Sword, Magic and Academic Society

Vol. 1 - Chapter 153 - Final Scenario (1)

The night came to pass, and the darkness was chased away by the glow of the dawn. The clock ticked 6 AM.

“It seems like Bester has captured the 5th person. The supposed spy apparently had plans to escape at dawn and had hidden himself in a cave for the night. That was kind of the expected outcome, but it still ended up taking more time. He’s on his way here as we speak.”

Leo nodded at Kate’s report.

“I see. Well, we had a lot of things to do for the upcoming scenario as well. In anything, it might be good for us that it took that long.”

Kate’s lips curled into a wry smile as she listened to Leo.

“True enough, I doubt we’ll get any time to work on the base outside this ruin once all the supposed spies have been caught. We'd be pushing it too far.”

As they shared each other’s thoughts, Bester returned with Spy No. 5 in tow.

“Godorfun-sensei is waiting outside.”

Everyone came out of the ruins at those words and saw Godorfun with a huge smile plastered on his face.

“Fuhahaha! I saw everything. Your teamwork was meticulous. Reading through my scenarios like an open book throughout this outdoor class really left me speechless. Now aside from that, there’s someone I have to introduce, but… is there anyone else who hasn't arrived yet?”

Kate stepped up to reply to Godorfun.

“Fey and Jeu had gone out to get Allen who had been guarding the old mountain trail alone. Ah, speak of the devil… Huh, who is he dragging along with him?”

“Who are these men…?”

I shrugged casually at Godorfun’s question and replied.

“My guess is as good as yours. They suddenly came and attacked me, so I captured them. Apparently, their plan was to cross the border. Sheesh, that’s why I wanted to be in a team instead of working alone…… I would have really kicked the bucket with that much loneliness, you know?!”

Setting aside the fact about my risky drug concoction, I explained everything.

“I see. They appeared to be a scouting party from the Kuroba Metropolis Federation’s forces given their clothes. We basically have a give-and-take relationship with them, and I had thought that there was no feud between us…… So my judgement was incorrect… was it?

Fufufu. They really have eaten a leopard’s gut to play tricks on me, Godorfun Von Wangyush, eh?……”

Godorfun's bloodthirst suddenly burst forth.

“I’m not someone you can afford to look down on!”

Any normal person would have been frightened to their core, but the spies didn’t utter a word.

Meanwhile, my classmates had long been accustomed to his bloodthirsty aura — an improvement compared to the starting day of the Academy — as they watched the situation unfolding with cool faces.

That said, the others didn’t know what I used to capture them, so I offered to clear up the situation.

“They had been accidentally stabbed by a bee’s stinger and can’t move due to paralysis. Haaa, and here I thought I would no longer need to talk with air…… I’ll detoxify them.”

I ran inside the ruin after the explanation. The antidote I had made wasn’t potent enough to cure them back then because the effect of my drugs was too strong.

“......I didn’t think I would meet such stupid spies.”

Someone apparently muttered behind me.

The spies captured by me were taken away by the folks of the Torveil army, dispatched from the nearby military post.

It was only a matter of time before it would be revealed who they were and what their purpose was behind the infiltration.

“You can never have enough peace, but anyway, it’s the time for the final scenario. Though let me introduce someone before that. He’s Tim Buchan from the Knight Order, an assistant and the inspector in-charge for this outdoor class session.”

Godorfun’s words caused a stir among my classmates.

Personally, I barely knew anyone from the army personnel since I didn't have any interaction with them, though according to my classmates, he was apparently the vice-commander of 5th legion and also seems to be a famous person.

Tim was a middle-aged man in his prime. He greeted us with an amicable smile.

“How do you do, everyone? I’m Tim from the 5th Regiment. I received the opportunity to watch everyone’s performance for a bit, and must I say, it shows how much effort you guys have put in before this. I hope you continue to keep the same growth and attitude rather than becoming self-conceited.

I’ll be taking a look at the fifth scenario as well, so do your best.”

A bit, eh? From his presence, I’m sure he had been quietly following Class A since the first scenario. I wonder if the 5th regiment is so… free that their vice-commander could stay here for one week straight. But putting that aside, he looked quite skilled.

“Fuhahaha. And he’s also in charge of human affairs in the 5th regiment. He also has a say in the Knight Order, by the way. This is your chance to showcase your skills if you want to enter the Knight Order.”

……Now I see, this also served as headhunting, huh?

It didn’t concern me, but Stella’s eyes were now burning with motivation. Her hometown was here, so maybe she was hoping she could snag this chance.

“Then, I shall now reveal the fifth scenario. Starting with the capture of this base, then having its defense bolstered in the second scenario, now I would have you defend it as if your lives are on the line. Enemies are expected to arrive at 10 AM today, and it’ll last for 24 hours.

There’s no intel as to how many enemies there will be, but your success would depend on how well you can keep the base from falling. If it falls more than three times, you’ll be receiving 12 hours of supplementary lessons. And by then, the hot spring would unfortunately be out of the question.”

After putting down the details, ‘The leader will be Fe—’ Godorfun continued, or he was about to, but I interrupted him.

"Hold on, I have a suggestion before you complete your words. It's about the battle power of the attackers."

Seeing me interrupt him, Godorfun narrowed his eyes.

"Battle power? I do acknowledge that you've encountered an unusual situation in capturing real spies, and that you're the leader of the second scenario, but the battlefield is ever so unpredictable. I can't lower the intensity of the siege for those reasons alone."

'Good grief,' I shrugged while sighing.

"Oh, please. I'm not asking you to cut us some slack. I mean, your supposed enemies should be four troops — 400-something untrained members of Torveil army's 4th troop — and having them constantly mount an attack, right? I'm saying stop with that kiddy level stuff."

My classmate's faces looked up to the sky when I spoke. Godorfun fell silent for a moment. He must have realized it too, I guess.

Well, the number of members in a troop could also be more or less, but the average was around 128 members (4 small units).

The clues to figure out who we would be facing were there all this time.

The ruin was located in a precarious position and its defense was going to be held by students. It wouldn't be training for the students if someone as strong as Godorfun was there to charge through it. After all, the same situation could also be simulated back at the Academy.

So it was an easy guess that the final scenario would be a group vs group battle.

Given the hard-to-defend nature of this ruin, we would barely be able to deal with one unit at most. But our enemies had more than one troop which they would use to attack us in turn, and should the defending side lack a plan, the outcome was obvious.

The twisted smile on that old fart's expression had made it clear we would be facing an all out attack, which I was sure would happen when we'd exhausted ourselves in the battle of attrition.

Well, that'd be the situation if we were only using the ruins as our defense point.

"Fufufu. I like your spirit. Then I shall ask you what sort of battle power are you sure you can defend against?"

'For Pete's sake,' I shrugged my shoulders again hearing Godorfun's sleep talk as my lips curled into a smile.

"Cut the crap, Godorfun. How much? I say even the whole army isn't enough. Yes, get everyone together and come at us in full force! Otherwise, your pitiful forces wouldn't even have time to cry tears before they find their asses getting whipped."

As I passionately announced this, my classmates covered their faces with their hands while still staring at the clouds above. Tim-san chuckled wryly, as if looking at a mischievous kid and suggested.

“But that won't be training then. You kids probably don’t know, but for the duration of the outdoor classes there’s also a division of the northern army deployed here in the Wangyush territory to eliminate any variables or accidents. And speaking of this area, there’s at least three full-fledged regiments acting as lookouts which basically amount to 1500 total soldiers.

Well, they might not be as astounding as you kids, but including the other personnel from the messenger department and the reconnaissance, they all add up to 100 times your number. It’s a battle against numbers. I admit that you’re all geniuses, but this gap isn’t something you can overcome with just abilities alone. And given the bare minimum defense of this place… it’s certainly impossible.”

……Ahh, it seemed like even direct words didn’t go through to him.

I passed the baton to Bester, telling him to ‘stick to the basics’.

He remained frozen on his spot for a couple of moments, but seeing my unwavering gaze, he sighed and passed the blueprint of his basic plan to Tim-san and Godorfun. And soon, their faces wore astounded expressions.

“This is the plan sketched by Bester Von Stocklaud, the Overseer that Class A is proud of. And just a side note, this is in fact not even 1% of the whole idea… So I'll say this again, come with your full force!”

I expected Godorfun to be slightly enraged, having a student belittle him so, but he instead showed a broad smile.

“......Hahaha! Fuhahaha!

This is great! It seems we’re about to have a good time, Tim. It was my mistake to label what they’ve built in the 4th scenario as useless. So it seems that the fences weren’t for capturing the enemies from the inside, but for dealing with the enemies from the outside when they come to attack.

Ahaha, I guess you really bested me here. Contact the nearby army with magic birds and have them gather.”

“Sir?! Are you really serious?! If we shift the numbers by four-fold, the difficulty will also shoot up by four times— no, in the worst-case scenario, it would surely be above 10!

And you kids, are you sure you want to go through with this?! This seems to be due to his stubbornness alone, but you’ll also be facing a battle with almost all odds against you because of it! Your stamina should be nearly exhausted as well!”

Hearing the concerned voice of Tim-san, all my classmates stared at each other and put up wry smiles.

“Pfft! I’m fine with that. Yeah, it would spice things up more to get on Allen’s plan.”

“Hehehe. Likewise. It’s Allen-san after all! So bold, so dashing!”

“If anything, it’s what I want. I’m here because I want to break through my own limits.”

“Ditto. I also want to see how far Bester’s plan will take us.”


Soon, they all gave their affirmation for the proposed plan. Though Bester tried to dissuade them one last time.

“But we’re talking about a force 100 times our own, you know?! Also, calm down Allen! Are you giving up on your chance for the hot spring?! I’m sure you’ve been excited about it more than anyone else here!”

Ah, so he was simply worried about my wish for the hot spring. And here I was worried about what had been getting on his nerves recently. Well, that was why he was the Overseer of Class A.

“What’s the big deal? It won’t matter if we just take down all the opponents. I would have the last laugh in my hot spring after we made this old fart cry. Isn’t that why you were so obsessed with creating this perfect plan? It’ll be hitting two birds with one stone. Your wish and mine. It’s all according to plan!”

While giving Godorfun a glare, I verbalized Bester-kun’s inner feelings for him. And apparently overcome with emotion from my consideration, he sputtered in his speech, saying ‘A-Allen you…’, but couldn’t finish his words as I swiftly stared back at Godorfun and Tim-san.

“......Well, you heard them. There’s no one in our class who wants to have an easy-peasy lemon squeezy challenge, Godorfun. Mark my words: we, the Class 1-A, would best everyone in this outdoor class!!”

“......Defeating a force the size of a hundred times your own, and making me cry? A chick has now gotten the arrogance of a lion to challenge the eagle, huh?…… Very well, so be it. The leader for this scenario will be Bester Von Stocklaud.

Considering the time for the army to gather, we'll still start at precisely 12:00 PM…… I hope you can give us a good show!”

Leaving these words behind, Godorfun turned on his heels while showing an angry huff. But amidst everyone, only Tim noticed his eyes squinting with delight.

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