Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 519: Nagging Wife

Chapter 519: Nagging Wife

So you cant beat me and now youre playing transformations???

Lin Xiao understood when the third apostle opened his mouth wide.

As a magic creature, the soul-devouring bug could parasitically live inside a human and turn them into the living dead, but if a caster swallows one, then it doesnt take a life, but strengthens it!

That means the black core doesnt just change someones mind and turn them into the living dead, but it true value was parasitic control!

Do you want to create something even stronger than a lesser devil with this method?

Lin Xiao had various thoughts surge forth, but it wasnt time to think, the enemys attack was already coming!

The third apostle opened his mouth and used an inhuman way to shoot out another thick blood-red beam, although this one was weaker than earlier, but it was enough to take Lin Xiaos life!

But how could Lin Xiao be finished off that easily?

Holy Light Shield!

Idiot! No matter how weak the attack is, its high-level black magic! How can you block it with fourth-level magic? Do you want to die?

Elena was anxious as she saw what was happening. She wanted to go over and punch him awake then drag him away by his collar! But she couldnt, and could only insult him to express her concern.

ShenDai Ying also clenched her sword and wanted to rush over to help, but just as she tried to shadow blink, she had a massive migraine and almost fell over.

I already reminded you so many times to watch your magic consumption! Why didnt you listen!

Elena clenched her teeth and silently grasped her collar and wanted to transform to save him! But there was no time, the chant to unseal herself was embarrassing and verbose, she didnt have the time!

Damn Lin Xiao, arent you just making it difficult for yourself. Yes, you have a lot of magic power, if you were just casting seventh-level magic, it would be difficult to exhaust all your magic power but thats eighth-level magic! The destructive power and magic consumption of eighth-level magic are exponentially higher, so why werent you careful with it?

At that instant, Elena felt like a nagging wife.

Really why am I worrying about you? A pervert like you should just die!

Elena forced herself to look away and tried to ignore it, but she couldnt and started running towards him!

No, you cant just die like that pervert, you cant block it, hurry up and dodge!

At the final moment, Elenas heart-wrenching screams reverberated!

Hehe, never expected the Demon King to be that worried, how touching but dont worry, he cant kill me!

Lin Xiao raised his shield and didnt back down!

Arrogant fool die!

The third apostle exclaimed with excitement when he saw the beam collide with the weak shield and melted it along with Lin Xiao!

But that didnt happen and he just heard a strange explosion. Nothing happened to Lin Xiao, he wasnt injured an was just flung back and landed on the ground.

My god how could this be?

The third apostle gasped for breath as he watched Lin Xiao land. Lin Xiao was just a bunch of contradictions, he looked so normal and frail but yet he was so strong. Those contradictions are what allow him to do things unimaginable to normal people, and those things are normally called miracles!

Thats right, Lin Xiao created another miracle!

If it wasnt a miracle, how could a normal fourth-level magic shield block high-level magic?

No, it wasnt a miracle it was cheating!

Ow, ow my butt, it hurts!

Lin Xiao, you Elena helplessly shook her head and didnt know what to say.

The third apostle had no idea what happened, but Elena saw everything. Lin Xiao didnt actually use the shield to block the black magic, he just changed the attacks trajectory.

Although the third apostle used a strange method to replenish his strength to cast magic again, but it was barely enough. It was much weaker and there was another fatal issue, there was practically no control over it!

Using Yao Zi as an example, although she could use external magic power to cast large magic, but that power doesnt belong to her, so her magic control will be clumsy, the third apostle was in a similar state.

And Lin Xiao noticed that, so at the last second he tilted his shield and forcibly changed the attacks trajectory. Perhaps it looked like it hit straight on, but it simply hit the shield and then its trajectory changed and flew right past Lin Xiao.

Phew, thankfully youre fine pervert, those kinds of tricks are all you have!

Elena quickly ran next to Lin Xiao and sighed in relief.

Hehe, as long as its enough to save my life.

I already warned you about your magic usage, so why didnt you listen!?

Uh, why are you so angry I didnt expect him to be able to transform.

Still making excuses? If you didnt underestimate him, your eight-level magic could have killed him ten times over, why did you hold back?

Uh isnt it all for you?

Hah? For me!?

You wanted to investigate the enlightenment society and find out who was behind the rebellion if I killed him, who are we going to ask?

You!? Stop saying those corny things pervert!

Elena blushed when she heard the truth and looked down while taking a few steps back, but she suddenly noticed something and quickly looked up!

Damn hes coming again! Lin Xiao, run!

She almost forgot this wasnt the time to get teased, the danger wasnt gone and the battle was just beginning!

Damn brat! Why, why, why??? Why arent you dead yet!? How many lives do you have left!?

The third apostle almost had fire coming out of his eyes as he watched the two of them flirt.

Okay, lets pretend you cant die but your maid can, right!?

The third apostle opened his mouth and attacked again, this time he didnt choose to continue attacking Lin Xiao, but changed to Elena!

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