No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 174: Knowledge is a terrifying weapon

Chapter 174: Knowledge is a terrifying weapon

A month flew by and things turned to… Well, the usual, shit.

The capitals of the human nations set up barriers denying the entry of any non-human entities while the Inhuman slaves who lived in the capitals were banished or killed.

The spies working alongside Witch had to flee as humans somehow gained an ability to identify spies so we no longer have eyes and ears within the human nations.

Before escaping, the spies recorded large-scale movements of valuable resources suitable for rituals.

The resources were mobilized to the palaces of the four main human nations and even though my plan to antagonize the human nations worked, it only affected the border cities while the main capitals seemed to come to a non-aggression agreement.

Witch made a rough calculation and judging the number of resources mobilized, humans can summon a minimum of 20 heroes, and if that wasn't already a huge problem, some native humans of this world have started to awaken special abilities just as powerful as the skills of the Reincarnated.

Reincarnated, Heroes and natives with protagonist abilities, this world is about to fall into a full-scale war.

To make this shit worse, the Demon Realm has started making strange moves and there are rumors that he will start the election of a new Demon King, but that's bullshit, the current Demon King is not going to let go of his power easily.

The speed with which the humans staged multiple hero summoning rituals on top of the Demon King's betrayal shows that this was a plan long in the making.

The only reason it all happened so suddenly was that news spread of the arrival of the Evil God Orthus, a monstrous deity who was able to humiliatingly defeat the Champions and was even able to kill two of the Champions.

The villain's daughter and Looper were officially declared killed in action, but the truth is that Imerda is watering the plants while she wears a maid dress and a slave collar.

I spoke with her and revealed that I am actually an envoy of the God Orthus, my mission is to restore order in this world and although I do not want to hurt my Japanese compatriots, I cannot refuse the orders of God.

Imerda was originally furious, but when I showed her what I did with Lopper she begged to be my slave. Her rank is lower than Roxanne and she is comparable to a disposable broom, but if she behaves well I will consider including her in my harem.

As for Looper, she stopped being a 'somebody' and became a 'something'.

His body was mutilated leaving only his brain, heart, stomach, and spinal cord which are kept alive inside a tank of green liquid with several cables connected.

In biological terms, Looper is still alive, but in a human approach, Looper is just a database with no mind or body.

Combining science, magic, alchemy, and spiritual cultivation arts, it was easy to take Looper apart like a computer, and I was able to analyze his soul in depth.

As I suspected, the origin of the Reincarnated powers was a Higher Entity that even left an identification seal on the soul of the Reincarnated as a form of copyright registration.

System Goddess identified that brand as a faction of Higher Entities called 'Paradise', a group of entities that fight in the name of justice, Positive Karma, and morality, but the reality is that they are a group of pretentious idiots who commit massacres in the name of the greater good… We could be friends.

All this shit gives me a bad feeling and even [Paranoia] warned me that if I continue to get involved with the problems of this world, I will have to fight with a Higher Entity.

I talked to the Will of the World, but that thing is completely useless. The response of the Will was to give me full authority of the Laws of this world and even offered to give ownership of this world to Ortro or System Goddess since they are Higher Entities.

Although I am also a Higher Entity, I pretend to be a mortal hero since if other entities know that I am a Higher Entity that is not restricted by the Laws of a world then it will be obvious that I am a system user…

Although obtaining this world with good resources sounds good, there is a problem, or many problems...

Problem 1: If I want to obtain the complete Authority of this world, I will have to cut the connection between this world and 'Paradise'.

Problem 2: Although high-level Higher Entities cannot enter this world, a Higher Entity slightly stronger than me can easily enter this world which will trigger a troublesome war.

Problem 3: If I'm not careful, the 'Paradise' faction will become my enemy which will be a headache since 'Paradise' is not inferior to Beast VII's faction.

At this point, I want to go back to Gaia and let this stupid world die, but there are several benefits if I play my cards right.

To begin with, this world is a mid-level world and although that is not completely extraordinary, the Laws of this world benefit the appearance of Demon Kings and Heroes so this world is a factory for soldiers so if I get this world, I'll have a constant supply of cannon fodder.

The second, and the biggest reason why I chose to stay in this world, is because the entities of Paradise highly value Heroes with high Positive Karma, in fact, it wouldn't be strange if Paradise tries to recruit me even if it gets them in conflict with Gaia.

On the most important side, the entities of Paradise are idealistic idiots ruled by concepts of 'Order', 'Life' and 'Justice' so if I show myself as a noble and righteous hero who fights to protect all innocent people even if they don't are human, there is a high probability that Paradise will leave this world alone in exchange for me making a contract with them.

Whether the entities of Paradise see me as a manipulable idiot or a noble hero, I am a treasure to them as most heroes can save a world in their lives while I, in less than a year, was able to save two worlds.

Besides that, I need to face powerful enemies.

During my battle against the Reincarnated, my life was not in danger, but due to the agonizing suffering and stress I endured, my abilities grew thanks to the [Hero's Destiny] skill providing me with plot armor that helps me grow when I face adversity.

Basically, as long as I don't die right away and suffer a lot, I'll get stronger.

The ancestor of the Ichijo family was a masochist… Or maybe that's how true heroes are? Whatever.

[Physical Strength: Combat-type Higher Entity (50%) > (55%)]

[Soul: Higher Entity: (50%) > (60%)]

[Rasen no Chikara (35%) > (60%)

Note: The user cannot further develop this energy due to lineage incompatibilities. It is recommended to eliminate the 'Chaotic Beast' lineage or seek other means of developing the 'Human' lineage]

[Anti-Rasen (40%) > (65%)

Note: The user cannot further develop this energy due to lineage incompatibilities. A suitable lineage for this energy is unknown]

[Destiny Energy (10%) > (20%)]

[Beast V Body (10%) > (25%)]

[Reader's Perspective (30%) > (100%)]

[System Notification: The skill 'Hero's Destiny' and the energy 'Nakama Power' have created a new skill, 'Hero's Strike' (10%)]

[System Notification: The energy 'Reader's Madness' influenced the skill 'Hero Strike'.

Hero's Strike (10%) > Sadism (50%)]

[Sadism (50%) (Activatable Skill): The more you suffer, the more excited I am~

The user's attacks inflict Mental Suffering that lowers the enemy's Willpower stat. It is possible to constantly accumulate the enemy's suffering and then explode it into a mental attack that can destroy the enemy's mind.

If mental damage accumulates to a high level, it is possible to convert mental damage into physical damage or spiritual damage.

Warning: Prolonged use of this ability can generate destructive impulses against the user's loved ones]

Mythomania, Schizophrenia, Paranoia, and Sadism… I'm going down a bad path.

Well, whatever, the point is that even if my life is not in danger, the agonizing and desperate battles will help me grow. The path of a protagonist is the path of a masochist...

I sighed and looked at Fleonell who had returned to her true form as an adult woman with big breasts.

"How does your body feel?" – I asked while half of my attention was focused on looking at the results of the analysis of Fleonell's body.

The other half of my attention was admiring Fleonell's well-developed body… Yes, it was worth being butchered a thousand times.

"Although my magical energy is complete, I will need two more days to recover all my combat abilities" - Fleonell smiled as she stretched making her big breasts bounce.

Although it would have been quicker to make Fleonell able to use her powers for short periods of time, in the long run, it would decrease her life expectancy.

I chose the hardest path so it took me a whole month to get Fleonell back to her power with no side effects that could harm her soul or body, I even made sure to improve her energy flow so she will be able to use destruction magic massive more easily.

I nodded. – "For now your priority is to recover your power, I will take care of the rest"

Fleonell stopped smiling and sighed ruefully. – "In this month that we have known each other I have realized that you have the bad habit of carrying all the problems, that is not good for your health"

I smiled wryly. – "That is said by the demon queen who was willing to die in order to protect her subjects"

"…" – Fleonell made a bitter face.

I walked over to her and gently put my hand on her shoulder. – "When you regain all your strength you can help me so for the time being I will fix the problems of this world"

"I feel strange depending on someone else" – Fleonell showed a conflicted smile. – "But it is not an unpleasant feeling"

Fleonell agreed to be my wife, and although we have only known each other for a short time, the fact that we encountered a life-threatening situation helped her affection for me develop rapidly.

As always, it is easier to win a heart in times of crisis.

"Hey, it's unfair that only you two flirt" - A pretty girl with glasses pouted.

My beautiful wife and head of the scientific development department of my personal world, Rika Shiguma.

Because the situation got out of hand, I set up a Dimensional Gate with my personal worlds to start bringing in my army, I also started recruiting Inhumans who were treated like slaves and had my soldiers give them military training at the same time I started to use black blood, Ki, Hamon, and genetic enhancements to strengthen my soldiers.

To avoid drawing too much attention, I only brought my elite forces so my soldiers don't exceed a million, but they are still a fearsome army that doesn't fear death due to brainwashing.

Speaking of brainwashing, my church of Orthus worshipers continues to quietly grow and the human nations have yet to start persecuting my followers as they are more focused on summoning heroes.

Actually, it was with Shiguma's help that I was able to dissect Looper. It's amazing that her scientific talent allowed her to comprehend magic, alchemy, and cultivation formations in just three days.

Mixing innate talents with Laws from other worlds is really terrifying. It is because of this type of thing that the Wills prevent the knowledge of other civilizations from spreading within their worlds since chaos can be created.

In fact, Shiguma is creating a new power source using nuclear fusion methods on magical energy. I love this woman.

For my preparations, I spoke with the Will of the World of this world and we came to an agreement.

The Will of the World cannot prevent the summoning of more heroes as its own laws favor the creation of Heroes and Demon Kings.

Since the world cannot prevent the arrival of more heroes, the Will allowed me to do whatever I wanted, even exterminate humanity.

What does this mean?

The scientific department of my personal world is developing a biological weapon adapted to the humans of this world, and the only cure will be my black blood.

Techno-magic, a true work of art…

I kissed Shiguma's forehead. – "Later I will reward you for the good work you have done"

Shiguma smiled like a perverted old man. – "Hehehehe…."

Well, she's a pretty girl so it's fine.

My pregnant wives stayed in the safety of my private world so I lack trustworthy people to help me manage my new army, but Bruja and Fleonell are very smart women so they can deal with administrative problems.

The problem is that I had to flow time in my personal worlds so if I can't finish this problem in less than 9 months, I'll have another problem to deal with...

I left my future problems to my future self and left the underground lab.

Witch notified me that she received worrying information from the Demon Kingdom so I must talk to her.

We are currently in a cabin inside the former lair of the Dragon King who was killed by the Reincarnated.

This place is basically a desert wasteland so it's a good place to form a hideout. A bit of space magic, high-tech architecture techniques, illusion cultivation formations, and voila, a base fit for 5 million people. The supernatural is about as convenient as plot armor...

I arrived at the meeting room where Witch was waiting for me.

When I entered I found Witch who was looking at a worn parchment that showed a map. On the scroll were four stones of different colors that moved slowly.

"What happened?" – I approached her to look at the map.

"My spies in the Demon Kingdom were almost completely wiped out, only two spies managed to escape, but they ran into a problem…" – Witch sounded furious.

Although she treats her spies like disposable pawns, she is still angry at losing useful tools.

"The election of a new Demon King is a farce, the King candidates are being bribed by the current Demon King" - Witch massaged her forehead in frustration. – "Two candidates refused, one of them was killed and the other candidate is being persecuted after her clan was destroyed"

Sure enough, the current Demon King is working for the humans...

I thought for a moment and a doubt arose. – "Now that Fleonell is back, can't we make her the Demon Queen?"

"That's complicated..." - Witch sighed. – "Most of the Inhumans believe that the Dark Queen is dead and the news has spread in the Demon Kingdom that an impostor is posing as the Dark Queen… Considering the constant worry that the Inhumans live under, the only way to get them to accept the Dark Queen again is if we can overthrow at least one of the human nations"

Divide and Conquer… The Inhumans are so divided that it's no surprise they're on the verge of annihilation.

Oh well, whatever.

"Do you still have a teleportation point within the Demon Kingdom?" – I asked to choose my next step.

"We can't go directly to the Demon Kingdom, but my spies managed to rescue the candidate and are transporting her to the borders of the Demon Kingdom" – Witch pointed to a part of the map. – "The place is 30 kilometers from the border so if you want to rescue the spies we will have to hurry"

I have an idea.

"If we fight against the humans, it is possible that the demons will attack us with the back, which will be a problem..." - I looked at the map.

The Demon Kingdom covers 5% of this world and is in the southernmost region, the equivalent of the Earth's south pole. Humans control 60% of the rest of the world while the remaining 35% are uncharted lands such as the Forest of the Elves, the Hills of the Dwarves, and some swamps inhabited by poisonous monsters.

In a war, my group does not cover even 1% of the territory so the first step is to get a territory.

I pointed to various parts of the map. – "I will attack the capital of the Demon Kingdom together with a group of heavy weapons from my world, meanwhile, you and an elite group will protect the candidate"

The first step will be to take over the Demon Kingdom to reestablish Fleonell's authority.

The candidate will be Plan B. In case the Inhumans don't accept Fleonell, the candidate will be the new Demon Queen and if necessary I will turn her into a mindless puppet.

Witch frowned. – "Although the current Demon King is not as strong as the Dark Queen, if he really is allied with humans then the weaponry of the Demon Kingdom must be a combination of science and technology…"

"I hope so" - I smiled and looked at a corner of the room where three girls were playing video games. Shiro, Kaede, and Red Queen.

"For now we won't start a direct war against humans since we don't know the preparations made by the deities that help humans" – I started to prepare a plan in my mind. – "Our focus will be to take the Demon Kingdom before the humans can react"

"Understood" - Witch nodded. – "I will prepare a large-scale portal so that you can move the vehicles of your world"

Just in case, I'll call Yuriko to prepare a nuclear bomb...

The concept of fantasy can go to hell, the best thing is the destructive power of an advanced civilization.

It is time to bring civilization to this uncivilized world.

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