Rebirth Stockpiling: The Little Girl Sweeps Through the Apocalypse

Chapter 51

Yun Xiaoxiao finished killing all the dozen or so zombies.0

When she turned back to look at the two men, she found their gazes towards her were completely different.0

Their intimacy levels with her also showed a huge disparity.0

Nie Yizhou's intimacy level increased by 1%, becoming 91%.0

While Lu Chen's mere 5% had completely vanished!0

It became 0%!0

Yun Xiaoxiao: ......0

Seriously? Wasn't she cool just now when killing zombies?0

She felt... very depressed!0

She frustratedly stirred the zombie heads.0

Fortunately, two crystal cores from the dozen zombie heads could temporarily comfort her wounded soul.0

When Lu Chen saw her pick up the crystal cores, his eyes showed a complex expression.0

He took an extra glance at Yun Xiaoxiao.0

For the rest of the journey, Yun Xiaoxiao's mood remained low.0

She kept her head down, appearing gloomy and unhappy.0

Both Nie Yizhou and Lu Chen noticed this.0

Nie Yizhou bumped her hand.0

"Hey, kiddo, what's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly become unhappy?"0

Yun Xiaoxiao sighed, "Ah~ You wouldn't understand~"0

Her voice was low, sounding very dejected.0

Lu Chen, walking ahead, heard this and unconsciously slowed his pace.0

"If you tell me, won't I understand?" Nie Yizhou continued.0

"I'll be happy if you stop hiding behind me and playing dead every time we encounter zombies in the future."0

Yun Xiaoxiao felt he was being noisy, so she retorted with this statement.0

She didn't know that because of this remark, Nie Yizhou would become a formidable figure that struck fear into others' hearts in the future.0

After Yun Xiaoxiao said this, Nie Yizhou fell silent.0

He furrowed his brows, seemingly pondering something.0

The two followed Lu Chen to a pharmacy.0

Many shelves inside were empty.0

Lu Chen was searching for something.0

Finally, he found some gauze, tweezers, saline solution, and alcohol from the shelves.0

He also found a roll of bandage and a box of Yunnan Baiyao from behind the counter.0

Then, he lifted his own clothes.0

At this moment, Yun Xiaoxiao realized that Lu Chen had been shot in the abdomen!0

The bullet was still embedded in his flesh!0

However, the bullet hadn't fully entered; a part of it was still visible outside.0

Yun Xiaoxiao was completely shocked.0

She hadn't noticed at all that big brother was injured earlier!0

He had been acting normally, as if nothing was wrong.0

"Big brother, who hurt you?!"0

At this moment, Yun Xiaoxiao's eyes were filled with murderous intent.0

She looked ready to go on a killing spree at any moment.0

Seeing Yun Xiaoxiao's serious expression, Lu Chen was momentarily stunned.0

After a while, he uttered four words.0

"He's already dead."0

Only then did Yun Xiaoxiao realize it must have been the stubbly man from earlier.0

She frowned, thinking she shouldn't have let him die so easily!0

She had already thought of a hundred ways to torture him in her mind.0

And just at this moment, she was delighted to find that Lu Chen's favorability towards her had actually increased by 10%!0

Her heart leaped with joy, and her eyes sparkled brightly.0

"Big brother, do you need help?"0

She climbed onto a chair by the counter, leaned on the glass counter, and gazed at Lu Chen with intense eyes.0

Lu Chen glanced at her, "No need."0

Then, he bit the hem of his shirt between his teeth.0

His right hand held the tweezers, sprayed some alcohol on them, and went straight for the bullet.0

When the bullet was being pulled out, Yun Xiaoxiao saw Lu Chen's entire body trembling slightly from the intense effort to endure the pain.0

A thin layer of cold sweat seeped from his forehead and neck.0

Just watching was enough to imagine how painful it must be.0

Yet he didn't even let out a single groan throughout the process.0

He calmly removed the bullet, with shaking hands sprayed saline on the wound to disinfect it, then sprinkled Yunnan Baiyao powder, applied gauze, and wrapped it with a bandage.0

His movements were skillful, as if he had personally dealt with such wounds hundreds of times before.0

"Wow, big bro, you're amazing! I respect you as a real man!"0

Nie Yizhou was completely dumbfounded, giving a thumbs up with admiration all over his face.0

Those pretty boys would act like they're dying if they just scratched their finger a bit, crying about needing to go to the hospital.0

Because if they don't go to the hospital, the wound would heal before they get there.0

And their fans would be worried sick about them.0

Those people should really see what a real man is like!0

Sissy men should be sent back for a complete makeover!0

"Someone's coming."0

Nie Yizhou suddenly looked outside the pharmacy.0

Just a few minutes after he spoke, a group of people hurriedly ran in.0

There were four people in total.0

A man and a woman in their fifties, and two young adults.0

Among them, one was actually a familiar face.0

"You little brat, it's actually you!"0

The housekeeper Zhang Fen glared at Yun Xiaoxiao with anger.0

Seeing Yun Xiaoxiao reminded her of how she was framed and sent to jail by this brat, unable to defend herself!0

She was locked up for several days back then.0

The night she was released, the apocalypse broke out.0

One troublesome thing after another!0

Now seeing Yun Xiaoxiao again, she couldn't control the anger in her heart.0

"You're actually not dead yet!" She glared at Yun Xiaoxiao maliciously.0

"Honey, is she the one..."0

Zhang Fen's husband, Wang De, frowned in confusion.0

Zhang Fen snorted, "That's right, she's the nasty kid from the family where I worked as a housekeeper!0

A lowly creature with a father who sired her but no mother to raise her!0

Her dad fooling around outside, her mom also messing around with other men.0

I heard they were even getting a divorce, and the funny thing is, neither of them wanted her.0

They treated her like a stinking ball, kicking her back and forth.0

Actually, you can't blame those two.0

Who would like such a vicious child? She deserves to be abandoned!0

If it were me, I'd throw her out to feed..."0

"Oh my, oh my, I was wondering why the air suddenly became so foul, turns out it's someone's bad breath."0

Just as Zhang Fen was rambling on with her curses, Nie Yizhou suddenly spoke up, fanning his nose with an exaggerated expression.0

"This smell, whew, it's really strong, even worse than the smell of durian stewed with stinky socks. Ugh~ I'm about to throw up.0

Did you two smell it?"0

He looked at Yun Xiaoxiao and Lu Chen.0

They both nodded in agreement.0

Surprisingly, their actions were perfectly in sync.0

Yun Xiaoxiao hadn't expected to see Zhang Fen again.0

Of course, she was angry about what the other person had just said.0

However, she was delighted to discover that while Zhang Fen was cursing her, both Nie Yizhou and Lu Chen's intimacy levels with her were constantly rising!0

Nie Yizhou's rose to 93%.0

Lu Chen's suddenly soared to 45%!0

In light of this, Yun Xiaoxiao decided not to take action for now.0

Fen, my big brother's intimacy level depends on you now!0

Come on, curse more, I 'love' to hear it!0

Yun Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Fen with a smile, as if she was looking at a 'precious treasure'.0

Zhang Fen, however, glared at Nie Yizhou with displeasure.0

"You little brat, who are you calling foul-mouthed?!"0

Nie Yizhou put on an exaggerated expression.0

"Oh my goodness, someone not only has bad breath but also has a problem with their brain. I've made it so obvious, yet she doesn't know I'm talking about her."0

Zhang Fen: !!0

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