Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 579: Meeting the Parents?

Chapter 579: Meeting the Parents?

Wait I-I dont think I heard right, I think I just heard that you wanted me to meet your father funny, how is that possible haha, hahaha.

Lin Xiao pretended that he misheard and tried to muddle by, but Claire wouldnt just let him as she grabbed his hand and repeated, Lin Xiao! You didnt mishear, I wanted to take you to my father!

Ah? W-who did you want me to meet?

My father!

What? Whose father?

My father!

Hm? Your father? W-whats wrong with him?

He wants to see you!

Who does he want to see?

Hey, youre doing this on purpose, right!

Claire finally lost her patience and grabbed onto him tightly with one hand so he couldnt run and then made a fist with her other hand and placed it in front of him so that he didnt ask any more stupid questions.

Uh I heard, b-but youre joking, right?

Im not joking! Lin Xiao, you have to go with me right now!

Hey, w-wait! Why do I have to see your father?

Because he wants to see you!

B-but I never agreed to it!

No, you agreed!


Just earlier, you said other than being my husband, youll agree to anything! So just give up and come with me!

T-that Hey, tomboy, stop tricking me! I had thought it was something to do with the mission, but meeting your father what does that have to do with anything?

Of course its related! My father knows I like you uh no, he knows that I chose you to lead the negotiations, so he wants to meet you personally and see if youre capable or not is that a good enough of a reason?

Claire, you! You tricked me!

Lin Xiao was speechless and wanted to resist, but because of his promise, he could only go with her.

But why did the king want to meet him? Lin Xiao didnt understand.

Could it be just like what Claire said and he wanted to test his abilities? Perhaps that may be the case, but Lin Xiao felt like that wasnt the main purpose!

The king was sick and needed to recuperate so he handed everything over to Claire and trusted her a lot. It looked like he was going to let Claire succeed him after passing, in a situation like this, how could he doubt Claire and test Lin Xiao while sick?

Lin Xiao couldnt make sense of it.

Sigh, of course, someone that young couldnt understand the old king, after another thirty years when he was also married and had children, then he would be able to understand the kings feelings.

The king did indeed want to test Lin Xiao, but not for this mission, but because of his identity. He, Lin Xiao, might be Claires future husband!

Yes, the reason the king was so insistent on meeting Lin Xiao was that he wanted to see the brat that captivated his daughter before he died.

Think about it, the precious daughter that King George raised for numerous years whom he barely got any love from because of her stubbornness was suddenly snatched away by a brat, how could he endure that as a father?

He already had a lot of self-restraint for being able to wait until now to meet Lin Xiao! Anyone else would have already gotten people to kidnap Lin Xiao and interrogate him!

So, was this just a meeting between the father-in-law and his son-in-law?

No, if anyone thought that, then they would have King George all wrong.

Do not underestimate this meeting!

This wasnt just the first meeting between them, but an interview of life and death. George knew that he was beyond saving, and would only be able to hang on for half a month at most, at that time, even if Lin Xiao did take care of the rebels, he wouldnt be able to hold on for his triumphant return. So George wanted to take this chance to meet Lin Xiao for the last time!

Even Claire wasnt aware of her fathers resolve!

Lin Xiaos life and death would be decided by his performance during the interview!

If he confirms that Lin Xiao was heroic with noble character and someone worthy of handing his daughter to, he would immediately bestow marriage!

But, if he doesnt pass the interview

If Lin Xiao cant pass the interview and is determined to be a swindler with nothing but flowery speech and tricked his daughter, then he would immediately put him down!

Yes, George never told Claire and just told her that she had to bring Lin Xiao to him. Thats why Claire was so happy and thought that her father agreed to their relationship, but didnt know that he already had murderous intent.

If Claire knew the truth, then she would never bring Lin Xiao to her father!

Actually, George already had numerous warriors lying in ambush! They were all at least sixth-level warriors who were fully equipped and ready to sacrifice their lives for the king!

Once Lin Xiao enters the room, he becomes an ant on the palms of his hands! If George sends the signal, the warriors will break through the walls, and immediately execute Lin Xiao! He wouldnt even give Claire room to object!

It may sound heartless and cruel but George had no choice!

His condition was worsening and he didnt have long left, he could only use this extreme method in his final moments to ensure Claires happiness!

He wouldnt hesitate even if he was hated by his daughter for killing Lin Xiao!

Because this was the last thing he could do for his daughter before he left.

At this time, the two that were nosily heading towards Georges room didnt even realize how important this meeting was, and could even be said to change their fate.

Just like that, an interview with the king serving as an examiner was about to begin.

Either a marriage with the future queen would be arranged, or he would be killed by the warrior lying in ambush.

Fate was in Lin Xiaos hands.

Perhaps this was the case for George, but this was all just his one-sided wishful thinking.

Even if George allowed Claire to marry Lin Xiao, its not like he would agree, and even if he were to be ambushed, it didnt mean he would die

Please, who was he, he was Lin Xiao! He even beat the third apostle black and blue, so what were a few small-fry lying in ambush to him?

If George really couldnt tell good from bad and suddenly became hostile, then the person who would suffer would be himself

But that was for later.

Lin Xiao wasnt thinking that much as he was forcibly taken away by Claire, he just thought he was on his way to meet the parents. He was even thinking about how to act so that King George wouldnt see that he was a lazy and unmotivated pervert.

Were here! Cough, Lin Xiao, Im begging you, dont say anything weird when you meet father!

Uh, what do you mean by weird?

Anyways, just answer whatever question my father asks and have a good attitude!

No problem, I can do that.

Also, you have to be respectful to me! Calling me tomboy in private is one thing, but dont say that in front of my father!

Of course, my beloved queen, Im your lowly knight, how would I dare speak rudely to you?

Hm, it would be better if you spoke like that usually


Nothing okay, lets go!

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