Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 156: Business Mind

Chapter 156: Business Mind

"Wow, who cooked these meals, King Don? You have such a great chef, you are so lucky"

King Edward couldn't help but praise the one who cooked the food when he tasted it. As a king, he went to many balls and parties and tasted various types of foods but never did he eat something like this.

"Yes, King Don, I've never tasted anything like this, especially this soup"

When General Brown was asked to join them, he felt a little uncomfortable eating with two kings but the moment he put the food in his mouth, he couldn't help but forget about etiquette for a moment and stuff his belly full of these tasty foods.

"Lord Clemo,how's the food?"

Lord Clemo was busy dealing with the pork chop when Don asked

"Your majesty, like King Edward and General Brown, just said, this is delicious"

The three of them had more experience in this world that Don so he decided to ask them about his idea to open a few restaurants 

"So would you buy these dishes if I sell them in a restaurant?"

"Of course, I'll happily spend my coins"

King Edward said while tasting the steamed fishes

"King Don, are you planning to open restaurants in your kingdom?"

General Brown asked as Don shook his head

"At the moment, my people can't afford even the lowest price I could charge them for these dishes but things will change"

Hearing Don, General Brown routinely expressed his approval and blessing, but in his heart, he disapproved. How could the common folk even dream of tasting a fancy meal like this? It was merely whimsical. Even in higher ranked kingdoms, they are far from this point, not to mention the desolate land of Emir and poor Agorians.

However, General Brown tossed aside the complaints and continued to enjoy the feast.

"But the nobles and rich people can, King Don. If you want i tell my people to find a good place to open up a restaurant in my kingdom, since there's no royal dine in Sigalla, a fancy restaurant would be a good investment"

King Edward made a good impression on him as he was really a good man with a heart to help others and even though he doubted that he's doing this without any ulterior motives, he seemed a good man in this world compared to other nobles and kings.

"I'll be happy if you do that, King Edward, of course, I'll pay the taxes according to your laws"

"Let make a toast for this deal"

As he said, King Edward raised his wine glass and made a toast.

King Edward already guessed that Don was a youth with big ambitions and enough power to achieve those big ambitions and it would be a great idea to help him when he was not a big deal and earn his favor. 

And to be honest, when Don expressed his intention of opening restaurants, his mind quickly thought about Princess Amber because she had no talent for cultivation. Still, she had a knack for designing things and painting, so when he offered Don to open up a restaurant in his kingdom, he kind of planned to ask Don as a favor for him and make Amber a part of Don's business empire if he built on. By looking into his eyes, Edward knew that he would.

"But King Don, how many restaurants are you looking to open? It would take a great amount of wealth to run a business at the beginning"

Hearing General Brown, King Edward, and Lord Clemo nodded their heads as just as he had just said, it would take a large amount of wealth to run the business before the business starts to earn and attract a stable customer base. Unlike in Sigalla, other kingdoms had royal dine branches that would be a great competitor for Don when he opened up a new restaurant. Suppose their business became threatened by Don's new restaurants. In that case, it could lead to some pretty nasty problems. 

However, with his peak grandmaster level cultivation, Don was now on the top of the food chain and only a heavenly level cultivator could be able to harm him. But those cultivators rarely interfere in petty issues like business competition.

"Wealth is not a problem, General Brown, the only thing I do need is permission from the other kings"

He had already been notified by Joel that he can't buy properties in other kingdoms because every kingdom had a law against it to prevent the rich kings from buying the lands or buildings. Considering a rich king like Don could start to buy the properties and lands and eventually own the half of a kingdom. So if Don wished to open restaurants in other kingdoms, he had to get permission to buy or rent the property from each king.

However, these small obstacles wouldn't stop him from putting his plan to motion as there must be some loopholes to buy or rent a property if a king didn't give permission. The real problem was, if he used the loopholes to get the property and opened a business, a king could simply order the nobles unofficially or officially to ignore the restaurant, which could waste all of the efforts he put in.

There were nine rank four kingdoms and because Don stripped away the noble title in Agoria, the ex nobles would certainly not support any of his establishments and Korrinth was simply out of the question. With King Edward's support, he could open a restaurant or any business in Sigalla. Since Emir was his and he had little to no contact with the nobles there, he could open one there and get them addicted to the food before stripping away their titles.

And Lord Clemo had already said that the Vreston king has a prejudice against the outsiders so he could rule out Vreston also. If he made his moves carefully, he could end up getting permission from the other four rulers and the gathering might just be the best place to begin.

Even though getting rid of noble titles was a necessity to develop a prosperous kingdom where everyone could get wealthy with their hard work, it would become a hindrance in the short term. At the moment, the laws were biased towards the nobles, and a commoner could never even dream of becoming rich like even an ordinary noble no matter how hard he or she tries so the rich would get richer and the poor get poorer. By changing the laws and everything, Don could provide a chance for even a commoner to get more loaded like the nobles if he or she puts in enough hard work.

"No need to worry, King Don, there will be plenty of opportunities in the gathering to strike up some deals"

He was never a fan of social gatherings or events such as this but he grasped the fact that as a king, he must adapt to situations like this and deal with the nobles without having an urge to beat the hell out of them.

"I have one more thing to share"

Don said and glanced at Arrora as she came towards them.

"Your majesty"

Arrora had heard everything they were talking about and when Don called her out, she understood that he's going to make them drink tea.

"I'm waiting, King Don"

King Edward and General Brown were pretty excited to see what he meant by that as Arrora waved her hands and retrieved the kettle and ingredients to make three cups of tea. However, from their view, they couldn't see what she's doing as her movements were too fast to track.

"Here you go, your majesty, King Edward, General Brown"

When Arrora stopped moving her hands, three cups of tea floated towards each of them.

Don grabbed the cup floating before him and took a sip to show there's no poison in it, suppose they thought like that. After DOn, King Edward took the cup and blew on the tea before taking a sip.

The moment King Edward took a sip, General Brown saw Edward close his eyes and let out a mild smile. Looking at Edward's reaction, he wasted no time as he took a long sip. Just like King Edward, he also couldn't help but close his eyes and enjoy the aroma and the flavor of the tea. It took a few moments for King Edward and General Brown to open their eyes

"How is it?"

"Wow, King Don, what is this? Now I understand how you live without drinking any liquors" King Edward said and took another long sip

"Delicious foods, delicious drinks, you're living a king's life to the fullest, I'm becoming jealous of you, King Don"

"It's called tea, King Edward, Adria here is an expert in making these"

"You're a woman of many talents, Lady Adria"

Arrora smiled as she said

"Thank you for your praise, King Edward"

"Unlike the food we ate, everyone can afford this and I'm planning to open and sell this in tea houses, what're you thinking of this King Edward?"

"Unlike the foods, this drink is unique, so I think, the business will bloom if you start selling this, King Don"

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