Nobunaga Oda's Isekai Cultivation Experience

Chapter 97: Foundation for Equality

Chapter 97: Foundation for Equality

Though the walk back to the estate was a bit awkward, the presence of Inami both cowed Kaia and made the other girls feel at ease. After all, despite how terrifyingly powerful she was, Kaia was only at Silver Rank 2 as far as cultivation was concerned. If Aura functioned similarly to power levels, this meant she was around 200,000 Aura compared to Inami's 400,000,000. In other words, Inami was a little more than 2,000 times stronger than the ravenous wolf girl.

Simply put, Inami's presence caused Kaia to behave like a scared puppy. There was even a moment where she attempted to hide behind Nobu despite being his bodyguard and him being the weakest person present.

Fortunately, despite being the most powerful member of the Yoshitsune Clan, Inami was, at least in Nobu's opinion, a pushover. She put on a strong front, but, deep down, she was just as vulnerable as she appeared to be. He also suspected she was very lonely. Watching tens of thousands of your family members dying over the course of six thousand years would do that...





Without showing even the slightest bit of offense or frustration, Kaia, now relocated to the holding cell beneath Nobu's room, dutifully placed her hand into his outstretched palm. The special training she had been receiving since childhood was basically just obedience training. In other words, Nobu was now responsible for a mature, remarkably beautiful woman with the mentality of a trained wolf.

"Good girl..."

Beaming in response to her Master's praise, Kaia's tailed swept across the reinforced stone floor like a broom. She was currently squatting in what basic white girls back in his previous worlds would call a modified Malasana Pose. The only thing protecting her dignity was a red and black cloth, but, due to her careless movements and utter lack of awareness, Nobu would periodically catch a glimpse of what lay beneath.

Though he had briefly forgotten about it due to Inami's pregnancy, it didn't take long for Nobu to recall the conversation they had been having prior to that. She had basically told him that it would be dangerous to leave Kaia and the girl named Fuyu out since he had already laid his hands on all the other girls in his entourage.

In actuality, Nobu had only had sex with Yui, Yuriko, Onihime, and, after a bit of back and forth regarding the fact she wasn't useless, Kazue. As for the rest, Kiku, as if living up to her name, had allowed him to do her in the butt. Kumiko, Aiko, and Cho had all given him blowjobs. Chikako had let him do her in the butt, and, despite her taciturn nature, Ayane had given him a handjob.

Simply put, Nobu hadn't actually had sex with all the girls. He also felt a strange sense of guilt even thinking about fucking Kaia, so, despite the occasional glance towards her milky white breasts and pale white thighs, he did his best to remain calm and collected as he bonded with the silvery-haired wolf woman.

Fortunately, despite a growing heat in her body, Kaia still remembered what had happened during their last encounter. Inami was also silently observing their interactions less than five meters away, so, even if she wanted to do something, she was too afraid to act. She also didn't want to hurt her Master, so, no matter how much she craved his touch, she focused wholly on listening to his words and obeying his commands...




After spending the better part of three and a half hours interacting with Kaia, Nobu promised he would come and visit her every day so long as she behaved. He was a little interested in observing her gradual transformation into a Lycan, but, most importantly, she now lived right underneath him. She was literally only a chute away so there would have to be something seriously wrong with him if he couldn't spare a few minutes for her each day...


Exhaling an exhausted sigh the moment they emerged from the false wall connecting to Kaia's holding cell, Nobu made his way over to his futon before plopping down face-first onto the thick, cushioned surface. Today had been one of the more exhausting in recent memory. He had trained his ass off, learned he was going to be a father, scaled the mountain, faced off against Hitomi and the Elders, descended the mountain, had a heart-to-heart with Yui, spent some time with Kaia, and, now that everything was beginning to wind down, there were at least three women looking forward to the prospect of a good fucking...

Fortunately, while there were times when Inami overtly tried to seduce him, the decision regarding whether or not he would be having sex was ultimately Nobu's to make. He could even kick the girls out of his room and relax if he really wanted to. Instead, he waited for a few moments before rolling onto his side and watching as Yui, Onihime, and Inami prepared for bed.

Noticing Nobu's gaze, Inami manipulated her tails so that her bottom and legs were completely visible. This allowed him to watch as she wiggled her small yet bubbly butt out of the tight shorts she had taken to wearing ever since she found his clothing designs. Prior to this, she would wear a rather skimpy kimono, but, like many things over the last few weeks, her outfit had gone through a number of changes until she eventually settled on a pair of short-shorts and a custom tube top that hugged her small yet remarkably pliant breasts.

After removing her shorts, Inami allowed them to dangle from her index and middle fingers as she playfully inquired, "Enjoying the view~?"

Though he was tempted to say that it would be infinitely better if even a single one of them had a pair of tits, Nobu just cracked a smile as he remarked, "Why wouldn't I? Your cultivation base might make mine look like a joke, but, after that meeting with the Elders, you're basically my property. I'm almost tempted to make you do a little dance for me since you seem to enjoy wiggling around your butt..."

Inhaling a deep yet silent breath through her nose, Inami did her best to remain calm as Yui and Onihime looked toward her with rounded eyes. She knew Nobu was playing around, but, after six thousand years of wearing her pride on her sleeve, hearing someone refer to her as property made the hairs on her body stand on end. Even the fur on her tails bristled, yet, in spite of this, she forced herself to smile seductively, asking, "Should I call you Master from now on~?"

Hearing Inami place extra emphasis on the word Master, a shudder ran through Nobu's body as he unhesitantly replied, "Hell no. It's bad enough that Onihime and Kaia address me as Master. Don't even joke around with that kind of shit. No offense, Hime."

Though her smile stiffened when she heard Nobu complain about her calling him Master, Onihime's expression practically lit up when he addressed her with a pet name. She felt as though the distance between them had suddenly reduced, so, with a delighted glimmer in her deep amethyst eyes, she brought her fingers together and replied, "I wasn't offended in the slightest..." before following up with a meek yet affectionate, "Nobu..."

Hearing Onihime mutter his name, a wry smile developed across Nobu's face. He actually found her behavior kind of cute, but, knowing she was actually 67-years-old, it was weird to see her behaving like a shy maiden. She had also scratched the living shit out of his back when he plowed her like a machine press so she was far from the innocent little girl others might mistake her to be...

Realizing how degenerate his way of thinking had become, Nobu shook his head rather violently before gesturing for Onihime to come closer. Her clothes were much easier to remove than Yui's and Inami's, but, due to her significantly lower status, she generally hung back to provide support and cleanup. Tonight, however, Nobu was in the mood for completely fucking over the rules, so, in spite of her clear trepidation, he said, "Relax. The only reason you're still a slave is because of your circumstances. When we're together like this, the only thing that matters is that you're my woman. That goes for all three of you..."

Undoubtedly as a result of laying claim various kunoichi comprising his entourage, Nobu no longer felt any cringe when saying such words. This world kept trying to elevate him to a position of status and authority, so, rather than arbitrarily complicating things for himself, he decided to just go with the flow. Besides, it made the women around him happy. It couldn't be that bad, right?

Though she briefly exchanged glances with Yui and Inami, Onihime didn't ask for their permission before approaching Nobu with a forced smile that did little to conceal the eagerness surging within the depths of her eyes. It felt wrong to break free from conventions, but, at the same time, her body burned with desire at the thought of violating tradition that had dominated Nianese society for tens of thousands of years...

With Onihime stepping within his range, Nobu extended his hands to draw her even closer to him. His head reached just beneath her navel while he was seated, so, before they moved on to far more intimate acts, he planted a kiss just above where her womb should be located. There was no greater meaning behind this, but, knowing it would cause her body to burn up, he didn't mind giving her a bit of service. After all, she sure as hell didn't hesitate to give him any...

"'s dirty..."

Ignoring Onihime's heated, gasping remark, Nobu proceeded to squeeze and massage her butt as he traced a line of kisses from beneath her navel to the short yet neatly trimmed pubes garnishing her already glistening vagina. Her aroma was distinctly different from most women, as, rather than smelling foul or fishy, it was similar to freshly heated sake. It wasn't exactly pleasant but it was a hell of a lot more tolerable than most girls.

Curious, Nobu earned a startled shriek from the fretful woman as his tongue divided her vulva and began to lap up the juices leaking from within. This caused her legs to tremble as her hands shot to his head, immediately grasping his hair. It was honestly a little annoying, but, as this wasn't the first time he had his hair pulled, Nobu just ignored it as he held her hips firmly and proceeded to knead her rapidly swelling bean with his tongue.

"Master~! Nnnnobu~! Please~! This isn't right~!"

Despite the words coming from her mouth, Onihime held Nobu's head firmly in her grasp as she practically ground her pussy against his lips and tongue. This wasn't the first time she had received cunnilingus but all the other times had been with women. In Nian, even the most devout men were unwilling to service their partners in this manner. They were far too prideful to lower themselves in such a manner, so, feeling Nobu's tongue probe her insides, waves of pleasure, unlike anything she had ever experienced, rocked Onihime's body similar to a ship lost at sea. Her only anchor was her grip on Nobu, but, growing tired of having his hair wrenched from his scalp, Onihime experienced even greater pleasure when he forced her to lay down before lifting her knees to his shoulders and going to town for the better part of twenty minutes...




(A/N: She ded...)

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