Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 518: Unexpected Stumbling Block

Chapter 518: Unexpected Stumbling Block

The black core may be impressive and can change people into monsters, but isnt just throwing it quite dumb?

When Lin Xiao saw the third apostle take out several black cores, he wasnt too surprised but was still a bit scared and took a few steps back and then shook his head.

There was a strange magical creature locked inside the black core, the soul-devouring bug, when it enters someones body, it turns them into a half-person half-dead creature.

Even though Lin Xiao had a strong mentality, he wasnt certain he would be fine if those bugs entered his body.

Though the black core may be powerful, it was hard to use first, it had to be activated then thrown like a grenade and had to explode before it could harm the target.

Even a normal magician could easily deal with that kind of attack, any magic attack would send those black cores flying in midair. So even though Lin Xiao used up most of his magic power, he still had enough to cast low-level magic. So he wasnt worried about the third apostle throwing them at him.

Throwing? Hahaha, Lin Xiao, so you dont know anything well Snows experiment is still missing the final step, so you know nothing of whats to come!

Can you please stop making everything so mysterious?

Lin Xiao, arent you smart, why are you so stupid now? Did you think whats inside the black core is just a normal magical creature!? Controlling ones heart through black magic do you think thats simple? Stop underestimating black magic bastard!

Uh, so youre saying that youre a genius black magician and you want me to praise you?

No! Im no genius! How could I have researched such a fantastic creature? This is by the decree of the gods, a treasure given to me by the Goddess! And Im just using it!

Tsk what do you mean?

Hahaha, Lin Xiao, do you still not understand? Ill ask you two questions. Firstly, since Snow is also proficient in black magic, have you considered why she needs the final ingredient to crack the black core?

Hm, perhaps its related to what the black core is made of? Right, what is that bug made of!?

Lin Xiao suddenly realized a crucial question. What was such a powerful magical tool made of?

Hehe, pretty quick on your feet! The third apostle smiled and gently ran his fingers across the black cores and silently activated them and continued asking, The second question do you know why we faked a plague and made so many living dead? You didnt naively think it was just for collapsing Gotham Kingdom, right?

No, I already guessed it wasnt targeted directly at Gotham Kingdom I also know that all these disasters happened with an ulterior motive!

Oh? Since youre so smart and already guessed it then tell me, what are we going to do?

No idea, if I knew, I wouldnt be wasting time with you here. But, Ill make you personally tell me. If you wont, Ill beat it out of you!

Hahaha, youre right! No matter how perfect the plan is, in the end, we have to rely on our fists! Lin Xiao, I originally hated you, but now I realize you were just faking it!

Oh? So that means you know me who are you?

Haha, no need to ask, wont you know once you win?

The third apostle raised the black cores and got ready.

Lin Xiao, youre an opponent worthy of my respect! I never expected that my biggest threat wouldnt be Snow, nor Claire, but you! But again, youre not the chosen one, so its fate that you wont be able to stop me! No matter how much you struggle, youre but a stumbling block not worth mentioning!


Speaking of that, the mystery around the chosen one still hasnt been resolved. That person may be Yao Zi, Snow, or even Caesar. There are many differing opinions, but whether its the enlightenment society, the holy light church, or the hero Greenton, they all agree that it wasnt Lin Xiao, even Lin Xiao thought so too.


My fate obviously isnt the chosen one who saves the world, but you arent anyone special, so a hard and stinky stumbling block is enough to deal with you!

Lin Xiao smiled and reached one hand out and instantly made a pale green magic circle.

Wind blade!

A wind blade shot out quickly towards the third apostles head! Even if he could dodge it, his mask would be cut revealing his appearance! But the third apostle didnt doge and did something unexpected.

Although theres a lot of side effects, theres no choice Lin Xiao, you forced me to do this!!!

Gulp. He opened his mouth wide and swallowed the activated cores. In the next instant, the mist started surging out of every orifice in his body, his nose, mouth ears, and eyes and completely enveloped him.

What is he doing, is he blowing himself up?

Damn, hes ruthless, choosing to blow himself up and turn himself into a living dead without awareness so he doesnt reveal any information.


Wait that doesnt seem to be the case!?

Lin Xiao felt it wasnt right when he thought about what he said earlier. Since the black core was so amazing, how could there only be one way of using it? Could swallowing it be the true way to use it?

Lin Xiao!

Lin Xiao was still standing there foolishly and observing when Elena noticed something and rushed over!

Elena, stop, its too dangerous!

Pervert, youre the one in danger! Run!


Lin Xiao couldnt react in time and the enemy already attacked!

So what if you can cast eighth-level magic Lin Xiao, youre already out of magic, lets see how youll fight me!

The third apostle laughed! The thick mist didnt swallow his consciousness and turn him into a living dead, rather it replenished his strength! He already swallowed all the black mist and dark purple marks appeared all over his body. They were different from the festering wounds the living dead had and all contained a large amount of power and rejuvenated him!

Die, Lin Xiao!

The third apostle opened his mouth wide, he didnt even look human anymore!

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