No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 185: God is not what I expected

Chapter 185: God is not what I expected

I relaxed looking at the entertaining scene in front of me.

"I am innocent, I did not want to betray you! You can't do this, we're friends!"

"Damn monster! You are a fucking monster!"

"Minaris this is not what your mother would want to see! Stop right now! Obey me, I am your father!"

This is unusually relaxing.

"Wow, senpai's bunny is scary~ nom nom nom" – BB was sitting inside my mind as she ate popcorn.

"Hey Listen! This is garbage! We need more violence!" – Navi ate a hamburger.

"I don't know, nom nom" – BB was having fun. – "Pouring hot mercury through the tear ducts seems creative to me, besides, it is the first time I see a woman's orifices being used to store coal"

"Hey Listen! It would have been better if my partner fucked the women in front of the men while the men are raped by horses!" – Navi said something disgusting while he ate his burger.

BB made a disgusted expression. – "Ugh, bestiality is a disgusting fetish that will only excite perverts with an S+ score in the Furry stat"

I can feel my neurons commit suicide listening to the conversation of these two idiots.

I sighed internally. – "Tsubaki, stop them"

"I prefer not to get involved in this talk" - Tsubaki smiled uncomfortably. – "I envy System Goddess who does not have to listen to this…"

Me too, Tsubaki, me too.

I ignored the pair of idiots and focused on Minaris who was happily torturing the villagers who sold her into slavery and killed her mother.

Another member of the sadistic psychopath club founded by Red Queen. I think I should rethink my tastes when choosing women...

Throughout the carriage ride, I had several thoughts for the future.

With Rasen's portals, I sent Arisa, Lulu, and Elle to the main base so they can rest and meet my harem.

I sent a message to Yuriko to create a new government department, 'Otaku Research Department'.

It sounds stupid and it's kind of stupid, it's basically a government department focused on bringing together people with otaku tendencies.

Some of my wives like anime but it seems that not all worlds have the same animes so I will need to gather female otaku from various worlds to make sure I gather as much information as possible since I myself cannot access the 'Spoilers'.

I also need to check the limitations and side effects of the 'Otaku' title, but from what I've seen on Arisa and according to the information BB has, this title has the same side effect as a system.

BB seems to have a great understanding of otakus so I asked her some questions, and although this woman gives me endless headaches, she knows some very interesting things.

According to BB, an 'Otaku' ignores the fact that we are all characters and see themselves as 'Real People' while all other entities are just 'Characters'.

This does not mean that the 'Otakus' are evil and egotistical entities, in fact, there are cases where the 'Otakus' empathize and fall in love with fictional characters so, when they meet those characters, the 'Otakus' become obsessed with the character.

It seems that the love for fictional characters is a common trait of otakus, which is worrying because detachment from reality is the first step towards stupidity and the most dangerous thing is a powerful idiot.

BB mentioned that the majority of 'Otakus' are perverts who masturbate with fictional characters in addition to having social problems that can range from school bullying, loneliness, depression, family problems, or sexual frustration.

I don't know about otaku culture so I don't know if she is telling the truth or just despising otaku, but this might explain a theory I have.

My theory is that most system users have the title 'Otaku' which would explain why users treat women like collectible sex dolls, after all, for system users women are not people but fictitious objects born to satisfy various fetishes.

Also, this would explain why most system users do not question the reason why they get a system, they see the situation as a lucky blessing or a gift from a higher power and unconsciously avoid thinking about the situation since they only want to fulfill their own desires.

Seen this way, it's likely that I found out the truth about systems and Higher Entities since I don't watch anime so, instead of being happy about fulfilling a dream, I got paranoid because I'm a pessimist.

Anyway, this helped me better understand system users.

Another thing is that BB mentioned that the Otaku title can only be obtained naturally and by the person's own initiative. If I force other people to become otaku, they won't get the title and in the future, their minds will be broken if they find out that the worlds of the multiverse are based on fictional stories.

In fact, BB mentioned that even if I spread the information that the anime worlds are real, I must not mention that the multiverse is a fictional work or even my wives might go crazy and fall into existential depression.

The most believed theory in the multiverse is that some worlds capture information from other worlds, but to prevent the worlds from merging or colliding, the world that receives the information only turns that information into works of fiction.

It is like saying that the gods are real, but in order to prevent humanity from falling into chaos, humanity interprets the gods as mythological figures even though they are real.

I will spread that belief among my harem while keeping the truth secret.

Anyway, the point of all this is that I will need to seek out more female otaku to get information from other worlds and entities.

To all this, Navi almost makes me want to kill him by reminding me that Umaru is a complete otaku.

Fucking Navi.

With my self-knowledge skills, I have already verified that I have no romantic love for Umaru, only brotherly love born from the fact that I have taken care of her all her life, and over time I developed emotional ties with that brat.

For sufferers of incestuous fetishes, I'm glad you're disappointed. Incest is for sick degenerates.

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' says that... Well... You don't want to know]

As I said, I learned many things thanks to BB.

Oh, there's more exciting news.

My favorite author, Lovecraft, indirectly sent me a problem of cosmic proportions.

The entity that sends me more than ten thousand messages a day turned out to be Nuclear Chaos. I will not think or say its name as that may cause that entity to find me and I am sincerely disturbed by the massive comment spam saying 'Where are you?! Do you hate me?! You do not want to see me?! Want to see you!'.

According to BB, 'The Blind Idiot God' is a mentally unstable entity that destroys everything in sight while screaming and growling in search of a twisted feeling of love.

Even I, a completely mentally ill, am not willing to risk becoming the lunch of a cosmic horror.

On the other hand, BB also knows information about Beast VII, in fact, it was Beast VII who almost exterminated BB's existence.

The multiverse is infinite and I'm the only idiot who finds galactic problems around every corner, how troublesome...

Whatever, one step at a time.

System Goddess has always been a coward so she doesn't know the power ranking of the strongest beings in the multiverse since she avoids any dangerous information, although it's actually impossible to create a power scale that can span the entire multiverse anymore that there are many factors that influence battles.

An example:

A god who can destroy countries faces a human who can only destroy a car.

Although the god is stronger, the human has a special artifact or ability that allows him to kill gods with a slap.

The god is stronger in destructive power, but for reasons of compatibility, the human will win the fight.

Compatibility issues notwithstanding, I'm going to try to rank entities based on overall destructive power. This ranking may vary between worlds as magical power is weak in a cultivation world and cultivation is weak in a magic world.

I'll start by ranking the most powerful entities in my group.

Ortro and I have power on a continent-scale.

System Goddess has power on a country-scale.

Kon has city-scale power.

While this sounds powerful, Beast VII has universe-scale power, it's even possible that the entity could destroy multiple universes at once.

Living is troublesome...

Leaving all this shit confused, I watched as Minaris used her hands to play with the brain of the girl who was her childhood friend causing the girl to convulse with an expression of pain beyond what was humanly possible. Minaris has been diligent in her studies in acupuncture and neurology, she makes me proud.

"I'm surprised how little this bothers me…" Tsubaki sighed heavily. – "Luis, seriously, get some moralistic wives, we need to balance the moral balance of this family, it is not good that you have so many wives on the evil side"

I nodded, it will be a problem if all the women around me are psychopaths as that will make it difficult to raise my daughters. I don't want to have to deal with a bunch of brats with genocidal tendencies.

I sighed and stood up as Minaris finished mutilating the villagers.

Even though Minaris killed most of the villagers, she asked me to store the girl who was her childhood friend, her father, and a boy who happened to be a native hero of this world. Minaris is going to use them to continue her practice of torture techniques.

"Well, it's time for you girls to go home" – I smiled at Setsuna and Minaris who were cleaning the blood from their hands.

The village of Setsuna was on the way to this place so we went to visit. Thanks to the plot armor they were being attacked by human soldiers allowing me to act as a noble hero who came to save them.

I killed the humans and sent Setsuna's clan to my base. Some of the beastkin weren't even willing to follow me, but Setsuna cut out the tongues of the idiots who caused trouble. I love this girl.

"But..." - Setsuna's ears lowered sadly, this girl has had fun killing every human we've met along the way.

"You don't have to be disobedient to the master" – Minaris scolded Setsuna despite the fact that she herself is fighting against her own wishes to follow me.

Setsuna sighed and nodded so I patted her head. – "In the evening I will return to reward you for all the good work you have done these days"

Setsuna was so happy that it was difficult to relate her to the more than 200 deaths that have occurred in the last two days.

Now that Shijou helps me control the spatial abilities of the Rasen I can travel to the Demon Kingdom in a matter of seconds plus I can move to most spatial coordinates as long as I can analyze them carefully.

I'm training to be able to use spatial movement during battles, but it's still complicated because of how complex it is to calculate each spatial coordinate since the slightest mistake can cause my body to be destroyed by spatial cracks.

When Minaris and Setsuna returned to the Demon Kingdom, I headed to the forest.

Fleonell knew the approximate location of the resting grounds of some of the gods. The Will of the World gave me additional information about the name and concept handled by each god, so I made a travel route to find the most useful gods.

Kaito has been sending me reports about the Kingdom of Light's actions and the information is troublesome.

While the Human Empire is the strongest nation with the best technology and the largest number of heroes, the Kingdom of Light is a nation focused on religion, so the influence of Paradise is the most noticeable.

What worries me is that Kaito informed me that angels have started appearing around the capital recently.

Kaito fought against an angel when he tried to enter the capital.

The Traitor Hero was almost killed as the angel had immunity to status effects, high magic resistance, and regenerative skills.

He was able to fight as his skill [Spiritual Sword] can attack the soul so the angel was severely injured and Kaito managed to cut off his arm and then use a spatial movement magic artifact.

Kaito sent me the arm to analyze it and the result was that that angel is a puppet from Paradise used as cannon fodder.

Although in a general context this puppet is weak, this thing is mass-produced so the Kingdom of Light can summon an army of millions of warriors at the level of a beginner hero.

While it seems that Paradise is spending all its resources to obtain this world, the truth is that it is a small investment for a high-level organization.

For example, the heroes that are constantly summoned are single-use heroes that are easy to produce if you have the right resources.

These heroes can only use skills in this world and if they travel to other worlds they will lose all their skills and become ordinary humans, plus a mass-produced hero will never be as strong as a true hero.

The reason why this world is so important despite not being a high-level world is that if Paradise combines the fake hero production method and the Laws of this world that encourage the creation of heroes then it is theoretically possible to make true heroes en masse.

Looking at it like this I want to stay with this world to build an army, but if I do that then big organizations will start persecuting me for what's not worth it.

I was talking to the Will of the World and we reached an agreement.

If I cannot face Paradise, the Will will separate itself from this world and annex itself to one of my personal worlds.

This will make me lose the natural resources of this world, but as long as the Will is mine, I can create a hero factory if I can rebuild the Laws of this world.

For now, I need allies so I arrived at the location of my first objective, the place where the God of Death and Darkness rests.

The place looked like an ordinary cave without traces of energy, but this was the entrance to meet one of the most dangerous entities in this world.

From what I heard from Fleonell, the God of Death and Darkness was one of the strongest gods in this world. His followers were mainly made up of demons, witches, and humans being the only god that was revered by both Inhumans and humans.

The problem was that in the war thousands of years ago, this god was wounded by the alliance of various gods who feared his power. After that, the God of Death and Darkness sought refuge away from the world to rest and there are legends that speak of his future return and revenge.

The Will of the World warned me that the Authority of the God of Death and Darkness is complete so that god must have already recovered from his wounds, but for some reason, he refused to show himself to the world.

Well, never mind, with the Authority given to me by the Will of the World I can force that god to obey me and if he causes trouble I will devour him when he is no longer useful.

When I got to the cave I stopped because I saw a black-haired boy who was injured and seemed to be running away from a group of bandits which is strange because in this area of the forest there should be no settlements of sentient beings.

I looked at the situation and wanted to try a new trick.

When [Reader's Madness] evolved I got the ability to see Destiny and Plot so I focused on this skill.

To begin with, I saw that the boy was covered in a golden aura which perhaps represents the role of the protagonist.

In addition to the golden aura, there was a red thread connecting the boy and the interior of the cave.

I don't know what this represents, but in some cultures, a red thread is the representation of destiny that connects two hearts in a romantic way, although the color red can also represent violence so it could be a sign of fated enemies.

Now I will have to study the meanings of the colors… How troublesome.

I sighed and walked over to the group. I didn't waste my time understanding the context of the situation and just devoured the bandits.

I didn't immediately kill the boy but instead used my new title [No Otaku] and I tried to take the boy's place as the protagonist.

Since my Destiny Energy was stronger than the boy's, I could easily steal his place as the protagonist and I could see the red thread separate from his body and connect to mine.

There was no trace of Paradise in his soul, but there was a strong destiny worthy of a protagonist so for now, I will keep him in case the God of Death and Darkness meets this boy. For now, I'll keep him in Ortro's stomach and if he's not useful I'll let Ortro digest him.

I entered the cave. At first, the place looked like a normal cave where a bear would live, but when I got to the bottom of the cave I saw a small natural well.

I saw that the red thread indicated that the well is a path so I entered the well and inside there was an underwater current in the direction of the red thread.

After advancing a bit there was a cave with an underground river that didn't fill the whole cave so a normal human could survive if he entered the well.

I followed the current of the river and after advancing several kilometers I finally reached an underground lake that was covered in mist. The water was heated by what seemed like hot springs while the river was the source of water responsible for regulating the temperature.

This lake seemed to have some kind of restrictive ability since my perception skills were being suppressed and although I can use [Rasen] to free myself from this restriction, this would destroy the lake and I want to analyze it.

The red thread indicated that my target was in the lake so I prepared to fight and use the Authority to suppress the deity.

I stepped into the lake carefully, but there was a sudden rush of water. The current was strong, but not strong enough to push me so I kept steady in the water.

[System Notification: The skill 'Lucky Pervert' has been activated]



The current of the water pushed a slim figure against my chest.

I didn't have time to speak as the slender figure raised her delicate hand to my face as unpleasant green phosphorescent smoke appeared from her fingers.

"Die pervert! Corrosive mist of the lord of death!"

… Why god is a flat-chested girl? Did my stupid plot armor cause this?

"Nani?! Why doesn't my magic work?!"

And she speaks Japanese…. This is stupid.

I sighed and hefted the flat-chested girl over my shoulder like a sack of rice.

"Let go of me you pervert! Help! A pervert is kidnapping me!"

If this is a god then my atheism is justified.

I got to the edge of the lake and noticed that this lake was designed to be identical to a Japanese hot spring, there was even a bamboo tube that hits a rock when filled with water.

I lowered the girl to the ground and she immediately moved away from me as she used her hands to cover her private parts since she was naked.

I sighed and used [Rasen] to dry my clothes. – I'm not interested in a brat's body so stop looking at me like I'm going to do something to you"

"What?! Who are you calling a brat?!" – The brat was furious. – "I am a beautifully mature and sexy woman!"

The girl pressed her hand that was hiding her non-existent breasts as if she was trying to make them look bigger, but this only proved that she is a cutting board.

I sighed deeper, god is disappointing.



Author's Note:

Who can guess who the girl is? ~

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