No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 198: The Immortal Cockroach

Chapter 198: The Immortal Cockroach

In the sky, thousands of dragons were commanded by a gigantic dragon that was as big as a mountain.

Dragons are a proud race and masters of the skies so seeing enemies trying to engage them in aerial combat made the dragons furious and attacked mercilessly.

On land, soldiers in military suits and Inhumans of all kinds of races fired at medieval knights holding magical weapons.

Millions of ghosts moved around the battlefield generating effects of fear, anguish, despair, and pain for the enemies.

Although the day makes the ghosts very weak, large black clouds covered the sky making the day turn into night.

In addition to the darkness on the battlefield, the combination of Kon, Lunaris, and Rushia's divinities caused the ghosts to constantly grow stronger with each living thing that dies on the battlefield causing the ghosts to begin to evolve into Evil Spirits capable of creating terror and anguish if they were brought to a world like Gaia.

Whenever an allied soldier or dragon died in battle, the ghosts carried the corpses out of the combat area and brought them to Rushia for her to resurrect them and fight again.

A sea of ​​zombies spilled out against the enemy soldiers.

Although the humans of this world were immune to the zombie virus due to the magically energized antibodies, the zombie virus still caused nausea, dizziness, and intestinal necrosis so being bitten by a zombie meant getting genetically enhanced gangrene.

In addition to the zombies, there was a massive army of mutated animals that did not fear death.

The monster-taming talent of the little girls in my group has been improving and now they can command the low intelligence monsters of this world like magic wolves, orcs, and goblins.

The Northern Kingdom army was facing an endless sea of monsters, soldiers, dragons, ghosts, Inhumans, zombies, mutants, and elemental spirits that were commanded by the forest gods.

Since using the turtle tactic of resisting the enemy in a closed place would be suicide under these circumstances, I mobilized my troops and staged an ambush against the Northern Kingdom troops before the enemy soldiers could set up their combat formations.

The enemy soldiers are too reliant on their radars so Ortro turned into a raven and we approached them using [Mythomania] to hide our presence, then I opened a spiral portal on the enemy army and unleashed wave after wave of soldiers.

The fight has lasted about an hour so I have two hours left before reinforcements from the other 3 nations arrive in the forest.

Fortunately, Ryou (Envy) was ordered to retreat as the rookie hero is not yet ready to face a veteran hero like Seiji, and Ryou's death would be a great loss for Paradise.

Actually, none of my acquaintances from the Northern Kingdom were sent to this fight, it seems that Diedhauser is sure that I will die with the current troops so it was not necessary to send his trump cards, although I cannot say the same for the other nations so I can't let my guard down or a hero with special skills might temporarily incapacitate me if I'm careless.

As the soldiers and gods battled on earth and in the sky, I shook my body to clean the bits of intestines and blood that stained my clothes.

My right arm was regenerating as the wounds on my body closed with visible speed.

"Monster! You killed Sumire-san!" – A black-haired boy screamed with terror and hatred as he looked at the female head that was under my foot.

I sighed and crushed the human head, she was a pretty girl, what a waste…


"Amano-kun don't do it!"

The boy rushed to attack me as his teammates screamed in horror.

I sighed and used one of the Kosaka Style techniques to perform three vertical slashes in one motion.

The boy broke into three pieces of meat, dying instantly.

I sighed again, this is boring.

While my army faced the soldiers, I faced the heroes of the Northern Kingdom and the result is disappointing.

Since this group is made up of the first heroes summoned by the Northern Kingdom, I had higher expectations for these idiots, but they are just cowardly children who fear death and suffering.

Even if these children received military training and possess unique skills that could allow them to build a small country, they still lack the experience and temperament of a soldier.

These idiots cry if a teammate dies, they lose motivation if their skills can't beat me in an instant, and they give up when they feel pain. They do not serve as soldiers.

The most tedious thing is that I have to drag this fight out so that the human reinforcements ignore the Elven Forest and focus on killing me. Aialize still needs another four hours to get the fruit.

Although I insist that these idiots have weak wills, I still have to be careful since unique skills are no joke.

The girl I decapitated first had an ability that allowed her to create a gravity cage where the enemy would be restrained, another boy had the ability to generate beams of energy with a temperature comparable to nuclear fusion, and another boy could manipulate probability so that the attacks of his allies had a 100% chance to hit me.

That's how I lost an arm and I must say it was unpleasant, I still lack experience in fighting skills that manipulate reality and probability...

Of the initial 50 heroes, I have already killed 10 so I can still prolong this meaningless battle.

On the plus side, Ortro is having fun.

On the battlefield, there are hundreds of rats, cockroaches, and other insects which are devouring the flesh and blood of the enemies who are injured and unable to defend themselves, Ortro keeps making noises of joy for all the food she can chew.

"Don't let this monster intimidate you! We are the heroes who will save humanity! We cannot let fear hold us back!" – A protagonist-looking boy shouted heroically as he used a skill to strengthen the will of his companions.

I sighed out loud. – "Hey brats, this is the situation… I am also Japanese and I don't want to kill my compatriots so if you lower your weapons and surrender peacefully then I won't turn you into minced meat"

"Don't listen to him!" – The boy from before shouted again. – "This monster just wants us to lower our guard because if we work together then we can defeat it!"

"Wow, this idiot seems to read too many shonen mangas where he gains the power of friendship" – BB was having fun inside my head.

I sighed again, I need to steal the Crystal Heart or Paradise will keep summoning these idiots.

I know there is Namaka Power and it's possible to win a match as long as you have strong plot armor, but it's stupid to use Nakama Power against a hero, even worse against a system user who is also a hero.

I allowed the heroes to say stupid things to motivate themselves to fight, although it was a pleasant surprise to see that not all Japanese teenagers are idealistic idiots and some heroes chose to drop their weapons and kneel on the ground.

I like people who know when to give up in order to survive.

I pretended to be tired so that the heroes would fight me while the soldiers sent out an emergency signal to indicate my current location, so the enemy reinforcements would come to this uninhabited area while Aialize finished the ritual.

The problem is that there is a possibility that not all humans will fall into this trap so I prepared several elite troops to protect the forest plus I can return to the forest with Shijou's space abilities.

I started fighting with the heroes while being careful to use [Anti-Rasen] to nullify the most troublesome skills.

My attention was divided between keeping my wives safe, keeping an eye out for possible use of weapons of mass destruction, keeping trouble out of the forest, and keeping in touch with Seraph.

The alliance contract I made with Auriel allows me to establish a telepathic link with Seraph to maintain communication. This link is comparable to the one generated by my system as not even the System Goddess can access this link which shows that Auriel is very skilled at establishing secret lines of communication.

Through this link I contacted Seraph. – "How are things on your side?"

"Things are progressing correctly, the agents of 'Absolute Paradise' are busy monitoring your skills to look for weaknesses... Be very careful because if you show all your trump cards you will be in danger in the future" – Seraph spoke to me with some concern.

I was expecting this, since the battle started I felt the gaze of some Higher Entities so I haven't used Ortro's soul destruction skills which made her a bit sad.

"Do you need reinforcements?" – Seraph asked me kindly.

"No, your allies should concentrate on forming the Dimensional Gate" - I answered seriously as my sword cut off the head of a boy with glasses. – "As long as the door is completed, we will have won this war"

"..." – Seraph let out a sigh. – "Be careful, the leaders of 'Absolute Paradise' are proud and will not allow an unaffiliated human hero to hinder their plans"

"Well, I doubt that our holy lady will stand by while a group of villains mistreats a weak and defenseless hero" - I spoke with irony.

Seraph let out a soft laugh. – "You may still be weak compared to the faction leaders, but you are definitely not defenseless… But do not worry, if things get out of control I have already prepared some security measures for you to be safe"

Worst case scenario I'll sneak into the racist faction's turf and send a good morning message to my scary stalker who keeps sending me 100,000 messages a minute...

I kept fighting with the heroes for two hours until I got a message from Coco.

"The dragons that are guarding the surroundings have noticed that the enemy reinforcements are approaching… Er, things have turned a bit gloomy" – Coco spoke with concern.

I didn't have to ask why she said that since I received a message from Seraph. – "Hero you have to get out of that place immediately! The entity that protected the Human Empire has arrived to eliminate you!"


"Do you know the abilities of that entity?" – I stopped playing with the heroes and immediately killed those who attacked me while showing a slave contract to the heroes who surrendered.

"The entity is an angel specialized in hand-to-hand combat… She is considered to be a low-level warrior since her Divine Energy and Destiny Energy are below average so she is treated as cannon fodder, but she has a skill special that gives him enormous physical strength…" – Seraph spoke to me anxiously. – "Although she is weak in the larger context, she is not restricted by the Laws of a world since she has a low energy level so, if you fight her, your body will be destroyed"

"She can't cause spiritual damage?" – I asked curiously.

"No, but her strength can break magical barriers and crush mountains so you better run away" - Seraph's anxiety continued to increase.

This is going to hurt, but it's not life-threatening so it's fine.

I smiled. – "If I am able to face that angel, would you have a date with me?"

"What?" – Seraph was incredulous. – "Hero, this is not the time to joke around! You must escape immediately!"

I sighed. – "If I leave then the elves will perish and I need to distract the enemies so you can build the Dimensional Gate"

"…" – Although I can't see Seraph's face, I think she paled. – "Hero… You are not thinking about fighting with the angel…"

After enslaving the heroes I forced them to fight the enemy soldiers, then had Ortro transform into a raven to head towards the enemy reinforcements.

"Hero stop!" - Seraph screamed in panic.

"Focus on the Gate, I'll do the rest" - I responded heroically as a martyr willing to sacrifice his life for the greater good.

This is not an impulsive move worthy of an idiotic protagonist, I am sure to survive.

Because I am a Higher Entity and my body is entirely composed of black blood, I can survive even if my body is destroyed at the molecular level, only spiritual attacks can put me in danger.

Just in case I have an additional trick I learned to protect myself from entities that can destroy souls, similar to what Ortro does.

For this BB taught me her main trick to protect her own life and the reason why she is still alive even though Beast VII eliminated 90% of her existence.

The key is to store the Core of Existence within the Madness.

It's basically turning the Core of Existence into a needle hidden in a haystack.

The unstable nature of Madness makes it a constantly changing haystack so unless every fiber of the haystack is destroyed the needle will never be found.

This cheat takes advantage of the chaotic nature of an Outer God as with this method I will only be killed if I lose all my Madness, and being an Outer God I am the epitome of Madness.

To put it simply, this method turns me into a living paradox that can't be totally destroyed unless I lose my Madness which is impossible as even if Ortro dies, she can be resurrected from my soul and vice versa.

I may not be the strongest entity in the multiverse, but I'm becoming the hardest cockroach to kill.

Serafin kept sending me messages to flee, but I heroically ignored her and faced danger.

Even if my body is destroyed, I can tell that Rushia is resurrecting me since the Laws of this world allow resurrection without receiving punishment from Karma.

Although doing this will make Serafin worried since she's not totally idealistic, Auriel seems like a woman who hails martyrs so this will make my new boss look at me favorably.

[System Notification: The entity 'Auriel' has granted her blessing through the contract 'Let's fight for a better place'. The skill 'Heroes Never Die (100%)' has been obtained]

[Heroes Never Die: My sugar mommy protects me~

During a battle, the user will be evaluated by a Hero Meter. This meter will determine lives protected, pain experienced, willpower, heroic speech, and actions with the concept 'Justice'.

When the Hero Meter fills up, the user will gain Auriel's Blessing which will protect the user's soul, body, and mind by improving defensive stats to the upper limit of what the Laws of the world the user is in allow.

Should the user die in battle, the user will pay 0.1% Positive Karma in exchange for resurrection with no secondary effects. Resurrection has no usage limit, but excessive usage will deplete the user's Positive Karma and have negative effects on the user's mental health]

[System Notification: The energy 'Reader's Madness' has negated the mental fatigue of the skill 'Heroes Never Die']

I underestimated Auriel, she knows how to use fraud in a nice way...

Although this skill is impressive since it basically gives me a thousand extra lives, the cost is very high since it is a percentage value and not a fixed amount.

The higher my Positive Karma, the higher the cost of this skill and since I saved 2 worlds, my Positive Karma is equivalent to 1000 heroes…

I sighed internally, this woman has not very pleasant surprises, but well, at least this proves my theory that Serafin reports all my movements to Auriel so my new boss must already know that I am a womanizer.

I activated [Heroes Never Die] and headed towards the Human Empire air fleet.

[System Notification: The 'Hero Meter' has registered the user's voluntary sacrifice. Hero Meter 35% complete]

Oh, this is easier than I thought, I love the naivety of idealists.



Author's Note:

In the end, I chose Mercy for Auriel's appearance, but there are still other entities from Paradise so if you have any suggestions of angels, goddesses, or sacred entities you can leave a comment that I would really appreciate, also applies to enemies~<3

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