Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 157: Taking the Little Ones to Wander the Grasslands (1/2)

Chapter 157: Taking the Little Ones to Wander the Grasslands (1/2)

Im going to the grassland today.

Pack your things, Im going to take all four little ones there.

Since its not very convenient to take the four little ones on public transport, Ill have to drive there.

Its a long journey, my friends home is in the Hulunbeier Steppe, the northernmost part of China, bordering Mossou and next to Heilonghe Province.

There are sixteen different grasslands in Inner Mongolia, Hulunbeier, Xilinguole, Ordos and so on.

But if we are talking about the most beautiful, it is the Hulunbeier Steppe.

With an area of over 110,000 square kilometres, it is larger than the area of Jiang Shu and Zhe Cyperus provinces.

The scenery there is very beautiful.

Ning Fei spoke as he packed his things.

He had brought along household items and supplies for outdoor adventures, as well as daily necessities for a few little ones, and a lot of food.

Ning Guan is going to Hulun Beier, its really very beautiful there!

Yes, Ive been there once on a self-drive trip, and it was very soothing to see.

The roasted whole sheep is a masterpiece, its so delicious!

The netizens also discussed excitedly.

Then, Ning Fei put away the vegetables in the backyard vegetable patch and gave them all to Grandma Wang, he also put away the deck chairs and pet toys in the yard into the house, and then locked all the doors of the house.

Once the people were gone, the Taoist temple was empty.

Little ones, get in.

Ning Fei called out a few times, and all four little ones ran to the back seat and sat down.

Talk if you want to go to the toilet, Ill find a place for you.

Whirling around, Ning Fei said to the nettles again.

Its a long trip, over two thousand kilometres, we wont arrive until tomorrow night if we leave now.

The earliest we can broadcast it will probably be tomorrow.

Everyone, please forgive me.

Hearing Ning Feis words, the netizens all expressed their understanding:

Although we cant see Master Nings live broadcast, Master Ning is in a hurry, theres no way around it.

Master Ning Guan, looking forward to your trip to the grasslands!

Go for it, Master Ning!

After that, Ning Fei closed the live broadcast and put away the drone.

He started up the Shepherd and drove off into the distance, carrying the four little ones.

On the road, Ning Fei turned on the radio and tuned in to the music channel, which played just the right song, called Wanderlust.

To wander when I grow up

To be able to see far away

Ill carry that heavy dream in my backpack

Its the way of the future

Youthful arrogance is especially arrogant

For freedom to fall in love or get lost


Ning Feis favourite music is by Xu Shangao and Wang Lihong, but in this situation, listening to this song was a very good feeling.

Then came the long rush.

The only twist in the journey was when he passed through a toll booth in Inner Mongolia? The traffic police were checking the vehicles.

I dont know what happened? The policeman has to take a look at every car.

Whats back there?

The traffic police took Ning Feis driving licence and found that the young man was quite handsome casually asked.

The pet I have. Ning Fei replied.

A pet? Let me see! The traffic policeman asked Ning Fei to open the back window of the car and looked over.

Only to see a white falcon, a white fox, a brown horse dog, and a small chicken with yellowish feathers in the back seat.

The dog and the chicken aside, the little falcons aura was too strong, anyone who looked at it knew this guy was worth a lot of money.

Whats with this bird? The traffic police officers voice immediately became serious, after he saw the little falcon and the little fox, suspected Ning Fei of poaching wild animals.

Because white falcons were simply not allowed to be kept by ordinary people!

Im the one who kept it. This is my breeding certificate. When Ning Fei brought the little falcon with him, the breeding certificate was also with him, Im from Qincheng, this is from the Qincheng Forestry Bureau.

The traffic police officer took the document with suspicion and checked it. This time, another traffic policeman noticed that there was a problem over here and came over and asked: Old Zhang, whats wrong? Is something wrong?

When he got a good look at the owner of the car, he was overjoyed and said in surprise.

Master Ning Guan?! Its you! Hello hello hello? I especially love watching you live.

The new traffic cop who came over immediately smiled when he saw Ning Fei. Then without a trace, he took both Ning Feis driving license and breeding license from Old Zhangs hand and politely handed them back to Ning Fei.

You this Old Zhang helplessly said.

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