No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 201: Beginning of the group of misfits

Chapter 201: Beginning of the group of misfits

I sighed heavily as I looked at a crystal sphere. This sphere is an artifact that stores memories to display as a recording.

Although Seraph is one of Auriel's most loyal followers, she pretended to betray Auriel and her real body is in the racist faction's territory while acting as a spy so she could be present at the secret meeting of the human leaders had from this world.

Normally Auriel hates these kinds of dishonest tactics, but Seraph is very concerned about Ariel's excessive honesty so against her leader's orders she became a spy to look for heroes who can help Auriel in the worlds that prevent access to powerful foreign entities.

Auriel knows about the great sacrifice Seraph made, so she attaches great importance to helping the hero Seiji because someone who was approved by Seraph is someone she trusts.

On a side note, Seraph has a special skill to identify potential traitors and this skill can even avoid the effects of [Mythomania] so actually, she wasn't naive to easily trust me, rather I was lucky to plan on adding this woman to my harem without thinking of stabbing her in the back… These kinds of mistakes are what cause the death of protagonists.

I hate leaving things to chance so when she told me this I could only feel frustration and self-loathing.

Putting aside the hatred I feel for my stupidity, I kept looking at the crystal sphere.

In the recording were astral projections of the kings of the Southern Kingdom and the Kingdom of Light, in addition to the last two puppets of the racist faction who survived the attack of the traitorous angel, Kanata.

The king of the Northern Kingdom was present along with his chief advisers, the goddess Vysis, Diedhauser, and Seraph.

"We have to destroy that damned traitor!" – The king of the Northern Kingdom shouted with such hatred that he seems to be about to develop stomach problems.

"He's just a minor parasite, we can eliminate him at any time" - Vysis replied apathetically. – "When our secret weapon is completed we will be able to eliminate the Hero of Harmony together with the disgusting Inhumans"

Vysis was just following the script that Diedhauser gave her, the truth is that she is terrified because during the attack on the capital of the Human Empire I killed the gods and Divine Beasts that allied with the humans.

Although I did not destroy their souls, I extracted their authorities so that they can only reincarnate as animals or ordinary people, which for the gods is the greatest humiliation.

By the way, every hero who has been recognized as a talented individual from the multiverse is given an official title.

Although the ancestor Ichijo lost many battles and escaped invincible enemies, he had the title 'Unbeatable Hero' because he managed to survive clashes with some of the most dangerous beings in the multiverse such as 'Nuclear Chaos'.

I hope my stalker doesn't hold a grudge against the pedophile ancestor or she might get angry when she finds out I'm his heir...

Seraph informed me that Seiji Ichijo is now recognized as a talented hero in Auriel's faction and that my title is 'Hero of Harmony' as I am recognized as a hero who fights for peace between different races and not just in favor of humanity.

This is good as being Auriel's knight will make most groups in the multiverse see me as honest and fair. Even races marked as evil could trust me since Auriel promotes coexistence with all races, the problem is that genuinely evil entities like cultivators who use sacrifices or unscrupulous mages will see me as a nuisance.

Seraph warned me that although Paradise has business with Gaia, that world has many groups that will view with hostility a hero who fights against ideas of human supremacy. In fact, the racist faction has a strong influence on Gaia so I'm sure to get into trouble.

"That bastard destroyed one of the divine messengers!" – One of the puppets shouted furiously.

Vysis paled slightly as one command from that puppet and she would become a mindless puppet.

Diedhauser smiled heartily. – "Things have not yet reached a turning point, as Lady Vysis says, we just need to finish the Sword of the Law and all our problems will be solved"

The racist puppets calmed down as Diedhauser was the one who possessed the highest authority among the agents sent to this world.

The recording continued with discussions and political stupidities that have no importance.

I sighed when the sphere stopped displaying images. – "This stinks of trouble…"

I'm currently back to Ryou Shiramine's identity and I'm in my room with Seraph.

Although Seraph belongs to the idealist faction, she has spy-like abilities and methods so she was able to visit me without drawing Diedhauser's attention.

"Unfortunately I did not get information about this Sword of the Law" - Seraph sighed sadly. – "It is likely that this is a code name for a weapon that only the high command of the 'Absolute Paradise' knows and I am only a mid-ranking officer"

I smiled kindly. – "All your effort is impressive, you should feel proud of the achievements you have accumulated"

Due to the conversations we have had, I understood that she has no friends since the members of the idealist faction believe that Seraph betrayed Auriel so they hate her while the racists see her with indifference for having been part of Auriel's faction in the past.

Seraph smiled slightly, my words aren't enough to make up for the loneliness she feels, but it's enough to give her a small sense of relief.

I poured her another cup of tea which she happily accepted.

"Even though this is just an artificial body, I'm surprised that a simple tea can be so delicious" – Seraph let out a contented sigh.

I smiled wryly. – "In high-level worlds, there should be food and elixirs more delicious than this…"

"Don't underestimate your culinary abilities, although there are ingredients beyond your imagination in high-level worlds, these ingredients are refined to extract the best effects so the flavor is lost..." - Seraph looked at me gently. – "To tell the truth, I do not remember the last time I ate something that had flavor… Now I begin to regret the fact of tasting your food through a puppet and not with my real body…"

System Goddess already told me that the secondary effect of high-level alchemy is that the flavors disappear, so only Higher Entities with concepts related to cooking can make delicious food comparable to what I do.

She even mentioned that some entities invade low and mid-level worlds just to capture talented chefs since one of the greatest tragedies of eternal life is to lose the joy of enjoying food, that is another reason why Higher Entities sometimes give abilities to useless people, they are too bored with eternal life.

"Since it's like this then I'll make you food beyond your highest expectations" - I smiled jokingly like a friend wanting to encourage his best friend.

Seraph smiled a little and then sighed. – "It would be dangerous to meet in person so it is better if we only interact in this way"

I raised an eyebrow. – "Will I was not able to meet you when the Dimensional Gate is completed?"

Seraph shook her head. – "To tell the truth, the other agents of our holy lady do not know that I am a spy, so I will have to ask you for a favor before the Dimensional Gate is finished…"

I thought that the puppets that were helping build the Gate knew that Seraph was on Auriel's side, but it seems that in reality, those puppets are following Auriel's orders without knowing that Seraph is actually an ally.

Seraph sent the information to Auriel and Auriel gives orders to her subordinates. The true strategist who has kept Auriel's forces stable was Seraph...

Stupid martyr complex.

Seraph looked at me seriously. – "When you face the remaining troops of 'Absolute Paradise' I need you to treat me like an enemy without showing me mercy..."

"Don't worry about hurting me, this body is just a puppet so I'll be fine even if you destroy me into thousands of pieces, in fact, the flashier you are the better..."

"As for contacting our holy lady, don't worry, when the Dimensional Gate is completed an agent of our holy lady will take my place as an intermediary" - Seraph smiled gently.

Although my contract with Auriel establishes Seraph as the go-between, that section is not absolute and there was a secret clause where another of Auriel's subordinates could become the go-between if Seraph couldn't fulfill her duties.

I originally thought that this was designed in case Seraph couldn't contact me in case of danger, but it seems that Seraph never intended to be my support, rather, she never intended to see Auriel again...

I sighed internally, you stupid self-sacrifice-minded martyrs.

I frowned. – "You have supported me a lot, without the skill that our holy lady gave me it would have been impossible for me to defeat the enemy agents, much less get a reliable ally like Kanata"

Seraph kept smiling. – "Our holy lady sees you favorably for your actions, so you will continue to receive her support"

I sighed. – "You do not understand… It is true that our holy lady supports me, but all this is thanks to you, I do not need another representative"

Seraph frowned slightly. – "Hero, being stubborn will only bring you unnecessary dangers, if I continue to be your representative it is very likely that the subordinates loyal to our holy lady will see you as a threat, and even if our holy lady speaks in your favor, they will still try to eliminate you"

"Luis..." - System Goddess spoke in my mind with anxiety. – "Please, do not do something stupid, we already have many problems and we cannot continue increasing the number of enemies that can destroy us in a second…"

It's true, facing one of the strongest organizations in the multiverse just to get a woman is stupid and I have my priorities straight.

"Kanata was neutral without belonging to any faction so she can be named my representative in the public eye while you are my true representative" – I made a contemplative facial expression.

Seraph looked at me blankly. – "Although this plan can prevent the hatred of the subordinates of our holy lady, they will not look favorably on you and you will be treated with indifference which will make it difficult to make allies…"

"I prefer to have a reliable ally instead of a hundred allies that I can not trust" - I shrugged. – "Besides, you are not just an ally, in my opinion, you are my friend"

Seraph seemed to want to contain the smile that my words generated in her and she continued to frown. – "Hero, our holy lord cannot always hear your calls, and sometimes her assistants will be the ones who send you rewards and if they think you are a waste of time then they will limit the resources and reinforcements you can get…"

Corruption is also present among idealists... I'm not surprised.

"All the more reason I will only work with you" - I smiled. – "Something the war taught me is that a strong ally is valuable, but a reliable friend is invaluable"

"And you keep saying that" – Seraph pretended to be angry and although her acting abilities are exceptional, I'm a professional hypocrite. – "Do you really think we are friends?"

I showed slight shock and sadness, then sighed. – "So we are not friends?"

Seraph fell silent upon seeing my reaction.

She will not be an easy woman to fall in love with since her loyalty to Auriel is absolute so she seems to have discarded any romantic feelings, but at the same time, she feels lonely since the life of a spy is lonely and overwhelming.

"..." - Seraph sighed after several seconds of complete silence. – "I hope you do not regret this decision"

I smiled nonchalantly. – "I can have tea with a beautiful woman, I don't think I will regret this"

Seraph sighed and then smiled. – "Hero, you are too reckless so I will help you to be more careful"

I laughed lightly. – "Then I will trust you until my sword can no longer fight"

Seraph was silent for a long time.

Heroes who can retire are very rare as heroes usually die at a young age, so my innocent statement is no different than 'till death do us part'.

Seraph sighed. – "Until then I will continue to support you"

We both drank tea and enjoyed a moment of peace.

Many times establishing a full friendship relationship with a woman will make that relationship unable to progress to something romantic, but I just have to make Seraph fall in love with me slowly while showing that I am also loyal to Auriel.

This method will take a long time, but we are both immortal so it doesn't matter, the important thing is to make Seraph my wife since then I will have an excuse to invade the racist faction.

"Luis, I know that part of your nature as a Higher Entity is to seduce women..." - System Goddess sighed heavily with anguish. – "But I beg you, stop courting death and increasing the problems that press on our heads like a mountain…"

"Pettanko-chan is the daughter of the god of death so Senpai already courted death" – BB smiled.

It's a good thing Rushia didn't hear that or my eardrums might burst...

I sighed internally. – "I am not being impulsive, think of it this way… Seraph is Auriel's most trusted subordinate so even if we antagonize the rest of 'Harmonic Paradise', as long as Seraph is on my side then Auriel will also support me"

System Goddess began to think and nodded bitterly. – "Kicking the wolf pack is fine as long as you have the backing of the alpha…. It's not a wrong idea but the risks are still great"

"Great risks give great benefits" - I mentally shrugged. – "Furthermore, when my relationship with Seraph is close, I will be able to request reinforcements when 'Absolute Paradise' captures me"

"…" – System Goddess paled. – "Kidnapping?! What in the name of heaven are you planning?! Why is one of the biggest organizations in the multiverse going to kidnap you even though in the grand scheme of the multiverse you're just an unimportant cockroach?!"

I smiled internally. – "I made Kanata betray the racists, I ruined the plans to obtain a hero factory, my talent is outstanding despite being a newborn hero, I joined Auriel and humiliated several Higher Entities"

"Even my impulsive idiot teacher didn't dare to do this kind of stupid thing" – System Goddess sighed. – "Why do you think they are going to kidnap you instead of murdering you?"

"Auriel values ​​me" - I shrugged. – "Killing me will cause a war, but if they capture me they will be able to blackmail Auriel, and seeing Auriel's values, it is clear that she is naive and manipulable, that is why Seraph is the one who pulls the strings behind the scenes to protect Auriel"

System Goddess sighed again. – "Okay… Do you have any plan to prevent the racists from locking you up for eternity without causing Auriel's downfall?"

I smiled expectantly. – "BB, what is stronger? Racist angels or a bunch of outside gods looking for a cure for insanity?"

"... L-Luis, you have to be kidding..." - System Goddess paled.

BB smirked. – "Even if senpai shows his presence, not all the outer gods will be able to find senpai as some are fast asleep in different corners of the multiverse, but surely A ■■■■■ will appear as soon as senpai sent her a message~ "

So I can only make 'Nuclear Chaos' attack racists... At the moment it's better than nothing.

"Senpai..." - BB smiled mischievously. – "In Paradise, there are entities on par with A■■■■■ in terms of strength, but A■■■■■ wins in destructive capabilities so she alone can cause an apocalyptic disaster for those idiots, but if senpai really wants to eliminate racist idiots so my suggestion is that senpai make a multiversal organization composed of marginalized entities"

I thought about it for a moment. – "Explain more about your idea"

BB smiled and took out a blackboard from her cleavage, that cleavage is comparable to my Rasen Dimension…

"Outer Gods, Chaos Cultivators, Heretic Gods, Taboo Warlocks, Order Demons… There are many entities that are persecuted in the multiverse as they are viewed with contempt by both good and evil factions…" – BB made many drawings to show the physical features of each entity, but a 4-year-old draws better so I ignored the blackboard. – "As I have already explained, chaotic entities are different from evil entities since the nature of chaos makes those entities solitary… If senpai can perfect the Anti-Rasen to regulate the destructive impulses of chaotic forces then it will be possible to create a bunch of living nightmares~"

System Goddess nodded. – "Although I am not a chaotic entity, my concept makes other organizations treat me like trash so you could also recruit entities that have been despised, these entities may not be strong, but in terms of usefulness and survival, they will be of great help…"

"For example, that Kanata girl isn't restricted by the laws of the worlds so she can fight in any world which actually makes her an excellent weapon for invading worlds..."

"You can take advantage of the fact that many powerful entities are proud of what they treat inferior beings like useless garbage" – System Goddess seemed excited at the idea of ​​creating our own organization of Higher Entities since that would mean having reliable support in crisis situations.

Numbers give strength, that's why a pack of wolves is more terrifying than a tiger.

From that point of view, creating an organization for the marginalized may be my best option to obtain high-quality cannon fodder.

It is something similar to what gangs do, they recruit people in need of attention or with self-esteem problems so that these people are loyal even in dangerous situations...

"BB, I need the location of the most peaceful outer gods, they will be the first ones we will recruit" – I began to think about various plans for the future…

BB smiled wryly. – "My recommendation is that senpai contact the outer gods when the Anti-Rasen reaches at least 70% mastery because as ironic as it sounds, I am the outer god with the greatest mental stability"

…The woman who suggested destroying the core of this planet to see fireworks is the sanest outer god…

BB spoke with false gentleness. – "But since senpai loves BB-chan so much, this cute kouhai will tell senpai the location of some possible allies~"

I sighed internally, for someone to speak in the third person about themselves is strange.

"As senpai should know, Lovecraft talked about the outer gods and although those books are not accurate since that man's mind was quickly destroyed by Madness, he was still right about some things, albeit inaccurately" - BB took out a pair of glasses and she started acting like a teacher.

"Outer God is a title and not a species so, unlike humans, gods or demons, an Outer God is not born from the union between Outer Gods..."

"The result of procreation between an Outer God and another race is an entity of the other race with some characteristics of an Outer God… For example, an Outer God uses tentacles to inseminate a big-breasted elf woman and what will be born will be a Chaos Elf…"

… The Internet rotted this girl's brain…

"The Outer Gods cannot reproduce with the same species because mixing two paths of Madness will cause both Madnesses to fight for dominance, which will cause the death of the embryo, it is even very difficult for an Outer God to get pregnant or impregnate other species with the exception of a couple of cases whose path of Madness is based on fertility, but let's leave those bitches aside…"

"Since Madness is very unstable, sometimes the Outer Gods release traces of that energy, and there are times when those traces of Madness combine with other energies resulting in the birth of another race, the Ancient Ones..."

"An Ancient One is not really the son of an Outer God, but they call themselves the descendants of chaos and therefore have a certain level of cooperation with us Outer Gods while there is a strong rivalry to determine the entities with the greatest control of Chaos…"

"The Ancient Ones do not possess the same mastery of the Outer Gods Madness, but they can use other abilities and energies in addition to being unaffected by insanity attacks..."

"Although the Ancient Ones are more rational and stable than us, they are still treated as unpredictable monsters by other entities..."

"In short, you can recruit the Ancient Ones and when your mastery of the Anti-Rasen is greater, you can search for the Outer Gods" – BB finished her speech with an arrogant smile.

"Thank you teacher" - I rolled my eyes. – "But you did not say if the Ancient Ones are weaker or stronger than the Outer Gods"

BB shrugged. – "Measuring raw power is very difficult…"

"For example, Yog-Sothoth is the smartest and most spatially skilled among us, but she has the mind of a little girl so she's easy to fool plus she's weak in close combat as she only knows how to use attacks long distance…"

"Shub-Niggurath is a bitch who became a bitch since she discovered carnal pleasures, but she is weak against holy magic and concepts of purity because she is a bitch…"

"Nyarlathotep used to have a twisted and cruel personality similar to mine while her combat ability is the most dangerous as she can think rationally to form strategies, but she became obsessed with animes and video games which calmed her destructive impulses, although now she is obsessed with collecting anime figures and waifus pillows…"

"Hastur is... Well, bipolar... She's hard to talk to since sometimes she loves destruction and wanton chaos while other times she's a pacifist..."

"Wait, wait" – I felt a headache. – "Are all the Outer Gods women?"

BB smiled. – "Oops, sorry for the spoiler~"

…Oh god, instead of feeling happy I feel like this will be a problem…

"Actually the outer gods used to be asexual and stay in our Nightmare Forms, but over time we find that other entities hate us less when we're pretty girls" – BB shrugged. – "There are a couple of male Outer Gods, but yes, we are basically a harem of space waifus waiting for senpai~"

"Congratulations Luis" - Tsubaki smiled. – "With Shigure I read a doujin that involved tentacles, but I'm sure you'll be fine"


"Pfffffff ahahahahahaha they're going to penetrate your slutty ass!" – Navi managed to escape from the microwave where I locked him. – "You're going to get your ass fucked so much that when you fart you'll hear a sigh!"


"That's fake" – BB crossed his arms in front of Navi. – "Senpai's butt will be safe, this cute kouhai will make sure that nothing larger than 30 centimeters will come near senpai's rear exit"

"Hey Listen! 29 centimeters is enough for this asshole hahahaha!"

"It makes sense, senpai is strong so it will be fine"

"▂▂▃▃▅▅ (Master's ass in danger…)"

"Wait wait it was just a joke! Senpai save your cute kouhai!"

"Hey Listen! I'm not a fucking chew toy!"

"Speaking ill of a friend is wrong…"

"Your eyes are scary! Wait! Why don't they do anything to her?! She started!"

"...It was just a harmless prank, I didn't mean to cause this..."

"Damn, it's hard to get mad at someone who sincerely puts on a sad puppy look!....Ahhhh senpai save me!"

"Is something wrong hero?" – Seraph asked me with concern when I massaged my forehead for the migraine.

"I'm thinking about how to conclude this war without sacrificing too many people..." - I sighed. - "I don't know what to do…"

Seraph smiled kindly. – "Although it is admirable that you are so committed to your desire to protect people, you must understand that sometimes inevitable sacrifices arise, so you should only give your best effort, and if you feel guilty, you can talk to me when you need, after all, friends support each other at all times"

I smiled pretending that my head doesn't hurt like the Latin American economy. - "Thank you"

I sighed internally. – "Ortro, don't digest BB"

"But she…"

"Nothing but, she is still important to me" - I sighed again.

"Senpai… *sniff* I always knew that I knew that senpai loves BB-chan, come on senpai, BB-chan will let you touch these meaty thighs, even if senpai is a lolicon who only gets off on elementary school girls I'm sure senpai will enjoy the thighs of this cute kouhai~"

Maybe letting Ortro do what she wants isn't a bad idea...

"Senpai is so cruel! *completely real sad cry that makes senpai look like a heartless bastard, damn lolicon*"

I didn't know that this damn girl can alter the narrative of what I hear by adding asterisks...

I sighed deeply, I miss aspirins.

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