No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 197: One Idiot Can Ruin Everything

Chapter 197: One Idiot Can Ruin Everything

I have always had the firm belief that humans are idiotic and egotistical creatures whose narcissism makes them incompetent, but now I have to rethink my vision of the world, maybe humans are not the most idiotic creatures...

"Do not move!" – A general of the elves yelled at us while hundreds of archers aimed their magic arrows at us.

"It has to be a joke..." - I sighed and tried to reason with the general. – "There are literally three gods here and the daughter of a god… Are they really going to attack us?"

"Shut up human!" – The elf with fascist tendencies yelled at me with hatred. – "You humans are disgusting creatures that do not deserve to enter our territory!"

I massaged my forehead, the idea of ​​burning this forest is tempting me...

Nephilia frowned and her magic began to influence the forest, but I put my hand on her head to calm her down, I still don't want to exterminate these idiots.

Whatever, I'll do this in a civilized way.

I pointed at Silfina. – "She is Silfina Est Philianis! A member of the high nobility!"

(Author's Note: Silfina Est Philianis from Ore no "Kantei" Skill ga Cheat Sugite: Densetsu no Yuusha wo Yomi "Tori" Saikyou e)

I pointed at Seras. – "This is Seras Ashrain! One of the princesses with the lineage of the royal family!"

I held Nephilia's hand. – "This is Nephilia, daughter of one of the deities that protect this forest!"

(Author's Note: Nephilia de Maou no Ore ga Dorei Elf wo Yome ni Shitanda ga, Dou Medereba Ii?)

"In addition to them, you are in the presence of the great Dragon God and the daughter of the God of Death and Darkness!" – I showed an offended attitude towards the elves. – "Do you really plan to maintain this offense against these noble existences?!"

The general and the elven soldiers froze.

It's okay to offend the human hero who fights to protect the Inhumans, but it's wrong to offend elven royalty and true gods. Using classism against classists is strangely nice.

The general proved that his brain is just an ornament as he pointed a magic sword at me. – "Eliminate the human! He is only here to steal our women and destroy our home!"

Oh, this idiot sees the future...

Of the 500 elves present, 400 obeyed the order and attacked me with their arrows.

The elves' aim was so good that none of the arrows would hit the women around me, but I didn't even have to defend myself since the beautiful women around me are not pacifists.

A wall of bones stopped the arrows, thick roots came out of the ground to capture the elves who shot at me, and a gigantic ball of fire appeared above the elves.

As if that wasn't enough, the general right arm had disappeared without my realizing it...

I looked at Ortro who was moving her mouth as if she was chewing on something.

"What did you do?" – I asked the little girl with tanned skin.

Ortro swallowed what she had in her mouth, pointed at one of the soldiers, and opened her small mouth to take a bite out of the air. – "Chomp"

The soldier's right arm disappeared leaving a wound that looked like the bite of a giant dog...

"I didn't feel spatial magic" - Coco looked curiously at the soldier who was bleeding to death.

Ortro didn't use spatial magic, she literally ignored the concept of 'distance' to devour the elf's arm...

I smiled and patted this brat's head. – "Where did you learn to do that?"

Ortro swallowed what she was chewing and closed her eyes with glee. – "It is annoying that the food defends itself, now I can eat even if the food flees or defends itself"

It seems that she started developing this ability after the system user was able to stop her attack.

I smiled wryly, this girl is a box of surprises.

"Please stop!"

A pretty beautiful elf woman descended from the sky, but what really caught my attention was that woman emitting divine energy mixed with elemental magic, maybe she is a demigoddess or the reincarnation of a god.

The woman stopped in front of us, her expression one of anxiety and concern for her fellow elf being suffocated by the magical roots, but despite everything, she did not show the slightest hostility towards us.

"I am very sorry for the attitude of my colleagues" - The woman bowed respectfully. – "I beg the noble deities to let this lack of respect pass, I myself will take responsibility for what happened…"

I nodded at the girls and they nullified her attacks, though Coco seemed a bit disappointed that she couldn't throw a miniature sun at the elves.

I smiled politely, but before I could introduce myself, the elven soldiers started yelling nonsense.

"Holy Lady of the Tree! Please back off! Your Majesty has decreed that we must eradicate these invaders who seek to destroy our home!"

"Quickly, eliminate the enemies before they harm our Holy Lady!"

Before I came I did some research on the elves and their social structure.

At the top of the social pyramid are the 5 gods of nature (God of Water, Goddess of Life, God of Earth, God of Wind, and Goddess of the Elves).

As a representative of the gods is the Holy Lady of the Tree, Aialize Bolenan. She is part of the council of High Elves, they are the 8 oldest, wisest and strongest individuals in the forest. The problem is that 7 of the 8 sages are in a state of hibernation due to the excessive use of magic during the war while Aialize is supposedly too kind a woman causing the council of sages to lose authority.

Then there is the Elf King and although he is below the council, he has been solidifying his authority in the forest and from the reports Diedhauser gave me, the Elf King made a deal with the humans so he should have ordered the attack against my group to prevent the elves from joining the Demon Kingdom.

I hate politics…

The elven woman who should be Aialize paled and quickly spread her hands in front of us and formed a magical barrier to prevent the elves' attacks from hitting us, not out of fear of us getting hurt but out of fear of offending two deities and a hero.

(Author's Note: Aialize Bolenan from Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody)

Started a drama about Aialize asking why the soldiers attack us while the soldiers insist this is an order from the Elf King.

It was so boring and predictable that I got distracted watching the girls playing a weird card game with pictures of monsters...

"I summon the red-eyed blue dragon!" - Coco yelled maliciously.

"That's cheating neeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" – Rushia showed her talent in death metal.

"Kukuku, you need to believe in the heart of the cards" - Coco sneered.

Whatever, I'm tired of this stupidity.

I took out a sword that was a replica of the Holy Sword and covered it with [Rasen] and [Anti-Rasen].

Both energies covered the sword causing the energy to form a blue and purple whirlwind around the sword.

When the energy was enough to cut Coco's hard scales into her dragon form, I made a horizontal slash that destroyed Aialize's barrier and shook the entire forest as if a hurricane had hit the place.

The weaker elves were thrown into the air by the force of the wind while Aialize stood with no trouble, but now she looked wary.

"I am a civilized man…" – I sighed and pointed my sword at the general. – "But my patience is limited, I am here to talk to the gods of the forest and not to participate in a stupid play"

Coco smiled and let out her divine energy making even Aialize feel suffocated by the power of the strongest deity in this world.

Rushia did not show a tyrannical presence like Coco, but just a trace of her divinity caused the plants around her to begin to wither as the chill of death spread.

To tell the truth, Coco and Rushia are terrifying women, if it wasn't for the Authority given to me by the Will of the World, I would lose in a head-to-head match against either of them.

Ortro seemed to think that she should show her power as well, but I had to stop her when I realized that this girl was thinking of flooding the forest with a sea of ​​black blood.

"Kill?" - Ortro looked at me curiously.

"Not for now" - I sighed and stroked her head.

"For some reason, I felt chills..." - Coco smiled nervously.

"Dad wasn't as scary as this girl…" – Rushia moved away from Ortro a bit.

Ortro is the natural enemy of the gods as she can nullify immortality, devour divine energy, and is not restricted by the Laws of the gods… What a cute girl.

I dropped this matter and talked to Aialize. – "I really need to talk to the gods of the forest, as you should know the humans are preparing to invade this forest and if we do not do something fast then the World Tree will be destroyed and the elves will be enslaved"

Seras approached with a respectful attitude as she spoke quietly and used wind magic so that only Aialize and I could hear her. – "Holy Lady, what the hero has said is true, besides there is another problem… There are traitors in the forest"

Does this girl know about traitors?

This is good, with her help it will be easier to convince the elves to follow me.

Aialize frowned, although she still seemed wary, she seemed to know Seras so she nodded.

Aialize spoke loudly towards the soldiers. – "The deities have blessed us with their presence so we must be respectful! The human hero is a companion to the noble deities so no one is allowed to disrespect!"

The soldiers continued to glare at me, but they lowered their weapons. Even if the council has lost authority, Aialize is an important figure for the elves.

Aialize led us to the main forest temple instead of taking us to the palace. In political aspects, this is a lack of respect towards the King, but in matters of the divine, this is a sign of respect for the gods.

As we walked we were watched by thousands of elves.

All the elves looked at Rushia and Coco with respect. The girls in my group, especially Nephilia, received curious glances and some infatuated glances as they are beautiful women even among the elven race that is distinguished by beauty.

As for me, I received looks of curiosity and indifference, but mainly hostility and disdain.

I had to order the girls not to kill the idiots who were looking down on me as that would cause mass genocide.

"I'm sorry for the attitude of my companions..." - Aialize spoke with regret upon seeing the behavior of the elves.

I smiled bitterly. – "Well, I am human so I understand that the elves hate me, but I hope this does not bring too many problems since we are in a situation where we cannot be hostile to each other or we will perish"

Aialize nodded seriously and we kept walking, but before reaching the temple we had to stop as a group of soldiers stopped in front of us while escorting a boy with an idiot's face.

The idiot looked at Aialize with respect as he hid his lust, but when his gaze met Nephilia's his were practically overflowed with possessive lust.

I've seen sons of rich families acting like jerks so I know where this is going, possibly the prince of the forest is here to cause trouble. How troublesome...

Aialize didn't notice the idiot's lust, but she frowned at the obvious intentions of hindering my group. – "Your Majesty, I need to take our guests to meet the guardian deities so I beg Your Majesty not to hinder"

Majesty? Is this asshole the Elf King?

Diedhauser's report mentioned that the previous Elf King died at the hands of the Reincarnated so his son took the throne, but the current Elf King must be close to ten thousand years old so I thought he would be an overbearing adult and not an idiot teenager.

This gives me a very bad feeling as this asshole may be doing something very troublesome...

The Elf King smiled arrogantly. – "Holy Lady, the deities are our respectable guests and deserve the best treatment, also the ladies of our race are welcome with open arms… but the presence of this human stains the purity of our beautiful forest so I cannot accept the presence of this man"

"This reminds me of my hometown…" – System Goddess sighed wryly.

"Senpai is a living plot armor so it's normal for assholes to feel the need to humiliate senpai so that senpai can beat them up and romance women lacking in personality, that's how unimaginative clichéd plot works" - BB shrugged.

The imagination of the authors is sometimes disappointing...

I sighed and looked at Aialize tiredly. – "Is this thing your king? Now I understand why the elves have not prospered despite being as long-lived as the dragons…"

Aialize looked down in embarrassment as the Elf King represents the entire forest and if the ruler is an idiot then the people will appear to be made up of idiots.

The Elf King frowned hatefully. – "Damn disgusting human! We elves are the noblest race and loved by the gods! Not even dragons are comparable to us!"

The Dragon God is standing next to me, it's not very smart to say that...

The Elf King kept spitting nonsense. – "We elves are the most venerable existences in this world! A disgusting human doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as us!"

"He looks like it came out of a Chinese urban cultivation novel…" - BB sighed in amazement.

"It pains me to admit that I have met many cultivators with the same mentality as this elf, idiots who are always courting death…" - System Goddess sighed bitterly.

I sighed internally as the Elf King kept yelling racist nonsense that I won't even bother to pay attention to, I just looked at Aialize hoping she would stop this asshole.

Aialize looked at me helplessly showing that she is unable to silence the racist asshole.

Similar to how I can impose restrictions on the supernatural entities of Gaia as long as it's within Japanese territory, the Elf King seems to have an Authority over the elves within this forest.

This authority does not come from the Will of the World but from the gods of the forest.

I sighed heavily and motioned for Coco to intimidate the elves.

"Finally, I was getting bored of listening to stupid things" - Coco smiled and showed her divine energy making the elves convulse and pass out.

I looked in the direction of the World Tree and spoke loudly. – "If you have stopped looking, come here or I will destroy this idiot!"

Five presences with divine aura appeared from the top of the World Tree. When the five entities approached they tried to show a strong front by taking advantage of the fact that this is their terrain and they have an attribute advantage, but the raw power of Coco and Rushia is enough to ignore these advantages so the five gods submissively diminished their presences.

The 5 deities stopped in front of my group and looked at Coco and Rushia with concern and a bit of fear.

A humanoid body composed of water made a polite bow. – "It is an honor to see again the highness Dragon God and the heiress of the God of Death and Darkness…"

"I don't have time for stupid things" – I sighed and used my Authority to force the five gods to kneel.

Not allowing the five gods to complain, I forced them to take an oath of obedience to become Ortro's slaves.

"How dare you do this to us?!" – The Wind God who was a kind of bird man yelled indignantly.

Ortro approached her new toy and broke his arms, then began chewing on his legs creating crunching sounds that made the other gods pale. – "It does not taste like chicken… Disappointing…"

"Help me! Help! My soul is being damaged! I'm sorry, I won't speak again, please stop!" – The God of the Wind began to scream when his right leg had become a mass of chewed meat to which I gave an indication to Ortro to leave him alone.

Coco looked at this curiously. – "So this is how yakuza work… I still have a lot to learn"

Aialize was totally horrified to see the most important figures in the forest being treated like trash, but I don't have time to chat civilly.

When the Elf King started talking nonsense, I received a telepathic message from Envy to inform me that Ryou Shiramine received an emergency message to receive the airborne troops from the Northern Kingdom.

As if that wasn't enough, Fleonell has just notified me that the Human Empire, the Kingdom of Light, and the Kingdom of the South are mobilizing their elite troops in the direction of the Forest of the Elves.

My theory is that the Elf King sent an emergency message to the humans to inform them that the hero Seiji was here and now humanity is preparing a massive attack to eliminate me.

I approached the Elf King and used acupuncture to force him to wake up.

I used [Reader's Madness] on my gaze causing my pupils to become as dark as a black hole. I used [Anti-Rasen] to prevent the people around me from being affected by my Madness and focused on the Elf King's eyes. – "Did you inform the humans that I am here?"

The elves and gods around me showed horror and disbelief at my words as they don't believe that the Elf King could be stupid enough to do that.

The Elf King lost all trace of emotion on his face. His emotions, personality, will, self-concept, and motivations were totally destroyed leaving only his memory and ability to answer questions.

"I sent a message to the humans about the presence of the hero of the Inhumans… I reported that the hero is being escorted by the Dragon God and the daughter of the God of Death and Darkness, I also reported the secret entrance to the Elven Forest as well as described in detail the military power of the Elven Forest…" – The Elf King replied with an expressionless voice.

This is a fucking shit...

According to the specifications of the air transportation developed by the humanity of this world, the invasion of the Northern Kingdom should begin in one hour.

Troops from the other three human kingdoms should arrive within 2 to 3 hours.

The barrier that protects the forest can prevent the use of weapons of mass destruction, but it is possible that Paradise had prepared countermeasures for this.

The humans want the World Tree so they won't use weapons of mass destruction at first, but if they feel the battle is going to last too long then they can start a bombardment at the risk of damaging the World Tree.

If I'm not mistaken, the humans will send the heroes to fight me so I have about 3 hours before this place becomes a desolate wasteland...

"Lies! The hero is manipulating the King! It is impossible for Your Majesty to do something like that!" – One of the assistants of the Elf King shouted with anguish since he is surely an accomplice.

"Why?! Why did you do that?!" – Aialize screamed in desperation, she seems to believe that the king is capable of doing this.

The Elf King was a willless puppet who only knows how to answer questions so he answered Aialize's question. – "Because I loved you, but you did not love me… When I told you my feelings you said that I am just an adorable child and you rejected me… The humans promised that if I give them the Forest they will help me make you my slave, so I can make you pay for the humiliation you made me experience…"

… The multiverse is full of pathetic idiots who don't know how to face rejection…

"This… This is my fault…" – Aialize went into a depressive spiral but this is not the time for these dramas.

I raised my sword causing Aialize to scream in horror.


In a second the head of the prince and his assistants fell to the ground.

Two spiral portals opened behind me and hundreds of soldiers began to emerge.

"General!" – Takashi made a military salute.

"Begin the evacuation of the elves to the portal, ignore the people who refuse to leave their homes, and kill those who cause disturbances" - I started giving orders to fix this mess.

I took out a map and handed it to this loyal subordinate who is also my stepson. – "Organize four squads to place traps in the marked locations, I want these places to become traps capable of stopping an army"

Takashi nodded and began to lead the soldiers.

I originally made preparations to invade the Elven Forest so I already have a plan of action, but now I'll have to defend this place while I prepare some things.

Coco explained to me that the World Tree is a living, unintelligent entity whose only instinct is self-preservation.

The tree establishes a connection with an elf woman to be the one in charge of protecting the tree. Elf women have a greater affinity with the energy of nature, so the chosen woman becomes the Holy Maiden of the Tree.

In addition to caring for the tree, every one hundred thousand years the Holy Maiden can perform a ritual to make the tree produce a special fruit that contains the laws and concepts of the World Tree.

This fruit has two uses.

The first use is to make an entity gain a special affinity with the laws of nature and life. This is a very important power since even deities can benefit from this fruit.

The second use is to grow a second Tree of Life. This can only be done if the World Tree perishes as there cannot be more than one World Tree in the same world.

Now is the right time for the ritual and that is why humanity is so eager to capture the Forest of the Elves, they desire the fruit of the tree.

I approached Aialize who had gone into shock as she looked at the idiot's decapitated head.

I touched her shoulder, but she didn't respond, she feels guilty about what happened, but I don't have time for compassion.

I used a weak version of [Sadism] to make the elf woman react.

Aialize shuddered and let out a cry of pain that snapped her out of emotional shock.

I grabbed her face and forced her to look me in the face. I already disabled the effects of [Reader's Madness] but I've been told that my eyes are scary when I'm in a bad mood.

"Listen, you are not responsible for what that idiot did, but we are in a life or death situation so instead of crying over the death of some unimportant idiot, better do something useful that will ensure the survival of your people" – I let go of Aialize's face and pointed at my soldiers who were forcing the elves into the spiral portal.

"The humans will destroy this place and I can't stop them, they have weapons that allow them to face the gods so no one can bring a miracle" - I said a tragic truth. – "Since it is useless to fight, we must flee, but if we leave then the World Tree will fall into the hands of humans, or worse, the tree will die…"

My words made Aialize react.

Aialize took a deep breath and managed to stand up, although her legs were still shaking.

"5 hours…" – Aialize looked at me seriously. – "I need 5 hours to get the Fruit of the World"

"5 hours is a long time" - I frowned.

"It's the least I need" - Aialize looked down sadly.

I sighed. – "Fine, hurry up with the ritual, I will take care of the humans"

Aialize nodded and hurried to the World Tree.

I pointed to the Goddess of the Elves and the Goddess of Life. – "This is an order, you two protect the Holy Maid so that no one intervenes in the ritual"

Both goddesses nodded and went with Aialize.

Even if the forest gods hate me for turning them into slaves, they understand the seriousness of the situation since humans possess weapons capable of harming weak gods like them.

Even though the Forest Gods are in the same category as Rushia and Coco, the Forest Gods are mainly peaceful so even if they fight together, Coco can easily crush them.

The Wind God looked at me with fear and doubt. – "Em, why only the goddesses will escort the maiden? Wouldn't it be better if all of us protected her?"

These cowardly gods want to avoid fighting on the front lines...

I smiled friendly. – "You shut up and prepare to fight or I will mutilate your bodies until you beg for death"

Rushia approached me with a smile that didn't match her murderous look. – "Did you leave those two goddesses alone because they have big breasts?"

I smiled and stroked her hair affectionately. – "They are too weak and will only be a hindrance, not like my pretty wife who can crush an army"

Rushia stopped looking at me with murderous intent and smiled tenderly.

"Wow, I just saw a yandere being tamed" - Coco looked at me in disbelief. – "Yazuka are great…"

I put silly jokes aside and started my preparations.

"Get out of here human! You guys have no authority here!" – An elf shouted with hatred as he tried to hit one of my soldiers.

The soldier did not respond and directly shot at the elf's head.

"Daddy!" – An elf girl screamed in horror seeing this while her mother wept with sorrow.

"Damn heartless monsters!" – Another elf shouted with hatred upon seeing this. – "Everyone, take your weapons! Let's kill these demons!"

I concentrated a sphere of [Rasen] in my hand and threw it at the elf causing it to explode.

"If you don't want to leave, that's fine! Lock yourself in your house and wait for the enemies to kill the children and **** the women! I don't give a shit if you guys think this is unfair!" – I yelled in frustration, this is a nuisance.

Seras approached me angrily. – "Aren't you being too cruel? They just want to protect this forest…"

I sighed. – "Fine, let them do what they want, I will take my soldiers and leave here while everyone is killed… If in the future I see you being sold as a sexual slave, I will not help you"

Seras froze and lowered her head.

A child came up to me holding a stick. – "You killed my father! I'll kill you!"

I was about to decapitate the boy, but a sword swung quickly and in a second the elves fell silent.

"You heard the hero!" – Seras shook her sword to clean the blood of the boy that stained the weapon. – "If you want to die, do it in silence! Those who want to live listen to the hero's subordinates!"

Seras sheathed her sword and turned away so the elves wouldn't see her cry.

I put my hand on her shoulder so she wouldn't pass out from what she had just done.

"You did what was necessary to save the greatest number of innocent lives" - I spoke with sincere softness, I like the will of this girl.

Seras took a deep breath to keep from throwing up.

I continued giving orders to the soldiers while my hand remained on Seras's shoulder until she could calm down.

That's why I prefer to be the one to deal with this stupidity instead of the women around me. Being an ethical leader is painful in crisis situations, so I am indifferent to the pain of others, so as not to increase my concerns.

"Hey Listen! Take advantage of the chaos to fuck lolis and milfs pointy-eared!" – I heard an annoying voice in my mind.

I frowned, although I made a lot of food for Navi to shut his mouth, this idiot has been very quiet lately.

"What did you do now idiot?" – I hope this bad feeling is just a side effect of [Paranoia]…

"Hey Listen! I prepared something that you are going to love!" – Navi shouted with joy. – "When your cultivator wife absorbed the system of the personality-less idiot, there were some materials left over so I prepared something amazing!"

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' says you don't want to know, really, you don't want to know...]


What the fuck did this asshole do?!

System Goddess listened to the conversation and quickly checked my system. – "Um…. L-Luis… Please try to calm down…"

"Just tell me what the asshole did…" - I took a deep breath.

"…The fairy used the remains of the system's dimensional travel to form an skill that connects you to the multiverse, in the same way, the 'Hero's Destiny' skill does… The thing is… Well… I don't know how to explain it…" – System Goddess was scared by my reaction.

I looked at the skill and had the desire to kill Navi and then kill myself…

"Muahahahaha I'm a genius! Kneel before my greatness, bitches!"



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