Nobunaga Oda's Isekai Cultivation Experience

Chapter 98: Overboard

Chapter 98: Overboard

Releasing the completely red-faced and panting Onihime from his grasp, Nobu was going to tease her when a sudden very brief sensation of vertigo swept over him.

("What the fuck? Did I actually get tipsy from eating her out...?")

After shaking his head and failing to clear the sluggishness in his mind, an amused chuckle escaped Nobu's throat as he muttered, "Neat..."


Shifting his attention to Yui, who, for the last twenty minutes had been sitting alongside Inami in a naked seiza, Nobu's expression morphed into what some would refer to as a shit-eating grin as he asked, "Enjoy the show?"

Blushing in response to Nobu's teasing, Yui paused to consider how she would respond. As a result, she ended up creating an opportunity for Inami to chime in, answering, "It certainly was fascinating. You know, most men would never do what you just did. If the citizens of Nian were to learn about it, they might even accuse you of being a former slave."

Deciding he didn't give a damn, Nobu just snorted before laying down and saying, "Whatever. Just get your ass over here..." in a slightly slurred tone. This was noticed by both Yui and Inami, who, for a very brief moment, seemed to be on the same wavelength as they perfectly mirrored each other's actions.

Shrugging her shoulders, a habit she had picked up from observing Nobu, Inami relented to Yui's silent insistence before crawling over and attempting to straddle her moderately inebriated lover.


Smacking Inami's bottom the moment she grabbed his cock and attempted to position it between her visibly glistening thighs, Nobu said, "Turn around and sit on my face. I'm going to give you the same treatment as Hime."

Though she felt indescribably offended to be compared to a slave, Inami managed to suppress her annoyance as she followed Nobu's instructions. She already knew what he was going to do as it was one of the techniques kunoichis learned to comfort their fellow clanswomen. She never expected to be in this position with a man, but, after feeling Nobu tightly grip her butt, his tongue unhesitantly tracing the interior of her vulva, Inami, very quickly, stopped caring...

"Oh my..."

Hearing Inami's remark, Nobu briefly ceased his actions, asking, "Did you just fucking ara ara me...?"

Having no idea what Nobu was talking about, Inami's expression displayed genuine confusion as she half turned to ask, "What's an ara ara...?"

Promptly deciding it was just an auditory hallucination, Nobu just shook his head, answering, "It's nothing..." before pulling Inami's hips closer to him. This left the vulpine woman feeling confused, but, just as before, most of her cares simply fluttered away as Nobu's tongue invaded her depths.

If she were being completely honest, Inami would have to fail Nobu on his technique. It had been quite some time but she got the distinct impression he was terrible at it. Fortunately, he more than made up for his lack of technique with sheer persistence. Thus, despite a lingering desire to tell him how to improve, Inami just bit her quivering lower lip as a growing wave of pleasure began to crash around within her tiny frame...




Coming to her senses a few minutes after she had effectively whited out, the first thing Onihime noticed was a sonorous yet suppressed whimpering. Immediately after that, memories of what had happened resurfaced within her mind, and, for a brief moment, her mind and body felt as though they had stepped backward in time. As a result, her body twitched from a residual climax as a fresh layer of glaze covering her moist purple eyes.

Fortunately for Onihime, kunoichi weren't ones to judge. They could maintain a straight face even if one of their fellows decided to masturbate in public so Yui merely cast a glance towards the heated half-oni, asking, "Are you okay?" in a curt yet ostensibly concerned tone.

Nodding her head, Onihime rose to a seated position with the intent to answer before Nobu spoke up, asking, "You awake, Hime? Good. Go ahead and hop on. Tonight we're going to be doing team-building exercises. You're doing to ride my cock and kiss Inami. Understood?"

Though he was still feeling tipsy, Nobu, like many recreational drunks, felt as though his mind was sharper than ever. He probably wouldn't have thought of this if he was playing with a full deck, but, now that he had made up his mind, he was determined to break down the walls between the three girls. They could be all prim and proper when other people were around. He honestly didn't give a flying fuck. When they were having sex, though? That kind of shit could just fuck right off.

A stark contrast to Nobu's casualness, all three girls had visibly tensed the moment they heard his words. Onihime, in particular, looked as though she had just been ordered to disrobe and trespass a den of mountain bandits. Unfortunately, the crest on her body compelled her to obey, so, despite Inami staring directly at her, she dutifully straddled her Master's hips, muttering, "I'm sorry..." as she slid his cock effortlessly into what Nobu had described as her oven-like pussy.


Despite her fear, Onihime's climaxed the moment her Master's glans pressed against her cervix. Her body wasn't able to accommodate all of him at first, but, after a few deep breaths and a fair amount of wiggling, her mons had fully enveloped the full length of Nobu's penis.


Feeling a considerable amount of relief, Onihime allowed a sigh to escape her lips until she opened her eyes to find Inami staring a few centimeters away from her face. This caused her entire body to tense, and, as a result, mock flatulence emanated from beneath Inami as Nobu snorted in response to Onihime's vice-like pussy.

Though she knew the sound hadn't come from Inami, Onihime's eyes widened as the deceptively ancient kitsune's face morphed into a deep furrow. For a brief moment, she sincerely believed that Inami was about to kill her, but, the moment she opened her mouth to apologize, her eyes widened even further as the aforementioned fox leaned in to give her a kiss.


Surprised by the sudden act, Onihime's first instinct was to try and pull away. Instead, she felt her body moving against her will, her hips shaking as Inami wrapped her hands around her body and invaded her mouth with her tongue.

While Onihime had no idea what was happening, Yui's obsidian-blue eyes flashed as she noticed a number of extremely fine, thinner than hair strings flowing from Inami's body and into the former's petite frame. It was a little ridiculous to consider, but she was pretty sure this was one of their Clan's forbidden techniques. It was supposed to be used to manipulate recently deceased Aura Beasts the moment an enemy cultivator lowered their guard, but, due to the overwhelming difference in their cultivation base, Inami was able to freely manipulate Onihime as if she were a marionette...

Unfortunately, while she wanted to respect Nobu's wishes, Inami wasn't quite at the level where she would allow herself to be on the receiving end of a slave's kiss. Just the thought of it made most of the pleasure she was feeling from Nobu fade away, so, rather than sit still and let Onihime do as she pleased, she decided to take matters into her own hands. This would upset Nobu if he knew, but, trusting that neither Yui nor Onihime would tell on her, Inami continued to puppet the bewildered half-oni until the Young Lord released a commendable amount of semen deep inside her quivering vagina...




Without the aid of Dragon's Vigor, Nobu was unable to produce superhuman amounts of semen. Thus, after blowing a sizeable load inside Onihime's furnace-like insides, a satisfied groan escaped his throat as he gave Inami's bottom a few light smacks to indicate she stop smothering him with her ass and crotch.

Fortunately, Inami was pretty perceptive when she needed to be, so, the moment Nobu smacked her bottom, she promptly moved to the side before remarking, "Not bad. A little rough around the edges but still pleasurable."

Catching his breath, Nobu furrowed his brows as he glanced towards Inami and asked, "Are you seriously complaining? This isn't exactly a party for me, you know? I'm starting to get used to it, but you smell like"

Recalling that Inami was now carrying his children, Nobu promptly decided against comparing her aroma to a fish market at high noon on a sunny day. This was part of the reason his technique was so poor. It's not that he had never gone down on a woman. Inami literally smelled like a wet dog in heat.

Surprised that Nobu had stopped himself before insulting her, Inami's tails flickered as a visibly pleased expression developed across her face. She was getting used to his brash nature and rude remarks but it was still nice to know he was at least trying to correct his behavior.

"I suppose it's my turn now? To be honest, I'd much rather have your 'cock' inside me than your tongue..."

Borrowing a bit of Nobu's vernacular, Inami was hoping to rile him up. She might be pregnant but it was hard for her to calm down once he had triggered her body's animalistic instincts. If he declined, she would no choice but to excuse herself for a couple of hours so she could finish the job herself.

Fortunately, even without the assistance of drugs, Nobu could still shoot a couple of loaded if he paced himself. Inami's love juices were also strangely invigorating, so much so that his buzz from before had completely faded away. Thus, after a moment of consideration, he nodded his head and said, "Yeah. I'm a little tired though, so, after I finish fucking you, I'm going to wrap things up with a 69. I'll finish you off when we take our morning bath. That okay with you, Yui...?"

Though he was tempted to force her into a mating press and knock her up as soon as possible, Yui had already explained that the contraceptive she took would need a few days to work its way out of her body. She also wasn't ovulating at the moment, so, even if they fucked like rabbits from sun up to sundown, her ovaries weren't just going to magically produce an egg for his convenience.

Having already anticipated this outcome when Onihime went first, Yui just nodded before offering an understanding smile and saying, "I understand. I'm looking forward to it."

While her words caused a slight frown to develop across Nobu's face, the truth of the matter was that Yui was being sincere. Thus, the moment she noticed Nobu's change in expression, a chuckle emanated from her throat before she explained, "Don't give me that might not believe me, but I'm actually sore after all the sex we've been having. I was hoping to keep this a secret but you were bound to find out when you tasted the ointment I've been using to alleviate the pain..."

Blinking in surprise, Nobu opened his mouth but was unable to say something. At the same time, a bit of guilt swelled within his chest, as, for a brief moment, he actually felt a smidgen of pride at the notion he had basically fucked her raw.

("This is probably why only a handful of women came back for seconds...")

Shaking away the thoughts of his past life, Nobu adopted a conflicted yet visibly apologetic look on his face as he averted his eyes and muttered, " never occurred to me that I might be hurting you..."

Shifting his gaze towards Inami and Onihime, both quite a bit smaller than Yui, Nobu was about to apologize to them as well before the former chimed in to say, "That isn't necessary. The bodies of kitsune and oni are built quite a bit differently from humans. My species is biologically designed to extract vital essence and seed from our prey. As for Onihime-chan, her body temperature should be a pretty big giveaway that she's unique. If myself or Yui had a temperature even remotely close to hers, we would invariably fall comatose before subsequently dying."

Nodding her head in affirmation, Onihime, now recovering from the shock of having her body manipulated, explained, "Oni are also physically durable and have an innate healing factor. That is the reason for our inordinately high body temperature and why we don't suffer any negative side effects from elevating it even further."

Though he understood what they were trying to say, Nobu simply stared at the two petite women with a blank expression on his face. His instincts told him he would encounter others like them in the future, and, based on the way things were going, they would most likely be legal lolis. He was willing to make an exception for the two seated in front of him, but, the moment another ravenous woman with a petite figure, he might just yeet himself from this world to protect the last vestiges of his dignity...




(A/N: Somewhere, far beyond the boundaries of Nobu's world, a certain Sage Dragon Emperor felt a tickle in his nose...)

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