Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 569: Sister? Mother?

Chapter 569: Sister? Mother?

Because of me?

At first, she thought Lin Xiao was going to go do something behind her back, and thats why he sneaked away. She never expected the real reason to be because of her!

Actually, she should have already thought of it although the incident has been investigated and resolved, there was still one important problem remaining.

That was the cure!

Because of the soul-devouring bugs gathering in her legs, she needed a cure to eliminate them, and since they were created from the spirit of the holy sword, they also needed that as the material to make the cure!

In other words, they had to find the missing holy sword if they wanted her legs to recover.

So he went to find the holy sword?

Yes and not just that!

If it was just to search for a missing piece of equipment, it wouldnt be that bad, but the problem was that the missing sword was stolen! If they were right, it was most likely done by Nick! Nick stole the sword and used its power to create black cores. So in order to find the sword, Lin Xiao had to find the secret base where Nick created the black cores.

Then, where was that secret base?

The answer was actually obvious

According to sources, the sword is in the rebels hands!

Youre saying that the rebels were also involved in creating the black cores?

Not simply just involved the rebellion could very well be directed by their cult!

According to their sources, Nick escaped South and they lost track of him after he entered the area occupied by the rebels, thats why they suspected that Nick and the rebels were allies from the start!

So, we need to get the holy sword to make the cure so I can stand again and if you want the holy sword, you have to find Nick and to find Nick, you have to quell the rebellion?

As expected of the woman my brother likes, smart!

So that means Lin Xiao is planning to finish off the rebels for me!?


Lin Xiao has already said several times that the rebels were Gotham Kingdoms internal affairs and he wouldnt get involved no matter what. But now, he was forced to do something he didnt want to for ShenDai Ying.

He actually did it

Lin Xiao once boldly declared that he would start a war with a country for her happiness! And now, he proved himself. He was heading south to put down a rebellion equivalent to half a country, although the rebels could only be considered half and not a whole country ShenDai Ying was already extremely touched.

Idiot! He went to do something so dangerous just for these legs, is it worth it

After finding out where he went, she looked down at her legs and touched them with her hands, then slightly raised the corners of her mouth. She didnt know how many more moving things Lin Xiao would do for her, or even if they would be able to stay together, but there was one thing she was sure of. She had already fallen hard and that man already stole her heart. She wouldnt look at anyone else but him.

If he doesnt leave, shell follow him till the end.

Perhaps it was too early for those words, but she had already decided that she would walk to the end no matter what.

Along with him.

But Snow isnt he too overconfident? No matter how strong he is, he cant single-handedly quell the rebellion!

Sister Ying, dont worry, he isnt an idiot, he didnt go by himself. Snow walked next to ShenDai Ying and reached out a hand to touch her legs.

But its not enough even with Elena!

Snows hand was cool and it was comfortable to the touch and she couldnt help but grab onto Snows hand and pull her closer.

Hehe, youre underestimating, him, right? Are you forgetting another incredible helper he has?

Noticing ShenDai Yings invitation, Snow got even closer took it a step further, and climbed onto her.

Another helper? Oh, I remember, are you talking about Claire?

ShenDai Ying felt her maternal love as she saw this cute little girl squirm into her bosom.

Thats right! Claire hm, sister Ying, youre body is so warm!

Snow couldnt hold back anymore!

She kicked off her shoes and wrapped her legs around ShenDai Yings legs and then hugged her slender waist while rubbing her head against her chest.

Am I warm?

Not just warm, but comfortable too!

Snow hugged ShenDai Ying while breathing in her scent and caressing her body. Snow felt a familiar feeling from her, even though it was their first time officially meeting, Snow felt like they had known each other for a long time.

Hehe, good girl, as long as you feel good.

Snow acting spoiled awakened ShenDai Yings maternal instincts. She hugged Snow as she caressed her small head, just like a mother comforting her daughter.

Out of manners, ShenDai Ying knew she shouldnt have such intimate contact with the Saintess Snow, but she still did it, and so naturally at that.

As they cuddled together and played house, Elona was stupefied.

What was going on? Was Snow, ShenDai Yings long-lost daughter? It cant be! How old is ShenDai Ying, how could Snow be her daughter?

But if not, how could they look like a loving mother-and-daughter pair?

It wasnt just Elona, even the two of them didnt think this would happen, they never had a good impression of each other before.

Since they had only heard rumors, ShenDai Ying had always thought Snow was a crafty and unruly little brat, and similarly, Snow always took ShenDai Ying as a vixen who stole her brother away so she was very hostile.

But all of that disappeared in this moment.

Snow didnt get along with the demon king and neither did ShenDai Ying, which meant that the two of them were to become allies!

Cough Snow, lets get back on topic? After they hugged for a while, ShenDai Ying coughed and got back on topic.

Okay, mother Ying!

Hm, okay hm? Wait, what did you just call me?

I called you mother!

Why! Im not even married yet!

Hm but I want to call you that, can I not?


ShenDai Ying looked down at the sad expression the little girl revealed and her heart broke.

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