Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 156: The divine tree, the totem of Qinshan Village (1/2)

Chapter 156: The divine tree, the totem of Qinshan Village (1/2)

In autumn in the mountains, the fruits are all ripe and there is a great variety.

Ning Fei continued on, saying:

August fruits, wild chestnuts, are not even close to being the best fruits in the mountains.

Hearing Ning Feis words, the netizens couldnt help but be curious.

Master Ning, dont sell it, what kind of fruit is it.

Yes, tell us quickly, what other good fruits are there in the mountain.

Seeing everyones urging, Ning Fei also said, That fruit tree is just ahead.

When youre in the mountains, if you come across this kind of fruit tree, you usually mark the location and remember the place.

And that fruit tree, Im probably the only person in the mountain who knows it.

Ning Fei walked through the woods, climbed another very steep earthen slope, and walked a few steps further, around a dense forest, before reaching his destination.

Look, everyone, the tree is really still there!

The fruit Im talking about is the wild kiwifruit!

The wild kiwi is known as the king of fruits and is rich in vitamin C. Its nutritional content is an antioxidant against ageing.

Wild kiwifruit can only be found in the mountains, grown in a purely wild environment, without pesticides, chemical fertilisers or bulking agents, which is very rare.

The netizens followed Ning Feis point and saw a kiwifruit tree in front of them, already full of wild kiwifruit, which looked surprisingly large by the thousands.

Wild kiwifruit are smaller than those sold on the market, but they taste sweeter and have more juice.

Ning Fei said, before climbing up the kiwi tree and starting to pick them.

Netizens watched in awe as they watched the live feed footage of a tree full of kiwifruit.

So many kiwifruit, is there a group to pick them?

Only if you can find out where it is, just now Master Ning has been walking for so long, Im totally confused about the direction.

The value of wild kiwifruit is very high.

Well, the ordinary ones are quite expensive.

Its okay, its 5 yuan a catty on our side this season.

Pure wild kiwifruit are available for probably tens of dollars a catty, but you cant even buy them on the market.

Kiwifruit is good stuff.

Yeah, the fruit farmers nowadays dont know what chemicals they add to the fruit or do you envy Master Ning? The ones plucked are the most natural kiwis.

There were too many kiwis on the tree and the stuff wouldnt last long. So picking about 20 or so then came down from the tree.

Unfortunately, they cant eat so many kiwis, theyll just go to waste.

Ning Fei shook his head.

Hearing his words, the netizens were speechless for a moment.

It really was a case of drought dying and water logging.

They couldnt even eat it if they wanted to, while Master Ning Guan, faced with a tree full of kiwis, could only eat less than one percent of them and the rest were all wasted.

Kiwifruit is very high value fruit. All kinds of fruits on the market now say they are high in vitamin C. There is a special ranking for this.

The number one fruit in terms of vitamin C content is the sour date, the second is the kiwi, the third is the lemon. The fourth is strawberry.

So, people should eat more kiwis. Its good for health.

After hearing his words, netizens have said. Now were not eating kiwis, were eating lemons. Its too sour!

At this time of year, a basket full of wild fruits has been picked in the bamboo basket. Ning Fei was very satisfied, so he started to return.

Here, there are actually wild prickly pears!

Ning Fei had just taken a few steps when he said again in surprise.

Seeing this, the netizens could only sigh helplessly and said: Master Ning is truly worthy of his treasure-hunting constitution na!

Prickly pears are so tart and sweet when eaten raw that people in the village like to use them to make wine, and they only bring them out when entertaining valuable guests.

If you dont make wine, just sprinkle white sugar on the prickly pear and then eat it, its sweet with a hint of sourness, extra tart.

Ning Fei said, and picked the prickly pears off the tree branches again.

This time, the bamboo basket was really full.

Ning Fei walked back, and on the way back, Ning Fei suddenly thought of something and changed direction again, taking a slight detour.

When he stopped, some of the netizens realised that the place Ning Fei had come to had been visited before.

Isnt this the divine tree?

An old fan said in surprise.

The divine tree? What kind of divine tree?

This tree is indeed so big, just a little smaller than that gnarled tree from a while ago.

Its thick and huge!

Those who dont know can go look up Master Nings earliest live broadcast, when Little Falcon found it here.

What? This place is the birthplace of Little Falcon?

Thats right, when Little Falcon fell from the tree and was then caught by Ning Fei.

Ning Fei stood under the tree and looked at the divine tree, feeling very emotional for a moment.

He blew a loud whistle.

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