Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

Chapter 426 sucks

Chapter 426 sucks

The girls met at night in the bar just like they had promised. The three of them had come straight from the office. It was weird to see three women in their work suits going to the bar as if it was Friday and they had enough of the week. 

Shen Yue had reached before the two of them and had ordered a drink for herself. Song Xueyun and An Xiulan met at the entrance and came together inside. 

"Oh, it seems someone had a hard day, "An Xiulan said as soon as she took the seat close to her friend. 

Shen Yue looked at her and then at the glass and answered, "Hardest."

They took their seats and ordered their drinks. Well, it seems like everyone's monday was bad. No one had it easy. 

"The talk with Yan Ge didn't go well?" An Xiulan askes as they make themselves comfortable there. 

Shen Yue looked at them and answered, "It was confusing."

Instead of getting cleared up, her head was even more messy now. She did not know what she should do? Laugh or cry. 

"What did Shangyan say?" Song Xueyun askes. She could see how worried and out of place Shen Yue looked while immersing herself in alcohol. This guy truly did a number on her. 

Shen Yue looked at Song Xueyun and said in a sad tone, "He did not say anything."

"What is he trying to be now?" Song Xueyun askes, annoyed, " A player?"

Any guy who treated her friend like that deserved scolding. It did not matter if that guy was her friend. He did not get to treat Shen Yue like that. Truly, she felt like giving him a beating. Wasn't he the wisest of the three? What happened to his wisdom now? 

An Xiulan said to the girls, "My Yan Ge is far from being a player."

It was hard for hed to hear her brothers getting scolded but it was also hard to see her friend sad because of one. 

Song Xueyun said, mercilessly"Your Yan Ge is acting like one to our friend."

An Xiulan turned to Shen Yue and asked, "What did he even say?"

Shen Yue said to him, "He did not say anything. I asked him if he wanted to say something but he just looked at me and said he had nothing to say. I left his office after that "

"Did he try to stop you?" An Xiulan askes..

Shen Yue shool her head, "No."

Song Xueyun asked, "Was he angry?"

"Not at all, "Shen Yue answered them, " In Fact, he was amused."

Song Xueyun muttered, "I wonder why he was amused. "

What actually happened that he was looking amused instead of apologizing for his behavior? This did not sound like Gu Shangyan at all. He was behaving like a jerk but he was not a jerk. She knew that he was one of the nicest guys that she knew. 

Something clicked Song Xueyun and she asked, "Wait, you did not exactly do what Xiulan told you to do?"

Shen Yue blinked her eyes. Was she not supposed to do what An Xiulan said? Though the plan had cons…but which plan is hundred percent con proof? 

Song Xueyun shook her head and said in pity, "Oh, Yue. You fell for her words. You still do whatever crazy things she asks you to do. Sometimes, I think if you learnt something from your experience in school. You were the only girl in school who would do whatever batshit crazy thing An Xiulan would ask you to do."

Song Xueyun couldn't believe that Shen Yie despite being so intelligent, actually fell for An Xiulan's words. No wonder Gu Shangyan was amused. How could he take her words seriously when all of this sounded so comical. If she was at his place, she would have been amused too. It was hard to take someone seriously in this situation. 

"That's because she was my only friend there, "Shen Yue said in a whisper, " Her ideas might be crazy but they always worked. From dealing with my step sister to all the bullies in the school, they always worked."

An Xiulan looked at the two of them and said with a grin, "Now, ladies, I am flattered."

Song Xueyun rolled her eyes at the little narcissist and looked at the other girl and said, "You are crazy. Shangyan was amused because of the way she told him things."

"But it worked, right?" An Xiulan said. "It will make him think about the things that he was doing."

"Waiter, another round of drinks."

As An Xiulan had a sip of cold drink, she winced because the cold liquid touched the wound at the corner of her lip. 

"What's wrong?" Both the girls asked at the same time. 

An Xiulan said, "Nothing much."

"Why does your cheek look swollen?" Shen Yue asked and Song Xueyun suddenly became alarmed. 

"And it's looking red too, "Song Xueyun said. She opened her purse and pulled out a tissue and dipped in the makeup remover that she always carried in her bag. She wiped makeup from Xiulan's cheek and said, "The hell. What happened to your cheek?"

An Xiulan said, "You ruined my makeup."

"Xiulan, did someone hit you?" Shen Yue asked her. 

An Xiulan immediately said, "We lawyers have to deal with some crazy people. It was one of them."

It was not a big deal. The lawyers had to go through worse to win cases. Yang Zi waa not even harmful. The people in jail who she had to interview sometimes were way dangerous and harmful. She could deal with them just fine. Her friends were just making a huge deal out of nothing. She knew that they cared about her and hence the reaction but she was fine. How did she tell them this? 

Song Xueyun said, "Oh my god. Why don't you sue this person?"

She was ready to call Lu Xuan and ask him to prepare a team of lawyers to sue someone or she could just call her uncle Lu and he would deal with everything. Someone just slapped his daughter. How would he see it? Clearly, he would not let it slide just like this. 

An Xiulan made them awere, "The person was not in the right state of mind. I provoked her too much. Don't think too much. I don't even feel pain."


"Really, Xueyun, "An Xiulan said. "I had to make time for my coworker to find evidence. I had to provoke the woman to the point that she nearly lost her sanity. It was not nice in any way. We don't olay with people's emotions but today I did. And the slap was just her out burst. She apologised. Clearly, she was not in her right senses."

Shen Yue and Song Xueyun sympathised with jer, "Your job is hard."

"Everyone's job is hard, "An Xiulan said like a wose lady that she was. 

"My job sucks, "Shen Yue muttered. 

"What happened at your work?" Song Xueyun asked. Lately, Shen Yue's life had been a rollercoaster. She had been going through highd and ups so much that she did not even get time to take a breather. The poor girl needed a break so badly or jer mental health would flow in drain. 

Shen Yue answered with a sigh, "The new director joined."

An Xiulan said, "Thank lord, you can take a break now."

Shen Yue scoffed, "Do you really think so?"

An Xiulan nodded her head, "You have to postpone your vacation because of this. You can have your vacation and enjoy it. Isn't good that the new director finally joined."

She had been asking her mother about this new director. Her mother told her that the director would be joining sooner than expected. She did not expect this soon. She was glad that Shen Yue would get much needes rest that she deserved. 

Somg Xueyun answered, "Since she is handling the Lu Xuan department, she may have to guide the new director for a couple of weeks before giving the full responsibilities. She can't go on vacation as you are thinking."

"Right, "Shen Yue said, taking a sip of the drink. 

"You must regret the day you befriended Lu Xuan, "An Xiulan snickered. 

"At this point, I totally do, "Shen Yue grumbled. 

"He is a pretty nice guy, "Song Xueyun said. 

"Look what you talking, Yunyun, "An Xiulan said. "Nanxian won't be happy to hear this."

"I am not cheating on him. Lu Xuan is my bestfriend, "Song Xueyun said. "He will have to learn to coexist."

"No matter how nice he is, I am suffering, "Shen Yue cried. "Why did I get too familiar with his department? I don't even like finance. I still have to do everything. He is now a boss of a subsidiary in America and I am calculating the stupid numbers that he left behind."

Song Xueyun and An Xiulan patted her back and said, "Your job truly sucks."


A/N: Which couple should I focus more now? Do you want a new couple? Tell me so I can see what I can do. You will get bored of An Xiulan and Han Zixin love story if you read them too often. Tell me in comments what new elements you want in story. 

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