The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 253 - Back In The Shifters Nightclub (6)

Damon agreed to accompany Talia and wait for her in front of the women's restroom, but he didn't like the idea of Talia being on her own and not in his visual range.

His previous experiences taught him that Talia always ends up in trouble when unattended. Of course, the likelihood of some guys sticking to Talia in the ladies' room was very low, but one can't be too cautious when it comes to these things.

Damon mind-linked Maya with, 'Come to the restroom now. Talia is going and I want you to ensure there are no incidents.'

'I need a minute. I'm on the opposite side of the Shifters.', Maya responded.

'Hurry up!', Damon barked.

"Did you mind-link Maya?", Talia asked while narrowing her eyes at Damon.

Damon realized that Talia didn't approve. He didn't want to lie, but it seems that telling the truth will get him into trouble also.

"What makes you think so?", Damon asked innocently.

"Your eyes change when you are mind-linking.", Talia responded smugly like she revealed a big secret. "Don't bother her. She is enjoying her evening with Caden."

"I know.", Damon responded.

He had no intention of retracting his previous order to Maya. Who cares if Maya and Caden are enjoying? Talia's safety comes first!

Damon loved that Talia leaned on him while walking, but it also reminded him that she was intoxicated which made him urge Maya to hurry up.

Talia entered the ladies' room and she frowned at the sight in front of her. A line. More than dozen women formed a slightly messy queue that was snaking to the area where five restroom stalls were occupied.

Women were chatting without any sense of urgency, but it's not like staying quiet will make things move along faster.

Talia exhaled in dejection and stood at the end of the queue while leaning on the wall to stabilize herself. She hoped that the dizziness will decrease, or at least not increase, because her legs were wobbly and if she falls on her face, it would be beyond embarrassing.

Talia was unaware that her presence attracted attention. Of course, women recognized her, and they were itchy to approach Talia, but at the same time reluctant as well. After all, she was Alpha Damon's woman, at least for tonight (and probably for the previous week also), and none of them could afford to offend her.

The line moved, and Talia glanced to the side when the door opened, letting in loud noise from the nightclub together with two more women.

Talia remembered that Damon was outside, waiting for her.

Will Damon be worried because she was taking longer than expected? How much was expected?

Should she go out and tell him there is a line? Two women already stood behind Talia and if she steps away, she will lose her spot.

Talia knew that Damon was waiting for her because the two latest newcomers were enthusiastically discussing Alpha Damon's presence in front of the ladies' room.

She remembered her phone, but then the line moved, and she decided not to text him. Surely, he should know that females take longer in the restroom than guys, and a few minutes is acceptable.

How long was she in there already? Talia was not sure. It was difficult to focus with all the music and chatter, and it seemed that someone was calling her name.

"…excuse me, Talia?"

A female voice got Talia's attention, but even more attention-grabbing was that the chatter stopped abruptly. Talia met the expectant expression of the woman with red-colored hair styled in a bob. She was at the front of the line.

Talia assessed the woman's black sparkly mini dress that hugged her curvaceous body tightly, and her red hair was too red to be natural.

"Are you talking to me?", Talia asked, unsure how that woman knows her name.

"Yes. I was wondering if you want to use the restroom." The red-haired woman smiled and gestured toward the available stall in front of her.

Talia blinked as she processed the woman's words. "That would be skipping the line."

The woman glanced at the others who were behind her and before Talia. "I'm sure others won't object, but if they do, I will go at the back of the line, and you can take my spot. I'm in no hurry."

"Oh…", Talia was speechless. She wanted to refuse, but her bladder said otherwise. "Well, thank you."

And just like that, Talia didn't need to wait long. Deciding not to text Damon was a good decision. She will be out of the restroom and ready to dance in no time.

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Talia did her business and washed her hands, and she remembered the red-haired woman who gave up her spot in line for the restroom so that Talia doesn't need to wait.

No one ever did a random act of kindness for Talia, and she was touched.

Talia looked around and spotted that fiery hair styled in a bob at the back of the line. Talia felt guilty. It seems that someone objected to Talia skipping the line and the woman took the burn of it.

While using the restroom, Talia heard banter, but her mind was hazy from alcohol, and she couldn't focus on anything beyond emptying her bladder and not falling off the toilet seat.

Talia focused mightily on her wobbly steps while approaching the woman.

"I want to thank you for giving me your spot. We didn't introduce ourselves properly…" Talia extended her hand for a handshake. "My name is Talia."

The chatter in the restroom simmered down. It was obvious that everyone was eavesdropping on what Talia was saying.

The woman accepted the handshake. "Molly."

Talia smiled brightly. Alcohol boosted her courage and she spoke, "It's nice to meet you, Molly. I'm not sure what I did to deserve your kindness, but I wish to repay you, if possible. Let me give you my phone number."

Talia reached into her purse where she had several business cards handy. Damon made them for her, and Talia thought that she will never use them, but here she is, in the ladies' room, giving her business card. It made her look important, like a professional.

Molly glanced at the business card of 'Talia Blake' before putting it in her purse. "I might do that."

A snort was heard from the front of the line. "Bootlicker."

Molly frowned. "Excuse me?"

A tall brunette looked at Molly condescendingly. "You heard me. Bootlicker."

"Since when is being polite called bootlicking?" It was Talia who asked. She had no idea why would a random woman barge in like that. Did they insult her somehow?

The brunette cocked an eyebrow at Talia. "Molly is being polite only because she knows you are with Alpha and hopes to get some benefits. As soon as you fall out of Alpha's grace, she will dismiss you like everyone else."

"You shouldn't allow your mouth to work before your brain, Jill.", Molly squeezed through her teeth and quickly turned to Talia. "That was not my intention."

Talia's brain was on a slight delay due to the alcohol in her system, and she was not sure why Molly sounded apologetic. Surely, no matter what Molly's intention was, she was treating Talia kindly. How can that be bad?

The brunette (aka Jill) rolled her eyes at Molly. "Do you think you are scoring points from a woman who is warming Alpha's bed for the night? We were all there and we know that it won't last."

Talia's insides tightened. Did Jill insinuate how all of them slept with Damon? She didn't want to think about it but she couldn't prevent her eyes from moving over the faces of women who were listening to this exchange while waiting to see what will happen next.

"Why are you looking at them?", Jill challenged Talia. "Do you think they will help you?"

Jill moved with a smug expression until she stood two steps in front of Talia. "No one will help you here, not even Alpha Damon. At the end of the day, you are a nobody. Just a bed warmer."

Molly wanted to retort, but Talia put her hand on Molly's shoulder, silently telling her to wait.

This was not the first time for Talia to be labeled as not important and others to watch while someone is trying to demean her.

For nearly two decades, Talia would cover in front of a bully and pray that it will pass quickly, and that's how she survived, but now it was different.

The perfect male specimen called Damon Blake was right there, behind those doors, waiting for her.

How will she face Damon if she allows Jill to bully her?

How can she call herself Damon's mate, his Luna, if one Jill can make her shrink?

Talia narrowed her eyes at Jill. "No matter what you say, you are only hurting yourself. Assuming that you are right, and I am a nobody who will fall out of Damon's grace soon, by coming onto me like that, you are only demeaning yourself. On the other side, if you are wrong, and I am with Damon long-term, it would be wise if you scale down that attitude and start bootlicking me."


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