Rebirth of the Villainous Female Boss

Chapter 99 - Ninety-nine: Seventh Update (Thanks to Hui Nuan ggggg and Shi Bi for the update)

Chapter 99: Chapter Ninety-nine: Seventh Update (Thanks to Hui Nuan ggggg and Shi Bi for the update)

Translator: 549690339

Chen Chao’s face turned red when his younger sister mentioned the subject.

“You little girl, don’t talk about adults’ matters.”

“I just think that big sister is pretty, almost as good as you – brother, what’s her name?”

Chen Chao’s only shortcoming was his height, which was only 173 cm.

“Gong Liuli, you can call her Sister Gong,” Chen Chao’s mood improved when he mentioned his girlfriend.

As expected, it was the same Sister Gong from Xiao Qian’s past life.

“Sister Gong is so beautiful and treats you so well. Her gaze could sweeten anyone. Why haven’t you married her yet? You’re not young anymore, and Fourth Uncle is eager to have a grandson.”

“It’s not the right time yet…” Chen Chao was not comfortable discussing his love life with his younger sister.

“What do you mean it’s not the right time? Is it because of the house issue?”

Chen Chao was surprised, “Qian’er, how did you know?”

His parents were laid-off workers, and they lived in an old courtyard assigned by the company ten years ago. The three-room flat was not great for bringing in a daughter-in-law.

Gong Liuli was not an ordinary girl. Her parents were university teachers, and she was their only child. It would be hard to convince her family to accept a flat for their daughter’s marriage.

Chen Chao planned to work hard for a few years, buy a house for the two of them, and marry Liuli.

However, he didn’t know that he would damage his health by going abroad to make money, and the woman he loved would not be able to marry him.

Xiao Qian was not emotionally fragile, but when she thought of Chen Chao’s fate in her past life, her heart felt heavy.

“Brother Chao, do you plan to go abroad for the sake of a house with Sister Gong?”

“You little girl, how did you know? Our company indeed has a few spots, and both Sister Gong and I want to go.” How did this girl know about this when he hadn’t even told his parents?

“Brother, it’s freezing outside, and Russians are fierce. You might be fine, but what about Sister Gong? It’s chaotic out there.”

“We usually stay inside the company’s camp and don’t go out.”

“Have you considered the harsh climate? Why do you think the company offers high salaries? It’s because the conditions are terrible there! What if you get sick from the cold? It’s true; you might not get ill, but Sister Gong might.”

“Then…I’ll go, and she can stay in China for two years,” Chen Chao was wavering.

“No way! Can you trust that your beautiful girlfriend will be faithful while you’re apart? Brother, look at your short stature! With Sister Gong’s long legs, who wouldn’t chase her?”

Xiao Qian spoke bluntly, but Chen Chao didn’t get angry. Instead, he was amused.

“Why are you talking like this to your brother?”

Their relationship had grown a lot closer.

“I’m just worried about you! Brother, don’t go. Really, I have a friend who told me that we can’t adapt to the climate there. My friend went there and suffered from osteomyelitis. If you get that disease, it will be hard to find a wife.”

Xiao Qian began making up stories.

“That’s a rare disease. Most people won’t get it.”

Xiao Qian’s expression was somewhat sad, looking out the window and saying faintly.

“Everyone believes that misfortune is just one in a million chance, far away from us. But it’s only when something happens that we realize no one is spared.”

She didn’t think her child would get sick, and no parent ever thinks their child would be struck by rare diseases or die young. But people never know what will happen next. Life cannot be controlled.

“Qian’er, why are you talking about something so heavy? How old are you?” Chen Chao felt there was something wrong with Xiao Qian.

“Wisdom has nothing to do with age. Brother, listen to your sister; don’t go. Do you think Sister Gong would care about your house if she doesn’t even care about your height?”

“Qian’er, I never realized how harsh you can be.”

She kept bringing up his height, but he didn’t get angry. Anyone else would have been upset by now.

“Am I not telling the truth? Think about it, with Sister Gong’s current status, she could find anyone she wants. She doesn’t lack money or a house and is both beautiful and tall, with a degree from Hongkong University.”

“Did I tell you about this?”

His girlfriend was taller than him by 1cm and had a better education. How did Xiao Qian know all this?

“Never mind how I know. Just think about it. She must’ve seen your character, believing that you’re diligent, responsible, and treats her well. That’s why she agreed to date you. Don’t cheapen her with petty matters like a house!”

Xiao Qian wanted to be clear, so she laid her cards on the table.

“Brother, if you go overseas for two years and ruin your health, what can you offer her? As for the house, I have inside information. Your house will be relocated soon. If it doesn’t happen within two years, I’ll compensate you with a house!”

Chen Chao looked serious and asked Xiao Qian, “Qian’er, are you telling the truth?”

Xiao Qian lowered her voice, “I told you before that I have a friend, right? His brother is Yu Mingli, a real estate businessman in our city. He has his eye on that area for future development. It’s true, brother.”

It was a perfect time to bring up Yu Minglang.

Of course, Yu Minglang wouldn’t tell Xiao Qian about this, and in her past life, it wasn’t Yu Mingli who developed the area. Xiao Qian deliberately made it sound like the truth. That area was indeed relocated a year later, and the city’s economy was booming at the time, with real estate prices skyrocketing.

“You know Boss Yu?!” Chen Chao was astonished.

This Yu Mingli was a legend in Qiang City, and everyone knew him as the youngest boss in the city.

“Yes, if you don’t believe me, I’ll bring Yu Minglang out for dinner next time I’m on vacation. We’re really close, and he wouldn’t give me false information. Brother, when you go back, invest all your savings into building houses. Build an extra floor on your old warehouse, regardless of whether it’s sturdy or not, it will be demolished within a year. Also, plant trees in your yard.”

If the area was indeed going to be demolished, it would be amazing.

Chen Chao asked, “Qian’er, is your information reliable?” His neighborhood didn’t look like it could be demolished anytime soon.

“I promise you, brother.. If your house isn’t demolished, I’ll buy you a new one as big as yours!” The female boss was so domineering!

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