Sword, Magic and Academic Society

Vol. 1 - Chapter 152 - A Strayed Boy

I have strayed from the path.

Once upon a time, I had a dream of enjoying the outdoor classes to the fullest, self-assured that I more than anyone else would have a blast. Yet, here I was looking at the rugged precipice all alone and deep into the night.

The cliff was around several hundred meters tall with only a mountain road (?) of around 20-30 cm width to walk on. Though it was certainly not the best method, it was possible to cross the mountain by sticking close to the cliff.

Occasionally, there would be rocks appearing on the path, akin to those rat guard setups. I believe it should’ve been impossible for any climbing expert or someone similar to Dan to climb up this cliff in this situation without the help of tools.

Also, treading on the mountain road also left one completely exposed to the people beneath, and should they attack with arrows or magic, it would be game over. It was also a death sentence if bird-type monsters came to assault you, or if you slipped.

Even in the most unlikely scenario, I dare say no spy would think of taking this route unless they were absolutely cornered.

What I meant was— with there being abysmal chances for the enemies to show up here, and also because the terrain made it possible to secure the spot alone, I was chosen to be its watchdog.

But, what was getting on my nerves even more was that I didn’t feel anyone’s gaze on me, neither Godorfun nor any of the other knight observers. I mean, yeah, I was a member of knight order, albeit temporarily, and I had been pushed into many solo subjugation missions by my Master, but I was supposed to be a ‘student’ of the Academy, damn it!

And look at their audacity, to leave me all alone in this forest…

What they meant was obvious— there was no one coming to use this path, so it would be a waste of time to stand watch here. I should receive a notification once my classmates captured the spies, but who was I kidding, it was a scenario devised by that old fart.

I was sure it would be anything but easy. And then, as I decayed here in solitude, soon my much anticipated outdoor classes would come to an end.

Well, maybe I was paying for my blabbering mouth but leaving that aside, I was getting annoyed. Yeah, it was definitely Godorfun’s fault. I cursed him in my mind while going down the mountain, following the wind.

I thought of making soup with the pot I had to kill the boredom, but because of the high elevation and with winter approaching, I couldn’t find many materials.

Hmm, what if the spies decided to sneak in that gap? Like hell, I care.

This was training, plus I never gave a rat's ass about the score. All along, I had been looking forward to the outdoor classes more than anyone else, and wanted to take a dip in the hot springs as soon as possible. Though I had also promised in my mind to get back at Godorfun as well.

It would surely bring down everyone if the spies managed to slip through due to my negligence, but……

I was a stranded boy. No longer do I walk the path of decency.

“It's time… close the mouth of the bag and wring it. Also, launch the signal.”

At Coco's prompt, Leo released a fireball up into the sky.

They had used nature’s terrain, fences, rocks, and more to bait the spies and once they were cornered in a dead end path, the other students of Class A lying in ambush caught them.

The supposed spies, wearing sports team-like shirts with numbers on them, swiftly raised their hands in surrender.

“I had heard about signs of the military making a move at a large scale in the Darre mountain range near the border post…… and it turned out to be some training for brats.”

Wearing olive green clothes that blended well with the surroundings, one of the three suspicious-looking fellows spoke.

“But they’re unbelievably skilled for their age. I think they should be students of that renowned Royal Academy… This is the hometown of that ‘Indomitable’ who's recently acting as the director of the Academy, so most likely he selected this place for the training.”

“It’s impossible for even those in power to get a clue about the movement of the Academy that trains those who’ll become this kingdom's pillars later down the line… It’s not going to be easy, but I believe we should make a move, it’s too tempting to leave alone.”

“...What do you say, Zeth? We’re just scouts, and we’d be overpowered by their numbers if we had to fight. With the current situation, the last thing we need is to be captured by them.”

Zeth, seemingly the leader of the group, kept silent for a few moments before speaking.

“I believe they said these guys are from Class 1-D. Their skills are frightening despite being just first years, and they're not even the top class… There’s a chance even that prodigy Leo Zatsinger, and that guy from the rumors are around here somewhere. It’s a chance to get intel on them… but I fear that the knight order also deployed knights around here in case of an accident. The risk outweighs the benefit, so we’re returning to the border.”

“What, they’re just first years, and even Class D? Monsters… What route are we going to take?”

“From here… The Roderia Mountain might be the better choice. But let’s take the ‘that’ old path. It’s not yet in use, so we should be safe.”

The two men nodded at Zeth’s conclusion.

“The 4th scenario has been completed by Kate Sankalp's team… I still have a hard time believing it. Sir, are you sure this scenario hasn't been leaked?”

Tim asked, but Godorfun shook his head.

“Information about the scenarios is all level 4 classified information, second from top. I’m not exaggerating, the kingdom's fate depends on their abilities, growth, and evaluation after all, so it’s virtually impossible for that information to be leaked. It also doesn’t match the risk of being caught later on. I don’t think there’s anyone who would accidentally blurt it out as well.”

“But… They immediately acted as soon as the 4th scenario was announced, splitting into three teams, creating makeshift obstacles, and catching the spies in one fell swoop. It all appears to be a pre-planned movement. While the makeshift obstacles may not be the best, I dare say no one would completely chalk it up as ‘team spirit’.”

Sure enough, this time Godorfun’s expression contorted as Tim argued.

“......What about that brat? I should have left him to gather materials while the 3rd scenario was going on… How's the defense of the border post coming along?”

“......Allen Rovenne had gone to ‘that’ old path alone. Presumably, to guard the path just in case, and given his skills, it does seem to be the most optimal solution. As for the border post, fences with logs have been built around it, making it impossible to see what’s happening inside, but based on the manpower being used and the materials being brought in, it doesn't seem like they're putting in that much effort.”

“Hmm~. I know these kids, they shouldn’t be acting like this second scenario is a bonus round which merely requires labor. Either they have faced an unexpected situation…… or……”

Godorfun’s lips curled into a grin.

“They have set a goalpost that we can’t see. Perhaps, we may need to get ready to face an unexpected scenario…”

Seeing as how Godorfun said all this with battle spirit radiating from his body, the memories of Godorfun’s past days re-surfaced in Tim's mind as his body trembled.

A day had passed since the start of the 4th scenario — which was four and a half days since the starting of the outdoor classes — and it was 10 in the evening.

Having finished gathering ingredients, I returned to my post and was now brewing a nefarious concoction with the materials I had happened to find along. I was already making soup, so might as well make that.

For what? Of course, it was to shove it at that old fart.

It was taught to me by Riyad-senpai and was originally for monsters, which meant it had limited effect on humans, but it was Godorfun who changed my anticipated outdoor classes into a military exercise.

It wasn’t lethal, so I hope he wouldn’t say that it was a cowardly move.

Well, some teachers might complain, and even make ruckus to disqualify my score, but I didn’t give a rat’s ass about all this now. For I am the strayed one. Kukuku. Hyahaha!

I stirred the contents of the pot while consoling myself with those dark thoughts, and exuding that villainous mob aura, when suddenly three spies appeared within my range. Color me surprised!

I had thought they weren’t going to use this route. What the hell was that old fart thinking to send 3 out of the 5 spies this way when I was all alone? Damn, he must have gone senile.

It must be nice being on the bustling side with my classmates.

“Huh, a brat is cooking alone in that spot……?

“And given his uniform and mantle, he seems to be a student of the Royal Academy…”

“......What an eyesore. We can’t sneak in no matter how low-key we move. We’d be found out in no time. And that brat is even carrying a bow.”


They haven’t heard about my detection range from Godorfun? I could hear their words crystal clear even from that distance. Nevertheless, it seemed like their plan was to cross the border via the cliff here.

“But he looks so lonely out here… Just watching that back brings tears to my eyes… Is he perhaps lost?”

Buzz off!

Did he really have to stick it where it hurts?! Or what, did Godorfun tell them to act that way as well?

I would have faced them immediately, but they might split up and escape. Hmm, no need to show them that I know about their presence I guess. Let’s get to a sufficient range.

Formulating my plan, I continued to stir the concoction when one of the spies asked for instruction from another, seemingly their leader, “What now, Zeth?”

“......It doesn't seem like he’s going to move before tomorrow morning. We’ve managed to slip away so far, but there are quite a lot of people now in the mountain range. We never know when someone will catch up to us. It would have been great to cross the border without leaving any traces, but… Let’s kill him. Given the season, the monsters around here would quickly gobble up the dead body.”

Ohh, look at that. It seems like they had heard about me from Godorfun, so they gave me a rundown of the scenario’s setting.

Then, after saying that, the spy Zeth (alias) pulled on his short bow.

His two comrades deployed themselves to the left and right, while Zeth-san released a faint murderous aura and shot the arrow.

I was appalled that the arrow was actually aimed my way and quickly rolled away to dodge.

He shouldn’t have intended to actually attack, I think? At least the attack wasn't aimed at my vitals. But, what would they have done if I had failed to dodge that?

“ “Tsk! Kill him!” “

Watching me dodge the arrow, the three unsheathed similar-looking plain daggers and lunged at me.

They were holding their knives with a back grip, a peculiar stance……

I presume they had their training in the same institution or something.

They fell short on body strengthening output, but their teamwork was marvelous.

Still, they looked completely ready to kill me, and that bloodlust couldn’t be faked.

I had been chalking it up to the instruction “I don’t care if you act in all seriousness” that they might have gotten from Godorfun, but… just to make sure, I called them out.

“Umm, you’re subordinates, right?”

“Huh, subordinates?! Don’t you look down on us, brat!”

……Huh, no?! Oh good, they really couldn’t have had a worse timing.

If they weren’t subordinates, plus with their lack of hesitation in jumping in for a kill, then they shouldn’t be some innocent passerby.

Damn, I need to catch them as a member of the knight order!

I leaped down as soon as I saw a gap in their movement and rapid-fired three arrows laced with the anaesthesia-like concoction I was brewing.

The arrows accurately stabbed the legs of the three, and the next thing they knew, they were lying down on the ground.

“Well, forgive me for being crude, but I have nothing to tie you up with. So please wait here for a while, I’ll detoxify you later.”

Noticing Zeth-san glaring my way as his body convulsed, I shook my head.

“I fear that the old fart probably stacked up his resistances… I should make a more condensed concoction to be safe.”

After giving one more stir to the pot of anesthesia, I weakened the fire and dipped a branch from nearby into the small pot.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t have any potions. Though I do have some sleep medicine though. Relax, you’ll be off to your dreamland immediately~.”

After nodding my head, I touched the branch on the mouths of the three people.


Confirming that they had fallen asleep, which barely took seconds, I crossed my arms in satisfaction.

T/N - How should I say, umm, he really is a unique mc huh. Atleast, he has his base covered.

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