No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 184: Navi x2

Chapter 184: Navi x2

[System Notification: The 'Reader's Madness' energy has censored 'Spoilers' to prevent the destruction of the user's mind]

[System Notification: The 'Reader's Madness' energy has censored 'Spoilers' to prevent the destruction of the user's mind]

[System Notification: The 'Reader's Madness' energy has censored 'Spoilers' to prevent the destruction of the user's mind]

I already understood damn it!

In the cell phone that the system gave me, I have a folder of photographs of my wives. They are not sexual photographs but of warm moments that I have shared with them. I've definitely gone soft...

"Oh, Busujima Saeko from Highschool ■■■■, that anime had a good fanservice, too bad one of the authors passed away so the story couldn't continue, and it was just stuck in the arc of ■■■■…" – Arisa was sitting on my lap while looking at my cell phone screen.

[System Notification: The user's mind is breaking]

[System Notification: The energy 'Reader's Madness' has rebuilt the user's mind]

"And what about her?" – I changed the image and showed a picture of Shizuka when I tried to teach her how to cook, but she made a mess in the kitchen.

"Marikawa Shizuka from the same anime" – Arisa nodded. – "Is she a cosplayer? She is identical to the anime…"

I went to the next picture, it was Shigure and Raki having a Go match. As a side note, they are both terrible at this game as they both have trouble forming long-term strategies.

"Hmm, Shigure from the anime 'Kenichi, the strongest disciple in history'... As for the other woman, I think she's from the same series, but she must be a secondary character since I can't remember her name" - Arisa seemed a bit confused by Raki's appearance.

The information that I already know is not censored so I could hear the name of that anime… Interesting.

I then showed her a picture of Rin and Chino while they were playing video games.

"Oh, Chino, that loli is really adorable, she's from a moe anime about a loli cafe, an anime to heal the heart, although it's worrying that many fans of that series are lolicons..." - Arisa smiled tenderly. – "Even though I don't recognize the other girl, well, she's adorable too~"

[System Notification: The user's mind is breaking]

[System Notification: The energy 'Reader's Madness' has rebuilt the user's mind]

I ignored the constant strokes I'm experiencing and kept showing Arisa pictures.

Although she was able to recognize several of my wives, there were some 'Stories' that she did not know.

I had one of the worst migraines I've ever experienced in my miserable life, but I found out some interesting things.

The information that the multiverse has classified as 'Spoiler' are the basics of the 'Plot' of each world.

When I know the 'Plot' of a certain world then it is not considered a 'Spoiler' so my mind is not destroyed by the information, but if the plot is altered then all the information regarding the future becomes a 'Spoiler'.

For example, in the original plot, Kenichi and Miu would have a daughter, but this information is classified as a 'Spoiler' so I couldn't hear the name of the girl or the full ending of the anime even though the 'Story' has already ended.

On the other hand, I can make assumptions and if Arisa confirms my assumptions then she doesn't count as a 'Spoiler' but a confirmation.

An example of this is when I asked her if in Saeko's anime, the protagonist was Takashi Komuro and he established a harem with the main girls. Arisa nodded and my mind wasn't destroyed so this is a good method to know 'Spoilers'.

This confirms a theory that I have had ever since I obtained [Self-Knowledge].

The multiverse is an accumulation of fictional worlds where we are all fictional characters, we exist for the entertainment of other fictional characters and the truth is that no one is completely real or completely fictional.

As long as a story is written, there is a high probability that that story will become a world of the multiverse.

The idiot who is developing my story has a very unstable mind to think so many stupid things.

[System Notification: User has grasped one of the greatest secrets of the multiverse without falling into despair or insanity]

[System Notification: The energy 'Reader's Madness' has absorbed the titles 'King of Lunatics', 'Superpredator', 'King of Monsters', 'Enemy of Humanity']

[System Notification: The energy 'Reader's Madness' has absorbed the skills 'Enhanced Learning', 'Immunity to mind control', 'Self-knowledge']

System Notification: The 'Reader's Madness' energy has evolved into high-level energy]

[Reader Madness: Sometimes fanfics get weird… don't you think so?

Seeing the bottom of the abyss without losing oneself is the greatest feat of a lunatic, for even gods and demons fear the reality of fiction.

This energy has the following passive skills:

1) The user has access to all paths of 'Madness'.

2) The look, voice, and presence of the user incite the 'Madness' in all intelligent beings.

3) Entities with high affinities for Madness will feel obsessive attraction to the user.

4) The user and entities affected by the user's Madness will be immune to mind, spirit, or bodily control by other entities.

5) The user can see reality flaws in 'Plot', 'Stories' and 'Characters']

[System Notification: The user can choose a concept to become a complete 'Higher Entity':

- Obsession

- Frustration

- Migraine

- Harem

- Hero



[System Notification: A Higher Entity is looking for the user]

[System Notification: A Higher Entity is looking for the user]

[System Notification: A Superior Entity has found the user. The entity is not hostile against the user]

[System Notification: A Higher Entity has sent a message to the user. The title 'Stingy Jack' has not found traps in the message. The ability 'Paranoia' says that it is a good idea to see the message]

… One thing at a time…

Since System Goddess is connected to my system so she should be able to see these notifications, luckily I limited the information she can see or I have a feeling that knowing about the fiction will be harmful to her.

Although it is fun to bother the System Goddess, I have a lot of affection for her since thanks to her I have thoroughly understood how it works to ascend to a Higher Entity.

Although I am already conceptually immortal and even Higher Entities with the concept 'Death' cannot prevent my resurrection in case my body is destroyed, I still lack the greatest strength of a Higher Entity, a concept of my own.

Each Higher Entity has a concept, and although some entities have concepts with the same name, each entity has a unique and unrepeatable path.

For example, System Goddess is based on the concept 'System' so she can intervene in any type of system, be it disabling the skills of the system users, or even deciphering the abilities of the heroes and reincarnated in this world.

Choosing a concept is very important when ascending since it is not something that can be changed, and if it can be changed, it is possible to irreparably damage the soul.

The concept not only determines the strength and lifestyle, but it also has a great effect on the personality, mentality, and worldview of an entity.

System Goddess did not know of these matters so she chose a very complex concept and although this sentenced her to be a support entity with low combat power, her concept has a minimal effect on her personality so she is free to choose the way you want to live.

Simple concepts such as 'Justice', 'Destruction', 'Fire, 'Water', 'Power' or 'Evil' are the ones that most affect personality while complex concepts such as 'System', 'Karma' or 'Balance' have less effect on personality.

Since this is a complex topic I'm going to postpone my choice of concept to talk carefully with System Goddess, I don't want to make a mistake like choosing the concept 'Harem' and that turns me into a dog in heat who only thinks with the crotch since that could cause my death.

Since that matter is aside, I opened the message section.

[Message from ■■: Hello senpai~★

They said I was crazy when I said that we are in a stupid fictional play, but no one believed me… Now we are two crazy people! Hooray!~ ★

Anyway, I suggest you not to talk about this with other entities, not even your best friends or family, most of the entities will not accept reality in a kind way and their minds can have a violent reaction that will make them your enemies, believe me, my body was destroyed by whom I saw as companions, it was not pleasant.

Anyway, I can't wait to meet you~★

Postscript: I have a little problem, Teehee~★

I lost my physical body and my soul is 95% destroyed, basically, I'm just a disembodied and lonely consciousness *cry*...

If it's not too much to ask... Would you mind signing a contract with me to let me attach my soul to your body♥?

With my kouhai powers all your dreams are within your grasp!]

… What the fuck is this?

At the end of the message, there was a high-level contract that contained no cheats, it seems that the entity that sent this really needs help.

[Contract: Final boss-type Kouhai!

I, lovely and splendid BB-chan~★, promise to be a lovely kouhai to my senpai if senpai promises to give his lovely kouhai a home and sweets~

Oh look, I can form high-level Contracts… am I not amazing? Hehehehe~]

(Author's Note: BB from Fate Grand Order)

[System Notification: The title 'Stingy Jack' and the skill 'Paranoia' have not detected cheating in the contract.

In case the user accepts the 'Final boss-type Kouhai!' contract, the entity 'BB' will become the user's property until one of the two parties ceases to exist, in return, the user has to provide a life comfortable for entity 'BB' and cannot leave her.

Whoever breaks the contract will have their Existence Core destroyed and become the other party's energy source]

I allowed System Goddess to see that message and received an immediate telepathic response.

"Why do you always attract troublesome women?!" – System Goddess screamed with anguish.

"Do you know her?" – I asked curiously while Arisa played a game on my cell phone while we continued traveling in the carriage.

System Goddess sighed. – "I do not know her directly, but I spent a few centuries collecting information from the most problematic Higher Entities to get away from them…"

"If I'm not mistaken, this woman should belong to the Outer Gods and she was a headache for multiple factions of Higher Entities, although for unknown reasons she disappeared without a trace..."

"There are rumors that she was destroyed by a 'Devourer' with the ability to destroy souls and thus she disappeared without reincarnating, but apparently she miraculously managed to survive..."

"She could be very useful to us since not only does she know the secrets of the great factions, but she was a powerful entity so if we can rebuild her body and soul she will be a powerful ally… But…" – System Goddess sighed. – "She will be a headache"

For her to say that then this will really be troublesome…

[System Notification: Entity 'BB' has sent a message]

[System Notification: Entity 'BB' has sent a message]

[System Notification: Entity 'BB' has sent a message]

[Message from BB: Nee, senpai, you're cruel to ignore your cute kouhai *cry*]

[Message from BB: Seeeeeeeeeeenpaaaaaaaaaaai, neeeeeeeee senpaaaaaaaaaaai]

A real headache...

[Message from BB: Hey, senpai… Has any entity registered as 'A■■■■■■' been looking for you?

If you accept me then I will tell you a little secret about that entity~]

"…" – System Goddess sighed. – "If you accept it then you take care of her, I do not want to have to deal with that headache"

Sounds like I'm picking up a noisy puppy from the street.

I sighed.

[Message to: BB

It's fine… But the world I'm in has restrictions so it'll be hard for you to come]

If this woman can get to this world without alerting Paradise it will be amazing, and in case she draws the enemy's attention I can take advantage of the situation to attack the Human Empire.

[Message from BB: Senpai noticed me! You make your kouhai happy~★!

Don't worry senpai, this wonderful kouhai is unstoppable~]

[System Notification: Entity 'BB' is requesting to connect to the user's soul]

That was frighteningly fast. It seems that this entity has many interesting tricks.

[System Notification: The contract 'Final boss-type Kouhai!' has been accepted]

[System Notification: Entity 'BB' is now bound to the user's soul]

[Entities linked to the user's soul:

- Navi

- Tsubaki Nakatsukasa

- Ortro

- System Goddess



"Hello senpai~★!" - I heard a sudden scream inside my head. – "Oh, I see I'm not the only one here, hello~"

What appeared inside my Core of Existence was a beautiful girl with purple hair reaching her ankles which had a red bow, a short black skirt showing her thighs, black shoes, black stockings reaching to the middle of her thighs, a striking black coat, a white shirt that accentuated her large breasts, and a red bow tie that further emphasized her breasts.

She is quite a beautiful woman, although she was only a spiritual projection since as she mentioned, she does not have a physical body and most of her soul is destroyed.

To tell the truth, I'm surprised she hadn't fallen into a coma, injuries of this level could incapacitate even Higher Entities with strong resistance and regeneration abilities.

"Nice to meet you" – Tsubaki approached with a gentle smile. – "My name is Nakatsukasa Tsubaki"

"Oh, a ninja" – BB seemed happy. – "Nice to meet you~ This is interesting… Hey, what kind of person is my new senpai? Do spiders scare him? It would be fun if it did"

… I have a feeling that she will give me a lot of headaches.

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' confirms it]

I think it was not worth it...

I sighed internally and joined the conversation through the mental link I share with the entities in my Core of Existence. – "What is the information you promised?"

"Waa senpai is watching us! You pervert senpai!" – BB covered her breasts with a false expression of panic.

…Oh god, she's like a second Navi.

"Hey…" – Navi appeared next to me. – "Even I think she is annoying…"

This is bad for my nonexistent sanity.

"Tsubaki, offer her something to eat" - I sighed internally.

Tsubaki nodded with a gentle smile and took out some cookies that I made with spiritual ingredients so that Tsubaki could eat them without leaving my Core of Existence.

Since it is spiritual food even ghosts, spirits, or incorporeal entities can eat it so it will be a good bait to BB.

"Oh, that looks good" – BB took a cookie. – "Oh, I can grab it! Wonderful, I missed the feeling of eating!"

BB happily ate the cookie.

"Nani? NANI?! Why is this so delicious?!" – BB shouted with a mixture of confusion, happiness, and panic. – "Who prepared this?!"

"Cooking is my hobby" - I mentally shrugged. – "And if you want to continue enjoying these cookies, stop playing and tell me the information"

"Senpai cheater! To think that you would use such a vile method to force me to fulfill your sick fantasies! Surely you are a perverted otaku who masturbates with blackmail doujins!" – BB started crying, even though her acting skills suck. – "Now that I have tried this my body cannot live without senpai! You have to take responsibility for stunting your cute kouhai's body!"

… I have a headache…

"I pity you" – Navi came closer and patted my shoulder with his wing. – "I pity you for being a submissive bitch who allows an unknown woman to make fun of you hahahahahaha!"

[System Notification: The skill 'Sadism' has been activated]




"... Well, I admit it, I overdid it, now I hate myself and want to kill myself" - Navi seemed to want to vomit despite not having a mouth or a stomach.

"…" – BB heard this awkward conversation. – "Oh, so my senpai has a loli fetish… I'm sorry senpai, but I'm a big breasted onee-san, I can't satisfy your illegal otaku fetishes"

"Pffff ahahahahahahaha!" – Navi began to convulse with laughter.

As for me… Well, I want to die.

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