Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 516: The Final Puzzle!

Chapter 516: The Final Puzzle!

The withered ancient tree was once again awakened by the third apostle!

The black mist was small in the beginning, but it continued expanding until it completely swallowed the tree. After a couple of breaths, the mist disappeared like it was sucked dry and what replaced it was a large group of vicious and ugly tree people!

Lesser Devils?

Lin Xiaos initial reaction to those monsters was that of the modified monsters that he fought against before. The lesser devils were similar, but the difference was that they were infected extremely quickly, compared to the lesser devils who needed a long time as well as demanding conditions like various rare materials as well as the soul of a fanatic believer.

It seems like their technology to create monsters have grown a lot compared to last year.

Wait their technology improves?

Lin Xiao suddenly realized something!

The plague, black core, rebellion, stolen holy sword it has been one disaster after another in Gotham Kingdom recently, like the Goddess was punishing them, yet no one thought to link these things together.

Lin Xiao suddenly realized what if these disasters didnt occur independently, but as part of a plot, wouldnt that change everything!?

The clues have been gathered and if you imagined each piece as a part of a puzzle, it seems like they could be combined following a certain rule to create the final puzzle! But what was the final puzzle?

His thoughts began turning and he constantly felt like he was on the cusp of grabbing the final key and arriving at the end, but he just couldnt finish.


It seems like the puzzle was still missing one final and crucial piece, and that could only be obtained from the third apostle!

Sister Ying, are you okay?

Im fine, I just have a slight headache.

Tsk, Im just realizing that youre really stubborn you cant even stand up straight and youre still saying youre fine?

Hm youre already calling me sister, so I naturally have to act like an older sister, if I if I fell first, what would happen to you?

Tsk, shes just a bit weak, its no big deal, shell be fine after resting for a bit. Elena made a professional diagnosis and walked next to her and used her arm to support her.

Okay then, you guys take a rest.

Lin Xiao couldnt let ShenDai Ying attack anymore, she may be strong but the risk was too high. If she couldnt finish off her target, then she would be in danger, so Lin Xiao couldnt let her take the risk.

So, he could rely only on himself now.

Elena, Sister Ying, and Mina you just need to watch yourselves and leave the rest to me!

Lin Xiao, d-dont force yourself!

Pervert, watch your magic consumption, this is my final warning.

The two women gave their own warnings as they watched Lin Xiaos back, and Lin Xiao casually waved his hands without turning back and slowly walked to the empty space in front of him and face his enemy!

Brat, though I may detest you, but I have to say that you are indeed outstanding, strong, and brave, Im a bit reluctant to kill you just based on your courage.

Courage? It seems like youre misunderstanding something, I dont have anything like that.

Oh? Then why arent you running away and coming here to die instead?

Because the one whos going to die is you, not me.

Lin Xiao smiled and slowly began drawing a complex magic circle in the air.


The third apostle was angered and wanted to say something, but was confused when he saw Lin Xiao drawing the magic circle.

What was he thinking?

The third apostle had thought that as a seventh-level magician, he would surely have some brilliant solution! He never expected him to do something so rough and foolish!

Hey, what is that? Fifth-level magic? Or fourth-level magic? Do you think something that clumsy can finish off my tree men army?

As a grand magician that wasnt any inferior to Lin Xiao, the third apostle was also knowledgeable in magic. Other than black magic, he also knew of various other spells, but he couldnt tell what magic Lin Xiao was doing at all!

That six-star magic circle was botched and full of holes, there were even incomplete lines, simply foolish! Such a laughable circle wouldnt even be able to gather magic power, how could it release strong magic?

It seems like youre dizzy! You cant even draw a normal circle anymore It seems like youve been abandoned by the gods and not destined for the new world, so let me purify your soul!

The third apostle shook his head and slightly waved his hands, then at the same time the tree men army moved!

But Lin Xiao didnt panic, he continued finishing his circle like he couldnt see them.

Wait I felt a sudden intense magic power, who is it?

As he watched that ant get swallowed, he suddenly felt a surge of terrifying magic power and thought someone had come to help, but he couldnt find anyone else. Then he realized it was coming from Lin Xiao!

T-thats magic barrier? How is that possible!? His jaw almost dropped when he saw the tornado forming.

He naturally knew what a magic barrier was! It was an intense vortex of magic power formed when casting magic that was eighth-level and above!

Impossible! Definitely impossible am I going blind? He started mumbling as if he saw a ghost.

Why? How could he form such a terrifying magic barrier with such an inferior circle?

Could it be could he really be casting eighth-level magic?

Stop joking Lin Xiao! Youre just a seventh-level magician, you cant even compare to me, how could you cast eighth-level magic? Keep dreaming!!

The third apostle didnt have any confidence as he cried out in a panic.

Lin Xiaos response was just a quiet murmur


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