Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 268 Dark Gold Phantom Nightmare Demon Soul Horn

“Congratulations No. 187. The Abyss Phantom Nightmare Horn auction piece was finally won by buyer No. 187 for 6,000 magic crystals.” Twilight faintly said as she directed her eyes slightly at the second floor Silver Card VIP area.

After confirming he had won the auction piece, Angel’s mouth grinned from ear to ear.

Promi glanced suspiciously at Angel and wondered why he spent so much magic crystal on buying a Wizard Class Material. Promi, like other wizards, wondered whether Angel knew an Alchemy Master… But in retrospect, the questions Angel usually asked him were for advice on extremely basic alchemy. It didn’t seem he was taught an alchemy wizard either?

Promi was too embarrassed to ask Angel directly about it. So he could only direct with his eyes for David to ask.

David was also proved worthy of his expectation. With Promi’s doubts and his own curiosity, David asked Angel: “Hey Angel, what’s the use of this Abyss Phantom Nightmare Horn? Why did you buy this material?”

Angel irrelevantly answered his question: “It’s useful, very useful.”

As for what use, Angel mysteriously smiled and didn’t answer.

Is this really an Abyss Phantom Nightmare Horn? Angel chuckles as he thought: This is indeed an Abyss Phantom Nightmare Horn, but it’s not just an Abyss Phantom Nightmare Horn. Just like the previously purchased Black Dredging Stone. Although it is also considered a Dredging Stone, it is more than one realm higher than the White Dredging Stone.

The same is true of this Abyss Phantom Nightmare Horn. In fact, this horn isn’t simple at all.

Its true name is in fact: Dark Gold Phantom Nightmare Demon Soul Horn!

In a broad sense, Dark Gold Phantom Nightmare Demon Soul Horn is indeed an Abyss Phantom Nightmare Horn, as Twilight said. However, in a narrower sense, Dark Gold Phantom Nightmare Demon Soul Horn has other incomparable purposes unlike the Abyss Phantom Nightmare Horn.

Because… This horn is even more special but also even rarer!

In fact, all Nightmares are essentially “corrupt horses.” The vast majority of them are war horses that died on the battlefield and were eroded by darkness and resentment. In the end, these horses become corrupt and finally transform to be Nightmares, an extremely powerful demon at birth. However, the Dark Gold Phantom Nightmare is a very special existence among all varieties of Nightmares.

Because before a Dark Gold Phantom Nightmare is corrupted, it was a horse with a noble bloodline. There are different kinds of war horses. But as long as it has this noble bloodline and becomes corrupted, it will eventually be collectively referred to as the Dark Gold Phantom Nightmare.

The source of this noble bloodline is actually—The Sacred Blessed Profound Heavenly Horse.

In many places, this Sacred Blessed Profound Heavenly Horse is also known as a Unicorn.

A Unicorn is a kind of Warcraft that has grasped the meaning of life and death. It is precisely because it has grasped the meaning of life and death that it can never be corrupted. The previous life of the Dark Gold Phantom Nightmare, however, only has a trace of Unicorn bloodline. It simply cannot gain a deep glimpse of insight into the meaning of life and death. In the end, it may still end up being corrupted, but the odds of this happening is very small.

As long as any Warcraft becomes corrupted, it will eventually be eroded by evil and death, as with the case of the Dark Gold Phantom Nightmare. However, since this horse possess a trace of Unicorn bloodline, the Dark Gold Phantom Nightmare will undergo fantastical changes. The breath of death and evil is full of **. But with a trace of the Unicorn’s “breath of life and death” it has once possessed. This breath of life was eventually forced into its forehead.

It is equivalent to saying the Dark Gold Phantom Nightmare Demon Soul Horn not only has the evilest breath of death. But also the thinnest breath of life.

This is what distinguishes it from other Nightmares.

However, this breath of life is extremely thin with it only being contained inside it’s horn. This energy isn’t directly expressed but is in the form of a filamentous white strip of the horn spiral cross-section. In other words, Angel only noticed the auction item is the horn of the Dark Gold Phantom Nightmare because there was a star-shaped spiral pattern on the outside of the horn.

And Angel wants to win this auction piece because it is the stepping stone for the death faction’s alchemy!

As Twilight introduced, this item is a Wizard Class Material. In Angel’s realm, it is impossible for him to refine this material. But luckily, Angel doesn’t need to refine this item at all, because according to the secret record in the < Foundation of Alchemy >. The Dark Gold Phantom Nightmare Demon Soul Horn doesn’t require refining at all.

For a death faction alchemy wizard, this item’s true role is actually to be used as a magic power transmitter!

The < Foundation of Alchemy > book was obtained by Angel from the Nightmare Plane. But its record is almost exactly the same as the recordings made by Angel in the Sanders study, with exception for one difference.

The difference is—Black Transformation Spell.

Black Transformation Spell is the only spell for death faction alchemy wizards which has no hierarchy restrictions. So Angel can cast it now. However, depending on the magic power required, the amount of magic power will be reduced accordingly depending on the object of blackening.

Angel learned the Black Transformation Spell some time ago when he was studying alchemy. But in the final step, when the substance is “blackened” enough to make Tetra-Plasma, it always ends up as a failure.

Later, he read the book more carefully and realized the reason why he couldn’t blacken a substance. It was because he didn’t use a magic power transmitter.

There are many kinds of magic power transmitters for a death faction alchemy wizard. But most of them require Angel to reach the realm of Alchemy Master in order to refine them. Only one kind of magic power transmitter can naturally be used without being refined—Dark Gold Phantom Nightmare Demon Soul Horn.

Dark Gold Phantom Nightmare Demon Soul Horn has the purest breath of death and at the same time a hint of the breath of life. Just because of this inborn intrinsic attribute, it is naturally compatible with the death faction alchemy wizard. Because the ancient death faction alchemy wizards have always advocated “death and rebirth.”

Angel has always regretted being unable to use the Black Transformation Spell because he didn’t have a magic power transmitter in the past. Now at the Twilight Auction, and with meeting the Dark Gold Phantom Nightmare Demon Soul Horn, how could he let this opportunity go!

Moreover, the value the Abyss Phantom Nightmare Horn itself is worth more than 6,000 magic crystals, with the Dark Gold Phantom Nightmare Demon Soul Horn being even rarer. With Angel winning the auction piece for 6,000 magic crystals, it can only be said he picked up a great bargain.

This can only be blamed on Twilight Auction appraiser’s eyes being too muddy.

Below the surface, Angel was immersed in joy. But on the surface, he didn’t show it. A deep vortex undercurrent brewed beneath the hall because he won the material which only an “Alchemy Master” was qualified to handle…

Angel, as the centre of this undercurrent, was blissfully unaware.

The auction still continues, and the next four auction pieces continue the theme of Twilight Auction—A comprehensive auction that has everything and sells everything.

Auction Piece 159, Starry Night, Love Pheromone Potion.

Auction Piece 160, Dormo Beast Cerebellum, for human body reconstruction.

Auction Piece 161, Cloud Whale Calf, Pet Mount.

Auction Piece 162, Overflowing Hue Pearl Necklace, Space Item.

Among the auction items, Angel was most interested in the Cloud Whale Calf. As someone who has lived on the Cloud Whale for a long time, he knows how powerful an adult Cloud Whale can be.

However, it takes hundreds of years to grow from a small calf to a Cloud Whale which can block out the sun. The Cloud Whale’s rations are beyond his ability to afford as well… And most importantly of all, the price of the Cloud Whale Calf has soared to 30,000 magic crystals. Even if Angel sold himself, he won’t have the 30,000 magic crystals necessary to buy it. So he had to tearfully say goodbye to the Cloud Whale Calf.

Of these four auction items, the most expensive one wasn’t the Cloud Whale Calf, but the Overflowing Hue Pearl Necklace.

Although it was obviously a female accessory, it was finally won by a male wizard with a bid of 50,000 magic crystals. Angel knew it was a male wizard because Lydia and Flora teamed up to satirize him by saying: “It’s a joke that a big burly man has the nerve to bid on a women’s accessory.”

Although the male wizard was furious at these remarks, but he still didn’t retort, because what they said was the truth.

He has saved his magic crystals for such a long time, just waiting for Twilight Auction to send out a space item. After several consecutive sessions of attending the Twilight Auction to see if there was any new space item. He finally found one this time, but this difficult to come by space item was a women’s jewellery accessory. So, he also struggled for a long time before finally deciding to buy, ah… Anyway, it’s just a necklace. No one should see him wearing it, right…?

After the ridiculing ended, Angel was waiting for the 163rd auction piece when Twilight suddenly said:

“The next ten auction pieces are reserved items of Twilight Auction. You should all also know about them, so I won’t go into details.” Twilight suddenly clapped her hands, and then the whole light on the stage was dimmed. Only a spotlight was projected on the auction stage platform.

At this time, Angel heard the sound of iron wheels rolling. Soon after, a row of iron cages with black cloth was pushed up onto the stage.

Angel was puzzled when a twilight worker staff member walks onto the stage and begins pulling off the black cloth from the iron cage on the far right.

Angel’s eyes bulged instantly when the black cloth was pulled down.

He originally thought the iron cage contained something like a Warcraft. But unexpectedly, it contained… A female mermaid with a naked upper body and a pink scaly tail as the lower body.

It was a beautiful-looking female mermaid who was soaked in a transparent water tank. She had a frightened expression on her face as she kept swimming back and forth. However, the water tank was completely enclosed, leaving only a few air holes. She had no possibility of escaping the water tank at all.

“This female mermaid is a Figg Mermaid. She was caught 200 nautical miles outside of the Scented Wave Seashore. She has a lifespan of about 300 years and begins her advance aging at 250 years old. At present, she is 16 years old and is still a virgin who has never mated. By the way, she has a complete reproductive system. According to our appraiser’s tests, there is no reproductive isolation from humans. But the next generation hybrid will definitely be a humanoid.” Twilight explained lightly: “According to speculation, she should belong to the royal family of Figg Mermaids born with magic talent.”

Whether she is reserved for personal use or anatomical research, she is a rare and exquisite slave.”

Twilight’s words made many men present around the hall laugh obscenely.

Angel frowned at the “Slave Auction.” But he didn’t raise any objections. In ordinary mortal countries, there are also slave markets. Even many of the Pat Manor farm hands were actually bought from the slave market.

However, in the human slave market, the vast majority of slaves are slaves of their own volition. In most cases, it was because they don’t have enough to eat or warm clothes to wear. In this type of situation, Angel doesn’t feel these circumstances are too cruel since they end up better off by committing themselves to serve another.

But the mermaid mentioned by Twilight was “caught.” Only this made difference has made Angel’s outlook towards the auction, wholly uncomfortable. After all, Angel has been nurtured by Jon since he was young. It is against his values to force others to lose their freedom because of his own self-interests. However, this was the norm in the Wizard Plane. It’s better to talk with strength than with reason. In the end, might makes right. Angel can only accept this fact, no matter how uncomfortable it makes his heart. He can’t control other people’s thoughts, at least with his present strength. The only thing he can do now is to maintain his values as much as possible.

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