Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 157: Gathering of the kings I

Chapter 157: Gathering of the kings I

When he opened the tea houses, he planned to bring the old woman in Korrinth who sold the tea to Arrora in the first place. According to Arrora, the old woman didn't have a shop as she was selling teas on the roadside where most of the people would simply ignore her and mistook her for a beggar.

A house and a pouch of gold coins would be enough to make the old woman stop selling teas and settle down in Agoria without opening her mouth about the recipe because apparently she was the only one selling tea as far as Joel could tell.

Year or two ago, Don would have not thought this much about a simple drink but now he had to think about every little thing and take every step with great caution, a simple kill and vanish or steal and disappear strategy of his and Knight wouldn't work anymore in this world or at least, that strategy couldn't provide long term benefits.

"Tell our men to get ready, we should resume our journey in a few minutes"

Don ordered Arrora as she nodded and went back to tell the men

"Do you have any more surprises, King Don?"

King Edward had enough surprises for a time being as he saw Don shook his head

"No, that's it" 

He said and stood up to resume the journey towards Enarin as Arrora came to them and took the utensils and put them in her space rings so she didn't get chewed by Amaryll later

"How rich is he?"

General Brown thought when he saw the space ring in Arrora's and Arwen's hand. The black armors, the fancy food, the quality of the weapons the men had, the space rings and the black-armored robes that he's wearing made Brown wonder about Don's background as he never saw such wealthy person in a quiet a long time, as far as Brown could guess he must be as rich as the kings of powerful rank 3 kingdoms not to mention crazy powerful.

"Lord Clemo, you should get in the carriage"

Considering Lord Clemo's chubby physique Don didn't want him to faint on the way by walking with them, he was not built for walking and he had enough walking for one day besides everyone had to wait for him to catch up if he walked. Lord Clemo couldn't figure out Don as sometimes he seemed nice and sometimes he would turn into a freakin bloodthirsty monster, either way, he learned to not question him.

"Thank you, your majesty"

With a belly full of food and cool breezing weather, he decided to get inside the carriage, close his eyes and get a good peaceful sleep until somebody wakes him up.


"We are here"

After a few days of the journey, they finally reached the kingdom of Enarin.

The weather in Enarin was similar to Everlight and looking from the distance, Don could see a long river, crops, fancy buildings, and huge city walls.

"Welcome to Enarin"

At the end of the white orchard road, a eunuch in green robes came to welcome them 

The Kingdom of Enarin was a big nation with a population greater than Emir and Agoria combined.

Bordered between a huge forest to the North, a huge lake to the South, fertile grounds to the East, and highlands to the West, Enarin mainly lives off leatherworking, trading, alchemy, and jewel crafting.

Enarin itself was mainly covered in shallow rivers and had a calm climate like Everlight which had led to the crowded population. And just like any other rank four kingdoms, half of the population lived far away from the capital in villages and small towns.

The Kingdom's landscape was lovely; gorgeous farmlands, sapphire lakes, and dramatic mountain views were just a sliver of the delicacy Enarin had to offer, which was why the kingdom is cherished among foreigners.

The people of Enarin were courteous towards foreigners and tend to welcome them with generosity. They feel that foreigners could assist the kingdom's well being still some of them felt that foreigners could injure the country's well being.

Enarin had mild laws and law enforcement, which was fairly normal. The people were tranquil due to a bountiful life, thanks to fortunate natural changes.

"Please follow me, your majesty, your royal highness"

The eunuch mistook Don for a prince by his young face

"That's, your majesty for you"

Arrora reminded the eunuch as the eunuch stood there in shock for a moment before he bowed his head.

"Forgive me, your majesty, it's that you look very young"

"It's fine, lead the way"

Don heard of eunuchs a long time ago but this was the first time he has seen one. Eunuchs were men who had been castrated in order to make them more efficient servants or soldiers, as they wouldn't be distracted by lust or sexual matters.

"Thank you, your majesties, please follow me, everyone is waiting for you"

King Edward chuckled seeing the eunuch's reaction and followed him with Don.

Entering the capital, it seemed like a festival as everywhere they looked, there were painted faces of children and adults grinned back at them. Occasionally they could see performers of every type entertaining the people. There were jugglers and magicians, mime artists, and dancers.

Music filled the air, festive beats lifted the spirits and made the people move, jump, and sing. 

"The people of Enarin celebrate the gathering of kings as a festival, your majesty"

Lord Clemo reminded Don as he guessed that he might have no idea about the tradition since this was his first time.

"You, has everyone arrived yet?"

King Edward asked the eunuch 

"Yes, your majesty Edward, except king Harold"

Don was glad to hear that Harold did not come because if he did, he would have reacted unpredictably and caused trouble for Don when he sees him and Arrora as Don nearly killed Darlene and Arrora put Kate in a coma state after beating the hell out of her.

The only thing that's keeping him from taking Korrinth was Elder Randal and the Cold Moon Palace still they wouldn't be able to protect Korrinth forever from him.

After following the eunuch through the painted streets and dancing people,

the castle started to appear in their sight as well as the soldiers wearing various color armors.

Looking from the outside, the castle had five thick, square towers form a protective wall on two sides of the castle and were connected by tall, massive walls made of white stone.

Elegant windows were scattered here and there around the walls in seemingly perfect symmetry, along with symmetric holes for archers and artillery.

A huge gate with broad wooden doors, a drawbridge that guarded by the soldiers wearing full plate heavy armor seemed to be the only way in.

Huge statues of heroes and kings decorated the bridge outside, memories of glories of the past as various large houses were scattered outside the castle gates and Don had no doubt that these houses were owned by the nobles.

When they reached the castle gates, the eunuch stopped walking and turned back 

"Your majesties, your soldiers have to stay outside the gates, you don't need to worry as your safety is her highness's top priority"

Since King Edward brought no nobles or ministers with him, he nodded at General Brown and let him stay with the men outside of the castle gates.

And when Don turned to look at his men, Arwen stepped forward

"I'll stay here, your majesty"

He nodded and started to walk towards the gate with Arrora, Lord Clemo and Joel when the eunuch stopped him

"Your majesty, the guards must stay outside, including her"

The eunuch pointed at Arrora considering she was in her battle robes and looked like a guard than Don's lady friend

"Does she look like a common soldier to you?"

At first, she seemed like a soldier by the looks of her battle robes and the scabbard on her hip but hearing Don, he thought of her as either Don's girlfriend or mistress or both and there was no restriction for bringing them to the gathering.

"Please pardon my insolence, your majesty Don"

He didn't care about the eunuch's apology as he already made his way towards the gate with King Edward, Arrora, Lord Clemo, and Joel leaving Arwen and the men outside.

"Your majesties, my lord, my lady, please follow me"

When they stepped into the castle, another eunuch just like the one before came to guide them to the other kings

Donhad no clue of where the eunuch was leading them as they passed through a few gardens and lines of Enarin soldiers in red armor. Eventually, after following the eunuch for a few minutes, the eunuch stopped walking when they reached the front of a huge door.

"Her highness and the other kings are waiting for you behind this door, your majesty Edward, your majesty Don, my lords, my lady"

The eunuch bowed towards each of them and left the area 

"Here we go"

As he said, Don exhaled and walked towards the door to join the gathering with the other kings and meet the host of this gathering, the queen of Enarin.

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