No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 175: Arrogant God

Chapter 175: Arrogant God

I looked with amusement at Fleonell's expression of curiosity and happiness.

"What's that?" - Fleonell pointed to a portable plasma cannon.

"It's a thing that makes things explode" – Shiro replied with a proud expression.

This brat is happy to be able to explain to someone more ignorant than her.

Although Fleonell regained her appearance as a mature woman, her personality is childish so she was able to become friends with Shiro and Kaede.

I originally thought of leaving Fleonell in the base, but if she shows up when we take control of the Demon Realm things might be more accessible, plus her arcane magic is potent and empowered by the Laws of this world so in a crisis situation she can perform 4 attacks at her full power before having to rest.

We are currently traveling in a formation of five heavy cargo planes and four fighter planes in the direction of the Demon Kingdom capital.

In the cargo planes are containers with biological weapons of the type Tyrant, Licker, and mutant zombies that have been tamed.

According to my experiments, the bodies of the natives of this world have antibodies with magical energy so the zombie infection cannot affect them, but Shiguma and the Yellow Queen are already developing new diseases to decrease the human population.

When we entered the air territory of the Demon Kingdom, I felt something approaching at high speed.

"Commander, 10 missiles have been intercepted in our direction" – One of the soldiers driving the plane informed me.

Looking outside the plane I could see several explosions appearing from the area where the missiles came from.

Those missiles weren't powered by fuel, there were traces of magical energy from the explosions...

I sighed internally, human creativity seems limited to causing explosions.

Fortunately, I brought the best anti-aircraft weapon, Chise.

The airship fleet continued to advance as the attacks became more aggressive. I even had to go out and intercept several missiles since Chise can't intercept all attacks.

"Hey Listen! This is supposed to be a fucking fantasy world! Why are there so many missiles?!" – Navi shouted with joy when I shot down the fortieth missile.

"How the hell am I supposed to know?!" - I'm getting sick of this shit...

The only positive point is that magical energy is not harmful to the environment so even if this world developed large-scale bombs, there will be no negative effects of radiation and I have already installed an anti-missile system in my base.

At this rate, it will take us an hour to reach the capital and I am sincerely frustrated.

Only Shiro has fun, this girl loves explosions.

I'm fed up.

"Decrease the speed of advance, focus all weapons on countering the missiles" - Through the communicator inside my ear I sent an order to Red Queen who was the artificial intelligence in charge of managing this fleet of aircraft.

"..." - Red Queen was silent for a few seconds. – "Don't tell me that you are going to crash a fighter plane again"

I didn't answer and went to the main aircraft. This thing is so big that it has a small launch pad to send fighter jets out of the air.

"…" – I heard Red Queen sigh. – "Get the plane with the red marked, I've rigged it with explosives and highly flammable fuel in case you wanted to resort to your unusual suicide tactics"

I smiled slightly.

Although of the three artificial intelligences the one I talk to the most is Monika, the one I get along with the best is Red Queen.

I entered the plane, but before taking off I sighed when I saw that I am not alone.

"Kamikaze!" – Shiro shouted with joy.

Kaede was silent as she fastened her seat belt in the passenger seat.

Fleonell smiled bitterly. – "I tried to stop them, but they are very eloquent and convinced me to come"

Lie, you just wanted to join in the fun…


I got into the fighter plane and turned it on. – "Okay, but you three stay together and you must leave when I say so"

"Shiro understands" – Shiro nodded.

"Nn" – Kaede nodded.

"I'm not a little girl for you to tell me what to do…" - Fleonell pouted, but she still nodded.

Since this plane is only for two people, Kaede sat on Fleonell's lap and Shiro sat on my lap.

We began to fly at full speed towards the capital as black blood came out of my arm and began to cover the plane.

Although it doesn't show up in my system, my battle with the Reincarnates caused [Reader's Madness] to re-evolve so that Ortro can now separate from my body and fight on her own without either of us weakening.

The best thing is that if Ortro is destroyed, she can be reborn from my black blood, and if I am destroyed, I can be reborn from her black blood.

We basically have to be destroyed at the same time or our bodies will keep rebuilding themselves in a constant cycle.

I insist, I'm surprised that I'm still considered a human...

Missiles, fireballs, lightning magic, flying demons, little dragons… Both fantasy and high-tech attacks covered the sky in an attempt to bring us down.

I was able to evade most of the attacks while Kaede's vectors were able to deflect several attacks.

The attacks that managed to hit us only damaged the black blood cover which was immediately repaired so we continued forward without a problem.

"Your abilities don't seem like those of a hero, in fact, you are more like a Demon King" - Fleonell smiled wryly as she saw the explosions that surrounded us.

I explained to her what my plan was and the skills that I will use for what I am going to do. She wasn't too happy with my idea as many Inhumans will die, but in the end, she accepted it as collateral damage.

On the other hand, I wonder what benefits there will be if I get the title of Demon King…

It's dangerous to attack the enemy's main base without information so when we were close to the capital, I activated [Reader's Perspective].



(3rd person perspective)

In the Demon King's palace, cries of panic could be heard as chaos filled the corridors...…


Two hours ago a report came in warning that a fleet of airships was advancing in the direction of the Demon Kingdom capital.

The Demon King, Hakuou, was furious.

At first, he thought that the humans broke the deal they made and now they are mobilizing their air forces to destroy the Demon Kingdom....

Hakuou knew that even though the Dwarfs were the best blacksmiths in this world, human technology had grown in the last five years to the point where humanity was able to conquer the skies and seas.

Hakuou had given up and betrayed his people in order to secure his own life. Every day he convinced himself that this was to ensure the survival of the Inhumans, but the truth is that Hakuou was a coward who lived with jealousy towards the previous ruler of the Inhumans, Fleonell Bernstein.....


Hakuou was furious since he was in love with the Dark Queen since his youth, but she never reciprocated his feelings.

Over time, love became obsession which turned into resentment. Due to his fury, he secretly negotiated with the humans and helped set the trap that caused the Dark Queen's defeat.

Originally the deal was that Fleonell would be incapacitated and her magical core would be destroyed to make her a defenseless woman so that Hakuou could have her as his sex slave, but the Dark Queen showed great power and the Champions had to seal her away without being able to capture her... .......



Hakuou had been informed by the humans that Fleonell had returned so he was excited. It was impossible for her to recover all the power from her right away so Hakuou would have a chance to capture her and turn her into his toy.........….



[System Notification: The user's fury has destabilized the skill 'Reader's Perspective'. The skill 'Mythomania' has managed to suppress some of the user's fury]


Now that the capital was about to be attacked, Hakuou called out to the humans to check what was going on, but the response he received made him pale.

"Air troops? What are you talking about?" – The king of the Human Empire looked at Hakuou disdainfully through a monitor...…

"Don't be fucking with me Proum!" -Hakuou yelled furiously. – "You are the only one who can give the order to mobilize the main air fleet!"

"I don't know what you're talking about" - A middle-aged man with flashy clothes and a crown frowned. – "And if you speak to me in that tone again I am going to tear out your eyes to pour molten copper into your eye sockets… You remember your position, you are just a dog"

With that, the king of the Human Empire ended the call…..

Hakuou was furious but greater than his fury was his fear. He knew he was still a useful pawn so the humans wouldn't get rid of him so this attack must be from another group...

Hakuou thought about it and the only person who came to his mind was the Dark Queen…..

Although Hakuou was scared to face that woman's fury, he was excited as he imagined that this was his chance to capture that woman and make her his own............... ...........





Hakuou felt confident that even though the airship fleet was able to counter the magical missiles provided by the humans, Hakuou had more trump cards that would ensure his victory even against the Champions and the Dark Queen....


Hakuou's first trump card was a squad of 5 combat robots with high magic resistance that could suppress even Champions.

The second trump card was a squad of 100 immortal knights that were the result of human experiments. No matter if they are decapitated, incinerated, poisoned, or frozen, these knights can resurface even if there is only a single finger left of their bodies.....

Hakuou's third trump card was his generals, powerful warriors who fight on behalf of the Inhumans who were tricked into having blind faith in Hakuou. Since these generals believe that Fleonell died years ago, they will attack the 'imposter' while Fleonell will not be able to defend against them because she has always been a woman who values her subjects more than her own life... …..


The fourth trump card is a pill that provides enormous power in exchange for turning the person into a monster without reason. Hakuou had a total of four pills spread out among his most trusted subordinates and with the power given by those pills it would be possible to beat the Dark Queen even at her peak...….

Finally, and in case everything fails, Hakuou has prepared a special device that allows him to call one of the guardian deities that have been supporting the humans.....

The deity will only be able to fight for an hour and then it will be impossible to call her again.

The truth is that the supposed deity was only a False Higher Entity, an entity that was able to transcend with the help of another Higher Entity and not by its own power….


[System Notification: A Higher Entity has detected the intervention of the skill 'Reader's Perspective'. The skill 'Mythomania' has managed to camouflage the skill 'Reader's Perspective' as a lower premonition skill. The Higher Entity has stopped paying attention to the user]



Although the False Higher Entity was stronger than most Reincarnations and newly summoned Heroes, the truth is that it is an easy entity to defeat if you can hold it for an hour of combat since the power of a False Higher Entity depends entirely on the connection with the Higher Entity that gave it power.....

The king of the Human Empire gave this summoning artifact to Hakuou as an experiment since if Hakuouo can summon a divine envoy then it will be easier to summon a true Higher Entity...

Regardless, the power of an entity without the concept of 'Death' is something that mortals cannot face, so Hakuou was sure that he could destroy any enemy........

Hakuou was about to give orders to mobilize his main forces to intercept the airship fleet, but a sudden sound of explosions made him flinch.

"My King! The enemy has entered the capital!" – A subordinate entered the throne room as he screamed in horror.

Hakuou paled as the weapons placed on the capital walls should be enough to destroy even a Dragon King, but before he could comprehend the situation, the devastating howl of an angry dog was heard...…

[System Notification: The skill 'Reader's Perspective' has been disabled]



When the plane was just over the castle, I unfastened the women's seat belts and made the black blood form ropes to bind them to my body.

"I'm ready" - I received a telepathic message from Ortro.

"Hey Listen! This will be fun hahahahaha!" – Navi submerged himself in the black blood that covered the plane.

Since Ortro talks a lot and only thinks about violence and food, Navi will tell her what to say to give the image of an arrogant and haughty God.

I pointed the nose of the plane at the castle and went full speed.

The emergency ejection function activated throwing the girls and me out of the plane.

"Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" – Shiro was excited when we were in the air.

She formed a platform of blood that allowed us to stay airborne, though Fleonell and I could fly on our own.

Shiro and Kaede clung to my back like two little koalas holding onto a tree while my arm hugged Fleonell's waist in an intimate pose.

I'll try not to think that we look like a family...

We watched as the fighter plane was covered in thousands of eyes, hands, and dog heads.

When the plane was about to hit the castle, a golden barrier covered the castle preventing a direct collision.

The plane exploded covering the area around the castle with fire.

Black blood spilled out into the surroundings and all the people who were unlucky enough to touch it was consumed as their bodies disappeared.

Fleonell closed her eyes with a pained expression.

These people are her subjects so it pains her to see them die, but she still agreed to this plan for the greater good. She certainly is a good wife.

Ortro isn't actually killing the Inhumans, rather she is storing the Inhumans' souls and bodies without actually killing them. With this it is possible to revive them without secondary effects on my Karma, this is a method that I have been developing to store living beings.

Then I will surprise Fleonell with this surprise, after all, a husband should make his wife happy.

The black blood not only devoured the citizens of the capital, but various hands also began to spread over the barrier. When the golden barrier was covered in hands, sharp teeth covered the hands.

The teeth began to spin like drills as the bright color of the barrier dimmed.

Just like I can Resonate with Tsubaki to use her spirit attack skills with my body, Ortro can Resonate with Kon.

Ortro gained the ability to store her subordinate gods inside her body so if Ortro gets more helpers, she will become an army of deities.

Sharp fangs are a combination of Kon's and Other's fangs that can devour virtually any energy. The problem with this ability is that it is very slow so enemies can defend themselves and counterattack, but it is an excellent method of removing barriers.

The barrier weakened to transparent until it shattered with a sound similar to glass breaking.

The sea of ​​black blood surrounded the palace as a hooded figure materialized at the palace entrance.

"Heretics who go against order and balance! Accept the punishment of the glorious and majestic Orthus!" – The angel of death raised his hands dramatically.

It was a bad idea to leave Navi in ​​charge….

"You kneel before my greatness!" – The angel kept screaming while the black blood began to enter the castle, however, the soldiers managed to contain the sea of ​​blood with their special skills. – "Kneel before the greatness of Orthus and my faithful bitch…! Ahem, minion… The hero Seiji!"

Navi piece of…

"Kneel down and offer your women to my faithful minion! Lolis, milfs, cat women! Everything belongs to my minion and his cow-titted wife!"


"My breasts aren't that big…" Fleonell murmured softly.

"Yes they are" - I smiled bitterly at Navi's stupidity. – "But it is fine, I like every part of you, that is why you are my wife"

"…" – Fleonell blushed and stopped talking.

I sighed and motioned for Shiro to get us down.

As we descended, the black blood solidified under our feet allowing us to walk easily.

"Now, you guys stay here" - I pulled the brats off my back and put them next to Fleonell.

System Goddess stepped out of my Core of Existence and threw five yellow flags into the air. – "Five-element formation that seals the heavens!"

"Is it necessary to shout? I don't think they heard you on the other side of the continent" – I sighed.

System Goddess pouted. – "You promised you would stop making fun of me when I make cultivation formations…"

I ignored her angry expression of hers and looked at the flags.

The flags floated around the castle and in an instant, a Taoist circle was formed over the castle.

"The effect will last for 12 hours so you don't need to rush things" – System Goddess looked at me with concern. – "You must prioritize your safety…"

I smiled slightly, although it is fun to make fun of this woman, it is impossible to deny that she is a treasure who has earned a special place in my heart.

"Ortro, Tsuaki, Kon, Navi, and I will face the Demon King, you take care that reinforcements don't come" - I looked seriously at the women, especially at Fleonell. – "But the highest priority is that you are safe"

The two women and two brats nodded.

Just in case, I sent a mental message to System Goddess. – "If necessary you must leave Fleonell unconscious and take everyone to flee"

"Fleeing is my specialty" - System Goddess replied proudly.

I headed to the castle.

My appearance is that of Seiji while my costume is a knight armor to make me look like a hero which will make it easier for me to fool the Demon King.

When I entered the castle, the barrier finished closing, isolating this place from the rest of the World.

Nobody gets in, nobody goes out.

The angel of death stood next to me as Navi sent me a mental message. – "Hey Listen! I'm a genius at scripting!"

… Later I'll talk to this asshole.

With the black blood, I formed a sword similar to the sword used to seal Fleonell and headed to the location of the Demon King.

I'm going to kill that asshole for the greater good, this is not personal.

[System Notification: The skill 'Sadism' has been activated]

Who am I kidding, this is personal.

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