
Chapter 151 Political Movements

Rising, Christian approached the guests, then bowed slightly and put his right hand to his stomach, having a rather gentlemanly posture with a slight smile on his face "Welcome to our home, I have not met you before, but my mother spoke quite well of you"

Raising her eyebrows, Ivana looks sideways at her own son and smiles "The pleasure is ours, after all not just anyone could dine with the richest family in the world"

"The richest family in the world?" raising his eyebrows, Christian looks at his mother curiously.

"We surpassed the Walton family a few months ago, 10 billion difference" Smiling slightly, Eva turned to the guests and spoke "You can go to the sofas, we have some appetizers to go eat while I finish my dinner, you know me, I cook for my family. Hailie, entertain the guests while I finish cooking."

Getting up from the couch, Hailie smiled and approached Ivana, then stretched out her hands and spoke "It's a pleasure to have you here Mrs. Ivana"

"Hailie, I haven't seen you in months!" Shaking her hand, Ivana smiled slightly, then turned her gaze and frowns slightly as she sees her daughter still in a daze as she looked rudely at Christian "Ivanka, are you feeling ill?"

Startled, Ivanka turns her gaze and smiles stiffly "Excuse me, I didn't sleep very well"

"..." Keeping her smile, Ivana walks towards the seats while Hailie greeted everyone on the way.

Being on the couch, Christian sat down next to Hailie, then crossed his legs and rested his left hand on them "Mrs. Trump, how has the office of president been going for you, a lot of work?"

"You could say that, yes, there are a lot of people who put obstacles in my way at every step" Sighing, Ivana took a shrimp canapé from a worker's tray and ate it.

"Resistance is everywhere, no matter what you want to do, you will always have people who will disagree" Looking sideways at his sister who is chatting with the rest of the Trump family, Christian spoke.

"An undeniable truth" Wiping his fingers, Ivana continued "Little Christian, did you have a hard time reintegrating into society?"

"A little bit, I had really gotten too used to the loneliness"

"..." Looking silently at Christian for a few seconds, Ivana continued "And how do you feel about leaving the army?"

"..." Without losing his smile, Christian noticed that all eyes came to him, including Hailie who watched him with confusion.

"Much more relaxed, after the disaster in Somalia, I didn't want anything more to do with the army"

"Disaster?" interrupting, Lila raised her eyebrows and asked "Why are you calling it a disaster? Don't you know it was a great victory?"

"It was?" looking at the woman with a slight smile, Christian asks "That operation cost 477 special forces deaths from different branches of the military, over $650 million in expenses, and for what?"

"We cleared the name of the United States" Lila replied.

"You really did?"


"Apache helicopters destroying all the civilian buildings, American soldiers raping defenseless men, soldiers murdering children, thousands dead... all this to 'clear' the name of the united states?"

"You talk as if you saw it"

"And he saw it" Turning to Lila, Ivana continued "Lieutenant Christian Grey, nicknamed as Lucifer, thanks to your team we were able to get the president out of Somalia"

"..." Raising her eyebrows, Lila gave Christian a deeper look.

"You were in the military?" frowning, Hailie asks.

"Yes, for a few months"


"We'll talk about that later"


"Where were we" Looking at Lila, Christian asked "Was it really a victory?"

"Publicly yes"

"Sure?" Smiling slightly, Christian turned his gaze to Ivana "Mrs. Ivana, you are president and you must have a lot of information...I honestly don't understand why you allowed this attack...don't you understand the repercussions it will have?"

"Repercussions?" hesitantly, Ivana asked.

"..." Pursing his lips slightly, Christian looked at the woman, easily knowing that she knew what he meant.

"What would the repercussions be, according to you?" looking at Christian, Lila asked.

"You really don't understand or do you play the one who doesn't understand?"

"..." Maintaining her goofy grin, Lila just blinked.

"I see" Nodding, Christian turned his gaze to Ivana and casually asked "Mrs. Trump, do you by any chance have any treaties with the Chinese?"




Noting the smiling but silent looks, Christian continued "Why this silence? Not that I really care, it was just a guess"

"It's not good for you to ask that when I'm the president of the United States" Losing her smile, Ivana answered seriously.

"Then why give Africa away to them?"


"Could you be more specific?" interrupted Lila with a smile.

"Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia, China, Syria, Egypt, Venezuela, North Korea, Cuba, Somalia and a handful of other countries... all of these countries could be considered enemies of the United States"


"But as if they felt that wasn't enough, they gave Africa to China"

"I still don't understand" Lila commented.

"China has been investing in Africa for several years. Unlike our country, China takes an economic approach... you could say that they give money to dominate, something very different from the United States which is the typical school Bully"


"China has been looking at Africa for a while, they have made some investments with small African countries, but most of them were staying away from having great relations because of the conflict of interest it could generate with this country"


"But you guys backed them into a corner, after the Somalia disaster, all of Africa will be wary of the United States, causing them to need if or if they need a helping hand to avoid the same thing happening to them as Somalia... and who is that helping hand?"

"China" Hailie replied.

"But what does it matter...Africa is not a continent that can give us trouble" Bernard interrupted with obvious disdain, a very different look from the one he displayed in public.

"It may not give military problems, but what about economic problems?"


"Africa is the richest continent in resources such as Gold and Diamonds, not to mention the great variety of precious gems that are in their lands" Looking at Bernard with a smile, Christian continued "If you researched the few treaties China has made with Africa, you would know that all money China invests is paid in Gold and gems."

"And what good does it do them to have so much gold?" asked Will suddenly.

"I would tell them, but I really don't want to, you know, too much hatred in my heart against the government" Smiling happily, Christian looked at the silver tray with canapés in front of him, then pulled out 4 shrimp canapés "I love shrimp, it should be a wonder of the world"




"Don't intimidate our guests" Suddenly stroking Christian's hair, Eva smiles and sat down next to him "The food will be ready in about 20 minutes"

Puffing out his cheeks, Christian gave his mother a sidelong glance, then shrugged and leaned back more calmly on the couch.

"Mrs. Ivana, I hope my boy didn't offend you, he's usually very playful when he's bored"

"Not at all, we were having quite a pleasant conversation"

"Where is Alan?" turning to Christian, Eva asked.

"Changing clothes, I think so..."

"*Sigh* Men's..."

"Mrs. Eva, now that you have your son back I guess you'll give the real estate world a break" Ivana suddenly asked.

"..." Raising his eyebrows with interest, Christian looked at his mother in silence.

"I really don't know, a few days ago I found out something that really bothered me" Looking at Ivana with a slight smile, Eva continued "Did you know that when Christian was in jail, the former head of NSA, Kathia Wood, came to the jail twice to hold a gun to his head?"

Frowning slightly, Ivana asked "That happened?"

"Yes, and not only that, she made moves to have him transferred to the block full of female inmates inside that prison, do you know the danger that poses to a child?"


"But that's not the worst of it" Increasing her smile, Eva continued "The woman threatened him in front of all the inmates that, if Christian didn't work for her, she was going to make sure to leave him locked up for the rest of his life"


Looking at Ivana's neutral face, Christian interrupted "Mother, they are different situations, really Mrs. Ivana is not to blame for this, one could say that the two previous governments are to blame"

"We could start a public investigation if that's what you want" Looking at Eva, Ivana spoke stiffly.

"..." Turning her gaze to Christian, Eva asked "What do you want to do with that matter?"

"..." Smiling slightly, Christian looks at Ivana for a few seconds "I really pass on the situation, I want peace after so much chaos"

"As you wish" Smiling, Eva nodded, then turned to Ivanka who looked at Christian silently "Ivanka, I thought you were coming with your husband"

Turning her gaze, Invaka smiled stiffly and replied "He couldn't come, he went with my children to see his family"

"A pity" Moving a little closer to Christian, Eva replied.


"Christian, have you thought about what you will do now that you are free?" looking at Christian, Ivana changed the focus of the conversation.

"I don't know yet, as I said, I just want to rest for a few months and then we'll see"

"You haven't thought about politics?"

"Honestly I pass on that, not to offend you, but you don't know how much stress knowing about politics generates in me"

"And you haven't thought about continuing painting? I saw several of your drawings from before you went to jail" Lila commented.

"Maybe I will paint some experiences, I have many memories of the war and I am sure that many people would be interested in knowing what I saw in a painting"


"Why beat around the bush?" smiling, Christian looked at Lila "If you want to know something just ask, no need to beat around the bush"

"There is a certain belief in the public that your drawings predict the future, did you know that?"


"And what do you think?"

"That you believe what you want to believe"

"And what do you believe?"

"That I draw very well"


"Mrs. Trump, can I give you some advice in exchange for a favor?"

"And what favor would that be?"

"For now none, but I swear to you that when I ask you for one, it will be something in the scope of your power and will have no repercussions against you."

"..." Looking at Christian with a smile, Ivana was silent for a few seconds, then nodded and spoke " I accept"

"Prepare a health contingency plan, prepare everything to close borders for months, prepare hospitals and many mechanical respirators, prepare the country, because if you don't, you won't be president again"

Losing her smile, Ivana looked at Christian with absolute seriousness "What situation warrants making such moves?"

Rolling his eyes, Christian comments "It's obvious, so I don't see why to say it directly, I'll just add that she has a maximum term of 2 years to prepare everything."


"I think it's time to eat!" interrupting, Eva smiled and spoke.

"What do we have for food?" Hailie asked doubtfully.

"Whatever I've cooked you'll eat" Looking at Hailie with narrowed eyes, Eva spoke.

"Christian, now that I see your clothes, they're from Hermes, aren't they?" looking closely at Christian, Bernard asks.


"It's beautiful, I've always wanted one of these!" Standing up, Bernard walked over to Christian and looked at all his clothes carefully "The stitching is amazing!"

With an uncomfortable smile, Christian nods "Yeah..."

"It cost you a lot of money!? How many do you have? Do you think I can get one?"

"They didn't cost me anything, I got about 20... as for the price-" Feeling uncomfortable at the sudden touch on him, Christian looks at Bernard quizzically.

"20 SUITS!!!?" Suddenly exclaiming, Bernard looked at Christian with his mouth open "How much did they cost!!!?"

"About 27 million the complete set approximately... but they're really gifts, so I wouldn't know how to get them or what the exact price is..."

"27 million?" Raising her eyebrows, Eva looked at Christian carefully "So that person gave you over 500 million dollars worth of suits?"


"Who gave you that many clothes!?" Looking at Christian with obvious envy, Bernard asked.

"A ghost" Turning away from Bernard, Christian took refuge in his mother's arms and looked at the strange man with a stiff smile.


Clapping her hands to save Christian, Eva smiled "Well, who's hungry?"


After that the dinner passed with respective normality, only irrelevant situations were talked about, until after 2 hours, everyone left, leaving the Grey family in peace.


Edited By: Amiss


A/N: I watched long documentaries and videos about Donald Trump in order to carry a similar personality, but in doing so, I realized something. When that man is in business mode, his personality is very different from the one he uses when he gives public speeches, and it really made more sense to me that when he talks about business or some topic in private, he is much more serious than what he shows publicly, but that made him look like a smiling woman and something more like a shrewd person.

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