Sword, Magic and Academic Society

Vol. 1 - Ch. 84 - Summer Vacation

"Now then, two months long summer vacation starts for y'all from tomorrow onwards. Normally, I would have hammered into your heads to not slack off just because no one is there to supervise you and all that, but... you all have done wonderfully in the last four months compared to the starting point of the first orientation. The looks on your faces tell me everything. Truly a peculiar sight, fufufu! This sure has taken the worry off my shoulders.

Also, there will often be many chances to venture outside for field classes in the second term, testing the abilities that you’ve gained in the first term. I look forward to seeing how you're going to spend your holidays, and the look in your eyes right after. Nevertheless, do make sure to be careful about your health. That is all."

The last homeroom of the first year's first term had come to a close, and it signified the start of our summer vacation. We were also told the results of the top 20 students in the freshmen year as a whole. The whole list was dominated by Class A students.

Leo Zatsinger (Leo)

Daniel Sardos (Dan)

Feyrune Von Dragoon (Fey)

Bester Von Stocklaud (Bester)

Jeuri Levarance (Jeu)

Shalum Halloween (Shal)

Kate Salkanp (Kate)

Allen Rovenne

Rudolf Austin (Dol)

Margrait Stea (Magi)

Aldol Engraver (Al)

Coconial Canardia (Coco)

Regina Sanhurt (Regi)

Visques Lawyunkurl (Viz)

Elena Iskandar (Elena)

Parry Abenil (Parry)

Sophia Bransh (Sophie)

Berd Yuniwance (Berd)

Lala Von Liancool (Lala)

My ranking had dropped by 2 from my entrance examination's 7th rank. Overall, I stood 4th in the knight course.

Well, I was taking classes seriously, but I just couldn't bring myself to study for the exam, and this was just the start that could continue to drop me to a new low. Though I had definitely snagged the top spot in magic theory. Magic was everything that I wanted to pursue and was the only subject where I had put actual bone-breaking effort… However, it seemed like I was the sole precedent in the knight course to exhibit such contrasting scores.

Not that I care. To be honest, I was more pumped up about the summer vacation!... Ah, what a lovely sound it had, summer vacation.

That said, I don't know why Godorfun was assuming that everyone would be taking their study and training seriously for sure. I mean, like hell I was going to let my summer days rot over the desk. I had even stayed up so many nights to consolidate my long-term plan. I was going to take this chance and go on a long wolf's journey!

Everything from the destination to what I’ll be doing has been confirmed… Well, I couldn't stay out of the Royal Capital for long with the knight order matters that I couldn't skip on, but that was all. I’ll definitely make this the best summer vacation of my life!

However, there was something verrrrry important that I needed to tackle before that—

"Now is the time to cough up your plans, Allen. You already declined our invitation saying 'you don't have any plans yet', but I sure hope you're not thinking this barefaced lie would be enough to excuse yourself. Your eyes are literally gleaming with child-like excitement as you think about going on a vacation for the first time."

—I need to throw them off somehow.

I wanted to travel through the kingdom as a lone individual and experience all kinds of adventurers along the way. But let alone a monster, I doubt I’d encounter a fly if these irksome, batshit rich folks, for whom every journey is a matter of traveling in gaudy magic cars and all that, tagged along. How else was I going to enjoy the turmoil if such obvious light bulbs followed me along with their servants or guards who were constantly on guard!?

I wouldn't mind an aimless journey if it was just Al or Coco who gave off 'commoner aura' but I didn't want to risk carrying such burdens if my plan was spilled out within the group.

"You're calculating your route to escape from here, aren't you, Allen-san?"

Jeu said as if she had seen through my heart. What the heck, are you an esper...?

Fey took one step forward. And I opened the distance.

Crap… My escape plan would be squashed under this tyrannosaurus's grip if she caught on to me. How do I know? Well shit, this wasn't the first time this has happened.

"Is Allen here?"

Just as the heavy footsteps of the tyrannosaurus were coming my way, my miracle appeared at the perfect timing. Someone had apparently come looking for me, and this familiar voice was…


From the entrance of the classroom, my sole revered senpai— Riyad Senpai called out to me.


"Hey...kind of sorry to barge in when you're with your friends. Do you have any plans for the summer vacation? Actually, I have a favor to ask of you… but given how busy your schedule is, I guess you already have plans?"

"Senpai has something to ask of me? No way, that would be my honor! In fact, my plan is still a blank slate!"

I felt some malicious gazes boring holes in my back, but it was better to ignore them.

"Ahaha. It's actually more of a request as an explorer than a favor, see if you find it alright."

With that preface, Senpai passed on the details of a request.

Apparently, there was a certain waterfall, a bit deep into the forest, about 12 hours away from the Royal Capital after transferring from the magic train to a magic car where senpai had found a new variety of mana moss in clusters.

The moss with the mana property — which dramatically enhanced the absorption efficiency of medicines made from magical creatures, plants, and stones — was a first-rate high-grade medicinal material. But a few things like its growth period and where they grow in clusters were still shrouded in mystery so Senpai would check on their growing conditions twice a year while passing a part of his harvest to his family.

However, the Mt. Penglai company that his family runs was actually having trouble procuring high-grade medicinal materials for their important customer. The problem could be traced back to the sudden decrease in their import volume from the west's Wisteria empire, and it didn't seem like the problem would be resolved anytime soon.

Given the fact that they were in a bind, he had decided to sell those mana moss — with the premise that it didn't affect their ecology — en masse as it had yet to circulate into the market from his family. However, the road to that place was especially fraught with strong monsters and there were a lot of them due to the summer season.

Senpai wasn't sure if he would be able to cross it safely and even if he did, the monsters’ materials would be too much for him to carry back. Well, there was the option to hire some porters or guards, but bringing strangers with him would mean that the location would be sold out in the blink of an eye and chaos was guaranteed.

"So I thought of you. I’ve already seen your skills and I don't need to worry about the secret being found out as well. I might be able to find someone else if I look hard but I thought it would be a good idea to take you along after I had rejected your invitation so many times due to my hectic schedule. All the expenses would be paid by my side. Also, the reward is 60,000 rea, and we’ll evenly split any mana plants — except the mana moss — and monster materials we get along the way. What do you think? If you're up for it, I’ll issue you a nomination request through the association."

No, no, what was there even to think about? It appeared to be fun work and the reward was plenty as well. Most of all, how could I turn down Senpai’s consideration to go out of his way to request for me when he could have gotten someone else? Sure enough, a capable man is also wise in his thoughts.

"I would absolutely love to join you! In fact, I'm really glad that you came to invite me!"

My decision was prompt.

"And here I thought Allen would be stuck in doing un-summer vacation-like things. Well, I was actually being nagged by my grandmother to bring you to the Dragoon family's summer villa but I guess we'll be doing some camping first, huh? Right, I’ll prepare Allen's sleeping bag— a special one that can accommodate two people and can be zipped up and locked along with soundproof magical tools, alright."

"Hmm, fighting several strong monsters sounds interesting. I’ll come along as well. I’ll have my family arrange ten trustworthy couriers. Who can take down more monsters, huh?... I guess we’ll be having a contest."

Would you look at this? Fey and Jeu were giving perfect textbook examples of daydreaming.

"Hey there, Senpai and I are currently discussing explorers’ business. This line of work isn't something amateurs like you can handle! Am I right, senpai?"

"Huh, ah, if they can protect themselves, I don't really min—"

"But I do! A professional isn't without a license and we need to have the integrity to uphold the contract through the association!"

"Fufufu. So it seems, Fey-san. But fear not, I, a D-rank license holder, shall spare no effort to prepare a sleeping bag for Allen-san. But then again, I don't have one with soundproofing like you do, so do pardon me if some strange sounds come out."

Jeu prattled off her idiotic delusions with a triumphant expression.

"......When the heck did you register? It's not good manners to get a headstart, you know?"

"My, what sour words. But I think those who let themselves fall behind are the ones at fault though. I had a genuine interest in explorer's work and so I registered myself to experience it. So I hope you can teach me the ropes down to every nook and cranny, Allen-san."

"When is the departure? I’ll get my license prepared within 3 hours. You shouldn't have anything to complain about then, right?"

What happened to all that 'busy schedule'? I was cursed, truly.

"There's a problem, you morons. You can register just in name only but that doesn't change the fact that you're amateurs. This is not a kiddy make-believe game, alright?"

I had just retorted when Coco, who was also there — well, we were still in the classroom — raised his hand nervously.

"Can I accompany you as well? I can fend for myself and it's also a chance to test out that magical tool."

"Nice idea! I was thinking of visiting my family but that doesn't sound bad either. How many days will this trip take?"

"Ah. Both Al and Coco are also working as explorers, and I think they have good enough experience. So I don't mind, but what do you think, Senpai?"

I glanced at Senpai's way.

"I don't mind if they have your approval. It will be a four-day return trip, but it might extend by one or two days, so about five or six days at max. But the problem is the reward. Embarrassingly, I honestly don't think I have the budget to support three people."

"We can just work with the previous condition. My reward can be divided between the three of us."

"Ehh... but that's honestly a bit low of a reward. Alright, let's do it this way then. The fixed reward would be at 60,000 rea, as I told you, but we can divide the rest of the materials we get our hands on — except the mana moss — between ourselves equally. What do you think? Having more skilled members is less dangerous in my opinion, and we would also be able to carry more materials."

I nodded to the condition Senpai proposed.

"Great. So, we’ll meet at—"

"Hold on, senpai. The pros talk should remain within us professionals! Please look at their gazes filled with such avarice! It's clear that they’re going to sell out the information when they learn about it!"

I hurriedly stopped Senpai who was about to spill the location of the mana moss.

"Huh, it can't be, right? I don't think students of the Royal Academy Class A would do such—"

"Unceasing prudence is what makes us professionals among rookies, Senpai! C'mon, let's go somewhere else. And you lot, don't even think about tagging along. I can already see your plan to eavesdrop and learn the location! Well then, I pray your summer vacation is as bright as the clear sky!"

I pushed the back of Senpai and successfully managed to break through the class siege.

Kukuku. After striking down the nail in the way, they surely wouldn't be following even if they wanted to.

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