Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 179: Rapid Achievement

Chapter 179: Rapid Achievement

At some point in the demonic realm, I learned why I couldn’t manipulate mana.

[One-eyed Dolby]

A fairy endowed with the ability to see the flow of mana.

She explained that my meridians, which should extend from the limbs like threads, were instead circling the heart in a loop, constantly revolving around the same spot.

Although he wasn’t surprised to hear a more detailed account after Johann mentioned that the upper and middle meridians were blocked, it did provide some relief to uncover a secret of Shiron Prient, who spent his life envying his half-sister.

However, amidst this, another disturbing thought emerged.

“Have you ever made an enemy?”

“A curse, or maybe you underwent physical modification while you were asleep?”

The one-eyed fairy asked in a worried tone if I had undergone some bizarre ordeal.

At first, he was puzzled by her words.

After all, it was definitely during the naïve days of childhood that he possessed Shiron Prient’s body. He might not boast about having a good memory, but he did keep a diary and remembered all the significant events since the possession.

So, if I had been cursed or physically altered, it must have been before the possession, but back then, Shiron was too young.

No matter how consumed by inferiority Shiron Prient became, he was still just a child. If someone who did something bad to a young Shiron was still alive, I’d like to see their face at least once.

Of course, now that he had received a dragon’s heart, he barely managed to avoid being crippled, and he didn’t plan to hunt them down to kill them, but he was still curious about how evil someone must be to curse a clueless child to live a life as a cripple.

‘…Of course, it all goes back to Yura being the cause.’

All the stray thoughts within Shiron’s psyche converged in one place.

‘…Still, it’s clear that person was here.’

The space occupied by those thoughts became a void, creating an emptiness.

‘Honestly, she knows she did something wrong. Isn’t that why she made various arrangements?’

Like Latera. Or the Heart of Demodras. It wasn’t difficult to realize these were Yura’s arrangements.

‘An angel or whatever, she doesn’t even use her real name, so I just realized.’

A new desire emerged.

‘Now that I know the angel is her identity… Like Latera, who waited for me for 500 years, she must also be alive somewhere.’

Not a vague goal of surviving a deadly crisis.

Nor a vague objective of becoming something by killing the Demon God.

A clear desire filled the void.

‘To meet and see her face to face. To have the conversations we never had… And more.’


Suddenly, a bright light settled in what could be called my inner world.

Like the Milky Way filling the night sky, like ocean waters covering more than half a continent.

The light filled the holes in the imagery.

And then, one path became visible.

A single straight path, not divided into multiple branches.

Below it was a sheer cliff, making it not easy to walk the path.

Yet, Shiron chose to walk this path.

The distant goal was something he resolved to achieve. Even if he couldn’t run towards the goal, he would walk steadfastly.

He knew he lacked ability. Throughout his life, the problems that were resolved easily could be counted on one hand.

However, moving towards the goal was a beautiful thing in itself. So, he decided not to assume whether it would end in failure or success.

If he failed, it would mean death by falling off a cliff, but he wasn’t scared now.

All he needed to do was be careful not to fall. There was no one to rush him.

“Just a minute.”


“There is someone to speak up. Didn’t you swear to kill the Demon God within 20 years? It’s troublesome if it’s too late. Human life is finite, and you can’t kill the Demon God as a grandfather.”

“Shush, be quiet. It’s a crucial moment right now.”

Shiron hesitated for a moment, then stretched his step forward.

Although the light was briefly extinguished by the meddling dragon, the inner star shone brightly again, illuminating the path.

“It seems I’ve reached the second rank.”

Shiron, shirtless and wiping off sticky sweat, spoke to the giant dragon.

“Is it certain? You’ve only been introduced to mana for a month.”

“…I felt it. Why don’t you check?”

As Shiron approached, placing his hand on his waist, Demodras blinked its torn eye and placed a large claw near Shiron’s chest.

Indeed, Shiron’s words were not false. Two new flows had formed, connecting the lower, upper, and middle meridians that hadn’t existed before.


“What, isn’t it the second rank?”

Demodras narrowed its half-open eyes further and moaned. Shiron, perhaps hopeful, asked again.

“No, it’s just surprisingly rapid progress. You really have reached the second rank.”


Shiron sighed as if he was releasing a burden. He hadn’t been sure himself, haunted by the thought of being untalented, but he felt relieved after the archmage’s confirmation.

“You’re not purely happy about it. Reaching the second rank in just a month. Yuma would think this calls for a celebration.”

Demodras, sensing Shiron’s emotions, opened its huge maw with a query.

“…I wonder what it would have been like if I had started younger.”

“Your age is prime. I’ve heard humans can live up to a hundred years. Isn’t this progress fast enough?”

“It is, but the road ahead is still long.”

Shiron thought of his siblings waiting at the mansion.

Without needing to bring in the archmage Seira, Siriel and Lucia were masters of swordsmanship across the continent. Moreover, Eldrina had told him that they could also use magic to a high degree.

“Hmm, certainly too low an achievement to kill the Demon God.”

Demodras empathized with Shiron’s remark.

“However, the speed is astonishing even to me. Humans are known to grow fast, but I didn’t expect it to be this quick. Certainly, with a good teacher and the right potions, you could quickly rise to the ranks of a great archmage.”


“Yes, I assure you. I am not one to be deluded by faint possibilities.”

Encouraged by Demodras’s support, any remaining anxiety was dispelled. Seeing this, Demodras clicked its tongue, feeling a growing sense of regret as the days passed.

The tale of having better teachers and potions.

Demodras couldn’t be a good teacher for Shiron. It was inevitable since he couldn’t use mana without a heart.

‘…I thought it was only for 20 years, but it seems it will be longer.’

Shiron wasn’t the first student Demodras had in his nearly thousand-year life.

“There’s still much to teach, but for faster growth, you’ll need a better teacher than me.”

Besides just a contract to lend a heart, Demodras felt regret that he couldn’t oversee his disciple’s growth from start to finish.

“I know a great archmage who can match me, so ask her for the rest.”

He won’t say he couldn’t be a good teacher for Shiron.

Too proud to admit it, and after all, 20 years wasn’t long enough to feel the absence.

“…Next time I come, I should bring something tasty.”

“Go ahead up. Others seem to want to bid you farewell.”

“Sure, I’ll take good care of the kids and tell them well.”

Shiron waved his hand and then turned to leave.

Now that Yoru’s matter was handled, he didn’t have to worry about Demodras’s well-being.

Suppressing his regret, Shiron walked towards Yuma’s office.

However, at this moment, Shiron had overlooked something.

He should have left immediately after Demodras’s farewell. He regretted this within less than five minutes.

It took Shiron a week to finally leave Dawn Castle.

Meanwhile, at the expeditionary force headquarters.

The expedition was nearing its end, but luck wasn’t on their side as they struggled to wrap things up.

An incident of sudden desertion occurred. The absence of as many as ten knights left them unable to properly handle the surging waves of challenges.

A heavy responsibility weighed on their shoulders.

For the expeditionary force commander, Igor, it was only natural that the ashtray kept filling up with cigarette ash day after day.

“Your Highness, what does this mark here mean?”

While reviewing incoming reports, Igor noticed a conspicuous mark hanging there.

A red circle.

Different from the red cross marking the deceased, this symbol indicate the missing.

His counterpart, Victor, answered with gravity.

“It marks those who went missing during the expedition.”

“I know that, but this mark is also next to the name Shiron Prient.”


“Is he missing?”

Igor, half in disbelief, looked towards the crown prince, and Victor broke out in a cold sweat under his scrutinizing gaze.

It had been a month and a half since Shiron left to learn magic. Victor hadn’t held him back, but now she was also in a tricky position if Shiron didn’t return soon.

“It’s a secret to you, but Shiron is currently on a top-secret mission.”

“…I see.”

“Yes, a top-secret mission that only I know about.”

“A mission so secret that even the expeditionary force commander doesn’t know… It’s frightening to think about.”

“Yes, indeed. Well, I must be going now.”

After a formal exchange with Igor, Victor moved towards her quarters.

‘He said he’d be back soon after learning some magic.’

Her steps were heavy, thud, thud. Making up various excuses and delaying had also reached its limit. If Shiron didn’t show his face soon, he would either be processed as missing or as a deserter, and either scenario would put them in significant trouble.

Though he hadn’t promised to return soon, Victor earnestly hoped that Shiron would return sooner rather than later.

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