No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 165: Multiverse Search Directory

Chapter 165: Multiverse Search Directory

The skill book [Hero's Destiny] explained that there are normally two ways a Hero can be summoned to another World.

A native from another world uses a ritual to summon a hero, or the Will of the World senses an unknown danger to the residents.

Due to the lack of communication between the Will and the natives it sometimes happens that a Hero is summoned to a world that does not need to be saved and the heroes end up being used as political tools.

Although I can still be summoned this way if I'm unlucky, which will obviously happen in the future, the skill [Hero's Destiny] helps me get noticed by the World's Will of Worlds in danger so in most situations I will be called to worlds in real danger.

Whether it's the invasion of a foreign entity, an enemy breaking the order of the world, or an error in the 'Plot' damaging the 'Story', I will only be called if one of these three incidents occurs.

Before entering a World, the Will of the World will give me a message to inform me of what is the problem facing the world, what will be my mission, and what are the limits of what I can do.

This makes things easier since moving around on my own without knowing what I'm doing is a headache and I prefer an instruction manual.

I honestly hate being in command positions and I prefer to just follow orders, I don't like being a leader because there are too many problems.

The skill [Hero's Destiny] works as a bodyguard service.

When activated, I will receive help requests from other worlds and although I am forced to help due to the restrictions of the skill, I only have to help a minimum of one world every 3 years according to Gaia's time so it's not much of a problem for now, in the future I will discard this skill when cease to be useful.

For now, I checked the list of requests for help from other worlds.

Something interesting is that there is a kind of multiverse search engine where the Wills of the World can request help from Higher Entities, Heroes, or other entities.

During this method, a Contract is established to prevent a Devourer or Conqueror from taking advantage of this to dominate or destroy a World.

I can access this search engine as a Higher Entity, but it is better to enter as a Hero as I will gain favor from the Wills of Worlds.

[System Notification: Fifty calls have been found:

(1) Applicant: Will of the World

World type: 'Named' with the concept 'Fantasy'.

Danger level based on user's total strength: Sure death

- Chance of physical body destruction: 100%

- Chance of mind destruction: 0%

- Chance of soul destruction: 98%

Mission: A foreign entity is consuming the World. The user must destroy or remove the entity before the World appears.

Restrictions: None. Every medium is valid.

Reward: World Authority.

Warning: Risk level too high. It is recommended not to accept the quest.

(2) Applicant: Holy Maiden

World type: 'Named' with the concept 'Fantasy'.

Danger level based on user's total strength: Regular

- Chance of physical body destruction: 100%

- Chance of mind destruction: 0%

- Chance of soul destruction: 1%

Mission: The leader of the dragons has gone mad and is destroying humanity. The user must defeat the Dragon King and subdue the dragons.

Restrictions: Do not attack human settlements. Exclusive mission for humans.

Reward: Marriage with the Holy Maiden. Great wealth in gold and titles of nobility.

Warning: The Will of the World does not support this call so it can cause problems with the World.

(3) ….

(4) ….]

The list was long, full of all kinds of ridiculous situations ranging from facing 'Devourers' to subduing an enemy country...

Now I understand that the multiverse is not only riddled with abominable dangers, there are also idiots without a gram of brains in their heads.

Summon a hero just to have a friend?

I am overwhelmed by such stupidity.

I kept looking at the list and found something interesting…

[(27) Applicant: Will of the World

World type: 'Theme' with the concept 'Fantasy'.

Danger level based on user's total strength: Physical damage repairable

- Chance of physical body destruction: 80%

- Chance of mind destruction: 0%

- Chance of soul destruction: 0%

Mission: Humanity has gotten out of control and they are breaking the balance between species. The user must support the queen of the inhuman species to rebuild an empire that maintains the order of the world.

Restrictions: Do not exterminate humanity. Maintain a minimum amount of 5 million humans. Limited to holders of the Hero title.

Reward: VISA for free access to the World. Right to 2% of the world's material resources. Right to 10% authority over the intelligent species of the World. Right to 1% of the World Destiny Energy.

Notice: The human side has 9 'Reincarnates'. The 'Reincarnated' do not possess the necessary power to destroy the soul of a Higher Entity]

The most important thing about a Higher Entity is that they cannot be killed by conventional means, so the worlds where there is a risk of my soul being destroyed are related to Higher Entities or skills specially designed to attack Higher Entities.

Even if my body is destroyed, I can be reborn from a drop of blood and the use of various human sacrifices so as long as my soul isn't destroyed, I won't die. That's my biggest advantage since almost no Hero can become a Higher Entity due to restrictions that I still don't understand.

I decided to choose this world since I'm curious to know how to study the difference between 'Isekai Hero', 'Reincarnated' and 'System User'. I have a feeling that this will be very important for my future development…

[System Notification: The user has chosen a world through the skill 'Hero's Destiny']

I smiled at Mr. Ichijo who had been looking at me with concern.

"Then I'll be back in a few minutes" - I showed a forced smile.

Mr. Ichijo sighed. – "Boy, although you can spend several years on your journey, I hope you do not take too much time or I will be worried"

I pretended to be moved and activated dimensional travel making everything around me blur.

[System Notification: The Will of the World is not hostile. The Will of the World will provide support to the user when facing the entities with the title 'Reincarnated']

[System Notification: New mission assigned by the Will of the World, 'Inhuman Hero']

[Inhuman Hero: Furry hero? Well, hole is hole...

Humans have gotten out of control and someone needs to show them not to discriminate against other races.


1) Destroy the technological advances of human civilization that do not fit the 'Fantasy' concept (0/1)

2) Protect the Dark Queen Fleonell Bernstein (0/1)

3) Rebuild the Inhuman Empire (0/1)

4) Eliminate or remove from the World the 9 reincarnated (0/9)

Reward: VISA for free access to the World. Right to 2% of the world's material resources. Right to 10% authority over the intelligent species of the World. Right to 1% of the World Destiny Energy]

When I felt like I was about to enter the new world, I prepared all my combat skills in case I appeared in a troublesome shit, and to avoid being killed as soon as I appeared in the world, I activated [Reader's Perspective].



(3rd person perspective)

In a wide forest far from any human settlement, a strange circle with multiple symbols began to glow with magical light....

In front of the magic circle was a beautiful white-haired woman in witch's attire who was conjuring a soft chant under her breath.



The woman was known as the Great Witch.

Although in this world with magic there were many human women who could wield magic, witches were a race of Inhumans that were born from the union between demons and humans.

Although they are a half-human race, witches have been persecuted by humans to the brink of extinction and although there are still a couple of hundred witches left, only this one woman had inherited the secrets of magic from the first witches... ….

Among those secrets was an ancient magic called 'Heroes Summoning', a powerful ritual capable of summoning a Hero from another world to save a world in chaos.

This world has been in chaos due to the rise of a group of humans who break the natural laws of magic causing the Inhumans to suffer without being able to defend themselves...

Although the magic to summon a Hero from another world consumed great and valuable resources, the High Witch had no other options as it was only a matter of time before the Inhumans were completely exterminated or turned into toys so, despite the cost, the Grand Witch still decided to risk it…

After two months of extensive preparation, the Grand Witch succeeded in summoning a hero who could help the Inhumans.

The magic circle was covered with intense blue light. As the light began to dissipate, a man whose appearance seemed to be between 17 and 18 years old appeared above the circle.

His blond brown hair, blue eyes, and casual clothes made him look like a criminal according to Earth standards which made the Grand High Witch worry because she knew information about the 8 weapons of humanity, the self-styled Champions of Humanity….

As far as she knew, the Champions were actually a group of humans who reincarnated from another world called Earth, specifically from a country called Japan....

Even though the Grand High Witch understood that summoning a Hero from another world could bring a human from the same world as the Reincarnated, she wasn't worried since heroes exist to save the world, not to save humanity so even if she was killed by the Hero, that entity would still be forced to save this world….



The Grand High Witch had spent all her energy on the summoning ritual so she was totally defenseless, but she still kept a calm and mysterious expression to try to convince or seduce the Hero, after all, she could see that the Hero was human and humans were creatures that were guided by their own carnal desires….

"Before you speak, yes, I'm a pervert, but I'm not stupid enough to fall for a honey trap" - The man rolled his eyes.

"…" – The Grand Witch panicked as she noted that the Hero had managed to understand her thoughts even though she had multiple magics to protect her mind, but she still kept a calm smile without showing a trace of nervousness.

The man let out a sigh. – "Let's do this, I will ask questions and you answer me honestly, and I warn you that I have an ability to detect lies so it is better if we start a nice honest relationship or I will start to get angry"

"…" – The Grand Witch hadn't even been able to say a word and she already felt mentally tired, she could only think of one thing.

'This man is troublesome…'

[System Notification: The skill 'Reader's Perspective' has been disabled]



(Luis perspective)

I cut down a tree to make two makeshift seats and a small log table.

Not to brag but I'm good at carpentry, in fact, I did most of the furniture in my old house since we didn't have any money for furniture… Yeah, that's no reason to brag...

When the table and seats were ready, I took out a magic kettle that keeps the water hot and poured two cups of water, tea for the woman, and coffee for me.

"…" – The woman looked at me blankly as I sat down to drink coffee.

"Don't you like tea?" – I asked casually.

The woman sighed and sat down to drink her apple tea. – "I prefer honey tea, but thanks"

"Oh well, I have honey tea so I'll make you one later" - I shrugged.

"Sounds good" - The woman nodded and began to drink the tea helping her calm down.

I think I'm developing a strange taste for giving other people headaches...

"Well, as you should know, I'm a Hero from another world" – I stated the obvious.

"It would be disappointing if you weren't" - The woman smiled wryly.

"Fine, then I'll tell you my situation" - I sighed tiredly. – "This is the third world to which I travel…"

"The first time I was called to another world, it had an organization of fighters capable of destroying the world take control of the world which caused a world war, but in the end, I managed to defeat them..."

"On my second trip I was under the apocalyptic attack of an organization of idiots with a god complex and after a conflict on a world scale I managed to destroy them..."

"This is my third world so just tell me what is the problem and who is the enemy that I must face" - I finished speaking and drank my coffee.

The woman had a complex expression. – "To think that I would manage to call a Hero with two worlds of experience… I think I can feel proud of myself"

Actually, I was called by the Will of the World and came on my own initiative, but I have no need to step on this woman's pride.

The woman sighed and she began to tell me the situation.

Since I know the general context, I'll summarize it like this:

9 idiots from Japan reincarnated in this world with abilities capable of breaking the balance of the world and now the non-human races are being treated like toys so the help of an entity capable of facing those reincarnated, a Hero, was necessary.

"I see…" – I nodded without much interest since I was already able to understand the situation with [Reader's Perspective]. – "By the way, I am also Japanese"

"..." - The woman trembled slightly.

I smiled slightly. – "It would be much more beneficial for me to join the reincarnated… But I am a Hero, and my existence consists of saving the world, whether from a monster, a demon, or from humanity."

The existence of the Heroes is complex, they are something like policemen of the multiverse, they are in charge of bringing balance to the world, either by bringing peace to worlds in chaos or generating chaos in worlds in peace.

Heroes are entities guided by Karma to create stability between order and chaos so Heroes possess something akin to a 'heroic instinct'.

This instinct is what guides a Hero to save or destroy a world, but in the end, it is all part of the order of Karma.

Under normal circumstances that instinct would make me a slave to Karma in the same way as the ancestor of the Ichijo family who chose to save hundreds of worlds without knowing why he did it.

Every entity has innate instincts that cannot be ignored. A Hero seeks balance, a protagonist seeks to fulfill a plot, a system user seeks to show off...

Luckily I learned to ignore those instincts as I constantly ignore my destructive Chaotic Beast instincts and am able to not turn into a narcissistic jerk so ignoring the need to bring order to the World is easy.

I smiled. – "The humanity of this world is certainly a problem that I will help solve, but it will not be free…"

The woman smiled in relief. – "What does Mr. Hero want?"

"To begin with…" - I looked at the woman's appearance. – "How about you join my harem?"

The woman didn't look displeased and in fact, she showed an attractive smile with a slight trace of teasing as if she was trying to provoke my masculine pride to make me want to win her over. – "Kukuku, is this humble witch enough to compensate Mr. Hero's effort?"

"No, to tell the truth, I don't like the idea of ​​receiving women as payment, I am a decent womanizer after all" - I shrugged. – "But from experience, I can only trust women with whom I have an emotional relationship, so if we are going to work together it would be better if you are part of my harem"

The woman began to laugh. – "Kukukukuku, that sounds good, I will also feel safer collaborating with someone who considers me more than just a colleague"

I extended my hand with a smile. – "My name is Luis, nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you husband~" - The woman smiled without the slightest embarrassment and shook my hand. – "When I inherited the ancient magic I gave up my name, so just call me Witch"

That sounds like an insult, but hey, I'll see it as a cultural difference.

"To begin with, I will give you all the information I have about the Reincarnated" - Witch showed a smile that hid an abyss of hate, murderous intent, and resentment.

Even though it's strange that she can trust me so easily, she doesn't have any other options since in this world the Reincarnated are invincible plus she knows the nature of a Hero, saving the world.

As for how she knows about Heroes, Reincarnations, and Japan even though she's not a Higher Existence, it seems to be something related to the magic she inherited from her ancestors, but it is already too much information for now so I will explain it later for those who have doubts.

In order to have a long talk in peace, Witch led me to a simple cabin in the woods which was protected by multiple concealment barriers which were even more complex than the barriers placed on the building Mr. Ichijo gave me.

I don't know if the magic in this world is more developed than in my world or if it's because the magic systems are different in each world, but this woman is definitely talented.

One more thing I noticed upon coming to this world is that my abilities are not restricted and this World's Will of the World is the automatic type so even if I use [Enemy of Humanity], [Human Transmutation], [Outer God ], [Reader's Madness] or Ortro's soul-devouring abilities, I won't be punished as long as I fulfill my mission to stabilize this world.

In this world, I will be able to go with all my power and I will even be able to improve the skills that I have not been able to train… This will be exciting.



My exams start tomorrow… *panic noises*

Anyway, a hug <3

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