No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 200: Peer Pressure Has Triumphed

Chapter 200: Peer Pressure Has Triumphed

After destroying Archon's puppet I headed towards the troops of the other two human nations to intercept the reinforcements.

Since Kanata is now on my side it was relatively easy to destroy the enemy troops, although I died a total of 28 times due to anti-god weapons the enemy troops had.

I lost 2.8% of my Positive Karma but gained the good impression of Auriel and Serafin for what it was worth.

What annoys me a bit is that Coco, Rushia, and Kanata started a stupid competition of who destroys the most enemies and because of lowering their guard Rushia lost an arm while Coco was almost split in half by the skill of a hero that allowed him to cut space.

Since we just destroyed the last set of enemies, I took a short break to scold the three childish women.

I sighed and massaged my forehead while the three troublesome girls were kneeling in the seiza position in front of me.

"When the fight is over I'll have a talk with you three" - I growled with anger at the childish and carefree behavior of these three girls.

The three girls nodded as golden light healed the three girls' wounds as wounds formed on my body.

Besides Archon, I destroyed the puppets of the other members of the racist faction to which Auriel rewarded me with a skill.

It's nice to have a powerful sponsor since Auriel's gifts are comparable to the unique skills granted by the system.

[Hero's Martyrdom: Stupid greater good, it hurts like hell...

The user can absorb the physical, mental and spiritual wounds of other entities which will damage the user's health. When absorbing the wounds of another entity, Auriel's Blessing will cause the wounds to be immediately healed preventing mortal damage, but the suffering will be doubled.

Warning: Excessive use of this skill can cause a mental breakdown and loss of sanity from the pain]

[System Notification: The 'Obsession' stat has negated the negative effects of the 'Hero's Martyrdom' skill]

With this skill, I became a first aid kit.

Using Tsubaki's 'Resonance' and the connection of the engagement rings, I can now absorb the fatal wounds my wives may receive which will keep them safe as this ability can even reduce the damage caused by entities with souls destruction abilities.

It's unbelievable that at this point the feeling of my body being ripped apart by a wood chipper has become somewhat irrelevant and even soul wounds feel like an injection. Compared to my migraine, all pain is irrelevant.

Although the skills granted by Auriel are powerful, she can take these skills from me whenever she wants so I only see them as a loan and still look for means to strengthen myself.

The good side is that I am a system user so I have ways to cheat.

[System Notification: The energy 'Reader's Madness' has created a new skill from the information of the 'Hero's Martyrdom' skill. The skill 'Forced Empathy (100%)' has been obtained]

[Forced Empathy: Suffering unites hearts and I want to be your friend~

When the user comes into physical contact with another entity, it is possible to connect one's suffering with the other entity.

Being a completely mental attack, this skill does not deal any real damage, but this skill cannot be blocked by defensive skills and can only be resisted with the 'Force of Will' or 'Obsession' stat]

This skill synergizes excellently with [Sadism]. By combining both skills I can make an enemy suffer constantly and when the suffering exceeds the mental tolerance, the suffering will turn into spiritual wounds.

The best thing is that not even a complete masochist like Navi can enjoy this combination of skills, although that idiot is still indestructible and doesn't actually take any damage.

I sighed and motioned for the girls to stand up, we have a lot of work to do as I'm sure the racists will do something stupid now that 8 of their 12 puppets were destroyed and Kanata turned traitor.

Seraph informed me that the racist faction is sending letters of complaint to Auriel where they request punishment for the hero Seiji since my actions are disrespectful to those idiots.

Auriel replied that the idealist faction supports me and if the racists want war, there will be war.

It's nice to have a boss who backs me up, not like the stupid Will of the World of Gaia...

Seraph warned me that the racists will make preparations to eliminate me in this world where Auriel has no authority so I have two options. Hide until the Dimension Gate is completed which can take up to 10 years due to enemy interference, or flee back to Gaia and let Seraph fix the problems in this world.

I am a practical man so I chose a third more suitable option, invade the Human Empire to steal the Crystal Heart which will facilitate the construction of the Dimension Gate and prevent the arrival of reinforcements for the racists.

Aialize still needs an hour and a half to finish the ritual, Seraph can't provide reinforcements, and my main army is busy engaging the enemy.

In the eyes of the enemy I am cornered, but they are in no better circumstances.

The Northern Kingdom and the Southern Kingdom still have their trump cards intact so it is dangerous to attack them.

The Kingdom of Light is still in civil conflict over the Holy Maiden's betrayal so I can ignore them for now.

The Human Empire, the most powerful human nation, is now vulnerable due to the loss of the main troops as well as losing their main trump cards; The Reincarnated, Archon, and Kanata.

As a note, the Reincarnated died from the shock wave of Kanata's blow. Racists are idiots for making her emotionally vulnerable...

When the wounds of the three strongest women in my group finished healing, I told them the plan, but Rushia did not agree with my idea of ​​attacking the capital of the Human Empire.

"You need to rest..." - Rushia looked at me with concern. – "I literally saw you being mutilated into thousands of pieces of meat, and although now you do not seem to have injuries, I am concerned about your mental fatigue…"

One of the puppets had psychic abilities that allowed him to blow me up like a child who gets hit by a train, it was disgusting.

I smiled and stroked her hair. – "I am fine, I will take a break when all this mess is solved"

Rushia was still worried, but she nodded and we headed to the capital.

"Luis..." - Tsubaki sighed in my mind. – "Although Madness prevents you from having a mental and emotional collapse, I am concerned that you continue to push yourself into dangerous situations where you suffer beyond what is humanly tolerable…"

"My wife is cute when she cares about me" - I answered with affection.

"Luis, don't make comments like that to distract me" - Tsubaki answered with seriousness and shame. – "I'm serious, you need to take a break"

I sighed internally. – "Even if I want a vacation, I have three plot armors, it is impossible for me to have a vacation since the plot will throw a ridiculous event in my face"

"Hey Listen!..."

"You shut up asshole!" – I answered furiously, this idiot did something too troublesome that I don't even want to mention…

"Senpai is in a bad mood, maybe senpai needs to enjoy a small and innocent body to relax~" – BB spoke with a mischievous voice.

… - "Another comment like that and I'm going to take away your video games"

"Noooo! Senpai is a monster!" - BB yelled in genuine desperation.

Sometimes I wonder if being childish is a requirement to be strong...

"Senpai, joking aside, there's something I need to tell you" – BB spoke to me through a telepathic message to prevent the other women in my mind from hearing us.

We agreed that in discussing matters of Fact and Fiction she would use this method to prevent these secrets from hurting my other wives.

One thing I discovered is that most entities don't give importance to the fact that reality is made up of fictional stories so even if I say this out loud during a fight with a Higher Entity without the Otaku title, that entity won't be harmed.

The 'Spoilers' and the mental destruction only harm those who understand that we are fictional characters, so if an entity sees itself as 'completely real' then that entity will never discover what can be called the 'Fourth Wall'.

Despite this, I am keeping this a secret from my wives and am creating mental restrictions on them so that they never know the truth as I do not want them to suffer the anguish of knowing that we are fictional characters born for the entertainment of other fictional characters in a reality made up of fiction. Basically, everything is fiction depending on the perspective.

I put down the existential explanation and sighed. – "What happens this time?"

"Senpai, I'm sorry to inform you that due to the nature of anime and fiction you will have to fornicate with lolis" – BB gave something stupid with a serious voice.

"BB, I don't have time for this stupid stuff" – I sighed and called the robotic arm to cover it with [Rasen] and [Anti-Rasen].

With the robotic arm, I used Giga Drill Break against the barrier that protected the capital. The barrier was destroyed but the destructive energy continued to advance, causing destruction and death within the capital.

"Senpai, I'm serious, this is no longer a matter of the author of senpai's story being a loser without a girlfriend who gives in to peer pressure from degenerate readers" – BB sighed bitterly which was unusual for her. – "There really are rules in the multiverse that force system users to have insane relationships with lolis"

"Seriously?" - I responded with disbelief at such stupidity.

I had Coco command a group of dragons while Rushia, Kon, and Lunaris summoned an army of evil spirits inside the capital to eliminate the human soldiers, but since there is always collateral damage in war the civilians were also killed.

"To be more specific, you can refuse to have sex with lolis, but those lolis will be lonely and the effects of your skills will make them become deranged yanderes to the level of 'Nuclear Chaos'… And if senpai thinks that everything will be fine with waiting for the lolis to grow up, I'm sorry to report that that will only make the lolis reach their expiration date" – BB sighed.

… What?

I massaged my forehead and formed several steel-like blood stakes to hurl at the heroes and protagonists defending the capital. – "What do you mean by expiration?"

"You see senpai, every world is an anime, comic, movie, or novel, and like all stories, where there is a beginning there is an end..."

"When a story ends, the World restarts and the story begins again, in this way the World maintains a constant supply of Destiny Energy and that is why a World is at risk of dying when a foreign entity alters the plot because the power leak prevents the world from being rebooted…"

"Understanding this comes to a question, what happens to the characters?" – BB asked like a teacher teaching in an elementary school.

I frowned and decapitated a protagonist with the skill to modify the stats of his companions. – "The characters are reset, they are basically eliminated and an identical copy is created…"

"Exactly" – BB nodded. – "The characters reincarnate in themselves in an eternal cycle, this only applies to named worlds since thematic worlds are crossovers that accumulate the fragments of worlds that have perished so if a character dies that character can cease to exist or reincarnate in another world with different characteristics from the original version"

I sighed, I have a very bad feeling.

"Since senpai understands this, there is a problem" – BB sighed heavily. – "When a character interacts with a foreign entity such as a Higher Entity, a system user, a reincarnated or a transmigrated, then the character is corrupted and his data changes…"

"For example, the women in senpai's harem have been influenced by senpai's cynicism so they have lost much of their empathy and respect for human life and even some girls have become senpai-obsessed yanderes" – BB smiled wryly.

I paused for a moment and frowned. – "Does this hurt the characters?"

"Senpai is a loving tsundere who cares about his wives, senpai ga kawaii~" – BB smiled with slight tenderness and mockery. – "But don't worry senpai, modifications in personality and abilities only create small incompatibilities in the nature of the characters, but this can be easily fixed so that senpai can continue corrupting innocent girls~"

… I worried about nothing.

BB frowned. – "But there is still a problem… Like every commercial product, the characters have an expiration date"

I kept silent to wait for the explanation while my sword decapitated protagonists and their harems.

Why the fuck did so many Japanese build a harem on other worlds even though Japan's birth rate is still going down?

Whatever, I'm not in the mood to steal from these women, plus none of these girls are interesting to me.

"You see senpai, characters can be corrupted, you can take waifus out of their worlds and you can sleep with lolis, but in every story, a character has a life expectancy..."

"I'll put it like this..."

"There is an anime where a girl dies at 17 from cancer or a car accident, senpai comes to that world when the girl is 15 so the girl is now safe since she became part of senpai's harem…"

"The girl lives happily for two years and everyone is happy, but after two years the girl will have reached her expiration date..."

"In the beginning, there will be no signs of the girl's deterioration, she will live happily thanks to the skills and bodily enhancements she gets from senpai, but eventually there will be a moment where Destiny comes true..."

"There might be an accident when creating a new skill or it might be that an enemy of senpai casually finds the girl, but regardless of the medium and regardless of whether the girl is protected by the plot armor, the girl will die even if it's offscreen, there are no happy endings…"

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' and the stat 'Obsession' have prevented the destructive impulses of the energy 'Reader's Madness' and the title 'Outer God' from taking control of the user]

… I took a deep breath. - "Keep talking"

"Senpai's self-control is no fun, I want to see destruction" – BB y pouted and then sighed. – "What I'm getting at with all this is that if a loli anime ends without showing lolis as adults it means that those lolis are destined to be lolis forever and if they become adults then their destiny will be death..."

"It doesn't matter if senpai dominates the multiverse, it doesn't matter if senpai becomes omnipotent, it doesn't matter if senpai manages to control the entire Plot, those lolis will die one day even if it takes hundreds or thousands of years..." - BB spoke with extreme seriousness. – "A character who exceeds its time will never become a Higher Entity and will one day die"

So there is a deadline to become a Higher Entity... If a character can't break the limitations of the plot before reaching the end of the story, that character will never be able to ascend...

I thought about BB's words while my sword continued to kill the enemies and understood something of the explanation.

"There are two ways to avoid the expiration date, right?" – I asked with a little anxiety.

Even if I hate annoying brats, they're already part of the strange family I'm building and I won't allow them to be taken away from me by the natural cycle of life...

BB grinned devilishly. – "Senpai is very smart~ That's right, there are two ways to avoid this…"

"The first method is to make lolis into Higher Entities, though helping them ascend will make them False Higher Entities so if senpai perishes, they will die…"

"The second method is to seal the age of the lolis so that the concept of 'Time' can't affect their existence so they will live eternally next to senpai… This method is easier for senpai since the Anti-Rasen energy can do all the work, cheater senpai" – BB let out a small laugh.

"…" – I remained expressionless when I understood why BB is having fun. – "Both of these methods will make brats remain little girls for eternity…"

"Correct!" – BB threw confetti in celebration. – "Lolis will be lolis forever and their minds will also stop maturing so even if senpai uses body modification skills to make them look like adults they will still be lolis… Although I understand that senpai hates this kind of skills since it is an indirect way to tell those girls that senpai doesn't love them as they really are, senpai is so romantic~"

… I want to get drunk…

The way I manage my love relationships is based on accepting the defects of my women and it is because of this that tragic women are the most attached to me since they feel that only I can accept them as they are.

Cruelty, insanity, selfishness, narcissism, idealism, innocence, stupidity, kindness, trauma...

I accept everything from my wives and although I make plans to make them change some things about their personalities so that they can fit into my harem, I make sure to keep the core of each woman's personality intact as I don't want a puppet who only lives to please me, I'm looking for women with individuality that make me enjoy this shit called life.

In the beginning, I made mistakes like Yuka Izumi's radical personality change in Kenichi's world as I focused too much on creating emotional dependency and didn't consider the beauty of a genuine personality.

Although women like Tsubaki, Shigure, or Shiguma have been corrupted by my attitude, they still retain the most important parts of their personalities which I appreciate very much and that is why I like these women so much.

Damn, I gave up my moral values ​​to avoid getting into a stupid dilemma, but now I got into a stupid dilemma.

"Senpai ganbatte~" – BB shouted inside my mind while waving cheerleader pom-poms.

I sighed. – "Are you using a skill so that my mind cannot translate the words you say in Japanese in order to annoy me?"

"Otakus love it when a waifu speaks Japanese even if it sometimes makes cringe" – BB shrugged.

That sounds so stupid it's probably something on the internet.

"Ne, senpai" – BB smiled. – "Since senpai will fulfill the dreams of the most degenerate readers about sex with lolis, my recommendation is to start with Wikipe… ahem, Arisa, she has the mind of an adult so senpai's suicidal desires should be smaller when having sex with a legal loli~"

I massaged my forehead and walked into the palace.

Although hundreds of protagonists, soldiers, and special weaponry capable of killing gods have appeared, losing contact with the representatives of Paradise caused the Human Empire to become similar to a rabbit hole that is invaded by a pack of wolves.

Although desperation made the rabbits fight to the death and wound some wolves, in the end, the rabbits are just prey to be torn apart by the jaws of the wolves.

"We'll talk about this later" – I sighed while using [Anti-Rasen] to restrict the energy of the magic bombs that were going to be used to self-destruct the capital as a form of a suicide attack.

The weapons provided by Paradise are far superior to any of my resources, but the entities of Paradise were the ones who controlled it, so by destroying the puppets, the defense system went into automatic pilot since the humans did not know how to handle it.

When System Goddess evolved, she became the ultimate weapon to deal with any automatic defense system, so she was able to penetrate the capital's defense systems in a couple of minutes, and with the support of Monika, I took control of the capital.

There were quite powerful entities that could cause trouble for me, but the defense system turned this defensive fortress into a cage with no way out where the strongest beings of the Human Empire were turned into raw meat while my party was the butchers.

"Senpai, when you do degenerate things with lolis, cover the area with Anti-Rasen since desecrating lolis will cause the enmity of the entities that protect everything pure, cute, and fair in the multiverse" - BB smiled cheekily. – "Senpai will be an enemy of the UN of the multiverse~"

… - "Is there a UN of the multiverse?"

BB shrugged. – "Yes, but they only make harmless noise that is a nuisance, they are really useless"

My life is already very noisy and I don't want any more headaches...

"Ne, senpai…" – BB kept making noise.

"Now what?" – I asked with frustration.

BB smiled with false innocence. – "There are lolis among the Outer Gods~"

"Hey Listen! I don't give a shit if you stop feeding me for a century, I have to say it! THE EVIL TRIUMPHED MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"


"I give up! Let me live and I will tell you everything I know!"

The king of the Human Empire knelt in front of me when I entered the throne room.

I held the asshole's head and activated [Forced Empathy] so someone would share the migraine I'm feeling.


First it was a scream beyond all human pain, then that scream became a silent whisper because the pain was so intense that any sound was not enough to express so much pain.

"Luis, do you want a thousand petals tea of clarity?" – System Goddess asked me with concern when she saw the effects of my skill.

"Yes, please" - I sighed. – "Let there be four barrels, the teacups used for the tea ceremony are too small"

System Goddess smiled wryly. – "You almost finished all the tea I stole from the Divine Heaven Sect in my homeworld, I can only give you one cup"

… I liked that tea, it is one of the few things that can still reduce my migraine…

I sighed and sheathed my sword after lopping off the King's head so that Ortro could devour his mind for useful information.

Ortro only took a couple of minutes to get the location of the Crystal Heart so I went to the castle's underground lab.

In addition to the heart, I found problematic information so I ordered my army so that no one could go down to the lab.

In the underground area, there were treasures from the kingdom, resources provided by Paradise, and the most troublesome, the bodies of Witch and Fleonell's friends, family, and subordinates.

"I didn't think I'd see something like that in a world of magic" – System Goddess sighed as she left my Core of Existence. – "This place brings back bad memories of some sects that call themselves righteous while they secretly experiment with the disciples…"

Mutilated bodies, souls locked in glass jars, women's heads that were placed in a large glass container as if they were pickles in brine...

The most striking thing was that the heads were already dead, but they were still linked to their souls while their minds were still active, so they were experiencing a hell of suffering and anguish.

This reminds me of the controversial experiment of a Russian scientist who reanimated a decapitated dog's head.

"Luis, destroy this place" - Tsubaki spoke with hatred, I have rarely heard her so furious.

Tsubaki knows that my morals are non-existent and even though she gets mad at me when I kill innocent people, she made me promise that the experiments on souls will be done only with souls that were corrupted by evil and sins (Originally it was Negative Karma, but she already understood that Karma does not determine good or evil).

Because of this, my experiments have been delayed because some of the strongest souls I've obtained are good souls, but well, I like that Tsubaki is willing to argue with me since extreme submission is boring.

On an additional note, although the system user was not a bad guy, he killed thousands of innocent entities so many sins were accumulated in his soul.

I looked at System Goddess who was focused on studying the research reports left by the scientists of the Human Empire, this woman does not care about morality and she is only interested in knowledge.

"When you finish checking the information, disarms the lab and destroys the records" - I kept looking at the container of heads. – "Try to fix the corpses so that Rushia can revive them… Be especially careful with witches and demons, I don't want Witch to go crazy knowing that her sisters and mother turned into this after being killed"

System Goddess nodded. – "I have seen many situations like this so my recommendation is that Ortro devours the memories of those who are here so that no one knows about this, if the witches come back to life it is likely that they will commit suicide considering that there are traces of **** and torture in the corpses"

"Good" - I nodded and pointed to an altar where a girl without limbs or eyes remained unconscious. – "Analyze her identity, I want to know why the soul of this girl has the same smell as Fleonell"

System Goddess nodded and began to work as Ortro began pulling the heads out of the container to devour the unneeded memories.

In Gaia, Mr. Ichijo has a cleaning group to eliminate traces of problematic situations such as missions where Kuro is involved, maybe I should do the same so that my more sensitive wives are not exposed to this kind of horror….

I sighed internally, it's exhausting being a caring husband.

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