
Chapter 152 Plans

"Leslie, you may go rest" Turning her gaze to the woman standing in the corner, Eva spoke.

Nodding, Leslie walked towards the staircase.

"Goodnight Leslie, I hope you sleep well" Looking at the woman gently, Christian spoke.

"..." Stopping her steps, Leslie turned her gaze and nodded.

"..." Turning his gaze to his mother, Christian pursed his lips at the sight of Eva with her cell phone.

Moving closer, Christian leaned against Eva's side and looked at the cell phone, immediately frowning as he saw the messages "Who is this Harry guy"

"My secretary, he called to wish me a Merry Christmas"

"And why does he have your number?"

"Because when I don't go to work, he notifies me of certain things"

"..." Frowning, Christian sniffed at his mother, instantly noticing that they have no different smell on her, but still his heart felt uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.

"..." Looking at the cell phone with a frown, Christian quickly picked it up and hid it, then hugged Eva "Hug me!"

"..." Raising her eyebrows, Eva narrowed her eyes at Christian for a few seconds, then sighed with a soft smile and hugged him gently.

"What shall we do for the new year? We should do something nice"

"Alan got engaged to have lunch with a friend and Hailie already asked me permission to spend her new year streaming on Twitch, plus Leslie asked me for the day off because she wants to be at her family's gravesite, she doesn't want us to join her either... so it'll just be the two of us"

"And what will we do?"

"I don't know, what do you want to do?"

"..." Looking at his mother's beautiful face, Christian was silent for a few seconds and spoke "Let's go to our old house"

Raising her eyebrows, Eva asked "Sure? We could travel to Tokyo or maybe Dubai, they have nice parties during New Year's"

"No... let's go to our old house... I want to spend time with you quietly, I could cook for you and watch some movies, plus I'll give you your Christmas present on that day"

"Sounds like a nice plan, I'd have to call to get everything set up at the house"

"Then it's settled" Kissing his mother's cheek, Christian hugged her and sighed contentedly.

"..." Looking at Christian with a soft smile, Eva turned slightly and caressed his face "Why didn't you want Ivana to do an investigation?"

"Because it would give her a lot of fame and political help, if she did an investigation on such a visible corruption case, it would give her a very good image... I already said I wouldn't help politics, and I really don't care, I just want to be at peace for now"

"As you wish"



"We have to do something about Alan"


"I didn't want to say more that day because we'd already been through a tense situation and I wasn't in the mood to aggravate everything... but Alan is turning into a man with zero values and very spoiled"

"*Sigh* I know... but I really don't know what to do" Looking at Christian with a complicated face, Eva continued "I give him only 500 dollars a month, everything he wants to buy goes through my approval, and he only asks for clothes or some cell phone... I punish him and he accepts his punishment without yelling or crying, but he doesn't change his attitude... I don't know what to do with him anymore, I consulted with certain people and they told me that maybe throwing him out of the house would help to plant his feet on the ground, but..."

"..." Thinking silently, Christian sighed 'It's really a difficult situation.... Alan has seen poverty and luxurious life, but he seems to forget his past... there are always people who can say that we should kick him out of the house, but they don't understand that my mother suffered many years of her life because of her parents' coldness when they kicked her out of the house... having to do the same with her son would break her heart, I know that perfectly well...'


"I have an idea mom..."


"Let's send Alan to Africa, that one day he suddenly wakes up in Africa and survives alone, I can go around protecting him without him noticing..."

"That's too extreme..."

"Yes, that's why let's leave it as a last option, Alan is still 16, he's not fully mature yet and normal teenagers are usually pretty stupid at that age, but we could start by forcing him to go help some charity, maybe with kids from some orphanage, so he realizes the reality and see how horrible his thinking is"

"..." Weighing for a few seconds, Eva finally nodded "I will make the preparations, he will have to help two days a week at least, 10 hours in total in some charity... I'll let her guards watch him to see if he actually does anything, if he doesn't help, I will take away his allowance and his cell phone... in Switzerland they must also have orphanages, I will also make calls so he follows through with his obligation there"

"When he gets used to the children, we will send him to a residence where they help children who have been abused... let him see with his own eyes how horrible it is"


*Pa* *Pa* *Pa* *Pa*

"Christian, let's go open presents"

Stopping punching the punching bag, Christian looked at Hailie and nodded with a smile "Coming"

Drying his sweat with a towel, Christian looked at Leslie and smiles "Let's go"

Walking out of the gym, Christian walked into the main room and ambled over to the small Christmas tree, the same tree they had used for as long as Christian had been conscious in this world.

Looking at his mother sitting still next to many presents and being surrounded by his siblings, Christian smiled softly and walked towards them.

"Good morning sleepyheads"

"I don't know how you have so much energy to get up so early, I'd die" Looking at the sweaty Christian, Alan pursed his lips and commented,.

"You'd get used to it if there was an old man beating you awake"


"Leslie, have a seat" Looking at the woman standing behind Christian, Eva spoke up.

"Yes..." Sitting down next to Christian, Leslie nodded with her stoic face.

Taking the first gift, Eva read the name and said "This one is for Hailie!"

Smiling softly, Hailie took the gift and opens it, then pulled out a pair of socks inside, but upon seeing the name written on the socks, Hailie changes her smile to a dark face, quickly turning her gaze to Christian "I'm not HailieGamer123 anymore!"

"It's something I had to embroideder by hand, you have to appreciate it!"

"..." Pursing her lips, Hailie nods silently.

Chuckling slightly, Eva took another gift and opened it "For Alan!"

With an excited smile, Alan took his gift and opened it quickly, but just like Hailie, his face turned dark "Flea shampoo..."

"Hahaha!" Laughing loudly, Hailie pulled out her cell phone and quickly snapped a picture of it "It's certainly the most useful gift for you!"

"Hmph" Rolling his eyes, Alan snorted.

Picking up another gift, Eva looked at it and spoke "This one is for Hailie!"

Taking the small gift-wrapped box, Hailie quickly opens it and finds a dark box with a red horse logo in the center.

Opening her eyes, a little wider, Hailie quickly opened the box and looked inside, finding a beautiful black key with a gold horse logo in the center, then looked up at her mother and excitedly asked "Is it real!?"

"Obviously, it's outside."

"The LaFerrari!?"

"Yes, but first you have to get your license" Smiling, Eva nodded.

"Thanks mom!" Hugging Eva quickly, Hailie smiled like a child as she looked at the key in her hand "Can I go see it!?"

"Not yet, let's finish with the presents first"


Smiling, Eva takes a paper-thin gift "This one is for Alan!"

Taking the gift, Alan opened it carefully and took out the paper inside, then read it carefully "Luxury apartment Miami..."

Opening his eyes wide, Alan looked up with stars in his eyes and shouted excitedly "FOR ME!!!?"

"Yes, a few years ago your brother bought it thinking of giving it to you, a few days ago we talked and decided to give it to you today, but it won't be legally yours until you meet certain conditions, we'll talk about that later"

"THANK YOU!!!" Quickly hugging Christian, Alan shouts with joy.

Releasing Christian, Alan took the gift and turned it over, dropping a black colored card, the key his apartment.

"YES!!!" Taking the card, Alan hugged it excitedly.

"How noisy" Holding her hands to her ears, Hailie muttered in annoyance.

"The next one is for Leslie!" Handing her a gift just as thin as Alan's, Eva smiles "This one's from Christian and me"

"Thank you..." Taking the gift with trembling hands, Leslie carefully opened it and pulled out several papers inside, then read them silently.

After about 5 minutes, Leslie looked up with reddened eyes, but was still silent.

"With Christian we decided to give you the option to join our legacy, giving you our last name so that you can formally become part of our family"

Taking Leslie's hand, Christian smiled softly "We really see you as part of our family, you have been for years with us and you are already considered one of us... we know you don't enjoy luxuries and only focus on your work, so we won't bother giving you cars or houses"

"..." With red-rimmed eyes, Leslie looked at Christian silently.

"If you need time to think about it, don't worry, as you can sign whenever you want, our doors will always be open for you" Smiling warmly, Christian hugs Leslie and whispers in her ear "Merry Christmas Leslie, I love you"

"..." Letting herself be hugged, Leslie bites her trembling lips, then looks down at the papers and whispers in a husky voice "I really appreciate it...but I'd like to think about it."

"Take your time" Smiling softly, Eva continued to pull out more gifts, clothes, accessories, cell phones, animal pajamas for the whole family among other things, spending over an hour on that.

"And last but not least..." Taking out a wooden box, Eva opened it and leaves uncovering 5 keys "We bought 2 private Jets for the family and 3 helicopters, the Jet is enabled for 25 people each and the helicopters 6 people, these will be used by our family when they need it, they just have to let us know in advance to prepare everything"



Looking at the keys, Hailie and Alan exclaimed in amazement.

"What private jet is it?" pulling out her cell phone, Hailie asked.

"Airbus ACJ320 NEO Melody," Eva replied.

"It's really big!" Looking at the images, Hailie exclaimed "It even has a movie theater inside!"

"And the helicopter?" Alan asked with interest.


"Ma'am, a vehicle arrived claiming to be bringing young Christian's things" Suddenly bursting into the house, a security woman spoke up.

"Let them through, they are bringing things I couldn't bring myself in Florence" Getting up, Christian looked at his siblings who were still watching the jets online and smiled, then exits the house accompanied by a curious Eva.

Seeing a large white truck, Christian raised his eyebrows and muttered "Don't leave so much stuff..."

Getting out of the truck, a woman looked sideways and pulled a picture out of her wallet, then looked at Christian and nodded.

Approaching, the woman turns to the truck and speaks "I bring things for Christian Grey"

"It's me"

"I noticed" Pulling down the lever in the back of the truck, Christian raised his eyebrows at the sight of it crammed with stuff.

"All that all mine?"

"Yes" Walking away quickly, the woman climbed into the truck and didn't stay to watch.

"..." Looking sideways at his mother, Christian climbed into the truck and began to see multiple items, from his suits, to more new clothes, causing Christian to sigh bitterly "The old man and his clothes..."

Looking at everything quickly, Christian filled at the end of the truck and looked curiously at the wooden crates, only to open them and freeze at the sight inside.

Turning his gaze, Christian looked up nervously, then reached into the box and pulled out an AK-47.



Peering inside the box, Christian easily noticed about 60 matching weapons stacked up.

Reaching over to another box, Christian opened it and found thousands of rounds of ammunition, bringing out a bitter smile in him.

Opening another box, Christian found M4 guns this time, and as he guessed, the box in front of him was full of ammunition.

Looking at the 20 boxes in front of him, Christian felt a headache as he muttered "If they find these toys on me, I'll be in trouble...not even tracking code on them, double trouble if they find them"


Edited By: Amiss


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