Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 567: Dr. Lin And His Patient

Chapter 567: Dr. Lin And His Patient

Try again? W-what do you want to try again?

What else? That!

Um do you really want to try? Lets forget it.

How can we forget it? You clearly replenish my magic with your chest, but now you cant, there has to be a problem! We have to try and find it!

But even if we dont find the reason, theres no problem with that, right? Or, are you saying you want me to be your portable battery?

Of course!

What did you say!?

Uh no, no, I said, of course not!

Because they were sitting face to face on the bed, they were extremely close to each other and it was hard for Lin Xiao to conceal his emotions.

Elena, Im not actually doing this for myself, but for you.

For me?

Thats right, for your health!

I dont understand why do you have to rub my chest for my health?

Cough, its actually like this, listen to me explain.

Lin Xiao coughed and began his brainwashing.

His logic was simple when he touched it last time, Elenas power surged forth, but today, there was no reaction, what does that mean?

This meant that the path must be blocked by something! Because the paths are blocked, he couldnt get any magic power, so they have to open the pathways!

In other words, Elena, your chest is being blocked by something, so you need me, Dr. Lin to help you open it up!

Lin Xiao, I have to respect how you make acting like a pervert sound so serious.

Because Im not! Dont believe it? Look at my eyes

Lin Xiao looked seriously at Elena and opened his hands trying to use them to grab at something.

Sigh, do you like my chest that much but, although you dont have good intentions, what you said still makes sense. So if its really blocked, its better to do something.

Elena hesitated and was still convinced in the end and decided to sacrifice some dignity to get Dr. Lin to help inspect her body and open the pathways.

Then should we start?


Hehe, then here I come!

Lin Xiao rubbed his hands and quickly began working on his treatment! The blanket on the bed was lifted and thrown into the air and then covered the two of them.

This was something they agreed on beforehand. In order to make the treatment safe, and harmonious and keep everything professional, they decided to use a blanket to cover the two of them.

As long as they were inside, it would be dark and they wouldnt be able to see anything. Lin Xiao wouldnt be able to see anything so it wouldnt affect his treatment, and Elena wouldnt be able to see anything so she wouldnt be embarrassed and could take off her clothes.

Dr. Lin, please comply with professional ethics and dont try to take advantage of your female patients and do something strange, okay?

Of course, Ill just feel them.

Eh? Youll only feel them

Yes, thats enough wait, Elena, you dont sound happy? Do you want me to do something strange to you?

O-of course not!

Hehe, dont be shy, as a doctor, I naturally wouldnt be affected by beauty, but if a female patient seduces me, then its unavoidable.

Enough pervert, h-hurry up and start!

The two began moving under the covers.

Youre really just feeling them?


Okay then I-Ive already undressed, here.

Cough, no, no! Elena, have you forgotten your own identity? Youre a patient and Im a doctor, how could you speak to the doctor like that?

Pervert, what perverted play do you want to do now?

Its not a play, this is called professionalism, do you understand? Hurry up!


Elena couldnt see Lin Xiaos expression in the dark, so she didnt know if he was joking or not, so she could only listen.

Dr. Lin, please begin your treatment.

Hm, okay please hold my hand.

Hah? Why do I have to hold your hand?

Idiot, its so dark in here, how would I know where to touch, if I touch the wrong place, youre going to get angry again, so you should hold my hand and guide it to the proper place.

Oh, youre right

Elena was persuaded again and felt around to grab Lin Xiaos hand and then placed it onto her chest.

Hm, feels good, temperature normal size, seems to have grown 1 cm.

Pervert, stop lying, how would you be able to tell that they grew by 1 cm? Also why did it grow again!?

Cough, dont underestimate a gentlemans power! As for why they grew thats naturally because of love!

I dont understand

Anyways, the initial diagnosis is complete and I didnt notice anything strange, so lets continue with the second round.

Hm? Theres a second round? Wait what is the second round?

The second round of treatment! Patient, please be quite!

Pervert, you still havent said what it was yet! I ah! ~ What are you doing? N-no!

Please dont make strange sounds, itll affect the treatment muah, muah

The next day

Early morning

When the early sun shined through the window, Dr. Lin and his patient slowly woke up, and the two looked at each other in silence.

Lin Xiao silently wore his clothes, opened the curtains, and looked out the window scenery in a daze. Elena was sitting on the bed with her hands over the blanket wrapped around her like they just finished the deed.

Yes, Dr. Lin still failed.

Last night, they tried everything they could but still couldnt find anything abnormal. Other than leaving some bite marks, they didnt achieve anything.

But coming up empty handed was also something, this meant that it wasnt Elenas problem, but Lin Xiaos problem.

This would be awkward its like a couple who went around to check thinking it was the womans problem, but it ended up being the mans problem, this sudden shock to Lin Xiao didnt come lightly.

Anyway, from the start, what had happened was kind of ridiculous. Lin Xiao was a human and Elena was a demon, their powers didnt come from the same source, so how did skin contact transmit power?

So, from the start, it didnt make sense.

But why did they succeed the first time?

Was it a miracle? A hallucination? Or was there some unknown secret?

Lin Xiao had specifically gone to Snow for this, but she was also baffled and just guessed it happened because of the slave contract.

And so the matter concluded. Although Lin Xiao hadnt given up on it, he could only leave it for later.

Now, he had something more important to do perhaps it was his last mission before he left Gotham Kingdom.

Sigh, I dont really want to go.

After this last mission, he could say goodbye to this gloomy capital and could return to Lombard Kingdom. But this matter was kind of annoying and more importantly, he still had to face that tomboy and he was kind of reluctant.

As for that tomboy, he didnt hate her, but he didnt like the feeling of being conquered.

But, this is something I have to do for sister Ying.

Finally, his sense of responsibility defeated his laziness.

Dr. Lin, with his female patient, set off on a new journey.

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