Plundering the Heavens

Chapter 88: Gambling Debts

Chapter 88: Gambling Debts

Duanzhen Valley did not have lush gardens like Danxia Valley did; instead, it looked surprisingly orderly and solemn. Neat rows of old pine trees were planted across the entire valley, and the moss-covered paved path that extended into the valley had a rather austere and unwelcoming aura about it.

Such an aura could have possibly come about due to the malicious energy of the spirit weapons crafted over the past thousands of years. Although the Duanzhen Valley specialized in smithing, the majority of spirit tools had been spirit weapons in the forms of swords and blades. Since they had been crafted for the sole purpose killing, it was only natural for them to contain such malicious energy.[1]

By now, the sun had already been replaced by the bright hanging moon. The valley itself was extremely quiet, and even the birds seemed to have returned to their sleep.

You pig of a Murong Ying, your grandfather Fang Xing is here to collect the debt you owe!

Suddenlyas if shaking the entire valleyFang Xings loud voice broke through the valleys tranquility. Numerous people poked their heads out of their cave estates with curiosity.

Who might you be? What matters do you have with Shixiong Murong? someone nearby asked.

Im here to settle his debt, so whats that got to do with you? Fang Xing cursed at whoever questioned him as he made his way towards Murong Yings estate.

Where did such a feral child come from? How dare you display such atrocious behavior at the Duanzhen Valley! the same disciple as before called out, angered by Fang Xings arrogant reply. Furthermore, the fact Fang Xing was showing such disrespect towards Murong Yingone of the top elite disciples within the valleymade this disciple feel it was even more unacceptable. With a motion like that of a wild goose, he threw his Flying Sword directly at Fang Xing.

F*ck off! In response, Fang Xing summoned his [Nine Snakes Sword].

A metallic noise rang out as the two swords clashed. The disciple could only feel a powerful surge of strength that not only knocked his sword flying, but also damaged his Qi. His chest tightened and his breath stilled as he staggered a few steps backwards.

Murong Ying, where are you hiding, you son of a bi*ch? Your grandfather Fang Xing is here to collect your debt! Without pausing his footsteps, Fang Xing returned the [Nine Snakes Sword] to his storage ring while he continued to advance towards Murong Yings estate.

The whole event left the disciples at the Duanzhen Valley in shock. With only a single strike of his Flying Sword, the boy had repelled one of the valleys fifth-tiered disciples. Nobody was able to underestimate the boys strength and cultivation level any longer.

Perhaps Shixiong Murong really does owe him something and hes just here to collect it? The onlooking disciples tried to guess, although now none dared to get in his way. All the while, the group that had followed Fang Xingthose who had wanted to have a good laugh at his downfalland waited at the entrance of the valley began to grow uneasy.

Although this brat might be arrogant and cocky, its hard not to admit hes got some guts.

Its unbelievable that he came all the way to our Duanzhen Valley to collect Shixiong Murongs debts! It seems Shixiong Murongs reputation is going to be ruined after this!

He might seem crazy, but his strength is also up to par. Dammit, the rumor said the boy was only in tier four, but he sure doesnt look it! Unless the rumor is wrong? Could he be in tier five, or even six?

While everyone put forward their own guesses, Qin Xinger was filled with frustration. It had been beyond her imagination that not only had the boy not reined in his temperament since theyd parted at the black bamboo three years ago, but he had grown even more wild and arrogant.

Murong Ying, on the other hand, was filled with deep regret as he sat inside his cave estate. Why had he even gambled in the first place without a proper reason? The twenty mid-grade Spirit Stones he lost had come from a difficult B-Ranked Duty Talisman mission plus the exchanges of an entire years worth of earnings from his clan. He had planned to spend the money on someone to craft him some Purple Xiantian Pills[2] so he could cleanse his meridians and physique.

Murong Ying was preparing to enter the Hall of Heavens Tribute in three months time, after all, and he had already signed up for the exam. Both the [Saber of Azure Dragon] and the Spirit Stones that had been prepared for the Purple Xiantian Pill were for the sole purpose of helping him gain a spot at the hall. And now he had lost twenty mid-grade Spirit Stones for such a meaningless wager.

Argh, its all the fault of that Shen Hujun. He normally seems like someone competent, but who would have thought he was so useless? Murong Ying thought to himself. And that arrogant brat who caused me to lose my twenty Stones. Ill be sure to take it all back from you one day.

Murong Ying, where are you hiding, you son of a bi*ch? Your grandfather Fang Xing is here to collect your debt!

Murong Yings expression changed when he heard the yelling from outside. With hasty steps, he walked out of his estate as disbelief formed in his mind. Who dares to insult me like this? Could it be that kid? The moment he stepped out of his estate, he could see a youth walking towards him under the moonlight. The glances of the two met, and it turned out it was indeed the very same boy who had just fought Shen Hujun mere moments ago.

What is with such arrogance? Murong Ying sternly asked, his eyebrows creased. Who gave you permission to be so rude and loud within the Duanzhen Valley?

Fang Xing saw Murong Ying as well once the latter had come out of his cave estate andjudging from those featuresit was indeed the same man that had worn the purple headband. The mans actions and words verified even more; only someone with such manners and upbringing would be able to afford a spirit weapon worth a hundred mid-grade Spirit Stones.

Oh, you must be that bastard of a Murong Ying. How dare you run away after knowing youd lost that saber of yours to me? Where is your self-respect? Hurry and give me back my sword or Ill slap your face until its swollen like a pigs! Fang Xing screamed out in an abnormally serious tone. As if he was acting on the side of justice, he confidently held out his palm in expectation.

Fang Xings voice was so loud that the entire Duanzhen Valley could overhear. Nonsense! When did I make a bet with you? Murong Ying replied, angry and embarrassed.

Fang Xing pointed towards the entrance of the valley. Qin Xinger is at the valley entrance. Did you not make a bet with her?

Murong Ying gritted his teeth, clearly angry now. And what does that have to do with you?

She placed the bet on my behalf! You losing to her means that you lost to me; the debt you owe to her is one you owe to me! Fang Xing yelled.

Murong Ying cracked his knuckles and tightened his jaw. He did not want to be left with a reputation as someone who avoided paying back debts. I have already cleared the bet with her by giving her ten extra mid-grade Spirit Stones. If you dont believe me, you can ask her yourself. Dont you dare think you can come and go within our Duanzhen Valley and cause a disturbance as you please! Do you really think we cant fix you up? As he spoke on, it became clear that he now wanted to turn the negativity back to Fang Xing in order to justify teaching Fang Xing a lesson for such rudeness.

Umm, Shixiong Murong, what you said just now is actually wrong. Since when did I agree to accept ten Stones instead of your saber? a gentle voice rose up; Qin Xinger had seen that backing down wasnt possible any longer and decided to pick her side. She understood that after all the chaos the boy had caused today, even if she didnt show herself, Murong Ying would still form a poor impression of her; she was the one who made a bet with him, after all. Therefore, she may as well come and clear everything up with the two of them to avoid ill-will from both parties.

Murong Yings jaw dropped even further once Qin Xinger had made an appearance. Qin Xinger, Ive already given you twenty mid-grade Stones. What else do you want? Its best not to be so greedy and push your luck, or you will only bring trouble to yourself, he spoke in an ominous manner.

There was a hint of upset in Qin Xingers eyes as she responded, Theres no need for you to threaten me, Shixiong Murong. All the bets I made earlier were on behalf of Shidi Fang, and how you two decide to sort out the debt is up to the two of you at the end of the day. Im only here right now to return the ten extra Stones to you. As for everything else, it is none of my business. With that, she threw a small pouch with ten mid-grade Spirit Stones before turning to leave. To keep herself from getting stuck in this quagmire, she had given her ten mid-grade Spirit Stones to Murong Ying, including the storage sack that contained them.

Murong Ying was left speechless, his body quivering in hatred. At this moment, he would have sliced this woman right in half if he could.

Haha, have anything else to say? Pay me back your moneyuh, wait, no, give me your saber! Fang Xing laughed, once again holding out his hand. He didnt intend to move until the debt had been collected.

Thou shalt not push thy luck!

Murong Ying had been pushed to the verge of madness. His eyes seemed to light up, and he let out an abrupt yell before flying down from the cave estates entrance. His flowing hair was long and sleek as he moved, his sleeves fluttering along with the breeze. An ornate box flew up into the air, and once Murong Ying completed a complicated verse, the box slammed open to reveal a long saber eight and a half feet in length. An azure dragon was coiled around its handle, and its blade was adorned with golden flames while its edge was as bright and clear as autumnal waters.

You want my saber? Lets see if youre even qualified, first! Murong Ying yelled as he leapt into the air with his weapon in hand.


A gale of wind swept across the ground. Although the saber hadnt even touched the ground, the paved path had already been cracked and sliced open.

Fang Xing also released a howl as he activated his [Nine Snakes Sword] to defend himself.


The saber slammed right into the [Nine Snakes Sword], but it was slowed only slightly before it continued to bear down upon Fang Xing. Fang Xing escaped this strike, but the violent wind stirred up by that single blow was enough to cause sharp pains against his skin. When he glanced at his [Nine Snakes Sword], spiderweb-like cracks had begun to form along its surface, and seven of the nine formations embedded within had been destroyed.

Nice weapon! I like it! Fang Xing yelled in excitement despite nearly being cut in half, his eyes focused on Murong Ying.


[1]malicious energy: Or Sha Chi / Energy of Sha (, sha4 qi4), not to be confused with murderous intent (, sha1 qi4). In Feng Shui, this type of energy is caused by sharp objects or angles and typically causes bad fortune and bad luck. As far as this story is concerned, such malicious energy can also be used as a form of mental and/or physical attack when enough has been accumulated.

[2]Purple Xiantian Pill: First appeared in chapter one. The pill could manipulate ones body to be more susceptible to receiving Qi, and with enough of these pills legend had it that it could even bestow immortality to the mortal soul.

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