Rebirth Stockpiling: The Little Girl Sweeps Through the Apocalypse

Chapter 52

"I'm telling you, you little brat, what's it to you? Mind your own business!"

Zhang Fen wasn't one to back down either. She immediately put her hands on her hips and shouted back.

"What do you mean it's none of my business? I'm her brother! You're bullying my sister, so how is it not my business?"

Nie Yizhou's voice lost its playful tone and became more serious.

Yun Xiaoxiao glanced at him, her eyes showing a slight ripple of emotion.

Zhang Fen looked at Nie Yizhou suspiciously.

"You're her brother? How come I've never seen you before?"

"Who are you to think you can see me whenever you want?" Nie Yizhou snorted arrogantly.

His attitude was indeed quite punchable.

Zhang Fen frowned.

"What I said wasn't wrong. This little brat has no love from her parents, and at such a young age, she's already so devious. She actually tricked the police into arresting me and taking me to the station. Tell me, is this something a normal child would do?"

Yun Xiaoxiao's eyes immediately turned red, looking as if she had been wronged.

"But I was so hungry, and you often didn't give me food, and you hit me and scolded me..."


Nie Yizhou was stunned for a second.

Wasn't she called Ji Hongtong?

Hey, kid, she really wasn't honest before, actually giving him a fake name!

Nie Yizhou gritted his teeth, planning to settle accounts with Yun Xiaoxiao later.

"When did I not give you food? Didn't I give you instant noodles?" Zhang Fen retorted.

"Oh come on, so it's you, auntie, who's being inhumane! You're feeding instant noodles to a five-year-old child every day? Is your conscience made of gutter oil? You're absolutely filthy and wicked!"

Nie Yizhou's brows knotted into a knot.

"If people like you don't go to prison, then prisons would be empty! You deserve it!"

"How dare you talk about our mom like that? Do you think we're just decoration? You little punk, you're asking for death!"

Zhang Fen's eldest son, Wang Quan, said with a stern face as he threw a punch at Nie Yizhou.

He was a boxing coach, built sturdy, and rarely did anyone dare to provoke him.

He could kill someone like Nie Yizhou with one punch!

He didn't take Nie Yizhou seriously at all.

Seeing her eldest son stand up for her, Zhang Fen looked smug.

She knew her son's capabilities.

The skinny punk opposite her looked like he had no meat on his bones. Her son could deal with him easily!

Zhang Fen, feeling proud, watched as Wang Quan's fist was about to hit Nie Yizhou, her face full of glee.

But in the next second, she was dumbfounded.

Where did he go?

Equally surprised were Wang Quan, Wang De, and Wang Gui.

"What are you looking for, big dummy? I'm behind you!"

Nie Yizhou chuckled mischievously, grabbed a medicine box from the shelf, and threw it at Wang Quan.

Wang Quan turned his head and was hit squarely.

A bruise immediately formed on his forehead.

"Hey, I didn't expect my throw to be so accurate!"

Nie Yizhou laughed.

"Kid, did you see how awesome your big brother is?"

Yun Xiaoxiao gave a thumbs up, "Not bad."

Nie Yizhou became even more proud.

He continued to tease Wang Quan a few more times.

Wang Quan's face was now black and blue, looking like a big flower face.

Wang Gui, standing nearby, looked at his eldest brother and then at the smiling Nie Yizhou, his eyes darkening.

If this continued, their whole family would become monkeys, completely humiliated!

He secretly glanced at Yun Xiaoxiao.

He took out a small knife from his pocket.

Gripping the knife tightly, he suddenly lunged at Yun Xiaoxiao!


Just as he was about to reach Yun Xiaoxiao, a tall figure blocked his way.

A hand firmly gripped his wrist and twisted it hard.

The sound of bones breaking immediately rang out.


Wang Gui immediately screamed in pain.

"Ah Gui, what's wrong?"

Zhang Fen and Wang De ran over worriedly.


At that moment, Wang Gui was kicked away, crashing into a nearby medicine shelf.

Then, he bounced heavily to the ground.

He was also hit by medicines falling from the shelf, looking extremely miserable.

Yun Xiaoxiao looked at Lu Chen standing in front of her, the corners of her mouth turned up happily, revealing two cute dimples on her little face.

Big brother was still big brother, unchanged!

He would protect her!

Thanks to Zhang Fen's family, big brother's intimacy with her had already increased to 55%.

"Ah Gui, are you alright?"

Zhang Fen worriedly cleared away the medicine boxes on Wang Gui's body.

"Mom, my... my right hand hurts so much! I just heard the sound of bones breaking, is my hand ruined?"

Wang Gui was panic-stricken.

Hearing her youngest son's words, Zhang Fen's face twisted as she ran in front of Lu Chen.

She wanted to curse, but was too scared to speak when faced with Lu Chen's cold expression.

She collapsed on the ground, crying with snot and tears.

"Oh my goodness, what a calamity! How could we be so unlucky, there's no way to live like this!"

"Let's go!"

Lu Chen suddenly frowned, picked up Yun Xiaoxiao, and strode towards the exit of the pharmacy.

Seeing this, Nie Yizhou quickly followed.

"Why are we suddenly leaving? I hadn't had enough fun yet," Nie Yizhou still felt unsatisfied.

That family bullied his sister, they should be properly taught a lesson!

Lu Chen didn't say anything, just pointed to a group of zombies rushing over from the right side of the pharmacy.

Nie Yizhou immediately understood.

It must have been that old woman's crying that attracted the zombies.

Well, this way they didn't have to dirty their own hands.

"Didn't you say your nose was very sensitive? How come you didn't smell the zombies?"

Yun Xiaoxiao glanced at him sideways, her voice extremely low.

Nie Yizhou immediately became interested, seeming to have found someone to complain to.

He covered his mouth and said quietly.

"It's because this city is filled with zombie smell everywhere. You don't know how disgusting that smell is. At first, I was so nauseated that I couldn't eat for several days in a row.

Later, I automatically blocked out this smell.

I really didn't want that stench to make me unable to eat or sleep."

As he was speaking, Zhang Fen's terrified scream came from inside the pharmacy.

After a while, four painful screams rang out in succession.

Then, the world returned to silence.

"Let's go, it's getting dark. Let's go to my place. There's food and drink, and it's safe," Nie Yizhou said.

"No rush."

"Not in a hurry."

Two voices sounded simultaneously.

Nie Yizhou looked at the two of them, "What do you want to do?"

"Cut the grass and dig up the roots!"

The two spoke in unison again.

Nie Yizhou was shocked.

"How come you two are looking more and more alike? Kid, you're not this big brother's long-lost daughter, are you?"

Lu Chen twitched the corners of his mouth.

He was only 21, to have a five-year-old daughter, he would have had to sow his seeds at fifteen.

At that time, he was still killing people all over the world, he didn't have time for that.

Yun Xiaoxiao, however, raised her eyebrows and grinned.

"I think big brother does indeed seem a lot like my real dad."

Lu Chen: ......

Nie Yizhou: ......

The two thought Yun Xiaoxiao was just joking.

But when Yun Xiaoxiao said this, her eyes were extremely serious.

In her previous life, he raised her, taught her, took care of her, wasn't that even better than her real father?

Besides, a teacher for a day is a father for a lifetime.

Understanding it this way was quite correct, wasn't it?

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