Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

Chapter 427 You just don't know yet

Chapter 427 You just don't know yet

An Xiulan asked Shen Yue, "By the way, who is this new director? Mom and uncle have been talking a lot about this new director."

"The bane of my existence, "Shen Yue muttered. "Li Hanyi."

"Li Hanyi, "Both An Xiulan and Song Xueyun repeated the name as if they heard it somewhere. 

An Xiulan looked at her with wide eyes and asked, "Wait, she is not that Li Hanyi?"

Shen Yue said with utter bitterness, "The one and only!"

"Who is this Li Hanyi?" Song Xueyun asked. She knew that she had heard this name many times before but she could not pinpoint where she had heard it. 

"She and Yue'er were academic rivals in her university," An Xiulan said, "From the first year, they were at loggerheads. Later, Lu Mingze came into the picture. Li Hanyi fell for him when he came to the university. She tried a lot to be with him but in the end, he chose our Yue'er. However, Li Hanyi and Lu Mingze remained close friends. I guess they are still friends."

It was such a twisted story. First, Li Hanyi saw Lu Mingze and fell in love with him at the very first sight or that's what everyone used to say. Later, those two became close friends while she was his girlfriend. Li Hanyi never tried to come between the two of them or tried to snatch him but there was still this fear in Shen Yue's heart that he would chose Li Hanyi over her one day. Thankfully, this fear remained only a fear and did not come true. 

However, academically Li Hanyi was competitive. She would start competition with her in everything. She would try to prove to Shen Yue time and again how she was better. Li Hanyi had troubled Shen Yue a lot with her competitive attitude and the large believed that it was going to be same in the office too. She didn't want to experience the same annoyance and help she felt in university. She wanted to work at her pace because she loved it not because she wanted to prove someone that she was better than them. It was not in her and she did not want to do it either. 

"Is she hostile to you?" Song Xueyun asked her. Of that new woman was hostile then Shen Yue's problem would increase not lessen as they were hoping. She wondered why Shen Yue has such a bad luck. She attracted all sorts of troubles wherever she followed. At the point, she would only advise her to not stay in toxic environmental office as it would mess up with her mental health. And Song Xueyun knew this personally as she had went through this in Shanghai. 

Shen Yue sighed, "Quite the contrary."

Li Hanyi's problem was that she would appear all friendly and nice the other time when she was not competitive but as she found a subject to chase over, she would change all of a sudden. And something was telling her that Li Hanyi had already set the target. 

"She and Lu Mingze have broken up, "An Xiulan said, "Why would she be hostile to him? It seems she doesn't like him romantically now."

"And even if she does, she is all welcome to woo him, "Shen Yue said. "I don't mind seeing them together."

"Is it possible to get over feeling like this?" Song Xueyun sighed. 

An Xiulan looked at her and said, "Didn't you get over your feelings for Lu Xuan?"

Song Xueyun gave a sharp look to An Xiulan and said, Xiulan, you don't leave any chance to poke at my sore point."

An Xiulan pretended as if she did not hear anything and went ahead, "Yan Ge also got over Yoona."

"Did he?"This time it was Shen Yue who asked the question. She did not even seem to know why she asked this particular question. 

An Xiulan shrugged. "It seems like it."

Song Xueyun asked, "What if they get back together?"

To be honest she did not know what to make of Gu Shangyan and Yoona as a couple. They were so passionate when they fell in love. They fought for each other and went to a foreign country to start their love best but in the end, their love dried like water from the well. Or that's what everyone says. She did not know if it was this easy for people to get over love this quickly. Those two always scared her. 

And if they went back together one day, she would not be very surprised. They were together for so long. It would make sense if they wanted to give each other a chance. They were almost together for eight years. It was not a small period of time. 

"It is their headache if they do, "An Xiulan looked at her friend and said, "What does this have to do with me?"

She could not control anyone's actions and she did not even want to. She was his sister and not his mother. Truthfully speaking, even a mother should not even control their kids' life in this way. 

"You are his sister, "Song Xueyun asked, "Will you let him ruin his life?"

"I have no right to intervene in someone's life, "An Xiulan said, "They can make any decision."

Shen Yue who was tired of hearing Gu Shangyan and Yoona's topics all the time said, "Guys, Li Hanyi is now interested in Gu Shangyan."

"Oh?" Now the ladies were interested. It was something that they did not see coming. 

Seeing Shen Yue's face, Song Xueyun said, "Just because she is interested in him doesn't mean that he will be interested in him?"

Suddenly, An Xiulan's phone rang. It was her mother asking her to join them for dinner that they had arranged for Li Hanyi. She showed the text to the girls and they sighed. 

Song Xueyun said in the end, "Even your mother is pushing them together."

The family was trying to set those two things together or that was what they had deducted from this information. It could be true or false but things were pointing at the former one. 

"Shangyan will end up liking her, "Shen Yue said, "He has a type and she is exactly that."

Song Xueyun asked, "What's his type?"

An Xiulan said, "Tall, slim and beautiful. He is into supermodels."

Shen Yue said, "And Li Hanyi is just like one."

"I have a question, "Song Xueyun asked. "What is wrong with both of them dating?" 

She could not understand why they were so against Gu Shangyan and Li Hanyi. Weren't they just criticizing him for going back with Yoona? Now that there was a new girl in the equation, what was wrong with that? It seemed like she was not understanding the equation. However, the question was what was the equation? Was there something she did not understand? 

"Li Hangyi used to like Lu Mingze."

"Yue'er likes Yan Ge."

Both Shen Yue and An Xiulan said at the same time. 

Song Xueyun took a sip of her drink and looked at the two ladies. "Oh, so we are in a deep crisis."

Now she understood the entire matter. An Xiulan was thinking that Gu Shangyan and Shen Yue had something between them while Shen Yue didn't think Li Hanyi would be the best choice for Gu Shangyan because of the past history. As to what she thought? Oh, she had same thoughts as An Xiulan now. She didn't have the exact same thoughts before but now seeing Shen Yue's reaction, she realised that things were deeper than they thought. 

Shen Yue looked at them and said, "I don't like Gu Shangyan."

An Xiulan tsked. "Oh, you do."

"I do?" Shen Yue asks in confusion. 

An Xiulan said, "Yes, you just don't know yet."

Song Xueyun snorted. What kind of logic was it? Only An Xiulan could give such logic and successfully convince anyone with it. Yes, she had this amazing and frustrating superpower. 

An Xiulan went on with her super intelligent logic, "Yue'er, your heart likes him. It takes time for the brain to know the same thing. Right now, your heart and brain are at war. Soon, the heart will win and your brain will know the same thing too. Just take time, okay?"

Song Xueyun sighed, "Xiulan, stop telling her nonsense."

"Xueyun, didn't you feel the same thing?"An Xiulan turned to look at her and asked. 

"I did but…"Why was she getting attacked all the time? 

"Why did you accept Nanxian?" An Xiulan asks. 

Song Xueyun answered, "He loved me too much and I couldn't like anyone after Lu Xuan. When I saw how much someone loves me, I was moved. I gave him a chance and I don't regret it. I began liking him from the time I realized that he is mine. It's weird."

An Xiulan said, "It's not that you were unable to like someone, it was just that you were unable to let your heart want the person as you were afraid of being left behind again."

Song Xueyun replied, "We are here for Yue, not for my love life."

Shen Yue said in a loud voice, "You guys are confusing me."

"What did we do?"

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