Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 547: You’re Not A Person!

Chapter 547: You’re Not A Person!

The dark and gloomy prison had no light, Elena and Elona flipped through the logs together using the candlelight to try and find any useful clues. Lin Xiao walked around and observed the cell that White Night used and noticed something!

There were a couple of small bottles scattered at the foot of the wall outside the cell, Lin Xiao picked them up and found they were empty so he went and asked the jailer.

It turns out that was medicine for White Night and he left them on the ground after taking them.

Medicine? Could there be a problem with the medicine? Elena asked and got a negative response.

What had happened was that after Bob just recovered he accidentally caught a cold although it was over quickly, he was left with a cough and Saint Nick coincidentally had coughing medicine, so he gave one to Bob and it immediately stopped the cough.

Snow also suspected the medicine so she got an apothecary to inspect it, but the result was that the prescription may not have been perfect it was not poisonous and was just a medicine to stop a cough, so Snow didnt worry about Bob taking it.

So its not a problem with the medicine After listening to the story, Elena was left scratching her head and could only turn to Lin Xiao for help.

But Lin Xiao was also stumped and could only continue asking for more details to find clues.

According to the guard, other than the medicine, Bob didnt eat anything else suspicious. On the day Bob died, there was no poison in the food he left behind. Apparently in order to ensure safety, the person who delivered the meal tested it for poison by eating it before handing it over.

Strange other than the coughing medicine and a normal meal, he really didnt eat anything else?

No, nothing else, how many times do you need me to say it? But wait, other than the normal meal, he did indeed eat something else, but it wasnt anything strange.

What was it?

Sweet pear pudding.

Sweet pear pudding?

Lin Xiao had no idea what that was, after asking it turned out to be an intricate dessert. It wasnt too popular but it had a unique taste and was sweet and delicious.

The day before Bob died, he suddenly said he wanted to eat some sweet pear pudding, so the person who delivered the food bought one for him the next day.

At the time, Bob was clearly happy and started eating the pudding before even finishing his meal. After quickly finishing it, he revealed a happy smile and passed away soon after

Lin Xiao, stop guessing, sweet pear pudding is delicious, its not a poison but a dessert, so it has nothing to do with it.

Hm? How do you know its delicious, have you had it before?

Hm I have. Elena weakly nodded and looked away.

Strange, how come youve had it before, but I havent? Wait! I know Elena, did you steal my money to buy snacks again!?

He was just puzzled about how someone so gluttonous who always cried out every day for chicken legs, and ice cream in Winterless City suddenly stopped when they got here? So it turns out she was stealing his money to buy snacks and didnt even share it with him!

Lin Xiao really got angry!

You stinking cat, stealing my money is one thing, but you didnt share!?

Y-you never told me, so how would I know you wanted some?

Peh! If you dont tell me, how would I tell you?

Hm okay, okay, next time Ill also buy your share, alright? How annoying.

Hmph, thats better an obedient maid should share with their master.

After lecturing the gluttonous cat, Lin Xiao got back on topic.

Although they all believed it had nothing to do with the pudding, Lin Xiao was sure it was crucial, because there was no way Bob suddenly wanted the pudding for no reason.

Think about it, as one of the core members of the cult, he was imprisoned by Snow and couldnt do anything about it, so it was just a matter of time before he revealed their secrets. but his faith wouldnt allow him to do anything like that, so death was the best choice.

Thus came the question. Why did someone who wanted to die specifically request for sweet pear pudding? And he even happily smiled after eating it?

There were two possibilities, one was that he knew he was going to die the next day, so he wanted to eat something he liked before dying.

The other possibility was most likely the right answer, it was because the sweet pear pudding was why he died!

If Lin Xiao was right, then Bob knew he was going to die after eating the pudding and thats why he smiled in relief. Otherwise, he wouldnt have specifically asked for sweet pear pudding and purposely ate it after the meal.

But, the pudding isnt poison, the guard already said that the person who delivered the meal tasted all the food and they werent poisonous.

Thats right, I believe that he did eat all of the food but there was one thing that Bob ate that no one else did!

Hm? What? Could it be ohhh! I get it!!

It had to be said, but Lin Xiao was amazing even after following him for so long, Elena still didnt know what he had in his head that he could find a crack in this impossible situation.

Elena was a high-level demon that was also the demon king, and boasted herself of being much better than lowly humans, but in front of Lin Xiao, she was always half a beat slower

But when Lin Xiao mentioned it, she understood, although all the food Bob ate wasnt poisonous, it didnt mean that the food mixed together wasnt poisonous! Even though someone tried all the food, they never took Bobs coughing medicine!

Nicks medicine may be harmless, but thats only by itself, if Im right, then it becomes a fatal poison when mixed with sweet pear pudding!

When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

But Lin Xiao thats just sweet pear pudding, I-I also ate it, how could it be poison?

You only ate the pudding and not the medicine, so of course youre fine also, even if you ate poison, you wouldnt be poisoned, since you arent a person after all.

Who are you insulting? Youre not a person!

Uh I wasnt insulting you, you arent a person.

Im not a person? Oh right, Im not so what are you planning to do next?

Follow Nicks prescription to make another coughing medicine and try it, wouldnt we know the answer then?

The plan really was seemingly flawless, no one would have thought that the problem would be the pudding and medicine, two normal things, combined. But now, after experimenting to prove the poison exists after mixing, he could find the person behind it!

Whether Nick was the third apostle or not was soon to be revealed!

Theres no time to waste, lets hurry hm?

With the prescription the guard provided, Lin Xiao and the others quickly left the prison and left to buy medicine to verify. Right when they left, they saw a strange person.

Looking at their back it was a girl with long black hair, but their clothing was strange, she was wearing fuzzy sleepwear and was sitting in a wheelchair like she was someone who just came out of a hospital.

Sister Ying?

Lin Xiao?

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