Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 336: Exploring the Sea

Chapter 336: Exploring the Sea

Several months passed quickly ...

Everyone had been in the main realm for several months, and only ten people were able to find a fish with dragon bloodline and two managed to find three, but the system caused the fish to be linked to the person who took it and would only release when at least fifty fish with dragon bloodline are found. The system only showed how many fish were found, but did not indicate the people, not yet.

When the fifty fish are found, and the system announces the people who are with these fish, many bloody deaths will happen.

Liu Yang and Little Silver were in the forty thousand meters deep, and each one got three fish with dragon bloodline. This was only possible because of the talent of Liu Yang, the Eye of God, he was able to see information that no one could see, so it was easier to identify the fish that there was dragon bloodline.

The fish with dragon bloodline looked like fish that were in the depths, but there was a small difference between them, which was the skills, the fish had a special ability they would use when it were close to death, unless this moment arrives, it will be really difficult to find out.

Another factor was that beneath the scales of these fish, there was a thin layer of thicker scales that could only be seen if they removed the scales from the layers above.

After these two factors were discovered and the information spread, everyone started killing the fish and see if this information was true or not, except for Liu Yang and Little Silver, as they did not have to do that unless it was necessary.

But there was a little detail in this, the total fish that existed in this gigantic ocean was several billion. It was impossible to kill everyone, for in the last thousand meters there was no one who could stand the pressure or fight the fish that lived there. And the total fish with dragon bloodline that existed in the ocean was only a hundred thousand, it was like a drop of water in an ocean.

Because of these factors, when a hundred fish with dragon bloodline were found, everyone would know that the requirement for the ten people to pass to the next level was complete. So many stopped killing the fish and looking for those who had gotten the fish.

But since no one would know who the people were with the fish, everyone could only suspect their neighbor and wait for the right moment to steal or kill.

While everyone was killing the fish frantically, Liu Yang and Little Silver were swimming on all sides in search of the fish, they had to kill thousands of fish along the way because they were attacked. The person who killed most of the fish was Little Silver, since she did not have the false information like Liu Yang.

The duo traveled slowly through the deepest places, the group that had been formed before was undone, and other smaller groups were bred to fight the fish. There was one thing everyone was doing and no one would go against it, no one light was using skills or weapons that emit light. This was not to attract fish that were in the deepest places.

The two had already gotten a total of seven fish with dragon bloodline, only three more were missing, or Little Silver could go back to the tower and leave Liu Yang alone, but she could not leave later because of the restrictions.

The tower was inside Liu Yang's body, and that would be as part of him, and as the women were inside, they did not suffer any trouble. But as Little Silver left, if she wanted to advance to the next level, she would have to catch the fish, or go back to the tower again.

After a while arguing, Little Silver gave up, she was too bored to keep looking and handed the fish to Liu Yang, then turned into a light and entered the ring dwelling, from the ring he would enter the tower.

As Liu Yang had gotten the necessary fish, he started to climb up and head towards the beach. The climb was much faster than the descent, in a few days he managed to reach the beach. On the way, he found tens of thousands of bodies scattered across the sea.

The arrival of Liu Yang caught the attention of the young people on the beach, but when they realized that Little Silver was not with him, many did not care and did the things they were doing before. There were those who wanted to give a good impression to Liu Yang, as they were aiming to get closer to Little Silver.

But for the bad luck of these young people, when Liu Yang arrived in the sand of the beach, he used the spatial distortion and advanced towards the designated place to deliver the fish.

The place was inside the forest, after following the instructions, Liu Yang arrived at the scene, the scene he saw shocked him, he saw a large bowl of stone hundreds of meters long and fifty meters high. The fish had to be thrown into the bowl.

After throwing the five fish into the bowl, a small tremor began to rock the island and seconds later the hoarse old voice is heard.

"Congratulations on completing the challenge, you are allowed to advance to the next level. As the first person was able to complete the challenge, the fish in the sea will begin to become more aggressive and attack anyone within its range of vision.

To increase competitiveness, those who have achieved fish with dragon bloodline will be shown lights, this will be to attract more fish and other people. In order to keep the fish, you will have to have the strength to do so. The lights will appear in one minute, lasting ten seconds, with an interval of five seconds.

Good luck"

After the voice ended, a small doorway opened to Liu Yang, he entered without hesitation.

When the crowd on the beach and in the sea heard these words, they were all shocked. Those on the beach began to think that Liu Yang and Little Silver had gotten the five fish each, they all started to be envy and jealous of it.

Each of them began to pull out the communication devices and report this to those who were in the seabed looking for the fish. Listening to this news, those at sea were totally shocked, for they would never have imagined that Liu Yang Little Silver could get the ten fish so fast.

Many began to think that Liu Yang and Little Silver had methods for locating fish with dragon bloodline. They were jealous and envious of this, but they could only sigh about it, for they did not have these methods.

The people of the Xiao clan, Song clan, and alliance members were annoyed by the fact that Liu Yang hid this fact from them and took the fish for himself. Were they all in the same group because he did not help them?

Liu Yang had a simple reason not to help them, they were arrogant and thought he was useless to the group, and they were only accepting him because of the matriarch and Little Silver. For people like these, Liu Yang would not help even if they begged.



As the minute passed, several points began to glow, that was the sign that there were some people with fish with dragon bloodline. People were not the only groups that were alerted, fish that were in the deepest environments were also alerted because of the sudden flashing light.

Many of these fish began to rise and go towards the light, the fish that were next began to load and direction the light.

This scene shocked them all, for they could see in the darkness, though it was not very clear. Dozens of shoals of fish began to emerge suddenly, and fights began to happen among these fish.

Those who were emitting the lights began to swim as fast as possible toward the surface in an attempt to escape death. But it was impossible, while they tried to flee, some were killed by other people.

At the moment the person was killed, the fish was immediately connected to the new owner and his body immediately began to emit light, this scene shocked him. Then he started to swim as fast as possible to the surface, this person regretted having killed the owner of the fish.

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