Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 580: The King’s Test

Chapter 580: The King’s Test

When the door was opened, Lin Xiao saw a frail old man. Strictly speaking, he wasnt old yet by age and was just an older middle-aged person, but his hair was already completely white and his face was full of wrinkles.

His body may have been rotting, but he still had a sharp gaze!

Lin Xiao stood at the door and looked at him, and George also looked over and began carefully scrutinizing this teen. Their gaze met in midair and it gave them both the same information.

This interview wont be that easy.

Hey Lin Xiao, what are you just standing there for, come in!

Claire walked in first and noticed that Lin Xiao was in a daze, so she ran back to pull him into the room.

Of course, George also noticed the two of them holding hands, he didnt say anything but his complexion changed, and looked at Lin Xiao with more hostility.

But Lin Xiao didnt care about the kings feelings, he was more concerned with something else.

He didnt know why but all of his nervousness disappeared when he entered the room and was replaced with vigilance.

This was the kings room, why were there enemies here?

Lin Xiao turned to look at Elena and after getting a nod, it seemed like there was an ambush!

Yes, this may be the kings room but numerous people were lying in ambush behind the walls. They werent trying to assassinate the king, but an ambush set up by the king.

Lin Xiao noticed that the king had an elaborate cup of water next to his bed with only a third of the water remaining. It didnt look strange, but it felt out of place and didnt seem to be just a normal drinking cup!

With the sudden invite, the hidden guards, and the water cup, Lin Xiao immediately understood.

This old man was interesting, he wanted to set him up and play a game with him?

Clearly, the king wanted to test him, and if he couldnt pass the test, then he would smash the cup and those soldiers lying in ambush would turn him into mincemeat!

Of course, Lin Xiao wasnt afraid of the ambush, he was just curious about the kings test.

This old man cant be trying to help his daughter choose a son-in-law before he dies, right?

Lin Xiao just made a guess and was exactly right!

While Lin Xiao silently analyzed the situation and was already able to see through the kings plans, the king was already starting his interview.

Never expected this kid to be able to keep his composure

George had a pretty good first impression of the kid. He had only heard of Lin Xiao from other people and just knew that he was only 16, so he thought he was just an immature brat, but today, he saw that he was very composed.

Even faced with a king, he didnt appear to be nervous and was even trying to glance around and seemingly already noticed his plans.

But. no matter how composed this brat is, hes just a kid, how could he beat his people?

George coughed and cleared his throat then pretended to causally greet them.

Youre here.

Yes father, Ive successfully tricked Lin Xiao here! Uh, no, brought him here!

Hm, very good.

George nodded and purposely didnt speak to Lin Xiao and left him hanging.

When Lin Xiao noticed that, his thoughts were confused, and knew he was purposely testing him, so he just silently stood to the side and waited.

He wanted to see what kind of tricks this old fox had up his sleeves!

Father, have you taken your medicine?

I just took some, so I can speak with you normally, otherwise cough cough.

Even after already taking the medicine, his cough still wasnt much better and he could barely hold a conversation. Claire was extremely worried, but he just waved his hands and didnt want her to sit by the bed.

Okay Claire, go sit over there.

No, father, Ill sit here, this way I can help you

I told you to sit over there!

Claire didnt understand what was wrong with him and quietly muttered, Hm, old man, what the hell is going on now

Hm? What did you say? George pretended he couldnt hear and feigned ignorance.

N-nothing okay, Ill go sit over there, what are you getting so angry for.

Claire could only give up and sat down on the nearby chair.

She noticed something wrong after sitting down.

Theres only one?

She thought that these were the guest chairs that her father got people to place and was about to call Lin Xiao over, but then noticed that there was only one chair! She looked around in surprise and then noticed that where she was sitting coincidentally sandwiched Lin Xiao between her and her father, like an interview.

What was going on?

Claire, just sit, watch, and listen, but from now on, dont speak.

Ah? Father, what are you doing? I

I already told you not to speak! Claire, do you not understand!?

Hm father?

Claire shivered when she saw her father get angry and sat still obediently. She continued looking between her father and Lin Xiao and didnt get what was going on!

Everything was going well earlier, so why did it suddenly become like this?

Her father clearly said that he just wanted to see Lin Xiao off and this was going to be a casual meeting, so why was the atmosphere so serious?

George has always been benevolent and accommodating to his precious daughter, so why was he acting like that today and wouldnt even let Claire speak?

Could this not be a simple meeting and he had other plans?

After thinking about that, Claire became really uneasy.

At first, when she heard that her father wanted to meet Lin Xiao, she thought he already approved of their relationship, and thats why she was happy to trick Lin Xiao over. If she knew her father had other plans, how could she forcibly bring him over!?

Now that they already fell into her fathers trap Claire just hoped that he wouldnt go too overboard.

Yes, George wouldnt go too far, he would either accept him as a son-in-law or let him die!

Youre Lin Xiao?

Yes, Im Lin Xiao, nice to meet you King George, I

Lin Xiao had an innocent smile and politely responded and wanted to introduce himself but was interrupted.

Lin Xiao, youre sixteen years old, black eyes, from the eastern tribe. Identity unknown, origins unknown, no friends and relative, with one stepsister, Snow, shes blind and eleven years old and is now the youngest Saintess of the Holy Light Church.

Hehe, so you know me that well. Lin Xiao endured his surprise and smiled while shrugging.

Thats not it, I know you better than you think.

George continued to stare at him and recite his biography.

Lin Xiao, you joined Loran Academy three years ago and claimed to be an orphan from the streets, and grand magician Woos took you in. He noticed that you were gifted in magic so he let you officially join the academy. After that, you kept a low profile devoted yourself to the study of magic, and obtained good grades in the various subjects.

Im very grateful to Woos.

Two years ago, you provoked the genius Caesar and he became hostile towards you, but then you became good friends after the actual combat practice. Afterwards, you put on an extraordinary display during the academy tournament, even though you didnt win, but you undoubtedly played a crucial role.

Haha, I didnt do much.

Lin Xiao pretended to not care, but was becoming more surprised!

It wasnt just him, Claire also opened her mouth in shock!

When did her old man investigate Lin Xiao to such a degree?

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