can do your business without worries"

Lin Ruoxi smiled wryly, the first time she smiles. – "Knowing that my husband is a mobster with magical powers is strangely comforting…"

She already calls me husband, the stress is really getting to her.

I smiled and let go of her hand, it's still early for a kiss so for now I just nodded. – "Rest, tomorrow a group of my subordinates will bring your things so you can move and for a while, it will be better if you work from here since it is dangerous if you go to your office"

Lin Ruoxi nodded without showing any stubbornness, she is proud but not an idiot so understanding the danger around her helped her understand that I want to protect her.

It is because of this type of thing that communication is important, if I kept too many secrets then she would only feel frustrated and in the future, our relationship could break.

"Oh…" – Lin Ruoxi seemed to want to say something so I smiled to show her that she can talk to me with confidence. – "Actually… My housekeeper and my best friend accompanied me when I came to Japan so I am worried that they might be in danger, plus I brought some subordinates from China…"

If they're unlucky they should already be dead, but if my plot armor is working then they should be safe.

"Your subordinates will be assigned to a safe place regulated by the yakuza, as for your close friends, I will send some people to look for them and they will stay here with you" - I nodded and smiled wryly. – "Although you will have to call them by phone or they will be scared if a group of yakuza arrives at their houses at night"

Lin Ruoxi showed a small smile of gratitude. - "Thanks"

I shook my head. – "Don't thank me, I have already told you that I will take care of my family so your problems are my problems"

Lin Ruoxi managed to relax from her worries so I was able to leave to deal with other problems.

For now, I went to an underground room inside the mansion.

"Boy, are you really going to do this?" – Mr. Ichijo looked at me with concern.

In an underground room, I stood in the center of a strange circle with many symbols similar to what you would see in a witchcraft ritual.

"Once you do this you will expose yourself to your identity being known by other worlds so at any moment you could be summoned to other worlds" - Mr. Ichijo sighed with regret.

This is a reverse summoning circle, by using it I will be sent to another world.

This thing was set by the founder of the Ichijo family to determine a slightly safe world where I won't die easily, but that doesn't mean I'll be totally safe.

Once I use this magic circle, my skill [Hero's Destiny] will be fully activated so I can be summoned to another world at any time which will be troublesome.

I nodded. – "A problem is about to start so I need strength"

Mr. Ichijo smiled bitterly. – "You really are a good boy… Okay, I wish you luck"

I nodded and felt the [Hero's Fate] skill activate along with the magic circle under my feet.

This circle was set up to create a space-time anomaly where for every year I'm in another world, I'll spend a minute here so I don't have to worry about time, and more importantly, I can bring in resources without the surveillance of the Will of the World since the Ichijo mansion has its own jurisdiction.

As long as the resources remain within this area then the Will of the World won't cause me any trouble, I can even bring my harem to this place.

In the future, I need to get my own pocket dimension inside Gaia since it's too convenient, but for now, I have a world to save and women to seduce.



Author's Note:

Next week I'll have exams but I'm not going to put the novel on pause so don't worry I'll keep posting chapters though probably the next few chapters will be a bit shorter or less exciting, but I'll still make sure to keep the novel entertaining novel since I love writing this story.

A hug <3

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