Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 548: I’ll, Wait For You!

Chapter 548: I’ll, Wait For You!

Lin Xiao didnt understand why he would meet sister Ying here, and when she saw him, she was delighted but then her complexion changed and she looked angry as she moved towards Lin Xiao.

Sister Ying, why arent you resting in the room?

Hah? That should be my line! Why did you sneakily come here with Elena instead of staying with me?

Eh? I, I

Lin Xiao remembered that he left when she was still asleep and now he was caught with Elena

To ShenDai Ying, Lin Xiao was too sly! Using a massage as an excuse he made her feel sleepy and relaxed and then snuck out with Elena after she fell asleep

Because Lin Xiao just found a clue about the third apostle he was excited and walked out of the prison very happily and ShenDai Ying came at just the right time to see him and Elena talking happily so there would naturally be a misunderstanding.

But her arrival was good news for Lin Xiao, he suddenly remembered that as an assassin, she knew poisons rather well, so she might know something about the incident, so he patiently told her about everything they found and tried to get her opinion.

So youre saying White Night was poisoned by mixing those two things together? ShenDai Ying realized they werent sneaking around but investigating, so she began thinking about it.

If its mixing poison, that does exist let me see.

ShenDai Ying was really an expert when it came to poisons, just by taking a look she immediately had an answer!

Yes, Lin Xiao, youre right This poison is called lung puncture powder! ShenDai Ying knit her brows and was surprised.

This poison was rarely seen even within Shen Yue Ge, but it was very stealthy it actually wasnt poisonous by itself and even had the effect of stopping coughing, but when consumed with sweet pear pudding, it would create an intense poison!

When taken in small amounts, the poison wasnt fatal and would just damage ones lungs and create several symptoms of lung disease, like a nonstop cough. But when taken in a large enough dose, it would cause instant death!

Evidently, Bob took a large dose, so he died soon after consuming the sweet pear pudding.

But Lin Xiao, how did you find out? I remember that you dont know anything about medicine, or poison?

ShenDai Ying didnt understand and asked Elena to find out that he was able to piece out the correct answer from various clues.

Okay, okay, sister Ying, you dont need to praise me, hurry up and go back to get some rest!

I can but you have to tell me where else youre going? Otherwise, I would worry!


Lin Xiao actually already decided on where he was going, he didnt want to tell her, but seeing how determined she was, he could only honestly tell her.

Im going to look for Nick.

Yes, there was only one place he could go and that was to go to Nicks house and personally drag him out!

Now he had all the evidence he needed that Nick made Bob take the lung puncture powder under the pretense of stopping his cough and then directed this odd death, there was no question that he was the third apostle!

But Lin Xiao, I actually hm, never mind.

ShenDai Ying wanted to say that she was fine and he didnt need to take a risk, but when she saw Lin Xiaos serious demeanor, she swallowed her words.

She had never seen him that serious before, it was like he was even more angry than her for her injury. She felt a manly feeling from him, usually, she would be the mature older sister, and him the lazy and unruly younger brother.

But now, it was like their roles were swapped and she became the younger sister that needed protecting and he was suddenly the reliable older brother.

But she didnt hate a change like that.

Okay, I wont stop you with your strength, I trust you can catch that bastard! But, you have to be careful and dont underestimate him!

Dont worry, I wont give him any more chances.

Also, you have to protect Elena, dont put her in danger!

Sister Ying, dont worry, shes my portable charger, of course I would protect her and not let anyone touch her!

Hm? Portable charger? Whats that?

ShenDai Ying didnt understand but saw Elena angrily pinching Lin Xiaos waist, the pain causing his smile to freeze and he quickly begged for mercy and changed a topic

Cough anyways, be careful and dont get ambushed while flirting!

Uh sister Ying, youre mistaken, its not what you think! Were just

Hmph, Im just useless and can only sit on a wheelchair, so you dont have to mind me.

How cold that be! Sister Ying, Ill always care about you no matter what happens!

Tsk, stop lying, I wont fall for it Elona, lets go!


ShenDai Ying turned and angrily left with Elona, leaving Lin Xiao frozen in place.


But right after turning around, ShenDai Ying began muttering to herself.

Although I cant walk right now, and cant cook anything much, I can at least make a soup.

Hm? Sister Ying, what did you say soup?

Yes, Im planning on making chicken soup tonight, itll be good but Im worried about making too much, what should I do?

Too much then let me help you finish it, okay?

You also like it? Hm, thats fine, but You have to promise me that youll come back safely Ill wait for you!

Her soft voice drifted over and passed through his ears and filled him with energy! As he endures a tough fight outside, he will remember that he has a woman at home making chicken soup and waiting for him to come back. That kind of hope and expectation gave him power so that he wouldnt fear any enemy no matter how strong they were!

Hey pervert, she already left, what are you still looking at?

Oh, she already left. Elena, when were fighting later, you have to help me.

What, are you scared?

Scared? No, Im just worried itll take too long.

Do you still have something else you need to do?

Of course.

What? Is it important?

Other than getting Nick, Lin Xiao still had another more important plan?

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