Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 546: Children’s Words Carry No Harm

Chapter 546: Children’s Words Carry No Harm

Saint Nick?

That answer wasnt too unexpected for Lin Xiao. While he was conversing with the third apostle, he already vaguely felt that he seemed familiar and since Lin Xiao didnt know many people in Gotham Kingdom, and there werent many people he had conflicts with, Nick was coincidentally one of them.

According to Elona, Snow already suspected Nick and investigated but didnt find anything.

So was it really Nick?

Where was he during the time of the incidents?

If Nick had proof that he was somewhere else during the time of the incidents, then he couldnt be the third apostle, otherwise, he would be suspicious.

When Snow was returning, Nick coincidentally met Snow and found out about her return route, so if it were him, he would be able to mobilize the living dead and cooperate with White Night.

Then when Lin Xiao was at the plague zone, Nick was coincidentally sick at home, so no one knew where he went.

So it seems like hes the prime suspect.

But we have no proof, theyre just conjectures. Even if he was the third apostle and we accuse him, he wouldnt admit to it, and we would just expose ourselves.

Elena, youre right! I never expected your intellect to improve along with your figure it seems like my teachings as your master is working!

Oh, is it but unfortunately, it seems like this master is about to die to this maids fists.

No, no, Elena, at a time like this, you should say youre going to use your body to suffocate me to death!

Oh okay, so it seems like you want to try dying? Okay, it doesnt matter what the weapon is, but let me satisfy you!

Okay, okay but you have to take off your clothes first! You cant kill me without taking off your clothes!

Damn pervert! Still talking back? Just watch me

Um Lin Xiao, aunt, what game are you playing?

Elona covered her mouth in embarrassment but still braved herself and continued to ask.

Hey, can Elona also join in? M-my figure isnt as good as Elena, but it isnt bad either! It seems like Ive developed more recently so can I also play?

Elona was still young and didnt understand adult matters, she just felt like Lin Xiao and Elena were both happy and wanted to join in, so she lifted her head raised her arms, and invited Lin Xiao to come play with her.

Elona, w-what are you doing!?

Elena quickly pulled Elona aside and forced her arms down before Lin Xiao could lay his hands on the ignorant cat girl.

W-wu Elena, w-why are you angry? Did I do something wrong?

What were you going to do? Why were you seducing that pervert? Do you want to die?

Seducing? No, I just wanted to join in and play as well?

Play? Play what?

Just whatever you were playing with him, that interesting game! You looked like you were having fun, so I also wanted to join in!

Fun? W-where did you see me having fun!? He was clearly teasing me and I was scolding him, why would we be having fun?

Hehe, thats right, Elona is such an honest good girl! Lin Xiao walked over and patted Elonas head, Right, we were indeed having fun.

But aunt wont admit it

Dont believe her, shes just not honest with herself. She likes being teased but wont tell the truth. Elona, youre still young, youll understand when you grow up.


Of course.

Then that means aunt really likes you?

Wha!? Hm, right, she does really like me.

Just think about it, how could Elena, who has such a bad temper, like being teased? In reality, she doesnt like being teased, she just likes being teased by Lin Xiao!

Elona, Im starting to regret.

Hm? About what?

Im regretting saving you when you were younger and playing in the sea, I should have held you under and drowned you.

Ehhhh? Elena, dont say something so scary! I was wrong I wont say anything like that again!

Although Elona was apologizing, she still didnt know what she said which made Elena so angry. She clearly liked being teased by Lin Xiao and was having fun, its not like she was lying, so what did she do wrong?

Cough, okay stop messing around, lets get back on topic.

Telling them not to mess round after teasing them, what a ruthless pervert

Elena, what did you say?

Tsk. I said, what can we do without any proof?

Then cant we just look for proof?


The prison!

Prison? I know, you mean White Night who was silenced?

If he wasnt wrong, after Darkness died and White Night was captured, the third apostle would have lost two leading figures and it would be hard to find more people, so it was very likely he personally came to finish him off!

If Nick is really the third apostle, then he surely left a clue, as long as I find anything, Ill take care of him!

Both Elena and Elona agreed and the three of them headed to the prison to investigate. With Elona with them, his investigation really went more smoothly.

Everyone recognized Elona and she was practically treated like Snow, and was able to easily enter the securely guarded prison. But even if Elona could satisfy Lin Xiaos demands, can they find anything?

Its not like Snow didnt investigate White Nights death, she was sure that he died of a fast-acting poison, but she didnt know which poison. That days food was provided by dedicated personnel and was for sure safe. She knew he was killed but couldnt find any evidence, so her investigation stopped there. Could Lin Xiao have a better idea?

Tsk it really is troublesome.

After questioning the relative personnel, Lin Xiao didnt understand. The prison that held White Night was extremely secure and was watched 24/7 and constantly changing shifts. Even if Snow personally came she would have to register and be accompanied.

So whoever did it was too clean and it was no wonder Snow couldnt find anything.

Snow interrogated Bob the day before he died, at that time he was still normal and didnt have signs of being poisoned. Additionally, Sain Nick also interrogated Bob, many times with Snow and once alone, but there were a lot of people watching him and they didnt notice anything off.

After looking over the prison logs, Elena extracted the useful information for Lin Xiao. If the logs werent fake, then that meant this had nothing to do with Nick, but

The more perfectly it was done, the more Lin Xiao felt like there was something off.

If they just wanted to kill him, why waste all that effort to make it such a perfect crime? Why didnt they just directly kill him.

Wait whats that?

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