Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 517: You’re Stronger Now

Chapter 517: You’re Stronger Now

Deconstruction, open! Along with that chant, the huge circle shattered!

Hahaha, I thought you actually had something up your sleeve! But after all that you only amounted to this?

The third apostle thought Lin Xiao had messed up when he saw the circle explode and was about to ridicule him, but when he took a close look, he realized something was wrong!

Hes never seen such a bizarre scene!

The circle shattered, but the piece didnt disappear and was suspended by Lin Xiao and slowly spinning like a puzzle.

At first, the broken pieces looked blurry, but as the magic barrier surged, the circle solidified and formed a silver river of stars.

That doesnt look good hurry up! Kill him!!

The third apostle felt chills and quickly ordered his army to attack and hoped that he could finish off Lin Xiao before he could finish his magic.

But before they could approach Lin Xiao, an invisible magic barrier tore up their bodies! The tree men were sucked into the vortex one by one and torn apart.

They cant even get close? Damn I cant let him succeed!

The third apostle nervously gulped, he was just looking down on Lin Xiao and confident that he couldnt cast eighth-level magic, but now he was fearing for his life. He didnt depend on his tree men anymore and planned to personally kill Lin Xiao!

But at this time, Lin Xiao chanted again. Deconstruction, combine!

The magic barrier abruptly disappeared and the magic circle began shining and moving on its own each piece collided with one another like they were preprogrammed to, and they sped up the program and when it was finished running, a large circle tens of meters wide was formed!

Thats eighth-level magic!?

He had no idea how Lin Xiao did it, but when he saw the circle, he was sure it was genuine!!

No, theres still time, his casting isnt that fast

The black mist stirred and the creepy mask split into two, the third apostles eyes turned black and he opened his mouth wide and planned to make the final stand!

Die voodoo life claim!!

At that instant, it was like he became a demon as a thick blood-red beam of light shot out of his mouth!

Lin Xiao has seen the same move before, but this time it was much more lethal, if he tried to use seventh-level magic against it, he would be swallowed!

But unfortunately, this time Lin Xiao used his true strength.

Slumbering ancient inferno dragon, come out!

The circle disappeared and became a gate as a massive dragon head came out along with his command. At the same time, the third apostles attack landed right on its head!


The dragon roared and the blood-red beam shattered.

Laughable! Eighth-level magic dragon of extinction!

The inferno instantly burned everything to ash, there were no more tree men or monsters left. Everything shall submit before the enraged dragon!

Damn ah!!!

Even though he was already hiding a distance away, the third apostle couldnt escape the flames of extinction as he fell heavily on the ground and spat out blood.

How could how could this happen

He struggled to stand up as he endured the pain, but he kept falling back down. Before he was the third apostle that flew high above and looked down on the ants and now he was stomped into the ground by an ant.

When the flames extinguished, nothing was left within a thousand meters, like the world was in black and white.

Lin Xiao you no wonder you made that promise, so you

So this was his true strength, he actually had the strength to save her, and knowing that, ShenDai Ying almost cried.

Thats right, this was Lin Xiaos victory, but on the other side, Elena wasnt happy at all.

ShenDai Ying couldnt move, Lin Xiao used his strongest attack and used up most of his magic power, if anything happens, then

Impossible youre just a seventh-level magician, no matter how robust your magic power if, no matter how gifted you are, you cant cast eight-level magic impossible, this is a hallucination, a hallucination!

The third apostle cursed as he clenched his teeth but couldnt change the painful reality. It was his loss, he would soon become Lin Xiaos captive and be brought back for interrogation. At that time, everything they did in Gotham Kingdom would go down the drain and their great plan would end in his hands!

He never expected himself to fall to this damn brat his life wasnt a big deal, but he will never allow things to end because of his mistake!

N-no! Lin Xiao, you definitely arent the prophesied one, you cant stop our plans!

The third apostle became energized as he looked at the youth who was walking over.

Hey, are you still not admitting defeat? Im so tired yawn, just let me catch you, and lets stop fighting, okay?

Lin Xiao was exhausted and needed a good sleep to replenish his magic. But the opponent wouldnt allow that!

Lin Xiao, youre indeed strong, even if you arent that person, you cant be ignored why do you waste that much strength? Rather than lazing around, why not fight for the future of humanity?

Youre not trying to persuade me to give up, right?

Lin Xiao looked at the third apostle who was struggling on the ground and wanted to find something to tie him up, but when he looked around there was nothing left because he already burnt everything to ash.

Sorry, Im lazy, so Im not interested. As for the future of humanity You guys keep talking about the original sin and only you guys can save the world but whats your plan? Is messing around and causing trouble everywhere going to save the world?

Hmph, ignorant so in the end, youre just a nobody.

The third apostle ignored his questions and continued struggling.

Sigh, pretend I never asked lets just get Snow to personally interrogate you.

Lin Xiao sighed and planned to knock him out then take off his mask to see who he was, but when he reached out, he was slapped away!

Lin Xiao, dont think youve won, this isnt over!

Stop messing around, you already saw how terrifying eighth-level magic was, right? I wasnt even trying to kill you, just the aftermath of the explosion was enough to turn you into this the difference in our strength is clear, do you still not accept it?

Damn I have to admit youre stronger right now!

Uh, why does that sound so familiar then are you going to run away?

Run? Lin Xiao, Ive already said, dont underestimate me even though youre stronger, youll pay for your self-conceit!

The third apostle laughed as he took out the black core, but this time, there were several of them.

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