Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 180: The Expedition’s Conclusion (1)

Chapter 180: The Expedition’s Conclusion (1)

In the early dawn, at the expedition’s encampment, on a ridge from where one could look down upon him, Shiron casually talked to the girl who had been clinging to him like a leech.

“We’re almost there.”

“…Haaam. What? We’re already here?”

Latera yawned lazily, rubbing her sleepy eyes. It seemed she was still drowsy as she repeatedly smacked her lips.

“…Hero, please do not taint your soul. Don’t forget that I am always watching.”

However, Latera soon snapped to attention and began to nag Shiron. Despite all the warnings she had given him, this devil of a man had once again engaged in vile and shameless acts, almost hitting rock bottom in Latera’s esteem.

“Guardian angels are not supposed to monitor heroes. It pains me to meddle like this when I want to build a good relationship with you.”

“…I understand.”

Shiron, knowing her too well, endured her crying all the way here. As proof, his nape still carried a salty residue.

“Act like a hero! I won’t say it again. Just please take care of your demerits.”

“Alright, I get it, let’s go inside.”

“Oh. You respond so casually again.”

As if her admonitions weren’t enough, the girl who had been whimpering disappeared into thin air, leaving only a slight warmth behind. She had been whining all the way from Dawn Castle, and it felt like just yesterday, but Latera quickly changed her attitude and acted all coy.

Shiron dismissed her behavior as a child’s capriciousness and finally opened the crimson pouch he had been holding.

It was a pouch of monster blood he had hunted during the trip.

Shiron smeared the foul-smelling blood all over himself. Although he was normally meticulous about his cleanliness, he grimaced while doing this filthy task, but this discomfort was nothing compared to potential crises.

The unexpected desertion of Natalia.

Because of this, Shiron moved up his search for the Fervent Dragon’s nest.

The original plan involved finalizing the front-line expansion and proceeding with the proper procedures, such as obtaining expedition approval.

However, life does not always adhere to our plans, and Yoru’s arrival necessitated bypassing some bureaucratic steps.

‘…With eyes wide open and my heart nearly stolen, how can I remain still?’

He briefed the Crown Prince, his backer, on the general situation, but even Viktor found the month-long absence challenging to manage.

Of course, there were reasons that seemed straight out of a legend, like learning magic from a dragon, but those were strictly Shiron’s personal matters.

Whether Shiron considers himself a hero or not was irrelevant to the expeditionary force.

[No, it’s because you were frolicking with the devil and got delayed!]

‘…Sorry about that.’

After hearing Latera’s reprimand, Shiron, with a heavy heart, made his way back to the encampment down the slope.

The line stretched out, and sparse guard posts dotted along the fence became visible. Shiron squinted and selected the most poorly guarded post, then began to stretch and loosen his body.

‘Even though I masked my presence, it’s unbelievable they didn’t notice my approach.’

While dismayed by the soldiers’ lack of discipline, Shiron felt relieved. The less aware they were, the less likely they were to react appropriately.

And Shiron’s prediction proved accurate.


“What, what the hell!”

“Who, who’s there!”

As he effortlessly tore off the post’s door, an unexpected scene unfolded. Shiron pushed past the bewildered soldiers and entered the post.

‘It’s even more chaotic than I anticipated.’

It appeared there was just a faint light on in the post, and no heads were visible because a drinking session was in full swing. He wasn’t curious about where they had obtained the alcohol. It must have been pilfered from the supplies specially provided by the Emperor just a month ago.


A heavy silence descended upon the post.

Shiron, whose head was at least half a size larger than the others’, stood quietly, covered in blood, while the soldiers were too frozen to even draw their weapons.

But among them, a soldier who quickly grasped the severity of the situation hurriedly stood up and spoke.

“Who the hell are you to break down the door like that? You don’t look like a knight…”

“I’m the hero.”

“…Excuse me?”

“Now I’ll be the one asking questions.”

“…What, a hero?”

“Who is your direct superior?”

Shiron fired questions at the soldiers before they could gather their wits.

“Uh… well…”

The soldiers struggled to respond to Shiron’s question. It wasn’t because the title ‘hero’ was absurd, but rather, they instinctively wanted to conceal what they had been doing.

However, Shiron had no patience for such excuses.


As the soldiers hesitated and mumbled, Shiron slapped the face of the one closest to him.

“If you won’t answer, I’ll ask something else.”

“Ugh, ughhh.”

“Is the Crown Prince still at the encampment?”

Shiron asked the other soldiers, ignoring the one clutching his swollen cheek.

The soldiers, intimidated by his relentless approach, could only hiccup in response.

‘How high must his rank be, to not only create such chaos but also inquire about the safety of the Crown Prince?’

A newly appointed unit commander.

A special task force directly under the royal command.

The Royal Guard.

There were many possibilities that came to mind.

Feeling that prolonging their answers could escalate the situation, one of the soldiers, now sober from the alcohol, hurriedly kneeled.

“I haven’t heard any news of His Highness the Crown Prince leaving the encampment!”

“That so?”

Satisfied with the prompt response, Shiron nodded. He then helped the groaning men on the ground stand up and gave a sardonic smile.

“I’m in a hurry and will let this pass, but make sure it doesn’t happen again.”


The soldiers continued to salute until Shiron, who had leaped from the post, disappeared from view.

“Can you believe it? His demerits are cleared for this?”

Latera, silently observing the situation, was shocked by the turbulent soul. Despite beating people and boldly lying, Shiron’s soul had ascended to a higher plane.

Unhindered, Shiron made his way straight to the tent where Viktor was staying.

Though he encountered soldiers guarding or patrolling along the way, none dared to stop him.

His terrifying aura, combined with his blood-covered appearance and shameless confidence, caused the soldiers to pause and simply salute.

Of course, Shiron saluted back.

As his recognition grew, Shiron concealed his overt aura and entered the tent where the Crown Prince resided.

“Shiron? What in the world happened to you?”

“Captain Malleus, long time no see. Is His Highness inside?”

“His Highness just turned off the lights and went to bed.”

“I see.”

“Well, it doesn’t seem urgent considering your state… There’s much I’d like to ask, but go ahead.”

Grateful for Malleus clearing the way, Shiron finally ascended the central staircase to the second floor.


“Viktor, it’s me.”

Perhaps awakened by the noise outside, Viktor quickly opened the door despite the recent knock. Shiron found himself face-to-face with Viktor, who was a head shorter.

“Shiron? What happened to you?”

“Your appearance isn’t great either.”

Dark circles under their eyes. Disheveled hair. Viktor, whom he hadn’t seen in a while, looked haggard from hardships.

“Just worried, couldn’t sleep. Come in, don’t stand there.”

“What’s worrying you? Did someone die?”

“…Just come in.”

Viktor stood at the door and handed Shiron a damp towel.

“I appreciate this. Can I use your bathroom? I feel filthy after coming here like this.”

“First, explain why you showed up like this.”

Viktor blushed and then… looked at Shiron with resentful eyes.

He stood with his arms crossed and one leg bent, exuding an ominous aura. Normally, Viktor would have let it slide, but perhaps because Shiron felt guilty, he obediently complied with his friend’s request.

“…I just didn’t want to come back unannounced, so I covered myself in blood. People usually get flustered when I appear like this.”


“That’s right. And I casually mentioned your name to smoothly gain entry.”

After washing his face, Shiron tossed the towel into the laundry basket.

“Who did you run into?”

“Some guards at the post and patrolling soldiers. Why?”

“You didn’t encounter any knights? Or other administrators?”

“Just Captain Malleus.”

“…That’s a relief.”

Viktor sighed deeply and rubbed his chest, causing Shiron to blink in confusion, wondering about his friend’s reaction.

“What’s the relief about? Was I about to be in trouble?”

“Cough, it wasn’t that serious.”

“Not serious, but what then?”

“They kept asking why they hadn’t seen you, so I bluffed that you were on a special mission.”

“Special mission? What’s that about?”

“If you align your story properly from now on, there shouldn’t be a problem. It’s actually good timing. Think about what mission you could have been on that would justify your absence after your shower.”

“Got it. But where’s the bathroom?”

Shiron, standing in front of Viktor, began to strip off his clothes. Viktor watched him intently, arms still crossed.

“Just open the door behind the right pillar… But more importantly, did you master the magic well?”

Viktor asked Shiron casually.

She had been covering for him attentively, and it would be just as uncomfortable for her if Shiron had not achieved his goal.

However, there was no indication that Shiron had failed.

Seeing Shiron after a long time, something was different about him. Was it a newfound sense of ease? If he had failed, he wouldn’t have maintained such a bright demeanor. Victor wanted to confirm it from Shiron himself.

“Of course, I succeeded.”

Shiron thumped his chest, laughing awkwardly under the straightforward gaze.

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