Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 337: Nine Paths

Chapter 337: Nine Paths

After Liu Yang entered the next level, he did not know that by doing so, he would unleash a bloody bath in the ocean, millions of people and fish began killing each other in the ocean.

The lights that indicated that someone had at least one fish with dragon bloodline was very flashy, the light was extremely strong and could attract those who were tens of thousands of miles away.

The 800 and 900 level fish began to rise to the surface in search of these fish with dragon bloodline. It was extremely violent and powerful, any kind of living being in its ways would be killed and devoured.

The old people who were in levels 700-900 were completely frightened by this situation, they began to climb back to the surface as quickly as possible, as they had to protect the younger ones on the island.

Everyone who was at sea cursed Liu Yang as he entered first to the next level. At the same time, everyone was feeling envious and jealous of the fact that Liu Yang was lucky to have found ten fish, they were thinking that Liu Yang and Little Silver had entered to the next level.

Some of those with fish with dragon bloodline were already on the island after they left the sea, they ran as fast as they could to escape the edge of the island.

Sometime later

Those who were slower to climb to the surface were surprised by the sound they heard from the bottom of the sea. It was a roar of some sort of prehistoric beast. No one had the guts to look at what it was and continue to swim toward the surface.

But not all of them were able to get out safely from the sea, a short time later, a gigantic shadow could be seen in the bottom of the sea, those who were flying were frightened by this vision, and began to fly to the island.

A few seconds later, an extremely loud roar is heard.

"Roar !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Sometime later, a gigantic dark shadow appeared in the middle of the ocean, it was not possible to know what kind of creature it was, but it was possible to know that it was extremely large.

Everyone was surprised by this scene and did not have the courage to approach, those who had the highest levels used the Divine Sense inside the water to see what a creature it was, by the size of the shadow, anyone could say that it was extremely large.

When the Divine Sense entered the water, the image of the creature was shown in their vision. By the time they saw the creatures, they were all shocked, but only those who lived for thousands of years knew what a creature it was and only one word came into their minds: Leviathan.

The Leviathan was an extremely ancient creature, which lived to tens of billions of years ago and was considered extinct today. The Leviathan was extremely large, ten thousand feet high and five thousand meters long, looked like a prehistoric aquatic dinosaur, its body was covered with black scales and green sludge was sometimes expelled, the largemouth could swallow five fields football at one time with only one bite had thousands of big teeth as the world's tallest building. The Leviathan had its eyes closed while it breathed deeply under the water.

When using the vision skills to see Leviathan information, everyone was shocked, as only a few could see some things, while others could not. The elder of the Song clan who was at levels 870 managed to see only the Leviathan level, he was extremely shocked and terrified by this, he saw the following number 999.

Sweat and fear began to appear on his face, he knew that if the Leviathan came out of the water and advanced to the island, they would all be killed and no one could defend themselves because they were very weak compared to Leviathan.

The news of a 999 level creature appearing in the sea near the island shocked everyone on the spot, each one starting to pray that the Leviathan would not attack the island.

After a while, many realized that the Leviathan was not moving and was only with their eyes closed. No one could understand why, but it was also a relief, as they did not have to worry about Leviathan attacking the island.

Everyone on the island waited a few days before returning to the sea in search of the fish with dragon bloodline, but no one went to the place where the Leviathan was, everyone, avoided that area.

It took two months for the second person to complete the challenge, this person was the elder of the Song clan, he bought the others' fish after some threats.

Seconds after the clan elder Song entered the door leading to the next level. Another roar was heard, this time it was different from the roar of Leviathan, sometime later, another shadow appeared on the other side of the island.

Those who had the Divine Sense that had long-range began to use to see what kind of creature it was this time. When everyone looked at the creature, they were extremely shocked by what they saw, although it was not another Leviathan, its power was not less than the previous one since the level was also 999, but the statistics were a bit different.

The creature was an extremely large octopus type with tens of thousands of tentacles coming out of its body, its color was yellow with greenish tones, there was a largemouth in the middle of the head with thousands of large, sharp teeth, and had a large eye in the middle of the head, which was closed. The elders had only one word to describe this creature: Kraken.

No one imagined that they would find another legendary creature that should have been extinct. The side where the Kraken was was also totally empty because although it made no move, no one wanted to risk it.

A few months later, it was the turn of an Xiao clan elder to get the five fish. But this time nothing happened, no kind of creature appeared. As the fourth person entered, a new roar was heard elsewhere in the ocean.

Using the Divine Sense and vision skills, they saw a huge white shark with brown stripes, the shark was fifteen thousand meters long and five thousand meters wide, its mouth had two long rows of sharp teeth, the name of the shark was Megalodon, another legendary creature that was extinct billions of years ago.

A few months later, when the last person got the five fish, a fourth roar echoed across the ocean. The animal this time was a giant tortoise with a mountain on its back, it was another legendary creature called Aspidochelone.

When the tenth person came in, many realized that Little Silver had not caught the fish and must have gone elsewhere and that only Liu Yang had entered. Everyone stayed curious about where she was.

After the ten people entered the next level, a voice echoed old and hoarse echoed across the island.

"You are the ones left of this challenge, you have two options: Stay here and wait for the first group to finish their challenge so you can enter. Or get out of here and go back to the previous realms. A portal will open to the exit "

After the voice ended, a large portal appeared on the beach, but no one had any intention of leaving, they all passed through the previous realms to get to this place, no one would give up easily.

This same scene was happening in the other realms after the ten entered the second level of the main realm. All other kingdoms received the same message, they had to wait or leave.


While everyone waited, let's go back a bit in time ...

After Liu Yang entered the next level, he appeared in front of a temple that had nine entrances, there was a barrier that prevented to enter any of these caves. Liu Yang knew he would have to wait for the others.

Little Silver could not get out of the tower, because there was something stopping her from leaving, Liu Yang understood that this was because of the fact that she did not catch the fish.

It took a few months for the second person to arrive, Liu Yang was sure that person would be the elder of the Song Clan. The old man never thought Liu Yang would still be in the place, but soon realized that he would have to wait for the others too.

The old man had some complaints about Liu Yang about the fact that he did not help him, but it did not matter now because he could witness the appearance of legendary creatures.

A year went by until all ten of them entered the second level after the tenth person came in, the horse, an old voice echoed through the room.

"Congratulations on getting to the second level, this time, you will have to choose one of the nine paths. Only one person can choose a path, and only one path can be chosen per person.

You have a total of ten hours to decide which entries you will choose. Good luck"

The ten people in the place stood between looked, each of them had solemn looks on the face, except Liu Yang who was lying down and had a casual way.

"I apologize to everyone, but I'd like to be first." The person who spoke was the elder of the Song clan, his voice was arrogant. No one said anything or stopped him because they knew he was the strongest person in the place.

"I'll be next." The person who spoke was an elder of the Xiao clan.

"It's me this time." Someone else said.


"This is me this time," one more person said.

Liu Yang let everyone choose the ways, he had other thoughts on that subject. When they all chose the paths, they stood in front of the caves, after entering the circle that was in the entrance, none of them managed to leave, it seemed a restrictive spell in the place.

When the ninth person chose the cave and entered the circle, the old hoarse voice echoed again.

"You're the only one left, what will you choose? Go out or wait for the nine to complete their journey? "

When the nine of them heard these words, they had sarcastic looks on their faces, for Liu Yang would have to wait on the spot until they all finished the test. Disdainful looks appeared on their faces, as they were all of the older generations, they were displeased with the fact that Liu Yang was the first to arrive there.

"I choose the tenth path"

Liu Yang's words shocked the other nines before they started laughing and thinking that Liu Yang was an idiot as he spoke those words. There were only nine paths, how could there be a tenth path?

"What would be the tenth path?" The voice question surprised everyone on the spot, neither of them imagined that it could actually have a tenth path.

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