Plundering the Heavens

Chapter 87: Robbery

Chapter 87: Robbery

Lets see what kind of goodies you have! Fang Xing held his head low and searched all over Shen Hujun before emptying out a storage sack he had picked up from the latter. His eyes began to widen when he saw just how many bright-red Spirit Stones with purple centers began to pour from it; there was at least a good twenty of these mid-grade Stones! As for the rank of the Flying Sword, why did it look even more impressive than the [Nine Snakes Sword]?

There was also a spirit robe that gave off a frigid sensation just through simple touch, its make as smooth as silk. It supposedly warded off any dust and dirt, was impervious to water and fire, and couldnt be penetrated by an ordinary weapon. Although the robe was perhaps a bit too large for Fang Xing, what did that matter? It all still belonged to him now.

Fang Xing swiped all of the valuable items from Shen Hujuns storage sack in short order but he did still leave behind a few low-grade Spirit Stones! Once that was done, Fang Xing raised his head with a grin on his face only to suddenly realize everyone was leaving. Dont you sons of bi*ches leave! he screamed out at the top of his lungs. His abrupt call frightened everyone and forced them to halt their steps to see what he wanted now. Fang Xing then turned to Qin Xinger, Have they paid all of their dues? Make sure not to miss a single one.

Qin Xinger giggled. I already have the twenty mid-grade Spirit Stones from Shixiong Murong!

Fang Xing pointed to a group of disciples that were about to leave. How about these people? They placed their bets, I remember them all! Hey you, didnt you bet that Id lose within three rounds? And that bastard bet I wouldnt last ten rounds and that midgetthats right, you! Dont you run away! You placed a bet that I wouldnt last even a single round! How dare you try to run away now?

Everyone was left speechless. The boy remembered all of their bets! Was he not holding too many grudges against other people? Most of them also felt that since they hadnt wagered with him personally, why would they owe him anything?

People continued to leave with cold laughs. The short man that had been called a midget earlier even disdainfully replied, Are you right in the head? Shidi Lu and I bet on whether you would last a single round with Shen Hujun, yes. If you didnt, Id win, and if you did, he would. Both of us bet for you to lose, yet youve won, so of course it doesnt count anymore. Why should I give you anything?

Everyone nodded at the mans words. There were even quite a few of them that were not afraid of Fang Xing and had smirks on their faces. No one cared enough to continue arguing with the boy.

Dammit, theres no way youre getting away after losing! Fang Xing leapt up, his hand shooting forward in a grasping gesture as he activated [Gravitational Force] to pull the short man over. In surprise, the man began to scream, I have no grudges or business with you! Are you daring to beat me? Before he had finished speaking, a punch landed on his face, with tears and snot starting to ooze out. After throwing him on the ground, Fang Xing grabbed ahold of the mans storage sack and chased after his next target.

This little bastard has gone crazy; lets all deal with him together the second disciple let out a loud outcry when he saw Fang Xing start to chase after him. He was not particularly afraid of Fang Xing and activated his Flying Sword at the same time as his words. Yet, Fang Xing moved in close from behind, and the disciple was sent to the ground spewing blood after being hit with a powerful slam of a palm.

Give it to me! Fang Xing pulled off this mans storage sack as well before kicking him more than fifteen yards away.

This kid is crazy! Hes robbing us!

What the hell! Brothers, lets take him down togethahh.

Fang Xings speed was extremely fast, like a hungry wolf that had sneaked inside a flock of sheep. He sent out punches and kicks both with and without Qi, andwithin momentsa large number of disciples had been sent flying in all directions. Within all of the inner court disciples here, most of them aside from Shen Hujun and the man in the purple headband were only in the fourth tier; how could they put up a fight? Those who were beaten were left crying on the ground before long, and those who had avoided a beating were trying to run for their lives.

You bunch of reneging bastards! Where are you running to! Still screaming, Fang Xing took down two more disciples and confiscated their storage sacks.

The kid really is crazy; hes robbing us in broad daylight! Lets all run in different directions! someone burst out the idea, and those who had yet to be robbed began to scatter in all directions.

Seeing this, Fang Xing anxiously picked up his speed while yelling towards the still-dumbstruck Qin Xinger, Help me block them!

Yet Qin Xinger did not move, aghast by what Fang Xing had started. Within the sect, shed seen people beating and blackmailing others, but it was the first time shed witnessed a single person robbing such a large group! Had this kid really gone crazy? Besides, how and from when had he become so powerful? All of these people were from the inner court and at tier four, yet none of these people could withstand a single round of Fang Xings attacks. She clearly remembered seeing Fang Xing borrowing scrolls of the most basic skills; would this mean his battle power was based solely on raw strength alone?

After the area had been filled with the sounds of violence, Fang Xing finally stopped. As he sat atop a disciple crying out in pain, Fang Xing looked on with dejection. He had tried his best, yet a small number had still escaped, making him feel as though he was a failure even though his pockets and robe had all been stuffed so full of storage sacks that he looked like a pregnant woman.

On the ground, people were crying out without pause.

Shidi Shidi Fang did you really rob all of these people? Qin Xinger doubted her sanity as she looked at all of the people in disbelief.

I told you to help me block them! Some actually got away! Fang Xing replied clearly upset before holding out his hand. Give them to me! Speechless, Qin Xinger gave fourteen Spirit Stones to Fang Xing, who asked, How come its doubled?

Qin Xinger laughed. Shixiong Murong from Duanzhen Valley bet against me with a high-tier spirit weapon. When he lost, he didnt want to part with his Saber of Azure Dragon worth a hundred mid-tier Spirit Stones and gave me ten extra instead. Based on the thirty-seventy split with you, you take exactly fourteen Stones. I dont believe this is wrong.

Fang Xings eyes widened. Saber of Azure Dragon? Worth a hundred mid-grade Spirit Stones?

Surprised by the sparkle in Fang Xings eyes, Qin Xinger was once again startled, Whats wrong?

Fang Xing jumped and slapped hard on her bottom. You wasteful woman! Its something worth a hundred mid-grade Stones, so why would you let it go with just ten? Take me to him! he replied as though resentful for her failing to meet his expectations.

After being harassed by Fang Xing again, Qin Xinger frowned. However, she once again became confused and surprised by his words. To do what?

To collect what he owes me!

It took a while before Qin Xinger realized what Fang Xing had said. So you want to collect the debt of Shixiong Murong from Duanzhen Valley she repeated to herself.

Isnt it only a matter of course to pay back a debt? Have you never heard the teachings of scholars? That those who dont pay their gambling debts are even lower than an animal?

Wouldnt only scholars from your household ever say such a thing? Qin Xinger shook her head and dismissed Fang Xings words. Lets just forget about this. Considering whats happened, its already rare enough for Shixiong Murong to capitulate!

Of course you dont feel like youve lost anything; its not yours! I must go, so take me there.

I am not going. Qin Xinger did not want to get in the middle of all this.

I will. A weak voice beneath Fang Xing rose up, coming from none other than the poor man that had been seated under Fang Xing like a chair. However, this man did not have good intentions. He had been punched in the face, had his storage sack stolen, and had even been used as a cushion; his hatred towards Fang Xing was enough that he was willing to take him to where he wanted: Murong Ying. In this mans mind, Murong Ying was sure to defeat Fang Xing and avenge him.

You know the way? Good, take me there, then! Fang Xing looked at the man beneath his bottom and hoisted him back up.

The wounds on this disciple wouldnt be considered heavy. He had only been hit in the face, and even though it had made him a bit dizzy at first, he was now completely clear-headed. With a heart filled with desire to be avenged by Murong Ying, he nimbly jumped up and ran to the front in order to lead the way.

That kid really wants to see Shixiong Murong? Has he grown tired of living? The others that were still lying on the ground all clenched their teeth and clambered their way up. Even if they were forced to crawl, they wanted to definitely see this poor boy being beaten.

A group of people headed towards the Duanzhen Valley all at once in a grand procession. Fang Xing and the man who had volunteered to lead the way were both in front, Qin Xinger was following close behind without much of a choice, and the group of badly injured and limping inner court disciples were further behind. The group was certainly rather eye-catching.

It didnt take long for them to arrive at the valley entrance to Duanzhen Valley located at the southernmost point of the Qing-Yun Sect. The man leading the group pointed to the entrance. I dare not go in from here, but youll find the largest cave estate if you go towards the west. Theres an area of black bamboo at its entrance.

Delighted, Fang Xing grabbed one of the storage sacks from the many he had. Well done, heres your storage sack!

The man was overjoyed. His original intentions were sordid and he had not been expecting such a pleasant surprise. After hastily opening the sack, however, he was left in shock; there was nothing inside save for a broken Flying Sword. Theres nothing inside he mournfully cried.

Fang Xing had already walked into the entrance of the Duanzhen Valley and replied without even turning his head, If there was something inside, I wouldnt have given it to you!

Fang Xing then swaggered into the valley with large footsteps while screaming at the top of his lungs, You pig of a Murong Ying, your grandfather Fang Xing is here to collect the debt you owe!

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