Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 568: Equal Standing

Chapter 568: Equal Standing

Unlike Lin Xiao and Elena who were very busy, ShenDai Ying was quite idle. As for Nicks true identity and what Snow and Lin Xiao did in the church, she heard what happened later from other people.

Thankfully nothing happened to them and even though the church got levelled, the dorms werent affected and she continued to stay there to recuperate.

Being idle was nice, but there was one thing she felt regrettable about.

She hasnt been able to meet Lin Xiao for a couple of days.

In the past while, she had been following Lin Xiao around like his tail, cooking for him, and essentially taking over Elenas job, becoming Lin Xiaos maid.

Cooking for him wasnt worth mentioning, but she was happy that she could stay by Lin Xiaos side and the sudden empty room made her feel lonely.

What did Lin Xiao go to do? Wasnt everything over, what else did he have to do?

For some reason, she felt like Lin Xiao was hiding something from her, so he was purposely hiding from her. And she had a feeling that itd be hard to meet him for the next while.

Big sis, Im already done.

Ah sorry, I spaced out for a bit. Youre Elona, right? Hehe, thank you for helping me wipe my legs.

ShenDai Ying smiled and thanked the maid in front of her. She had already started to accept this scene. Every morning after waking up, she would have to take care of her precious legs, naturally by wiping and massaging them. They were simple tasks, but they were difficult for her.

She couldnt move her legs so she couldnt wipe and massage them and could only ask someone else, so it was important who she chose for the task. Because not just anyone could do it.

Since they had to be close to her and they were in full control of her while they helped her wipe and massage her legs, all men (other than Lin Xiao) were excluded, and even the women had to be carefully selected. Her legs were extremely sensitive and delicate so she couldnt let someones carelessness injure them.

So she needed someone reliable. But where would she find someone like that? Lin Xiao and Elena were still there a couple of days ago, but now they were gone and left her alone with no one to rely on. The only one she trusted was Xiao Hua, but she didnt live in a fixed place and moved unpredictably, so how could ShenDai Ying get her to come every day?

What should she do?

Just as ShenDai Ying was at a loss, someone came to help her resolve her problem, and that person was Elona.

When ShenDai Ying woke up, she saw a familiar maid walk into her room. She was extremely cute and had chubby cheeks and an abundant chest, she looked like a budget Elena.

ShenDai Ying knew she was Snows personal servant, so she let her take care of it.

It turns out that Elona was extremely skilled, she may look clumsy, but she was very careful and gentle as she took care of ShenDai Ying. After her service, she made ShenDai Ying feel good, and she thanked her.

Hehe, no problem, master asked me to take care of you.

Snow asked you to come?

Mhm, from today on, Im your maid! So Ill be responsible for taking care of your legs and daily needs! Just let me know if you need anything!

Thank you, youre a big help, but why did Snow suddenly ask you to come?

ShenDai Ying was confused when she heard what Elona said. She knew Snow was Lin Xiaos sister and they were close, but she wasnt close with Snow, rather, they never even spoke before.

Dont worry, this wasnt masters idea, but Lin Xiaos decision.

Lin Xiao? He asked you to come take care of me? ShenDai Ying had a bad feeling.

Thats right! He said he was going to go far away for a while and he cant take care of you, but hes worried about leaving you alone, so he discussed with Snow and got me to take care of you.

What? Hes going far away? How come I didnt know!

Lin Xiao just left without saying anything, as expected he was hiding something from her!

Elona, do you know where Lin Xiao went?

You didnt know? Hes going to ah, master warned me to not tell you about this damn! I forgot.

Elona suddenly remembered Snows orders and immediately shut up, afraid she was going to say something by mistake. She even used her hands to cover her mouth and shook her head like she never said anything.

Perhaps only Elona could do such a funny and abrupt cover-up, it may be cute, but she wasnt fooling ShenDai Ying.

Elona tell me, where did Lin Xiao go? What did he go to do? Is there any danger? When is he coming back? Hm? Say something!

H-he sorry, I cant say.

ShenDai Yings tone was sincere and her concern and worry for Lin Xiao was seeping through her words and Elona could clearly feel it, but Snow didnt let her talk, if she did say something, she would get punished.

Please tell me, even if Snow punishes you, I can just take it for you, okay?

Eh?? Masters punishments are terrifying, youre so delicate and wouldnt be able to endure it!

Hehe, dont underestimate me, even if Snow locked me up and whipped me for three days straight, I wouldnt even frown, so dont worry and tell me.

Whats the big deal with a little punishment in order to find out where Lin Xiao went? Furthermore, no matter how severe Snows punishments were, could they compare to the demon training she received as a child?

Okay then, I After feeling ShenDai Yings resolution, Elona decided to tell her the truth, but then a voice came from the door.

Elona, you dare disobey me? If you dare say anything, Ill rip your mouth off!

Eh? M-master??

When Elona heard that voice, she suddenly panicked and fell to the ground and didnt dare to say anything.

Snow? Saintess Snow, please dont punish her! I forced her to say it, so if you want to punish someone, punish me!

Sister ShenDai Ying! N-no!

Elona, dont worry, I wont let you be hurt!

ShenDai Ying fearlessly shouldered the responsibility and Elona kneeled by ShenDai Ying and hugged her legs while sobbing.

Snow may be blind, but she could hear what was happening and felt it was too funny and couldnt help but laugh.

Okay, okay, what are you so nervous about? Im not an evil witch, why would I punish someone just for this?

Snow covered her mouth to laugh and then waved her hand to comfort them.

As for punishing you ShenDai Ying, do you not know your position in Lin Xiaos heart? How would I dare to punish you? If I whipped you if I did that, my perverted brother would skin me alive!

So youre not going to punish us?

Of course, I came here to play!

Play? No matter what, Snow, could you please tell me where Lin Xiao went and what hes hiding from me?

You really want to know?


Okay then, Ill tell you.

Snow shrugged and responded.

The reason he left is because of you, idiot!

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