Sword, Magic and Academic Society

Vol. 1 - Ch. 85 - What it takes to be a real B-rank?

The following day, after accepting the nomination request yesterday from the association's eastern branch, we met at the Royal Capital's central station that we had decided earlier on.

"Oh-hoh, you truly have dyed yourself in the color of an explorer huh, Allen? Just what I would expect from the rising star 'Ren' who dashed away the kingdom's fastest record to reach B-rank."

Senpai teasingly exaggerated his voice after seeing my appearance.

I had already explained that I went by the name of 'Ren' in the explorer world to him, who had taught me so much essential stuff, as well as to Al and Coco, with whom I often teamed up.

"It's my honor to receive Senpai's praise. I may not have been able to achieve all this if not for the trip with Senpai or our visit to the association right after. By the way, don’t listen to the rumors. It's all the fault of the association's president who thinks it's fun to open a back door."

It was just the other day that I had a chat with Rouge-san, the branch manager of the Shinglaud Arm Store, and refreshed my adventuring gear.

My first purchase was a simple dagger with a blade length of 40cm which was the replacement for my earlier knife I had lost in the Honey Ant's nest. It was manufactured by the same Banri firm as well. I used it for pretty much everything from dismantling to harvesting to battle thanks to its sharpness. Well, it was a pain in the butt to maintain it though, but I decided to choose it in the end given its convenience and ease of use.

That was followed by my defense gear. I actually had no plan to change them but Rouge-san was worried that the low performance of my beginner gear would pull me down and recommended a high-performance vest with a belt that I ended up buying.

I also graduated from my larger-than-life Lygo Bow— honestly, I still felt sad that I had to say farewell to my precious baby but what could I do, the path to improvement was just no longer present with it anymore. My next primary weapon became a composite bow, made from a multitude of materials, that goes by the name of Parthia. Um, yeah. Most of it was the enticing sales pitch of Rouge-san who said 'Buying as a set will get you a discount' and I also kind of went with the flow.

But overall, I could tell this one was going to be more fitting for my bow training when I tried it out at the testing area. So it was a worthwhile purchase, at least. The bow's effective range was 200m with 600m for its longest distance, which was double the performance of the Lygo. It was also quite tough to use but that was no biggie. Rouge-san had specifically chosen it based on its shared trait with the Lygo, after all.

'Fufu, now you properly give the image of a lady charmer— though they're just standard equipment for B-rank explorers,' was how Rouge-san teased me in the end when I changed myself into my new gear.

I guess she knew about my alias 'Ren' as well, which was known to only a handful of people thanks to Uncle Shell properly working his ass off for once at least. I asked her how she came to know about it, and she just chuckled and said, "Well, I just happened to be a fan of Explorer 'Ren’. But hmm, don't worry. No other person is going to hear about it from me, so relax."

The bill in the end turned out to be 30,000 rea. Quite a lot if you ask me, but the expression of Rundo, the branch deputy manager of the store, was curled up in bitterness. So I presumed the discount was just more than a bit.

We took the first magic train in the morning and headed for our destination— Robles, a city in the Dailmacque territory.


It took us 8 hours to arrive at the capital city of the Dailmacque territory. From there, it was another four-hour journey with the magic car that we hired from there to reach Robles City.

Geographically, Robles City was quite blessed with resources due to the thickets and grassy plains in the nearby area. The city itself was bustling with activity and a large crowd, the majority of whom were explorers.

"We're going to visit this city's association branch first. It's the number one spot to know about dangerous monster activities and other important information. We also need to borrow some bags to carry all the materials back. We’ll sell everything besides the magic moss after returning. Let's finish the task and check in at an inn. We're going to leave tomorrow at the crack of dawn."

The storage bags were generally equipped with cold storage, decay prevention, and odor-resistant effects among other things. They were essential gear in an explorer's life for areas with bad roads or woods where it was impossible to bring hand carts along.



The Explorer Association's Robles branch, unlike the Royal Capital, was housed in a wooden building that exuded a rustic charm.

My heart was thumping nervously as I gave the door a push. It was a new place, you know? Maybe, someone might come to find trouble seeing some unknown brats entering, or they may even give us intense, scrutinizing gazes. But, that was apparently just some groundless worry as we made our way to the reception without any problems.

I guess being a huge city, along with being near the Royal Capital, must have made them used to facing an unceasing crowd of strangers until they became common around here. Well, I was just worried that trouble might block my respected Senpai's request. So, I couldn't ask for anything more when everything was done without a hitch.

Honestly, squabbling and brawling had become such an everyday thing — with so many dumbasses with hot tempers — that I was getting fed up with it.

"Hello~. We just arrived from the Royal Capital and plan to visit the southern forest to collect materials. Is there any request that you would like some help with? By the way, I also want to borrow two mid-size sacks."

The receptionist, a chubby aunty, flashed a smile when she saw Riyad-senpai.

"Aw, what a sweetie. You're truly wasted doing something like explorer work. The southern forest is currently infested with strong monsters which would be impossible with your party of, err, a lady killer and three young'uns. Yeah. Let's not invite the devil's luck by saying anything, but I would suggest the grassland in the west. You would be able to make a killing if you can fetch Huge and Koppel grass with the current market."

"Ahaha. You flatter me, miss, but I’m a B-rank explorer so you don't have to worry about us. This is my license. Between, the one behind me is the same rank as me. Oh, and are there any tips on the more dangerous parts of the forest? You know, like some abnormal happenings or the like"

The receptionist’s eyes went wide when she saw Riyad-senpai's license.

"My, pardon me for my earlier remark. Still, the ace of the Royal Capital's eastern branch, Riyad Guffus, is truly just as rumors said. A looker, indeed. Fufu, we also have some of Sir's fans among our branch staff.

The monsters are just as strong and numerous as you would expect given the season, but I guess Riyad-kun knows your party’s ability better since you're confident. Can I check the licenses of the three young'uns behind you? It would be required to register the party if your group intends to take on requests."

Just as we were told, we put forth our licenses.

"Fumu, Aldol-kun, and Coconial-kun, huh? A D-rank at such a young age means you must be a student of the Royal Academy, right? To be able to reach such heights is truly proof of your achievements. And this boy is—"

The receptionist's eyes became round for the second time when she checked my license.

"......The rumored 'Mad Hound'? Hrrr! I had heard the so-called exploit of starting a brawl without any thoughts and going all apeshit. Was the Royal Capital not enough?! Just don't cause trouble here or you will see the exit of the city the next minute!

No, seriously. Just what the heck is going in the mind of the superiors to grant B-rank to such a fella? A bit of flimsy strength doesn't give you the right to fool around!"

The bellows of the receptionist echoed in the branch's hall, causing even the uninterested explorers to whisper among themselves while pointing at me.

...Look, this was why I wanted to have the traditional promotion style instead of just raising it on a whim. I needed to explain myself here. I mean, I don’t expect them to go ga-ga over me saying things like 'Kyaa, we're Ren-sama's fans,' but something like a normal treatment wouldn't hurt, right?

"I-It's all a misunderstanding, Ma'am! There had been some inevitable circumstances that led to that fight—"

"Any excuse is useless, boy! Were you not the one who jumped at President Shell with an iron pipe on your first meeting but got blasted away instead?

I heard you also thrashed senior explorers at a tavern saying 'Ah, it's pain in the butt to talk sense into them so let me teach them through the way of the fist', and pretty much squandered all the 100,000 rea you earned from the Honey Ant's nest extermination in a drinking competition against the whole tavern like money didn’t matter to you!

Truly, what has become of our youngsters for one to become such a rascal? Our branch's president had heard it directly from President's Shell in a bar so don't say it's all a lie!"

A buzz louder than before engulfed the branch's hall.

"That damned baldy! Did he think it's funny to spread rumors without giving the full picture!"

'I am definitely going to make that bastard cry rivers of tears one day!' My bloodlust subconsciously oozed out of me as I made such a resolution.


"......All that matters is you're having fun, Allen. But maybe you can calm down your bloodlust, the miss here can't take it."

"Ah, that wasn't my intention."

I took back my bloodlust which prompted the receptionist to heave a sigh of relief.

"Phew… It didn't take much to show your true colors, huh? But, as expected of the eastern branch's ace Riyad-kun— no, Riyad-sama to calm down that 'Mad Hound' with just one word! I heard even President Shell was unable to do that! Truly, one needs more than just brawn to be at the top."

The chubby aunt spoke in an enraptured tone, like a maiden who had fallen head over heels for a celebrity. It was a pity that she didn't get her misunderstanding corrected ‘til the end, but hey, at least I just saw the appearance of a new 'Riyad-sama fan'. I replied with a gleeful expression.

"Riyad-senpai is the one I respect most!"

Then, the lovestruck maiden swiftly returned to the usual cubby aunt mode.

"Tsk! At least do your best to learn how a true B-rank should act! Also, don't cause any trouble to Riyad-sama!"

Wow, the difference in treatment was truly heaven and earth...

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