Rebirth of the Villainous Female Boss

Chapter 98 - Ninety-Eight: The Six Watches of the Night (Thanks to Quxue and Shib+ updates)

Chapter 98: Chapter Ninety-Eight: The Six Watches of the Night (Thanks to Quxue and Shib+ updates)

Translator: 549690339

Yu Minglang took a convoluted route, going around in a big circle, leaving Xiao Qian with only one central idea.

“You don’t want me to call you Yu Minglang?”

“Unity is important!”

“…” Shameless!

“Hurry up, once we’ve sorted out this principle issue, then I can help you.” Yu Minglang eagerly sought benefits for himself.

Previously, the naughty girl had fooled him, shouting ‘brother’. Yu Minglang thought that was nice, and reflecting on it now, he still felt a tingling sensation.

“Ah, changing the name, no problem, listen carefully—” She cleared her throat, his breath pausing slightly.

“Scoundrel!” her voice was crisp and clear.

Yu Minglang felt as if he had been drenched in cold water…

What’s all this about, it doesn’t sound as good as calling him Yu Minglang!

“How’s that for a name?” Xiao Qian seemed quite delighted.

“Do you still want me to do you a favor?”

“Yu Dumbass?”

“I should get back to work, probably won’t have time for the next few months—”

“Brother Lang?”

“Not united enough.”

Xiao Qian was fuming now.

“Yu Minglang, don’t push your luck. If you don’t want Brother Lang, then I’ll just call you Uncle! In Korean dramas, that’s how they address their boyfriends! You can choose whether to help or not, don’t threaten me!”

When Xiao Qian got tough, Yu Minglang indeed backed off, his voice noticeably different from just now.

“Xiao Mei, don’t be like this—”

“What do you care what I call you?!!” Xiao Qian heard that nickname again, which had made her collapse in her past life.

This guy, why is he still doing this! Assigning nicknames randomly!

She thought she hadn’t heard this infuriating nickname by now, and could escape the “nightmare” of her past life.

She never expected she still couldn’t escape it!

Xiao Mei, as common as a country girl, that’s okay, the problem is, isn’t this nickname for a flying cockroach?

A cockroach that can’t fly is called Xiao Qiang, and a flying one is called Xiao Mei.

Who else could come up with such a strange nickname for their girlfriend, other than this weirdo, Yu Minglang!

“Xiao Mei! You are Xiao Mei.”

Yu Minglang is stubborn, a rigid straight man, who is determined to have a unique code for his people.

His code back in the day was one, his brothers have codes, too.

His girlfriend is his person, she must be unique. Others call her Qian’er, Xiao Qian. Yu Minglang does not want to call her like that, he cannot be like others.

“I don’t want to be called by such a strange name!” She protested strongly. The dignified female boss is being referred to as a flying cockroach!

“Protest invalid, Xiao Mei, be nice. Once I find something, I’ll contact you.” “Hello!” Xiao Qian wanted to protest again, but he had already hung up the phone.

She kicked the table in anger.

Next time she must protest, at least let her have a nice-sounding nickname!

On his way back to the company, Yu Minglang was thinking about Xiao Qian and the beauty mark on her forehead.

So beautiful with a beauty mark, why not call her Xiao Mei?

Time flies, in the blink of an eye, Xiao Qian was about to start school.

All the family affairs had been arranged, her mother was also settled, she was relieved to go to school.

Jia Xiufang originally planned to send her daughter to school, but with an elderly person to take care of at home, and having fallen out with Second Brother’s family, she could only ask Chen Lin’s youngest son Chen Chao to send Xiao Qian.

People outside still didn’t know that Chen Lin and Jia Xiufang were getting divorced, and Chen Lin didn’t have the guts to tell his family for fear of breaking his elderly mother’s heart. Xiao Qian actually felt fine going alone, but Jia Xiufang was worried.

Although she is a strategic thinker, she’s still a girl. Even though the school is within the province, a 2-hour drive away, she still worries. Nowadays, there are many child traffickers targeting young girls.

Chen Chao is a man of few words, Xiao Qian once mentioned visiting him but never managed to find the time.

Her cousin had helped her in her previous life, and she had been thinking about returning the favor.

On the train, Chen Chao silently handed Xiao Qian the washed fruits. The two siblings sat facing each other. Xiao Qian knew his temperament, typically a man of actions rather than words. But before the incident of him helping her with money in her past life, she had always felt that this brother was difficult to deal with.

People, when they’re not in a predicament, they never know who they can rely on.

“Brother Chao, is your company sending people to guard the mines abroad?” Xiao Qian asked.

Chen Chao nodded. He used to play with his cousin when they were children, but as they grew up, the siblings stopped seeing each other that often. However, he still liked this little sister, always remembering her chasing after him to get elm seeds from the tree while she was wearing pigtails.

“When are you and that beautiful woman in your office getting engaged?”

Chen Chao’s face turned red instantly.

“How did you know about her?” This matter was kept a secret, even his family didn’t know.

“I saw you two shopping together last time. Brother Chao, that sister is really nice, she looks great with you, you should snatch her up!”

In her previous life, that woman didn’t become her sister-in-law, even though she had a good relationship with her brother, they eventually broke up.

The reason was that they both applied to go abroad to earn more money for the wedding. The place they went to was the coldest place, a mining area with temperatures below forty degrees. Her brother froze his waist and got spondylitis, a very scary disease.

Normally, the disease doesn’t flare up, but when it does, the waist hurts so much that it can’t be straightened. There’s no cure at all, and there’s a chance he could become paralyzed one day. This incurable disease hung over her brother like a time bomb.

Of course, it’s not that everyone with this condition will become paralyzed, but the chances are high. Some people manage to control it without any issues, but the waist pain is inescapable.

That sister was very affectionate and truly loved her brother. When she found out about her brother’s illness, she insisted on marrying him to share his sufferings. But her brother was afraid of hindering her life if he became paralyzed, so he refused to see her. That woman came after him and stayed outside her brother’s door for three days, saying that as soon as he changed his mind, they would immediately get married.

Her brother didn’t come out.

The woman left heartbroken.

A few years later, the disheartened woman got married, and when Xiao Qian returned, her brother was still single. Although he had always been tortured by the disease, he hadn’t become paralyzed yet. He was only in his forties, but his hair was already white.

In her previous life, Xiao Qian offered him a good job, he didn’t lack money, but he never found a partner. When she asked him, he said he didn’t consider getting married for fear of worsening his spondylitis and hindering a woman’s life.

But Xiao Qian knew that he always had that sister, who waited for him for three days, in his heart.

People who are most emotionally attached are able to make ’heartless’ decisions at such moments. Xiao Qian asked herself, if she were her brother, she could never push away the person she loved the most.

Deep down, she always respected her cousin as a man, and now that she is back, she can’t stand to see her brother lonely for a lifetime..

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