Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 269 No Eyed Man

With the wizards’ playful eyes, this frightened the little mermaid as she swam frantically about in the cramped water tank. On the contrary, the face of panic expresses a fragile beauty, which makes everyone around even more excited.

Angel looked on coldly from the sidelines. The mermaid clan’s sorrow lies in their beauty, but the danger of a mermaid also lies in their beauty. As mortals ferry the sea, mermaids seduce the crew and sailors with their beauty and soft songs, leading to the sunken fleets of vessels. Therefore, from a macro perspective, no one is right or wrong.

In the end, the mermaid was won for a bid of 320 magic crystals.

Then the black cloth of the second iron cage was lifted. This was also a slave, but it was a dwarf covered in crystal scales.

“This is a crystal person of the Grandeur Plane. They are born craftsmen and are the best helpers in both surface buildings and underground fortresses.” Twilight faintly said.

Humanoid from an exotic plane? No wonder its body has a feeling of being vaguely rejected by the world.

Angel thought that if it wasn’t expensive, he might as well buy him. He wanted to use this slave as an excuse to ask how to prevent a crystal person from being rejected by Will of the World.

Angel thought very beautifully, and in his heart, he was elated and praised himself for his wit. However, the cruel reality gave him a hard slap, and the the crystal person was finally bought for 1,500 magic crystals. After Angel won the Dark Gold Phantom Nightmare Demon Soul Horn, he only had 600 magic crystals left. As a result, he could only weep silently in his heart at his naivety.

Then a series of black clothes were lifted one after another. Included were exotic plane beauties and native slaves. As long as they were exotic plane creatures, the resulting winning bid was no one less than 1,000 magic crystals, which makes Angel feel very embarrassed for what happened just before… He can’t even bid if he wanted to.

He once heard someone mention smuggling exotic plane creatures and selling them to wizards can earn dozens of magic crystals. He has always thought exotic plane creatures were cheap. But what he had witnessed today was a big gap between ideal and reality…

However, what Angel doesn’t know is that the exotic plane creatures in Twilight Auction are all carefully selected and basically all possess talents. Moreover, these exotic plane creatures have entered the Wizard Plane through legal channels… So the Extreme Sect cannot question them, making it reasonable for them to be a bit more expensive than usual.

Soon, the last three auction pieces were about to be sold.

Generally speaking, the last three auction pieces of Twilight Auction are the most precious. But this time, the auction is a bit strange since the final three auction pieces of the previous auction were all items. This time, there are still two iron cages remaining. That is to say, the three final auction pieces are two slaves and an unknown item?

What kind of slave can be regarded as a final auction piece? When everyone was talking discussing with each other about this, the black cloth of an iron cage was lifted up for the third-to-last auction item.

Angel’s brow raised slightly. It was another extraordinary beauty. But this time, it was a golden-haired woman with white wings on her back.

The woman’s face is very holy and delicate, just like the legendary angel from Jon’s stories. But obviously, she is not an angel. Because even if she has the face of an angel and has the holy temperament of an angel, her eyes cannot deceive people. Her eyes are seething a fierce and bitter hatred.

Almost all slaves in the iron cages have some form of hatred in their eyes. But this one is different. The object of her hatred seemed to be no one present, and her treatment was different from other slave beauties. She was neatly dressed, not even chained, and sat quietly in the iron cage with her broad wings wrapped around her.

Angel also faintly sensed her possessing magic power fluctuations.

This is a humanoid transcendent.

Twilight pointed to the woman in the cage and said faintly: “This woman’s name is Gabriel.”

When the name came out, there was an uproar at the scene. Angel noticed many wizards were whispering as if exchanging opinions.

“Lord Twilight, you said her name was Gabriel? Which Gabriel is she?” A wizard asked.

Twilight said: “There is no doubt she is who you think she is. Gabriel.Forteau.Iseland. The contemporary saint of Paramjit’s Feathered Race.”

The daughter of a saint family?! And the saint of Paramjit’s Feathered Race who has a very close relationship with the Lower Sian Sub-Humans?

Everyone was shocked.

Although the territory of the Feathered Race is in the sky. One of their tribes was forced to move to the Underground World because they were being persecuted by the Karabi people. After nearly a thousand years of interbreeding, the ancestors of the Feathered Race gained a very close relationship with the underground people. Later the Feathered Race of this tribe lived on a floating island north of Paramjit Plateau, calling themselves the Paramjit Feathered Race.

“Lord Twilight, it seems bad to auction the saint of the Paramjit Feathered Race as a slave?” This was spoken by a Lower Sian Sub-Human wizard who was born and raised in the Underground World.

Although many wizards have already shown flirtatious eyes to Gabriel, due to their respect, they are also nodding in agreement with the one who spoke.

Gabriel looked at the wizard’s antics below with a slightly mocking smile on her lips. Then she nodded to Twilight before gently closing her eyes.

Twilight sighed slightly from the bottom of her heart, then she said to the crowd: “I believe you should all know Gabriel’s identity. As the daughter of the Feathered Saint, do we dare put her up for auction? No, she volunteered to auction herself. The only condition is to help her avenge and kill… King of the Night Mudrik.”

In the horrified eyes of the crowd, Twilight continued: “As long as her revenge succeeds, she will sign a contract and voluntarily commit herself to slavery. Regardless of whether she is disrespected or dissected.”

Feathered Saint Sariah, the former saint of Paramjit Feathered Race, was also a formal wizard and even Gabriel’s master.

Unfortunately, she died at the hands of her husband Mudrik three years ago. Apart from admitting he killed Sariah, there has been nothing else heard from Mudrik so far.

What else was involved in the inside story and why Gabriel would rather commit herself to slavery to kill Mudrik, Twilight did not say. But just looking at the people in this hall, she said: “There is no reserve price for this auction piece. As long as you are willing to take up this task, you can sign a contract with Gabriel.”

As Twilight finished, the discussion grew louder. However, no one is willing to take on this task. King of the Night Mudrik’s reputation shines throughout the entire Sleepless City, who dares to kill this man?

Twilight’s eyes looked slightly at private room No. 19. If that Lord was willing to take over this task… Perhaps Gabriel would have hope in realizing her revenge.

But after five minutes of waiting, no one spoke up.

There was no indication of intent at all from No. 19. Twilight sighed with regret and could only announce the failure of the auction piece.

Instead of sitting in the iron cage and being pushed backstage. Gabriel opened the cage and bowed to Twilight. With a look of despair and a hint of determination, she flew directly down the auction platform and walked out of the In-House area in front of everyone.

After Gabriel left, there was some silence at the scene. Lydia gave a deep sigh and said: “I hope the power of despair can possess her and give her the courage to fight, instead of being a woman who depends on men. You know, men can never be trusted.”


After Gabriel left, there were only two auction pieces left on the platform.

One of them was a slave in an iron cage.

When the black cloth on the last iron cage was lifted, everyone’s brows knit.

This is a very odd… Person?

He was tall, had short grey hair, dark skin, a high nose bridge and pale lips. This man was also dressed in formal attire as a waiter with a green bow tie which was particularly eye-catching.

The above descriptions are all in the category of a normal human. But only one place makes everyone frown.

He has no eyes.

He wasn’t blind, only the part where the eyes should be, there is only bare skin. It also cannot be said to be completely bare. At least in this part of the no eyed man’s eyes, someone has painted a watery eye like a doll with a paintbrush. It looks cute and weird at the same time.

“What is this thing? It hasn’t been rejected by the Will of the World, as if it were not an exotic plane creature.” A wizard commented.

“Is there a race with no eyes? Does the Wizard Plane have such a race? Why haven’t I heard of it?” Another wizard asked.

“What talent does such a man have? How can he be auctioned as a final auction piece?” Another wizard wondered.

While everyone was speculating this man’s identity, Angel frowned and gently rubbed his fingers on his temples.

His action startled David as he asked: “Angel, what’s the matter with you?”

Angel said hesitantly: “This slave… Who is being auctioned off? Where have I seen him before? He looks a bit familiar…”

“Familiar? Have you seen him before?” David craned his head and looked at him again. But he didn’t feel the slightest sense of familiarity from looking at any angle.

Angel thought to himself: Did I see him in the Nightmare Plane? No, this doesn’t seem right.

At this time, Toby, who was nestled in his inner pocket, suddenly moved. Previously, because of the music box incident, he made a lot of noise for a while before finally falling asleep under Angel’s coaxing.

Angel saw Toby waking up and stopped paying attention to the slave being auctioned off. Instead, Angel said to Toby with a smile: “There are two more auction pieces to go before we finish. It’s really good you woke up in time.”

Toby mumbled lazily as Angel heard the meaning expressed in his voice before grinning. After this sleep, Toby’s mood was completely stabilized and he responded with his usual confidence.

While Angel was teasing Toby, Twilight began introducing the no eyed man in the cage:

“As it is known to all, there are two holy places in the Southern Region for Gourmet Wizards. One is the Butterfly Bar run by Felicia, and the other is Barbie’s Restaurant run by Gloria.”

When Twilight’s voice spread throughout the In-House area, Angel suddenly froze.

“After reading the new issue of < Infinite Potential and Desolate Plane Exploration Record >. We can all see that Gloria had a dispute with Granny Deer Ape in the Winter Plane. Later, they were involved in a Nightmare Plane incident together and went on an expedition with the expedition leader, Wizard ‘Bud.’ So far, Gloria has apparently fallen, and her Barbie’s Restaurant has also fallen apart.”

Angel’s forehead broke out in a cold sweat. He remembered who this man was!

“The restaurant staff are all Gourmet Wizards. With the exception of those who fled back to Candy House, the rest are scattered all over the place. This is Barbie’s Restaurant’s former waiter who was caught by a wizard. You should all be aware of the value of a Gourmet Wizard. Although he hasn’t been promoted to a formal wizard yet, what he has made is comparable to an alchemy potion from one… So, please bid for him. The reserve price is 10,000 magic crystals, and each increase shall not be less than 5,000 magic crystals!”

Some images flashed through Angel’s mind when he followed Morrow and the others to Barbie’s Restaurant’s inner hall for dinner. Along the way, they met many strange employees. Such as a ballet dancer named Le Skunk, who was a nonsensical spirited server and dishwasher. The sloppy and greasy foreman named Neo and… A waiter with a stiff body who bounced around with no eyes!!

The person who was locked in the cage was the No Eyed Man Angel saw at that time!

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